Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 10x10 Gridlattice w/ 6 randomish wall intersections on it
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> IntersectionLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(10);


            data[1, 2, Direction.East]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[1, 2, Direction.South] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[1, 5, Direction.East]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[1, 5, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[2, 7, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 7, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[4, 2, Direction.East]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[4, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[5, 2, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[8, 1, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[8, 1, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[8, 2, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an empty ixj gridlattice.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> EmptyGridLattice(int i, int j)
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(i, j);


Esempio n. 3
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> SingleHorizEdgeGridLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(5);

            data[2, 2, Direction.South] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 4
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> CenterCellTorusGridLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(5);


            //should also be able to do this by setting the center to a different pathgroup
            data[2, 2, Direction.Center] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 5x5 Gridlattice w/ most of a wall blocking it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> KeyholeApertureLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(5);


            data[0, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[1, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            //data[2, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[3, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[4, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a circular 5x5 gridlattice. If edge data is 0, it's "empty", otherwise
        /// it'll be treated as a wall.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> EdgeTorusGridLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(5);


            //should also be able to do this by setting the center to a different pathgroup
            data[2, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 2, Direction.South] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 2, Direction.East]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 2, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 5x5 Gridlattice w/ a wall bisecting it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> HorizBisectedLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(5);


            data[0, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[1, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[3, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[4, 2, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 5x5 Gridlattice w/ most of a wall blocking it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> VertKeyholeApertureLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(5);


            data[2, 0, Direction.West] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 1, Direction.West] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            //data[2, 2, Direction.West] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 3, Direction.West] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 4, Direction.West] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 9
        public static GridLattice <IRectGrid> CornersLattice()
            GridLattice <IRectGrid> data = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(10);


            data[1, 1, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[1, 1, Direction.South] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[2, 6, Direction.West]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[2, 6, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[4, 6, Direction.East]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[4, 6, Direction.South] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

            data[6, 4, Direction.North] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            data[6, 4, Direction.East]  = new RectGridCell(1, 1);

Esempio n. 10
        public static void InitGridLattice(GridLattice <IRectGrid> data)
            for (int x = 0; x < data.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < data.Height; y++)
                    if (x == 0)
                        data[x, y, Direction.West] = new RectGridCell(0, 1);
                    if (y == 0)
                        data[x, y, Direction.South] = new RectGridCell(0, 1);

                    data[x, y, Direction.North]  = new RectGridCell(0, 1);
                    data[x, y, Direction.East]   = new RectGridCell(0, 1);
                    data[x, y, Direction.Center] = new RectGridCell(0, 1);
Esempio n. 11
        public void LatticeGetBoundsTest()
            var result = Rectify.MakeRectangles(GridLatticeTestData.EmptyGridLattice());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Did not get 1 initial rectangles as expected");

            var pathfinder = new RectifyPathfinder(result, StandardLatticeParams);

            var bounds = pathfinder.GetRectBordersFromPoint(new Position(0, 0));

            Assert.AreEqual(3, bounds.Item2.xPos, "did not get 3 width as expected");

            var altLattice = new GridLattice <IRectGrid>(10);

            altLattice[0, 0, Direction.East] = new RectGridCell(1, 1);
            result = Rectify.MakeRectangles(altLattice);
            //cell at 0,0; the rest of the row (1,0 -> 10,0), and the rest of the grid (0,1 -> 10,10)
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count, "Did not get 3 rectangles as expected");
            var altfinder = new RectifyPathfinder(result, StandardLatticeParams);
Esempio n. 12
        public void GridLatticeTest()
            //run everything three times, with grids where W > H, H > W, and H == W

            for (int z = 3; z <= 5; z++)
                var width  = z;                //123(45)
                var height = 4;                //ABCD
                //left edge == LL
                //right edge == RR
                //top edge == NN
                //bottom edge == SS

                GridLattice <string> testLattice = new GridLattice <string>(width, height);

                for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                        testLattice[j, i] = j + GetHeightCode(i);                         //Each Cell should contain a string formatted e.g. 2B or 1A

                //Set the West edge
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.West] = "LL" + testLattice[i, j];                             //Each Edge should contain a string based on the two cells it borders e.g. LL1A or 1A1B
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.West] = testLattice[i - 1, j] + testLattice[i, j];
                //Set the East edge
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                        if (i == width - 1)
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.East] = testLattice[i, j] + "RR";                             //Each Edge should contain a string based on the two cells it borders e.g. LL1A or 1A1B
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.East] = testLattice[i, j] + testLattice[i + 1, j];
                //Set the North edge
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                        if (j == height - 1)
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.North] = testLattice[i, j] + "NN";                             //Each Edge should contain a string based on the two cells it borders e.g. LL1A or 1A1B
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.North] = testLattice[i, j] + testLattice[i, j + 1];
                //Set the South edge
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                        if (j == 0)
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.South] = "SS" + testLattice[i, j];                             //Each Edge should contain a string based on the two cells it borders e.g. LL1A or 1A1B
                            testLattice[i, j, Direction.South] = testLattice[i, j - 1] + testLattice[i, j];

                //All cells & edges set to unique values.
                //should have 3(width*height) + width + height unique values
                HashSet <string> uniqueVals = new HashSet <string>();

                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                        uniqueVals.Add(testLattice[i, j]);
                        uniqueVals.Add(testLattice[i, j, Direction.North]);
                        uniqueVals.Add(testLattice[i, j, Direction.East]);
                        uniqueVals.Add(testLattice[i, j, Direction.West]);
                        uniqueVals.Add(testLattice[i, j, Direction.South]);
                Assert.AreEqual((3 * width * height + width + height), uniqueVals.Count, "Error setting or getting lattice elements for z = " + z);

                //for square 1,1, change its neighbors and verify that it's neighbors edges are then what we expect.
                testLattice[1, 1, Direction.South] = "south";
                Assert.AreEqual("south", testLattice[1, 0, Direction.North]);

                testLattice[1, 1, Direction.North] = "north";
                Assert.AreEqual("north", testLattice[1, 2, Direction.South]);

                testLattice[1, 1, Direction.West] = "west";
                Assert.AreEqual("west", testLattice[0, 1, Direction.East]);

                testLattice[1, 1, Direction.East] = "east";
                Assert.AreEqual("east", testLattice[2, 1, Direction.West]);