internal EquipmentBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) : base(binaryReader) { this.powerupType = (PowerupType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.powerupTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.pickupSound = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); }
public LaunchedGrenade(Island World, Entity Source, GrenadeType grenadeType) { this.World = World; this.Source = Source; this.grenadeType = grenadeType; this.Countdown = grenadeType.fuseTime; }
internal ActorStartingLocationsBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.referenceFrame = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.facingYawPitchDegrees = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.characterType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialSecondaryWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.invalidName_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.vehicleType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.seatType = (SeatType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.swarmCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.actorVariantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.vehicleVariantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.initialMovementDistance = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.emitterVehicle = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialMovementMode = (InitialMovementMode)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.placementScript = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.invalidName_1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.invalidName_2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); }
internal SquadsBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); = (Team)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.parent = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.squadDelayTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.normalDiffCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.insaneDiffCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.majorUpgrade = (MajorUpgrade)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.vehicleType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.characterType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialZone = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.invalidName_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.initialWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialSecondaryWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.initialOrder = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.vehicleVariant = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.startingLocations = ReadActorStartingLocationsBlockArray(binaryReader); this.placementScript = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.invalidName_1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.invalidName_2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); }
public PlayerThrowGrenadeEvent(Player player, GrenadeType grenadeType, Vector direction, bool slowThrow, bool removeItem, bool allow) : base(player) { this.GrenadeType = grenadeType; this.Direction = direction; this.SlowThrow = slowThrow; this.Allow = allow; this.RemoveItem = removeItem; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ThrowingGrenadeEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="grenadeManager"><inheritdoc cref="GrenadeManager"/></param> /// <param name="type"><inheritdoc cref="Type"/></param> /// <param name="isSlow"><inheritdoc cref="IsSlow"/></param> /// <param name="fuseTime"><inheritdoc cref="FuseTime"/></param> /// <param name="isAllowed">Indicates whether the event can be executed or not.</param> public ThrowingGrenadeEventArgs(Player player, GrenadeManager grenadeManager, GrenadeType type, bool isSlow, double fuseTime, bool isAllowed = true) { Player = player; GrenadeManager = grenadeManager; Type = type; IsSlow = isSlow; FuseTime = fuseTime; IsAllowed = isAllowed; }
public Player(PlayerIndex playerIndex) { PlayerIndex = playerIndex; Position = new Vector2(500 + (150 * (int)PlayerIndex), 500); MaxSpeed = new Vector2(3.5f, 6); Gravity = 0.6f; Size = new Vector2(59, 98); CurrentGun = GunType.Shotgun; CurrentGrenade = GrenadeType.Cluster; IsKinematic = true; PlayerColor = Color.White; switch (PlayerIndex) { case PlayerIndex.One: { PlayerColor = Color.LimeGreen; } break; case PlayerIndex.Two: { PlayerColor = Color.RoyalBlue; } break; case PlayerIndex.Three: { PlayerColor = Color.Gold; } break; case PlayerIndex.Four: { PlayerColor = Color.Red; } break; } HealthBar = new HealthBar() { Position = new Vector2(40 + (480 * (int)PlayerIndex), 40), Size = new Vector2(440, 25), Player = this, BackColor = Color.Gray, FrontColor = PlayerColor }; SpecialBar = new HealthBar(Color.DeepSkyBlue, Color.White) { Position = new Vector2(40 + (480 * (int)PlayerIndex), 40 + 25), Size = new Vector2(440, 10), Player = this, }; }
public void UpdateGrenade(GrenadeType type, int amount) { if (type == GrenadeType.Frag) { fragGrenade += amount; } else if (type == GrenadeType.Smoke) { smokeGrenade += amount; } }
public void SetGrenadeAmount(GrenadeType type, int amount) { if (type == GrenadeType.Frag) { explosiveGrenade.text = amount + ""; } else if (type == GrenadeType.Smoke) { smokeGrenade.text = amount + ""; } }
public void ShowGrenadeExplosion(Vector3 position, GrenadeType grenadeType) { var explosionPrefab = GetGrenadeDefinitionByType(grenadeType).ExplosionPrefab; GameObject grenadeExplosionObject = Object.Instantiate( explosionPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity ); var audioSource = grenadeExplosionObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); audioSource?.Play(); Object.Destroy(grenadeExplosionObject, OsFps.GrenadeExplosionDuration); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //pState = GetComponent<PlayerController>().playerState(); camstate = CamState.Main; for (int i = 0; i < cur_ammo.Length; i++) { cur_ammo[i] = max_ammo[i]; Debug.Log("Cur_ammo is " + cur_ammo[i] + " / " + max_ammo[i]); } grenadeType = GrenadeType.exp; setWeapon(); fireTimer = fireRate[cur_weaponType]; }
//TODO: Maybe have a mechanic that allows players to either throw or drop a grenade. //Allowing them to drop it on a bounce pad OR throw it at another player public Grenade(Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, object source, GrenadeType?grenadeType = GrenadeType.Regular) { GrenadeType = grenadeType.Value; Position = position; Velocity = velocity; Source = source; Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(Random.Next(0, 360)); RotationIncrement = MathHelper.ToRadians(3); Time.Y = 1000f; Size = new Vector2(20, 26); }
internal UnitBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) : base(binaryReader) { this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.defaultTeam = (DefaultTeam)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.constantSoundVolume = (ConstantSoundVolume)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.integratedLightToggle = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.cameraFieldOfViewDegrees = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.cameraStiffness = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.unitCamera = new UnitCameraStructBlock(binaryReader); this.acceleration = new UnitSeatAccelerationStructBlock(binaryReader); this.softPingThreshold01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.softPingInterruptTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.hardPingThreshold01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.hardPingInterruptTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.hardDeathThreshold01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.feignDeathThreshold01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.feignDeathTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.distanceOfEvadeAnimWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.distanceOfDiveAnimWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.stunnedMovementThreshold01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.feignDeathChance01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.feignRepeatChance01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.spawnedTurretCharacter = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.spawnedActorCount = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.spawnedVelocity = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.aimingVelocityMaximumDegreesPerSecond = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.aimingAccelerationMaximumDegreesPerSecondSquared = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.casualAimingModifier01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.lookingVelocityMaximumDegreesPerSecond = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.lookingAccelerationMaximumDegreesPerSecondSquared = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.rightHandNode = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.leftHandNode = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.moreDamnNodes = new UnitAdditionalNodeNamesStructBlock(binaryReader); this.meleeDamage = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.yourMomma = new UnitBoardingMeleeStructBlock(binaryReader); this.motionSensorBlipSize = (MotionSensorBlipSize)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.postures = ReadUnitPosturesBlockArray(binaryReader); this.nEWHUDINTERFACES = ReadUnitHudReferenceBlockArray(binaryReader); this.dialogueVariants = ReadDialogueVariantBlockArray(binaryReader); this.grenadeVelocityWorldUnitsPerSecond = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.grenadeCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.poweredSeats = ReadPoweredSeatBlockArray(binaryReader); this.weapons = ReadUnitWeaponBlockArray(binaryReader); this.seats = ReadUnitSeatBlockArray(binaryReader); this.boost = new UnitBoostStructBlock(binaryReader); this.lipsync = new UnitLipsyncScalesStructBlock(binaryReader); }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected override void OnReloading(ReloadingWeaponEventArgs ev) { if (UseGrenades) { ev.IsAllowed = false; if (!(ev.Player.CurrentItem is Firearm firearm) || firearm.Ammo >= ClipSize) { return; } Log.Debug($"{Name}.{nameof(OnReloading)}: {ev.Player.Nickname} is reloading!", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); foreach (Item item in ev.Player.Items.ToList()) { Log.Debug($"{Name}.{nameof(OnReloading)}: Found item: {item.Type} - {item.Serial}", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); if (item.Type != ItemType.GrenadeHE && item.Type != ItemType.GrenadeFlash && item.Type != ItemType.SCP018) { continue; } if (TryGet(item, out CustomItem cItem)) { if (IgnoreModdedGrenades) { continue; } if (cItem is CustomGrenade customGrenade) { loadedCustomGrenade = customGrenade; } } ev.Player.DisableEffect(EffectType.Invisible); ev.Player.Connection.Send(new RequestMessage(ev.Firearm.Serial, RequestType.Reload)); Timing.CallDelayed(3f, () => firearm.Ammo = ClipSize); loadedGrenade = item.Type == ItemType.GrenadeFlash ? GrenadeType.Flashbang : item.Type == ItemType.GrenadeHE ? GrenadeType.FragGrenade : GrenadeType.Scp018; Log.Debug($"{Name}.{nameof(OnReloading)}: {ev.Player.Nickname} successfully reloaded. Grenade type: {loadedGrenade} IsCustom: {loadedCustomGrenade != null}", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); ev.Player.RemoveItem(item); return; } Log.Debug($"{Name}.{nameof(OnReloading)}: {ev.Player.Nickname} was unable to reload - No grenades in inventory.", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); } }
public int Grenade(GrenadeType type) { if (type == GrenadeType.Frag) { return(fragGrenade); } else if (type == GrenadeType.Smoke) { return(smokeGrenade); } else { return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="GrenadeType"/> into the corresponding <see cref="ItemType"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"><inheritdoc cref="GrenadeType"/></param> /// <returns><inheritdoc cref="ItemType"/></returns> public static ItemType GetItemType(this GrenadeType type) { switch (type) { case GrenadeType.Flashbang: return(ItemType.GrenadeFlash); case GrenadeType.Scp018: return(ItemType.SCP018); case GrenadeType.FragGrenade: return(ItemType.GrenadeHE); default: return(ItemType.None); } }
// Returns GlobalIndex private int FindGrenade(GrenadeType type) { for (int i = 0; i < _itemInventory.Length; i++) { if (_itemInventory[i] is Grenade) { Grenade grenade = _itemInventory[i] as Grenade; if (grenade.Type == type) { return(i + 20); } } } return(-1); }
private static void SpawnGrenadeOnPlayer(Player ply, GrenadeType grenadeType, float timer, float velocity = 1f) { var plyGrenadeManager = ply.GrenadeManager; GrenadeSettings grenadeSettings; switch (grenadeType) { case GrenadeType.FragGrenade: grenadeSettings = plyGrenadeManager.availableGrenades.FirstOrDefault(g => g.inventoryID == ItemType.GrenadeFrag); break; case GrenadeType.Flashbang: grenadeSettings = plyGrenadeManager.availableGrenades.FirstOrDefault(g => g.inventoryID == ItemType.GrenadeFlash); break; case GrenadeType.Scp018: grenadeSettings = plyGrenadeManager.availableGrenades.FirstOrDefault(g => g.inventoryID == ItemType.SCP018); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(grenadeType), grenadeType, null); } Grenade grenade; if (grenadeType != GrenadeType.Scp018) { grenade = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(grenadeSettings?.grenadeInstance).GetComponent <Grenade>(); grenade.fuseDuration = timer; grenade.InitData(plyGrenadeManager,, plyGrenadeManager.hub.PlayerCameraReference.forward, velocity); } else { var relativeVelocity = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 2f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 2f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 2f)); grenade = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(grenadeSettings?.grenadeInstance).GetComponent <Scp018Grenade>(); grenade.fuseDuration = timer; grenade.InitData(plyGrenadeManager, relativeVelocity, ply.ReferenceHub.PlayerCameraReference.forward, velocity); } NetworkServer.Spawn(grenade.gameObject); }
private void ThrowGrenade() { GrenadeType type = grenade[grenadeType].transform.GetComponent <Grenade>().Type; GameObject currentGrenade = Instantiate(grenade[grenadeType], transform.position, transform.rotation); Rigidbody rb = currentGrenade.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.AddForce(fpsCam.transform.up * (throwForce / 3), ForceMode.VelocityChange); rb.AddForce(fpsCam.transform.forward * throwForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange); /*if (weaponManager.Ammo.Grenade(type) > 0) * { * GameObject currentGrenade = Instantiate(grenade[grenadeType], transform.position, transform.rotation); * Rigidbody rb = currentGrenade.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); * rb.AddForce(transform.up * (throwForce / 3), ForceMode.VelocityChange); * rb.AddForce(transform.forward * throwForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange); * weaponManager.Ammo.UpdateGrenade(type, -1); * weaponManager.GetPlayerUI().Weapon.SetGrenadeAmount(type, weaponManager.Ammo.Grenade(type)); * }*/ }
public void switchGrenade() { if (!gSpawned) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { if (grenadeType == GrenadeType.exp) { grenadeType = GrenadeType.rev; } else if (grenadeType == GrenadeType.rev) { grenadeType = GrenadeType.slow; } else if (grenadeType == GrenadeType.slow) { grenadeType = GrenadeType.exp; } } } }
public PlayerGrenadeHitPlayer(Player thrower, Player victim, GrenadeType type) : base(thrower) { GrenadeType = type; Victim = victim; }
public PlayerGrenadeExplosion(Player thrower, GrenadeType grenadetype, Vector position, bool allow = true) : base(thrower) { this.Allow = allow; this.GrenadeType = grenadetype; this.Position = position; }
private static BattleItemMetadata MetadataOf(GrenadeType grenadeType) => grenadeType.Metadata();
private void AddTopicControls(GrenadeType grenade) { var metadata = grenade.Metadata(); AddControl(new Item(4 + 8 * (3 - metadata.Height), 158 + 8 * (2 - metadata.Width), metadata.Image)); AddControl(new WrappedLabel(24, 5, 150, metadata.Name, Font.Large, ColorScheme.White)); AddControl(new Label(24, Label.CenterOf(195, 90), metadata.DamageType.Metadata().Name, Font.Normal, ColorScheme.White)); AddControl(new Label(40, Label.CenterOf(195, 90), metadata.Damage.FormatNumber(), Font.Large, ColorScheme.Red)); var nextTop = 67; foreach (var descriptionLine in metadata.DescriptionLines) { var top = nextTop; nextTop += 8; AddControl(new Label(top, 8, descriptionLine, Font.Normal, ColorScheme.White)); } }
public Grenades.Grenade SpawnGrenade(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, float fusetime = 3f, GrenadeType grenadeType = GrenadeType.FragGrenade, Player player = null) { if (player == null) { player = Server.Host; } GrenadeManager component = player.GrenadeManager; Grenade component2 = GameObject.Instantiate(component.availableGrenades[(int)grenadeType].grenadeInstance).GetComponent <Grenades.Grenade>(); component2.FullInitData(component, position, Quaternion.Euler(component2.throwStartAngle), velocity, component2.throwAngularVelocity, player == Server.Host ? Team.RIP : player.Team); component2.NetworkfuseTime = NetworkTime.time + (double)fusetime; NetworkServer.Spawn(component2.gameObject); return(component2); }
public void Initialize(GrenadeType grenadeType) { this.grenadeType = grenadeType; }
public void ClientOnDetonateGrenade(uint id, float3 position, GrenadeType type) { GrenadeSystem.Instance.ShowGrenadeExplosion(position, type); }
public SquadsBlock(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); = (Team)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.parent = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.squadDelayTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.normalDiffCountInitialNumberOfActorsOnNormalDifficulty = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.insaneDiffCountInitialNumberOfActorsOnInsaneDifficultyHardDifficultyIsMidwayBetweenNormalAndInsane = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.majorUpgrade = (MajorUpgrade)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.padding = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.vehicleType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.characterType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialZone = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.padding0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.initialWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialSecondaryWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.initialOrder = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.vehicleVariant = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); { var count = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); var address = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); var elementSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ActorStartingLocationsBlock)); this.startingLocations = new ActorStartingLocationsBlock[count]; using (binaryReader.BaseStream.Pin()) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { binaryReader.BaseStream.Position = address + i * elementSize; this.startingLocations[i] = new ActorStartingLocationsBlock(binaryReader); } } } this.placementScript = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.skip1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.padding2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); }
public ActorStartingLocationsBlock(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.referenceFrame = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.padding = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.facingYawPitchDegrees = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.characterType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialSecondaryWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.padding0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.vehicleType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.seatType = (SeatType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.swarmCountNumberOfCreturesInSwarmIfASwarmIsSpawnedAtThisLocation = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.actorVariantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.vehicleVariantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.initialMovementDistanceBeforeDoingAnythingElseTheActorWillTravelTheGivenDistanceInItsForwardDirection = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.emitterVehicle = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialMovementMode = (InitialMovementMode)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.placementScript = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.skip1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.padding2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an <see cref="IEnumerable{GrenadesNode}"/> with all grenades of the given type. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of grenades that should be returned.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="IEnumerable{GrenadeNode}"/> with all grenades of the given type.</returns> public IEnumerable <GrenadeNode> GetAllOfType(GrenadeType type) { return(Grenades.Where(grenade => grenade.Type == type)); }
public GrenadeDefinition GetGrenadeDefinitionByType(GrenadeType type) { return(OsFps.Instance.GrenadeDefinitionComponents .FirstOrDefault(gdc => gdc.Definition.Type == type) ?.Definition); }
public Grenade(IItem item, GrenadeType type) : this(item) { this.type = type; this.Countdown = type.fuseTime; }
public void Initialize(TypeCollection collection, XElement e) { name = e.ExpectAtt("name"); desc = e.ExpectAtt("desc"); mass = e.TryAttDouble("mass", 0); var imageSource = e.TryAtt("image"); if (imageSource.Length > 0) { image = ColorImage.FromFile(imageSource); } switch (e.Attribute("known")?.Value) { case "true": knownChance = 100; break; case "common": knownChance = 80; break; case "uncommon": knownChance = 60; break; case "rare": knownChance = 40; break; case "exotic": knownChance = 20; break; case "false": knownChance = 0; break; } string unknownType = e.TryAtt("unknownType"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(unknownType)) { if (collection.Lookup(unknownType, out DesignType d) && d is ItemType it) { this.unknownType = it; } else { throw new Exception($"Unknown DesignType: {unknownType}"); } } if (e.HasElement(HeadDesc.Tag, out XElement xmlHead)) { this.head = new HeadDesc(xmlHead); } if (e.HasElement(GrenadeType.Tag, out XElement xmlGrenade)) { this.grenade = new GrenadeType(collection, xmlGrenade); } if (e.HasElement(GunDesc.Tag, out XElement xmlGun)) { this.gun = new GunDesc(collection, xmlGun); } if (e.HasElement(AmmoDesc.Tag, out XElement xmlAmmo)) { this.ammo = new AmmoDesc(xmlAmmo); } //Initialize our nested types now (they are not accessible to anyone else at bind time) foreach (var inner in e.Elements("ItemType")) { collection.ProcessElement(inner); } }
private static TopicMetadata Grenade(GrenadeType grenade, params ResearchType[] requiredResearch) { return new TopicMetadata { Name = grenade.Metadata().Name, Category = TopicCategory.WeaponsAndEquipment, Background = Backgrounds.InfoItem, BackgroundPalette = 4, Scheme = ColorScheme.Yellow, RequiredResearch = requiredResearch, Subject = grenade }; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { PreviousPose = CurrentPose; PreviousFacing = CurrentFacing; PreviousGamePadState = CurrentGamePadState; PreviousKeyboardState = CurrentKeyboardState; PreviousMouseState = CurrentMouseState; WasShooting = IsShooting; if (Active == true) { HealthBar.Update(Health); SpecialBar.Update(new Vector2(87, 100)); foreach (Emitter emitter in FlashEmitterList) { emitter.Position.X = BarrelEnd.X; emitter.Update(gameTime); } FlashEmitterList.RemoveAll(Emitter => Emitter.Active == false); foreach (Emitter emitter in EmitterList) { //emitter.Position = Position; emitter.Update(gameTime); } EmitterList.RemoveAll(Emitter => Emitter.Active == false); #region Control States CurrentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex); CurrentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); CurrentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); Sticks = CurrentGamePadState.ThumbSticks; MoveStick = Sticks.Left; AimStick = Sticks.Right; #endregion #region Jump if (CurrentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(CurrentJumpButton) && PreviousGamePadState.IsButtonUp(CurrentJumpButton) && DoubleJumped == false) { NumJumps++; if (InAir == true) { DoubleJumped = true; Velocity.Y -= 15f; } else { //NOT SURE ABOUT HAVING BOTH THIS AND THE SMOKE PUFF WHEN LANDING. //I LIKE THE SMOKE MORE SO I'M LEAVING THIS OUT FOR NOW //Emitter jumpEmitter1 = new Emitter(Game1.HitEffectParticle, new Vector2(Position.X + 5, Position.Y + DestinationRectangle.Height / 2), // new Vector2(90, 180), new Vector2(5, 8), new Vector2(500, 500), 1f, false, new Vector2(0, 0), // new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f), Color.White, Color.White, 0f, 0.1f, 100, 5, false, // Vector2.Zero, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, true, new Vector2(0.15f, 0.15f), null, null, null, null, null, true); //Emitter jumpEmitter2 = new Emitter(Game1.HitEffectParticle, new Vector2(Position.X + 5, Position.Y + DestinationRectangle.Height / 2), // new Vector2(0, 90), new Vector2(5, 8), new Vector2(500, 500), 1f, false, new Vector2(0, 0), // new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f), Color.White, Color.White, 0f, 0.1f, 100, 5, false, // Vector2.Zero, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, true, new Vector2(0.15f, 0.15f), null, null, null, null, null, true); //EmitterList.Add(jumpEmitter1); //EmitterList.Add(jumpEmitter2); Velocity.Y = -15f; } } #endregion if (CurrentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftStick) && PreviousGamePadState.IsButtonUp(Buttons.LeftStick)) { Health.X = 0; } #region Move stick left if (MoveStick.X < -0.15f) { AimDirection.X = -1f; CurrentFacing = Facing.Left; } #endregion #region Move stick right if (MoveStick.X > 0.15f) { AimDirection.X = 1f; CurrentFacing = Facing.Right; } #endregion if (Math.Abs(MoveStick.X) > 0.15f) { Velocity.X += (MoveStick.X * 3f); } if (CurrentPose == Pose.Standing) { Size = new Vector2(59, 98); } else { Size = new Vector2(59, 74); } Velocity.Y += Gravity * ((float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 60f); base.Update(gameTime); #region Collision Reactions if (PushesBottomTile == true) { if (InAir == true) { Emitter jumpEmitter1 = new Emitter(Game1.ToonSmoke1, new Vector2(Position.X - 2, Position.Y + DestinationRectangle.Height / 2), new Vector2(110, 180), new Vector2(2, 5), new Vector2(300, 500), 1f, false, new Vector2(-7, 7), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0.03f, 0.05f), Color.White, Color.White, 0f, 0.1f, 100, 9, false, Vector2.Zero, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, new Vector2(0.08f, 0.08f), null, null, null, false, false, true); Emitter jumpEmitter2 = new Emitter(Game1.ToonSmoke1, new Vector2(Position.X + 2, Position.Y + DestinationRectangle.Height / 2), new Vector2(20, 90), new Vector2(2, 5), new Vector2(300, 500), 1f, false, new Vector2(-7, 7), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0.03f, 0.05f), Color.White, Color.White, 0f, 0.1f, 100, 9, false, Vector2.Zero, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, new Vector2(0.08f, 0.08f), null, null, null, false, false, true); EmitterList.Add(jumpEmitter1); EmitterList.Add(jumpEmitter2); } Velocity.Y = 0; InAir = false; DoubleJumped = false; } else { InAir = true; } if (PushesTopTile == true) { Velocity.Y = 0; } if (PushesLeftTile == true || PushesRightTile == true) { Velocity.X = 0; } #endregion #region Stop Moving if (MoveStick.X == 0) { if (InAir == false) { Velocity.X = 0f; } else { Velocity.X *= 0.98f; } } #endregion #region Limit Speed if (Velocity.X > MaxSpeed.X) { Velocity.X = MaxSpeed.X; } if (Velocity.X < -MaxSpeed.X) { Velocity.X = -MaxSpeed.X; } //if (Velocity.Y < -25) //{ // Velocity.Y = -25; //} //if (Velocity.Y > 25) //{ // Velocity.Y = 25; //} #endregion Shoot(gameTime); #region Grenade if (GrenadeTiming.X >= GrenadeTiming.Y) { if (CurrentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(CurrentGrenadeButton) && PreviousGamePadState.IsButtonUp(CurrentGrenadeButton)) { CreatePlayerGrenade(); GrenadeTiming.X = 0; if (CurrentGrenade != GrenadeType.Regular) { GrenadeAmmo--; if (GrenadeAmmo == 0) { CurrentGrenade = GrenadeType.Regular; } } } } else { GrenadeTiming.X += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; } #endregion #region Trap if (CurrentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(CurrentTrapButton) && PreviousGamePadState.IsButtonUp(CurrentTrapButton)) { if (TrapAmmo > 0) { //CreatePlaceTrap(Position, TrapType.Mine); CreatePlaceTrap(); } } #endregion #region Change Animation Direction switch (CurrentFacing) { #region Left case Facing.Left: { AimDirection = new Vector2(-1, 0); if (InAir == false) { if (Velocity.X != 0) { CurrentAnimation = RunLeftAnimation; } else { if (CurrentPose == Pose.Standing) { CurrentAnimation = StandLeftAnimation; } else { CurrentAnimation = CrouchLeftAnimation; } } } else { if (Velocity.Y > 2) { CurrentAnimation = JumpLeftDownAnimation; } else { CurrentAnimation = JumpLeftAnimation; } } } break; #endregion #region Right case Facing.Right: { AimDirection = new Vector2(1, 0); if (InAir == false) { if (Velocity.X != 0) { CurrentAnimation = RunRightAnimation; } else { if (CurrentPose == Pose.Standing) { CurrentAnimation = StandRightAnimation; } else { CurrentAnimation = CrouchRightAnimation; } } } else { if (Velocity.Y > 2) { CurrentAnimation = JumpRightDownAnimation; } else { CurrentAnimation = JumpRightAnimation; } } } break; #endregion } #endregion DestinationRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(Position.X - CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.X / 2), (int)(Position.Y - CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.Y / 2), (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.X, (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.Y); BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(Position - (CurrentAnimation.FrameSize / 2), 0), new Vector3(Position + (CurrentAnimation.FrameSize / 2), 0)); #region Update Animations if (CurrentAnimation != null) { CurrentAnimation.Position = Position; CurrentAnimation.Update(gameTime, DestinationRectangle); } #endregion #region Item Collisions if (ItemList != null) { ItemList.ForEach(Item => { bool removeItem = true; if (Item.CollisionRectangle.Intersects(CollisionRectangle)) { switch (Item.ItemType) { case ItemType.Shield: { ShieldActive = true; removeItem = true; } break; case ItemType.Shotgun: { CurrentGun = GunType.Shotgun; ShotTiming = new Vector2(0, 1000); removeItem = true; } break; case ItemType.RocketLauncher: { CurrentGun = GunType.RocketLauncher; ShotTiming = new Vector2(0, 2000); removeItem = true; } break; case ItemType.MachineGun: { ShotTiming = new Vector2(0, 200); CurrentGun = GunType.MachineGun; removeItem = true; } break; } if (removeItem == true) { ItemList.Remove(Item); } } }); } #endregion #region Trap Collisions if (TrapList != null) { TrapList.ForEach(Trap => { if (Trap.Active == true) { switch (Trap.TrapType) { case TrapType.TripMine: { if ((Trap as TripMine).SourcePlayer != this && (Trap as TripMine).Laser.Ray.Intersects(BoundingBox) != null) { //Mine was triggered. Time to explode Health.X -= 50; Trap.Active = false; } } break; } } //if (Trap.Active == true && Trap.CollisionRectangle.Intersects(CollisionRectangle)) //{ // //switch (Trap.TrapType) // //{ // //#region Fire // //case TrapType.Fire: // // { // // } // // break; // // #endregion // //} // Health.X -= 20; // Trap.Reset(); //} }); } #endregion #region Projectile Collisions if (ProjectileList != null) { ProjectileList.ForEach(Projectile => { if (Projectile.PlayerIndex != PlayerIndex && Projectile.CollisionRectangle.Intersects(CollisionRectangle)) { LastDamageSource = (int)Projectile.PlayerIndex; Projectile.Active = false; if (ShieldActive == true) { ShieldActive = false; } else { Health.X = 0; } } }); } #endregion #region Player Died if (Health.X <= 0) { //#region Flag behaviour //switch (CurrentFlagState) //{ // case FlagState.NoFlag: // break; // case FlagState.HasRed: // { // RedFlag replacementFlag = new RedFlag() { Position = Position }; // replacementFlag.Initialize(); // ItemList.Add(replacementFlag); // CurrentFlagState = FlagState.NoFlag; // } // break; // case FlagState.HasBlue: // { // BlueFlag replacementFlag = new BlueFlag() { Position = Position }; // replacementFlag.Initialize(); // ItemList.Add(replacementFlag); // CurrentFlagState = FlagState.NoFlag; // } // break; //} //#endregion Deaths++; IsShooting = false; WasShooting = false; CreatePlayerDied(); UnscrambleButtons(); } #endregion #region Debuffs if (_CurrentDebuff.Active == true) { _CurrentDebuff.Update(gameTime); //The debuff has expired based on the previous Update if (_CurrentDebuff.Active == false) { switch (_CurrentDebuff.DebuffType) { case DebuffType.ScrambleButtons: { UnscrambleButtons(); } break; } } } #endregion BarrelEnd = Position + new Vector2(AimDirection.X * 28, 10); } }