public int GetSurroundingUrbanCount(GridCoord coord) { // The minus and plus ones in the loop here allow us to search // in a 3x3 sqr around the selected tile int urbanCount = 0; BlockType[] rural = new BlockType[2] { BlockType.forest, BlockType.mountain }; for (int neighborX = coord.x - 1; neighborX <= coord.x + 1; neighborX++) { for (int neighborZ = coord.z - 1; neighborZ <= coord.z + 1; neighborZ++) { if (neighborX != coord.x || neighborX != coord.z) { // Neighbor at coords is NOT rural, or is an edge Block neighbor = GetBlockAtCoords(new GridCoord(neighborX, neighborZ)); if (!neighbor) { urbanCount += 1; continue; } if (Array.IndexOf(rural, neighbor.type) == -1) { urbanCount += 1; } } } } return(urbanCount); }
static void AddCell(GridCoord coord, TypeCell type) { if (!cells.Exists((c) => c.coord == coord)) { cells.Add(new CellData(coord, type)); } }
// spawns the new currentPlayerPiece private bool spawnPiece(bool fromHeldPiece = false) { // shift all the next pieces up and spawn the next piece if (!fromHeldPiece) { currentPlayerPiece = nextPieces[0].piece; for (int i = 0; i < nextPieces.Length - 1; i++) { nextPieces[i].set(nextPieces[i + 1].piece); } nextPieces[nextPieces.Length - 1].set(Instantiate(piece).GetComponent <Piece> ()); } else // we're spawning from the held piece { Piece newPiece = heldPiece.piece; heldPiece.set(currentPlayerPiece); currentPlayerPiece = newPiece; if (currentPlayerPiece == null) { return(spawnPiece()); } } GridCoord gridTopLeft = new GridCoord(0, width / 2 - (currentPlayerPiece.width + 1) / 2 + (currentPlayerPiece.width == 3 ? Random.Range(0, 2) : 0)); bool result = currentPlayerPiece.addToGrid(grid, gridTopLeft); drawPieces(); return(result); }
public void CreateNeighborhood() { for (int x = 0, i = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < height; z++) { GridCoord coord = new GridCoord(x, z); if (UnityEngine.Random.value * 100 < residentialChance) { CreateBlock(4, coord, i++); } else { CreateBlock(1, coord, i++); } } } IterativelySmooth(smoothCount); // CalculateAllNeighbors(); LayMountainRanges(); AttemptGrowCity(); PlaceParks(); PlaceShopping(); SetEdgeRoads(); CheckCornerBlocks(); CarSpawner carSpawner = GetComponent <CarSpawner>(); if (carSpawner) { carSpawner.Begin(); } }
public void recompute_minimums() { Debug.Log("I was asked to recompute."); int x = num_vertices_x; int y = num_vertices_y; for (int a = 0; a < x; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < y; b++) { // Immediate source-Dest pairs by weight for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < y; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < x; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < y; l++) { double alt = dist[i, j, a, b] + dist[a, b, k, l]; if (alt < dist[i, j, k, l]) { dist[i, j, k, l] = alt; next[i, j, k, l] = new GridCoord(a, b, alt); } } } } } } } }
// Passes in the grid it should be added to and the top left coordinate // where the piece should be placed public bool addToGrid(Block[,] grid, GridCoord topLeft) { initializeBlocks(); this.grid = grid; this.topLeft = topLeft; GridCoord[] tests = { new GridCoord(topLeft.row - 3, topLeft.col), new GridCoord(topLeft.row - 2, topLeft.col), new GridCoord(topLeft.row - 1, topLeft.col), topLeft }; GridCoord resultCoord = null; foreach (GridCoord coord in tests) { if (canAddAt(coord)) { resultCoord = coord; } } if (resultCoord != null) { addAt(resultCoord); } if (resultCoord != topLeft) { return(false); } return(true); }
public int CalcDistance(GridCoord other) { var xDist = Math.Abs(X - other.X); var yDist = Math.Abs(Y - other.Y); return(xDist + yDist); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Ray mouseRay = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit rayHit = new RaycastHit(); if (Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out rayHit, 1000)) { GameObject hit = rayHit.collider.gameObject; if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { return; } if (hit.GetComponentInParent <Square>() == null) { return; } Square s = hit.GetComponentInParent <Square>(); if (!GridCoord.IsAdjacent(thisCar.gridCoord, s.coord)) { return; } if (s.squareType == Square.SquareType.BUILDING) { return; } if (s.squareType == Square.SquareType.BANK) { gameController.RobBank(s); return; } gameController.ClickOnSquare(s); } }
Car SpawnCop() { GameObject spawnedCop = Instantiate(copCarPrefab); Car copCar = spawnedCop.GetComponent <Car>(); copCar.carName = GetRandomName(); bool found = false; do { GridCoord gridCoord = new GridCoord(Random.Range(0, gridGenerator.dimensionsX), Random.Range(0, gridGenerator.dimensionsY)); if (gridGenerator.GetSquare(gridCoord).squareType == Square.SquareType.ROAD && gridCoord.x != 0 && gridCoord.y != Mathf.FloorToInt((gridGenerator.dimensionsY) / 2)) { Square s = gridGenerator.GetSquare(gridCoord); if (CanMoveTo(copCar, s, true)) { MoveToSquare(copCar, gridGenerator.GetSquare(gridCoord)); found = true; } continue; } } while (!found); copCars.Add(copCar); uiController.SetCopAmount(copCars.Count); return(copCar); }
public static uint GetTerrainMapId(PhaseShift phaseShift, Map map, float x, float y) { if (phaseShift.VisibleMapIds.Empty()) { return(map.GetId()); } if (phaseShift.VisibleMapIds.Count == 1) { return(phaseShift.VisibleMapIds.First().Key); } GridCoord gridCoord = GridDefines.ComputeGridCoord(x, y); uint gx = ((MapConst.MaxGrids - 1) - gridCoord.X_coord); uint gy = ((MapConst.MaxGrids - 1) - gridCoord.Y_coord); foreach (var visibleMap in phaseShift.VisibleMapIds) { if (map.HasChildMapGridFile(visibleMap.Key, gx, gy)) { return(visibleMap.Key); } } return(map.GetId()); }
public void AttemptGrowCity() { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < height; z++) { GridCoord coord = new GridCoord(x, z); int index = GetIndex(coord); Block block = blocks[index]; if (block.type != BlockType.residential) { continue; } BlockType[] urban = new BlockType[2] { BlockType.residential, }; // TODO: This will check tiles that are north or south in the NEXT col Block northBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.North, coord); Block eastBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.East, coord); Block southBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.South, coord); Block westBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.West, coord); bool northIsResidential = northBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, northBlock.type) > -1 : false; bool eastIsResidential = eastBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, eastBlock.type) > -1 : false; bool southIsResidential = southBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, southBlock.type) > -1 : false; bool westIsResidential = westBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, westBlock.type) > -1 : false; if (northIsResidential && eastIsResidential && southIsResidential && westIsResidential) { ReplaceBlock(0, coord); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Нахождение свободной ячейки для особых спаунов /// </summary> /// <param name="dir"></param> /// <returns></returns> static CellData FindFreePlaceForSpecial(Direction dir) { while (true) { int x = 0; int z = 0; switch (dir) { case Direction.Forward: x = Random.Range(1, GameLogic.levelSize - 2); z = Random.Range(1, 3); break; case Direction.Back: x = Random.Range(1, GameLogic.levelSize - 2); z = Random.Range(GameLogic.levelSize - 4, GameLogic.levelSize - 2); break; } GridCoord coord = new GridCoord(x, z); CellData findCell = null; if (cells.Exists((c) => c.coord == coord, out findCell) && findCell.type == TypeCell.Free) { return(findCell); } } }
public GridCoord IndexToCoord(int index) { int x = index / height; int z = index - (x * height); GridCoord coord = new GridCoord(x, z); return(coord); }
public override void OnRemoveFromLevel(LevelGrid grid, GridCoord position) { // Unlink from other tile. if (triggerSquare != null) { triggerSquare.toggleSquare = null; } }
public void Pick() { var point = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition).GetPoint(distanceFromOrigin); var coord = new GridCoord(point); if (grid.Get(coord) == VoxelType.Empty) grid.Set(coord, VoxelType.White); }
public static Vector3 GridCoordToWorld(GridCoord gridCoord, float tSize) { float rowOffset = Camera.main.orthographicSize; float colOffset = Camera.main.orthographicSize * Camera.main.aspect; float x = gridCoord.col * tSize - colOffset + tSize / 2; float y = gridCoord.row * tSize - rowOffset + tSize / 2; return(new Vector3(x, y, 0)); }
public bool ExistMapAndVMap(uint mapid, float x, float y) { GridCoord p = GridDefines.ComputeGridCoord(x, y); uint gx = (MapConst.MaxGrids - 1) - p.X_coord; uint gy = (MapConst.MaxGrids - 1) - p.Y_coord; return(Map.ExistMap(mapid, gx, gy) && Map.ExistVMap(mapid, gx, gy)); }
public bool ExistMapAndVMap(uint mapid, float x, float y) { GridCoord p = GridDefines.ComputeGridCoord(x, y); uint gx = 63 - p.x_coord; uint gy = 63 - p.y_coord; return(Map.ExistMap(mapid, gx, gy) && Map.ExistVMap(mapid, gx, gy)); }
// Attempts to rotate the piece (uses wall kicks if it can't rotate in place) // If it's at the bottom, it can perform floor kicks // If the piece cannot rotate, returns false; public bool rotate() { bool atBottom = isAtBottom(); removeFromGrid(); cycleRotation(); GridCoord left = new GridCoord(topLeft.row, topLeft.col - 1); GridCoord right = new GridCoord(topLeft.row, topLeft.col + 1); if (canAddAt(topLeft)) { addAt(topLeft); return(true); } else if (atBottom) // it has blocks below it and can't go down, so try a floor kick { GridCoord up = new GridCoord(topLeft.row - 1, topLeft.col); if (canAddAt(up)) { addAt(up); topLeft = up; return(true); } } else if (canAddAt(left)) { addAt(left); topLeft = left; return(true); } else if (canAddAt(right)) { addAt(right); topLeft = right; return(true); } else if (shape == barShape) // the bar shape can have 2 columns of whitespace, so it can kick 2 { GridCoord left2 = new GridCoord(topLeft.row, topLeft.col - 2); GridCoord right2 = new GridCoord(topLeft.row, topLeft.col + 2); if (canAddAt(left2)) { addAt(left2); topLeft = left2; return(true); } else if (canAddAt(right2)) { addAt(right2); topLeft = right2; return(true); } } cycleRotation(-1); addAt(topLeft); return(false); }
public Grid(int XLowest, int XHighest, int YLowest, int YHighest) { this.XLowest = XLowest; this.XHighest = XHighest; this.YLowest = YLowest; this.YHighest = YHighest; GridCoords = new GridCoord[XHighest - XLowest + 1, YHighest - YLowest + 1]; }
public void ReplaceBlock(int blockIndex, GridCoord coord) { int index = GetIndex(coord); Block oldBlock = blocks[index]; Vector3 oldBlockPosition = oldBlock.transform.position; CreateBlock(blockIndex, coord, index); Destroy(oldBlock.gameObject); }
public Vector3 query_graph_to_vec3(int pos_x, int pos_y, int goal_x, int goal_y) { int i = pos_x, j = pos_y, k = goal_x, l = goal_y; GridCoord n = next[i, j, k, l]; Debug.Log("I was queried."); Debug.Log(n); return(world_coords_from_grid_coords(n.x, n.y)); }
public TileChunk AddChunk(GridCoord coord) { TileChunk chunk = (TileChunk)Instantiate(m_chunkPrefab, new Vector3(coord.x, coord.y, 3), Quaternion.identity); chunk.Init(coord, m_chunkSize); m_chunks[coord] = chunk; chunk.transform.parent = transform; return chunk; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!(obj is GridCoord)) { return(false); } GridCoord gc = (GridCoord)obj; return(this.x == gc.x && this.y == gc.y); }
public override void OnAddToLevel(LevelGrid grid, GridCoord position) { // Try to link to an unused trigger. TriggeredPlatformSquare trigger = FindUnusedTriggeredPlatformSquare(grid); if (trigger != null) { triggerSquare = trigger; triggerSquare.toggleSquare = this; } }
public int[] query_graph(int pos_x, int pos_y, int goal_x, int goal_y) { int i = pos_x, j = pos_y, k = goal_x, l = goal_y; GridCoord v = next[i, j, k, l]; Debug.Log("I was queried."); Debug.Log(next[i, j, k, l]); int[] val = new int[] { v.x, v.y }; return(val); }
public override void OnAddToLevel(LevelGrid grid, GridCoord position) { // Try to link to an unused toggle. ToggleTriggerPlatformSquare toggle = FindUnusedToggleTriggerPlatformSquare(grid); if (toggle != null) { toggleSquare = toggle; toggleSquare.triggerSquare = this; } }
public void PlaceShopping() { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < height; z++) { GridCoord coord = new GridCoord(x, z); int index = GetIndex(coord); if (Array.IndexOf(new BlockType[2] { BlockType.residential, }, blocks[index].type) == -1) { continue; } bool residentialSeen = false; bool citySeen = false; BlockType[] urban = new BlockType[2] { BlockType.residential, }; Block northBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.North, coord); Block eastBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.East, coord); Block southBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.South, coord); Block westBlock = GetBlockInDirection(Direction.West, coord); bool northIsResidential = northBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, northBlock.type) > -1 : false; bool eastIsResidential = eastBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, eastBlock.type) > -1 : false; bool southIsResidential = southBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, southBlock.type) > -1 : false; bool westIsResidential = westBlock ? Array.IndexOf(urban, westBlock.type) > -1 : false; Block[] neighbors = new Block[4] { northBlock, eastBlock, southBlock, westBlock }; foreach (Block neighbor in neighbors) { if (neighbor && neighbor.type == BlockType.residential) { residentialSeen = true; } if (neighbor && neighbor.type == { citySeen = true; } } if ( northIsResidential && eastIsResidential && southIsResidential && westIsResidential && residentialSeen && citySeen && UnityEngine.Random.value * 100 < shoppingChance) { ReplaceBlock(5, coord); } } } }
public void CreateBlock(int blockIndex, GridCoord coord, int i) { Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(coord.x * blockOffset, 0f, coord.z * blockOffset); Block blockPrefab = blockPrefabs[blockIndex]; Block block = blocks[i] = Instantiate <Block>(blockPrefab); block.transform.SetParent(transform, false); block.transform.localPosition = newPosition; block.neighborhood = this; block.coord = coord; block.index = GetIndex(coord); }
public Block GetBlockAtCoords(GridCoord coord) { if (parentShape != null) { if (coord.x < 0) { Neighborhood borderingNeighborhood = parentShape.GetNeighborhoodInDirection(Direction.West, this); if (!borderingNeighborhood) { return(null); } return(borderingNeighborhood.GetBlockAtCoords(new GridCoord(width - 1, coord.z))); } if (coord.z < 0) { Neighborhood borderingNeighborhood = parentShape.GetNeighborhoodInDirection(Direction.South, this); if (!borderingNeighborhood) { return(null); } return(borderingNeighborhood.GetBlockAtCoords(new GridCoord(coord.x, height - 1))); } if (coord.x > width - 1) { Neighborhood borderingNeighborhood = parentShape.GetNeighborhoodInDirection(Direction.East, this); if (!borderingNeighborhood) { return(null); } return(borderingNeighborhood.GetBlockAtCoords(new GridCoord(0, coord.z))); } if (coord.z > height - 1) { Neighborhood borderingNeighborhood = parentShape.GetNeighborhoodInDirection(Direction.North, this); if (!borderingNeighborhood) { return(null); } return(borderingNeighborhood.GetBlockAtCoords(new GridCoord(coord.x, 0))); } } int index = GetIndex(coord); if (ContainsIndex(index)) { Block block = blocks[index]; return(block); } else { throw new Exception("Coordinate not inside known neighborhoods."); } }
// Removes the shape from the grid, checks if it can be readded one space below. // If it can't, then it's at the bottom (and true will be returned). Re-adds the // shape to the grid, then returns the result public bool isAtBottom() { removeFromGrid(); GridCoord belowCoords = new GridCoord(topLeft.row + 1, topLeft.col); if (!canAddAt(belowCoords)) // it can't go down further { addAt(topLeft); return(true); } addAt(topLeft); return(false); }
// Shifts the shape in the given horizontal and vertical directions. Returns whether // or not the shift succeeded. private bool shift(int horizontal, int vertical) { removeFromGrid(); GridCoord newCoords = new GridCoord(topLeft.row + vertical, topLeft.col + horizontal); if (canAddAt(newCoords)) { addAt(newCoords); topLeft = newCoords; return(true); } addAt(topLeft); return(false); }
public GridCoord RandomAdjacent(GridCoord coord) { int dirX = 0; int dirY = 0; int dirZ = 0; do { dirX = Random.Range(-1, 2); dirY = Random.Range(-1, 2); dirZ = Random.Range(-1, 2); } while (dirX == 0 && dirY == 0 && dirZ == 0); return new GridCoord(coord.x + dirX, coord.y + dirY, coord.z + dirZ); }
public void Move(GridCoord start, GridCoord end) { if (start.Equals(end)) return; var occupying = gridGOs[end.x, end.y, end.z]; if (occupying != null) Destroy(occupying); gridGOs[start.x, start.y, start.z].transform.position = end.WorldPosition; gridGOs[end.x, end.y, end.z] = gridGOs[start.x, start.y, start.z]; gridGOs[start.x, start.y, start.z] = null; grid[end.x, end.y, end.z] = grid[start.x, start.y, start.z]; grid[start.x, start.y, start.z] = VoxelType.Empty; }
public void UpdateLight(GridCoord coord, float intensity) { try { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { lightMap.SetPixel((coord.x + (m_width / 2)) * 8 + i, (coord.y + (m_height / 2)) * 8 + j, new Color(0, 0, 0, intensity)); } } update = true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.Message); } }
public void UpdateLight(GridCoord coord) { Building building = BuildingManager.Inst.Get(coord); if (building != null) { UpdateLight(coord, 1); return; } Tile tile = TileManager.Inst.Get(coord); if (tile != null) { UpdateLight(coord, tile.m_health == 0 ? 0.5f : 1f); return; } UpdateLight(coord, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the object. returns true if the object was added /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The object. /// </returns> /// <param name='x'> /// If set to <c>true</c> x. /// </param> /// <param name='y'> /// If set to <c>true</c> y. /// </param> /// <param name='newObject'> /// If set to <c>true</c> new object. /// </param> public bool AddObject(GridCoord location, GameObject newObject) { //sanity check if(OutOfBounds(location) || newObject == null) return false; if(grid[location.x,location.y].IsOccupied()) { return false; } grid[location.x,location.y].occupier = newObject; //grid is dirty isDirty = true; //tell any observers that we've updated the view ObjectAdded(location, newObject); return true; }
public bool IsSurrounded(GridCoord location) { //sanity - out of bounds is 'surrounded' if(OutOfBounds(location)) return true; return IsOccupied(location.x + 1, location.y ) && IsOccupied(location.x - 1, location.y) && IsOccupied(location.x, location.y + 1) && IsOccupied(location.x, location.y - 1); }
public bool OutOfBounds(GridCoord location) { return location.x >= GetWidth() || location.y >= GetHeight() || location.x < 0 || location.y < 0; }
public bool IsOccupied(GridCoord location) { //sanity if(OutOfBounds(location)) return true; try { return grid[location.x, location.y].IsOccupied(); } catch { Debug.Log("failed looking for " + location); return true; } }
public bool IsOccupied(int x, int y) { //sanity GridCoord location = new GridCoord(x,y); return IsOccupied(location); }
public bool Equals(GridCoord other) { return other.x == x && other.y == y && other.z == z; }
public GridSpace GetGridSpace(GridCoord position) { return grid[position.x, position.y]; }
public GridCoordDist(GridCoord coord, float dist) { this.coord = coord; this.distance = dist; }
void DeleteTile(Vector2 point) { GridCoord coord = new GridCoord((short)(Mathf.FloorToInt((point.x + 0.5f) / maker.m_tileSize) * maker.m_tileSize), (short)(Mathf.FloorToInt((point.y + 0.5f) / maker.m_tileSize) * maker.m_tileSize)); maker.Remove(coord); }
public GridCoord ToChunkCoord(GridCoord coord) { return new GridCoord((short)(coord.x - Calc.mod(coord.x, m_chunkSize)), (short)(coord.y - Calc.mod(coord.y, m_chunkSize))); }
public TileChunk FindChunk(GridCoord coord) { GridCoord chunkCoord = ToChunkCoord(coord); if (m_chunks.ContainsKey(chunkCoord)) return m_chunks[chunkCoord]; return null; }
public void Remove(GridCoord coord) { if (m_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) { Tile tile = m_tiles[coord]; m_tiles.Remove(coord); tile.RemoveForMaker(); } }
public Tile GenTile(TileType type, GridCoord coord) { Tile tile = new Tile(tileID, m_tileTypeDic[type], coord, null); tileID++; return tile; }
public Tile GenBrushTile(GridCoord coord) { Tile tile = new Tile(tileID, m_brushTile, coord, null); tileID++; return tile; }
public void Set(GridCoord coord, VoxelType type) { var previousType = grid[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]; AdjustFillCount(previousType, type); grid[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z] = type; CreateVoxel(coord, type); }
public GridCoord FindRandomEmptyAdjacentSpace(GridCoord startSpace) { //we will never have more than 4 spaces so might as well not //use too much memory? List<GridCoord> eligibleSpaces = new List<GridCoord>(4); //get all the spaces we could possible have //north space GridCoord space = new GridCoord(startSpace.x, startSpace.y + 1); if(!OutOfBounds(space) && !IsOccupied(space)) { eligibleSpaces.Add(space); } //east space space = new GridCoord(startSpace.x + 1, startSpace.y); if(!OutOfBounds(space) && !IsOccupied(space)) { eligibleSpaces.Add(space); } //south space space = new GridCoord(startSpace.x, startSpace.y - 1); if(!OutOfBounds(space) && !IsOccupied(space)) { eligibleSpaces.Add(space); } //west space space = new GridCoord(startSpace.x - 1, startSpace.y); if(!OutOfBounds(space) && !IsOccupied(space)) { eligibleSpaces.Add(space); } //pick a random space int pickedSpace = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, eligibleSpaces.Count - 1); return eligibleSpaces[pickedSpace]; }
void CreateVoxel(GridCoord coord, VoxelType type) { var voxel = gridGOs[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]; if (voxel == null) { voxel = (GameObject)Instantiate(voxelGO, coord.WorldPosition, Quaternion.identity); gridGOs[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z] = voxel; } voxel.GetComponent<VoxelMaterialAdjuster>().SetType(type); if (type == VoxelType.Black) { var black = voxel.AddComponent<BlackVoxel>(); black.Initialize(this, coord); } }
public VoxelType Get(GridCoord coord) { return grid[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]; }