/// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rhino.Geometry.Mesh mesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh();
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref mesh))
            if (!mesh.IsValid)

            // call the cpp function to solve the adjacency list
            var res = IGLRhinoCommon.Utils.getAdjacencyLst(ref mesh);

            // construct the index & pt tree from the adjacency list
            Grasshopper.DataTree <int>     treeArray = new Grasshopper.DataTree <int>();
            Grasshopper.DataTree <Point3d> ptArray   = new Grasshopper.DataTree <Point3d>();
            for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++)
                var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i);
                treeArray.AddRange(res[i], path);

                foreach (var id in res[i])
                    ptArray.Add(mesh.Vertices[id], path);

            // assign to the output
            DA.SetDataTree(0, treeArray);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, ptArray);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string        p      = "";
            bool          b      = false;
            List <string> sheets = new List <string>();

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref p))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, sheets))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref b))

            if (b)
                // Get raw data
                List <string[, ]> data = new List <string[, ]>();

                if (sheets.Count == 1 && sheets[0] == _allSheets)
                    data = ExcelTools.ExcelUtilities.GetAllData2(p);
                    data = ExcelTools.ExcelUtilities.GetAllData2(p, sheets);

                // Sort data into tree structure
                Grasshopper.DataTree <string>   dt = new Grasshopper.DataTree <string>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path pth;

                int pCount = 0;
                foreach (string[,] dataSheet in data)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dataSheet.GetLength(0); i++)
                        pth = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(pCount, i);

                        for (int j = 0; j < dataSheet.GetLength(1); j++)
                            dt.Add(dataSheet[i, j], pth);


                DA.SetDataTree(0, dt);
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetComponentOutputs(Schema schema, IGH_DataAccess DA, List <IGH_Param> outputParams, GH_ActiveObject component)
            foreach (var datatree in schema.Values)
                string outputParamName = datatree.ParamName;
                if (outputParamName.StartsWith("RH_OUT:"))
                    var chunks = outputParamName.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    outputParamName = chunks[chunks.Length - 1];
                int paramIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < outputParams.Count; i++)
                    if (outputParams[i].Name.Equals(outputParamName))
                        paramIndex = i;

                var structure = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.IGH_Goo>();
                foreach (var kv in datatree.InnerTree)
                    var        tokens   = kv.Key.Trim(new char[] { '{', '}' }).Split(';');
                    List <int> elements = new List <int>();
                    foreach (var token in tokens)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token))
                    var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(elements.ToArray());
                    for (int gooIndex = 0; gooIndex < kv.Value.Count; gooIndex++)
                        var goo = GooFromReshopperObject(kv.Value[gooIndex]);
                        structure.Insert(goo, path, gooIndex);
                DA.SetDataTree(paramIndex, structure);

            foreach (var error in schema.Errors)
                component.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, error);
            foreach (var warning in schema.Warnings)
                component.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // INPUT
            // declaration
            string        _XML     = String.Empty;
            List <string> _tagName = new List <string>();

            DA.GetData(0, ref _XML);
            DA.GetDataList(1, _tagName);

            // actions
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            //declare tree
            Grasshopper.DataTree <string> intTree = new Grasshopper.DataTree <string>();


            if (_tagName != null)
                    //set up tree
                    for (int i = 0; i < _tagName.Count; i++)
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path pth = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i);

                        var innerTextData = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName(_tagName[i])[0].InnerText;
                        intTree.Add(innerTextData, pth);

                    // output
                    DA.SetDataTree(0, intTree);
                    this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Please provide a valid keyword.");
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rhino.Geometry.Mesh mesh    = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh();
            List <int>          con_idx = new List <int>();
            List <double>       con_val = new List <double>();
            int divN = 1;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref mesh))
            if (!mesh.IsValid)

            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, con_idx))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(2, con_val))
            if (!(con_idx.Count > 0) || !(con_val.Count > 0))
            if (con_idx.Count != con_val.Count)
            // TODO: add warning message
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref divN))

            // call the cpp function to solve the adjacency list
            var res = IGLRhinoCommon.Utils.getIsolinePts(ref mesh, ref con_idx, ref con_val, divN);

            // construct the index & pt tree from the adjacency list
            Grasshopper.DataTree <Point3d> ptTree  = new Grasshopper.DataTree <Point3d>();
            Grasshopper.DataTree <Curve>   crvTree = new Grasshopper.DataTree <Curve>();
            for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++)
                var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i);
                ptTree.AddRange(res[i], path);

                // if has move than 2 pts, interpolate curves
                if (res[i].Count > 3)
                    var crv = Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(res[i], 3);
                    crvTree.Add(crv, path);
                else if (res[i].Count > 2)
                    var crv = Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(res[i], 2);
                    crvTree.Add(crv, path);

            // assign to the output
            DA.SetDataTree(0, crvTree);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, ptTree);
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List<DHr> hours = new List<DHr>();
            List<String> keys = new List<string>();
            if (DA.GetDataList(0, hours) && DA.GetDataList(1, keys)) {
                if ((hours[0].is_surrogate) && ((hours.Count != 1) && (hours.Count != 12) && (hours.Count != 52) && (hours.Count != 365))) { this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "This component can only plot unmasked surrogate hours for yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily statistics"); }

                Interval ival_y = new Interval();
                bool calc_ival_y = false;
                if (!(DA.GetData(2, ref ival_y))) {
                    ival_y.T0 = hours[0].val(keys[0]);
                    ival_y.T1 = hours[0].val(keys[0]);
                    calc_ival_y = true;
                Dictionary<string, float[]> val_dict = new Dictionary<string, float[]>();
                List<Interval> val_ranges = new List<Interval>();
                foreach (string key in keys) {
                    Interval ival = new Interval();
                    float[] vals = new float[0];
                    DHr.get_domain(key, hours.ToArray(), ref vals, ref ival);
                    vals = new float[hours.Count];
                    for (int h = 0; h < hours.Count; h++) vals[h] = hours[h].val(key);
                    val_dict.Add(key, vals);

                bool force_start_at_zero = true;

                int stack_dir = StackDirection(val_ranges[0]);
                if (stack_dir==0) this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "The first key returned nothing but zero values.  I can't deal!");
                foreach (Interval ival in val_ranges) {
                    if (StackDirection(ival) != stack_dir) this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "A stacked graph can only handle all negative or all positive numbers.");
                    if (calc_ival_y) {
                        if (stack_dir < 1) {
                            if (ival.T1 > ival_y.T0) ival_y.T0 = ival.T1;
                            if (ival.T0 < ival_y.T1) ival_y.T1 = ival.T0;
                        } else {
                            if (ival.T0 < ival_y.T0) ival_y.T0 = ival.T0;
                            if (ival.T1 > ival_y.T1) ival_y.T1 = ival.T1;

                if (force_start_at_zero && calc_ival_y) ival_y.T0 = 0;

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval> intervalTreeOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval>();
                intervalTreeOut.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval(ival_y),new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(0));
                foreach (Interval ival in val_ranges) intervalTreeOut.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval(ival), new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(1));

                Plane plane = new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
                DA.GetData(3, ref plane);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval ival2d = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval();
                if (!DA.GetData(4, ref ival2d)) {
                    ival2d.U0 = 0.0;
                    ival2d.U1 = 12.0;
                    ival2d.V0 = 0.0;
                    ival2d.V1 = 1.0;

                double barWidth = 1.0;
                DA.GetData(5, ref barWidth);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr> hourTreeOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point> pointTreeOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle> rectTreeOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle>();
                List<Point3d> basepoints = new List<Point3d>();
                for (int h = 0; h < hours.Count; h++) {
                    Point3d gpt = GraphPoint(hours[h].hr, 0.0f, plane, ival_y, ival2d);
                    Point3d wpt = plane.PointAt(gpt.X, 0.0);

                for (int k = 0; k < keys.Count; k++) {
                    Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path key_path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(k);
                    List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>();
                    List<Rectangle3d> rects = new List<Rectangle3d>();

                    for (int h = 0; h < hours.Count; h++) {
                        float val = val_dict[keys[k]][h];
                        for (int kk = 0; kk < k; kk++) val += val_dict[keys[kk]][h]; // add in all previous values
                        Point3d gpt = GraphPoint(hours[h].hr, val, plane, ival_y, ival2d); // returns a point in graph coordinates

                        hours[h].pos = gpt; // the hour records the point in graph coordinates
                        hourTreeOut.Append(new DHr(hours[h]), key_path);

                        Point3d wpt = plane.PointAt(gpt.X, gpt.Y);
                        points.Add(wpt); // adds this point in world coordinates

                        Interval ival_gx; // interval of horz space occupied by this hour in graphic units
                        Interval ival_gy = new Interval(ival2d.V0, gpt.Y); // interval of vertical space occupied by this hour in graphic units
                        if (!hours[h].is_surrogate) {
                            double delta_x2 = (Math.Abs(ival2d.U.Length) / 8760 / 2.0);
                            ival_gx = new Interval(gpt.X - delta_x2, gpt.X + delta_x2); // interval of horz space occupied by this hour in graphic units
                        } else {

                            // if we've been passed surrogate hours, the spacing between bars may not be consistant
                            // we assume we've been given an hour at the start of the range represented
                            double ival_gx_0 = gpt.X;
                            double ival_gx_1;
                            if (h < hours.Count - 1) {
                                Point3d pt_next = GraphPoint(hours[h + 1].hr, val_dict[keys[k]][h + 1], plane, ival_y, ival2d);
                                ival_gx_1 = gpt.X + (pt_next.X - gpt.X) * barWidth;
                            } else { ival_gx_1 = gpt.X + (ival2d.U1 - gpt.X) * barWidth; }
                            ival_gx = new Interval(ival_gx_0, ival_gx_1);
                            if (hours.Count == 1) ival_gx = ival2d.U;

                        Rectangle3d rect = new Rectangle3d(plane, ival_gx, ival_gy);

                    List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point> gh_points = new List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point>();
                    foreach (Point3d pt in points) gh_points.Add(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point(pt));
                    pointTreeOut.AppendRange(gh_points, key_path);

                    List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle> gh_rects = new List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle>();
                    foreach (Rectangle3d rec in rects) gh_rects.Add(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle(rec));
                    rectTreeOut.AppendRange(gh_rects, key_path);


                DA.SetDataTree(0, hourTreeOut);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, intervalTreeOut);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, pointTreeOut);
                DA.SetDataList(3, basepoints);
                DA.SetDataTree(4, rectTreeOut);

Esempio n. 7
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr> hourTreeIn = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr>();

            if (DA.GetDataTree(0, out hourTreeIn)) {
                Plane plane = new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
                DA.GetData(1, ref plane);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval ival2d = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval();
                if (!DA.GetData(2, ref ival2d)) {
                    ival2d.U0 = 0.0;
                    ival2d.U1 = 1.0;
                    ival2d.V0 = 0.0;
                    ival2d.V1 = 2.0;
                if (ival2d.U.IsDecreasing) ival2d.U.Swap();
                if (ival2d.V.IsDecreasing) ival2d.V.Swap();

                double barWidthScale = 1.0;
                DA.GetData(3, ref barWidthScale);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr> hourTreeOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point> points = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle> srects = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle>();
                List<Rectangle3d> rects = new List<Rectangle3d>();
                List<Mesh> meshes = new List<Mesh>();

                int i = 0;//keeps track of which branch we're on... note, this assumes we've been passed a list of lists and nothing 'deeper'
                int maxHourCount = hourTreeIn.Branches[0].Count;
                foreach (List<DHr> hourList in hourTreeIn.Branches) if (hourList.Count > maxHourCount) maxHourCount = hourList.Count;
                Rectangle3d brect = new Rectangle3d(plane, new Interval(0, ival2d.U1), new Interval(0, ival2d.V.ParameterAt((double)hourTreeIn.DataCount / maxHourCount)));
                DA.SetData(5, brect);

                double dx = ival2d.U.Length / hourTreeIn.Branches.Count * barWidthScale;
                double dy = ival2d.V.Length / maxHourCount;
                foreach (List<DHr> hourList in hourTreeIn.Branches) {
                    Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i);

                    double x = ival2d.U.ParameterAt((i + 0.5) / hourTreeIn.Branches.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < hourList.Count; j++) {
                        DHr dhour = hourList[j];

                        double y = ival2d.V.ParameterAt((j + 0.5) / maxHourCount);
                        Point3d pt = plane.PointAt(x, y);
                        dhour.pos = new Point3d(x, y, 0);
                        points.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point(pt), path);
                        hourTreeOut.Append(dhour, path);

                        Plane pln = new Plane(plane);
                        pln.Origin = plane.PointAt(x - dx / 2, y - dy / 2);
                        Rectangle3d rct = new Rectangle3d(pln, dx, dy);
                        srects.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle(rct), path);

                    // make meshes & big rectangles
                    if (hourList.Count > 0) {
                        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
                        // add bottom pts
                        mesh.Vertices.Add(plane.PointAt(x - dx / 2, 0));
                        mesh.Vertices.Add(plane.PointAt(x + dx / 2, 0));

                        for (int j = 0; j < hourList.Count; j++) {
                            double y = ival2d.V.ParameterAt((j + 0.5) / maxHourCount);
                            mesh.Vertices.Add(plane.PointAt(x - dx / 2, y));
                            mesh.Vertices.Add(plane.PointAt(x + dx / 2, y));

                        // add top pts
                        double yy = ival2d.V.ParameterAt((float)hourList.Count / maxHourCount);
                        mesh.Vertices.Add(plane.PointAt(x - dx / 2, yy));
                        mesh.VertexColors.Add(hourList[hourList.Count - 1].color);
                        mesh.Vertices.Add(plane.PointAt(x + dx / 2, yy));
                        mesh.VertexColors.Add(hourList[hourList.Count - 1].color);

                        for (int n = 2; n < mesh.Vertices.Count; n = n + 2) mesh.Faces.AddFace(n - 2, n - 1, n + 1, n);

                        Plane pln = new Plane(plane);
                        pln.Origin = plane.PointAt(x - dx / 2, 0);
                        Rectangle3d rct = new Rectangle3d(pln, dx, yy);


                DA.SetDataTree(0, hourTreeOut);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, points);
                DA.SetDataList(2, srects);
                DA.SetDataList(3, rects);
                DA.SetDataList(4, meshes);

Esempio n. 8
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr> hourTreeIn = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr>();
            String key = "";
            if (DA.GetDataTree(0, out hourTreeIn) && DA.GetData(1, ref key)) {

                Interval ival_y = new Interval();
                float[] garbage = new float[0];
                if (!(DA.GetData(2, ref ival_y))) DHr.get_domain(key, hourTreeIn.ToArray(), ref garbage, ref ival_y); // vals are no good here, we would need a tree of values

                Plane plane = new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
                DA.GetData(3, ref plane);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval ival2d = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval();
                if (!DA.GetData(4, ref ival2d)) {
                    ival2d.U0 = 0.0;
                    ival2d.U1 = 12.0;
                    ival2d.V0 = 0.0;
                    ival2d.V1 = 1.0;

                double barWidth = 1.0;
                DA.GetData(5, ref barWidth);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr> hourTreeOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point> points = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle> rects = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle>();

                double ival2d_u_delta = ival2d.U.Length / hourTreeIn.Branches.Count;

                for (int b = 0; b < hourTreeIn.Branches.Count; b++) {
                    List<DHr> hours = hourTreeIn.Branches[b];
                    Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(b);

                    Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval ival2d_sub = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval(new Interval(b * ival2d_u_delta, (b + 1) * ival2d_u_delta), ival2d.V);
                    double t0_sub = ival2d_sub.U.Mid - (ival2d_sub.U.Mid - ival2d_sub.U.T0) * barWidth;
                    double t1_sub = ival2d_sub.U.Mid + (ival2d_sub.U.T1 - ival2d_sub.U.Mid) * barWidth;
                    ival2d_sub.U = new Interval(t0_sub, t1_sub);

                    for (int h = 0; h < hours.Count; h++) {
                        Point3d gpt = GraphPoint(hours[h].hr % 24, hours[h].val(key), plane, ival_y, ival2d_sub); // returns a point in graph coordinates
                        hours[h].pos = gpt; // the hour records the point in graph coordinates
                        hourTreeOut.Append(hours[h], path);

                        Point3d wpt = plane.PointAt(gpt.X, gpt.Y);
                        points.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point(wpt), path);  // adds this point in world coordinates

                        double delta_x2 = (Math.Abs(ival2d_sub.U.Length) / 24.0 / 2.0);
                        Interval ival_gx = new Interval(gpt.X - delta_x2, gpt.X + delta_x2); // interval of horz space occupied by this hour in graphic units
                        Interval ival_gy = new Interval(ival2d_sub.V0, gpt.Y); // interval of vertical space occupied by this hour in graphic units

                        Rectangle3d rect = new Rectangle3d(plane, ival_gx, ival_gy);
                        rects.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Rectangle(rect), path);


                DA.SetDataTree(0, hourTreeOut);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, points);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, rects);

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Mesh mshin = new Mesh();

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref mshin))

            CResults results = null;

            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref results))

            int outputType = 0;

            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref outputType))
                outputType = 0;

            Grasshopper.DataTree <double> avgI = new Grasshopper.DataTree <double>();

            List <double> areas = new List <double>();

            MeshFaceList mshfaces = mshin.Faces;

            for (int m = 0; m < mshfaces.Count; m++)
                MeshFace fc = mshfaces[m];

                int    spA       = fc.A;
                int    spB       = fc.B;
                int    spC       = fc.C;
                int    spD       = fc.D;
                int    intvert   = 3;
                double quadmulti = 0;
                if (fc.IsQuad)
                    intvert   = 4;
                    quadmulti = 1;

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path ghpath = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(m);

                List <double> sp_I = new List <double>();

                switch (outputType)
                case 0:
                    avgI.Add((results.I_total[spA] + results.I_total[spB] + results.I_total[spC] + (results.I_total[spD] * quadmulti)) / intvert, ghpath);

                case 1:
                    avgI.Add((results.Ib_total[spA] + results.Ib_total[spB] + results.Ib_total[spC] + (results.Ib_total[spD] * quadmulti)) / intvert, ghpath);

                case 2:
                    avgI.Add((results.Id_total[spA] + results.Id_total[spB] + results.Id_total[spC] + (results.Id_total[spD] * quadmulti)) / intvert, ghpath);

                case 3:
                    for (int t = 0; t < results.I_hourly.ColumnCount; t++)
                        avgI.Add((results.I_hourly[spA, t] + results.I_hourly[spB, t] + results.I_hourly[spC, t] + (results.I_hourly[spD, t] * quadmulti)) / intvert, ghpath);

                case 4:
                    for (int t = 0; t < results.Ib_hourly.ColumnCount; t++)
                        avgI.Add((results.Ib_hourly[spA, t] + results.Ib_hourly[spB, t] + results.Ib_hourly[spC, t] + (results.Ib_hourly[spD, t] * quadmulti)) / intvert, ghpath);

                case 5:
                    for (int t = 0; t < results.Id_hourly.ColumnCount; t++)
                        avgI.Add((results.Id_hourly[spA, t] + results.Id_hourly[spB, t] + results.Id_hourly[spC, t] + (results.Id_hourly[spD, t] * quadmulti)) / intvert, ghpath);

                case 6:
                    for (int t = 0; t < results.Ib_hourly.ColumnCount; t++)
                        int shdwcount = 0;
                        if (results.Ib_hourly[spA, t] == 0)
                        if (results.Ib_hourly[spB, t] == 0)
                        if (results.Ib_hourly[spC, t] == 0)
                        if (results.Ib_hourly[spD, t] == 0)
                        if (shdwcount > 1)
                            avgI.Add(0, ghpath);
                            avgI.Add(1, ghpath);
                areas.Add(CMisc.getMeshFaceArea(m, mshin));

            DA.SetDataTree(0, avgI);
            DA.SetDataList(1, areas);
Esempio n. 10
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List<DHr> dhrs = new List<DHr>();
            string key_u = "";
            string key_v = "";
            Interval subdivs = new Interval();
            if ((DA.GetDataList(0, dhrs)) && (DA.GetData(1, ref key_u)) && (DA.GetData(2, ref key_v)) && (DA.GetData(4, ref subdivs)))
                int subdivs_u = (int) Math.Floor(subdivs.T0);
                int subdivs_v = (int) Math.Floor(subdivs.T1);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval ival_overall = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval();
                if (!DA.GetData(3, ref ival_overall)) {
                    // go thru the given hours and find the max and min value for the given key
                    Interval ival_temp_u = new Interval(MDHr.INVALID_VAL, MDHr.INVALID_VAL);
                    Interval ival_temp_v = new Interval(MDHr.INVALID_VAL, MDHr.INVALID_VAL);
                    foreach (DHr dhr in dhrs) {
                        float val_u = dhr.val(key_u);
                        float val_v = dhr.val(key_v);
                        if ((ival_temp_u.T0 == MDHr.INVALID_VAL) || (val_u < ival_temp_u.T0)) ival_temp_u.T0 = val_u;
                        if ((ival_temp_u.T1 == MDHr.INVALID_VAL) || (val_u > ival_temp_u.T1)) ival_temp_u.T1 = val_u;
                        if ((ival_temp_v.T0 == MDHr.INVALID_VAL) || (val_v < ival_temp_v.T0)) ival_temp_v.T0 = val_v;
                        if ((ival_temp_v.T1 == MDHr.INVALID_VAL) || (val_v > ival_temp_v.T1)) ival_temp_v.T1 = val_v;

                bool cull_outliers = false;
                DA.GetData(5, ref cull_outliers);

                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr> hrsOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<DHr>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer> freqOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer>();
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval2D> ivalsOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval2D>();

                if (ival_overall.U.IsDecreasing) ival_overall.U.Swap();
                if (ival_overall.V.IsDecreasing) ival_overall.V.Swap();
                double delta_u = ival_overall.U.Length / subdivs_u;
                double delta_v = ival_overall.V.Length / subdivs_v;
                for (int u = 0; u < subdivs_u; u++) {
                    for (int v = 0; v < subdivs_v; v++) {
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(new int[] { u, v });

                        Interval sub_u = new Interval(ival_overall.U.T0 + u * delta_u, ival_overall.U.T0 + ((u + 1) * delta_u));
                        Interval sub_v = new Interval(ival_overall.V.T0 + v * delta_v, ival_overall.V.T0 + ((v + 1) * delta_v));
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval sub_uv = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.UVInterval(sub_u, sub_v);
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval2D i2d = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Interval2D();
                        i2d.Value = sub_uv;
                        ivalsOut.Append(i2d, path);

                foreach (DHr dhr in dhrs) {
                    int[] address = new int[] { -1 , -1};
                    for (int u = 0; u < subdivs_u; u++)
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path_u = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(new int[] { u, 0 });
                        Interval sub_u = ivalsOut.get_DataItem(path_u, 0).Value.U;
                        double val = dhr.val(key_u);
                        if ((sub_u.IncludesParameter(val)) || ((!cull_outliers) && (u == 0) && (val <= sub_u.Min)) || ((!cull_outliers) && (u == subdivs_u - 1) && (val >= sub_u.Max)))
                            address[0] = u;

                    for (int v = 0; v < subdivs_v; v++)
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path_v = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(new int[] { 0, v });
                        Interval sub_v = ivalsOut.get_DataItem(path_v, 0).Value.V;
                        double val = dhr.val(key_v);
                        if ((sub_v.IncludesParameter(val)) || ((!cull_outliers) && (v == 0) && (val <= sub_v.Min)) || ((!cull_outliers) && (v == subdivs_v - 1) && (val >= sub_v.Max)))
                            address[1] = v;
                    if ((address[0] < 0) || (address[1] < 0))
                        if (!cull_outliers) this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Crud. Could not place an outlier into any intervals.  What gives?!");
                        Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(address);
                        hrsOut.Append(dhr, path);

                foreach (Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path in hrsOut.Paths)
                    int n = hrsOut.get_Branch(path).Count;
                    freqOut.Append(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer(n), path);

                DA.SetDataTree(0, freqOut);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, ivalsOut);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, hrsOut);
Esempio n. 11
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            AWorld refwrld = new AWorld();
            List<double> v_list = new List<double>();
            //GH_Dict test = GH_Dict.create("a", 1.0);

            //if (!DA.GetData(0, ref refwrld) || !refwrld.IsValid) return;
            //AWorld wrld = new AWorld(refwrld);

            SpatialGraph gph = new SpatialGraph();
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref gph)) return;

            int nGen = 0;
            string pyString = "";
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref pyString)) return;
            if (!DA.GetDataList(2, v_list)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref nGen)) return;

            // Sets the initial Generation by using the input v_list
            // if it runs out of values, it starts over (wraps)
            double[] val_list = new double[gph.nodes.Count];
            int v_i = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gph.nodes.Count; i++)
                if (v_i == v_list.Count) v_i = 0;
                val_list[i] = v_list[v_i];

            AWorld wrld = new AWorld(gph, val_list);

            _py = PythonScript.Create();
            _py.Output = this.m_py_output.Write;
            _compiled_py = _py.Compile(pyString);

            // console out
            Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String> consoleOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String>();

            // Main evaluation cycle
            // Should move code into the Antsworld Class
            for (int g = 0; g < nGen; g++)
                // console out

                double[] new_vals = new double[wrld.NodeCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < wrld.NodeCount; i++)
                    int[] neighboring_indices = wrld.gph.NeighboringIndexesOf(i);

                    // build list of neighboring values
                    List<double> neighboring_vals = new List<double>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < neighboring_indices.Length; k++) neighboring_vals.Add(wrld.LatestGen[neighboring_indices[k]]);

                    double d = EvaluateCell(i, wrld.LatestGen[i], neighboring_vals);
                    //double d = g + i + 0.0;

                    new_vals[i] = d;

                // console out
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path key_path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(g);
                List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String> gh_strs = new List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String>();
                foreach (String str in this.m_py_output.Result) gh_strs.Add(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String(str));
                consoleOut.AppendRange(gh_strs, key_path);


            DA.SetDataTree(0, consoleOut);
            DA.SetData(1, wrld);
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            AWorld refwrld = new AWorld();
            bool SelectType = false;
            List<double> v_list = new List<double>();
            Random rnd = new Random();

            //if (!DA.GetData(0, ref refwrld) || !refwrld.IsValid) return;
            //AWorld wrld = new AWorld(refwrld);

            SpatialGraph gph = new SpatialGraph();
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref gph)) return;

            int nGen = 0;
            string pyString = "";
            string spyString = "";
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref spyString)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref SelectType)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref pyString)) return;
            if (!DA.GetDataList(4, v_list)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(5, ref nGen)) return;

            // Sets the initial Generation by using the input v_list
            // if it runs out of values, it starts over (wraps)
            double[] val_list = new double[gph.nodes.Count];
            int v_i = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gph.nodes.Count; i++)
                if (v_i == v_list.Count) v_i = 0;
                val_list[i] = v_list[v_i];

            AWorld wrld = new AWorld(gph, val_list);

            // evaluation function
            _py = PythonScript.Create();
            _py.Output = this.m_py_output.Write;
            _compiled_py = _py.Compile(pyString);

            // selection function
            _spy = PythonScript.Create();
            _py.Output = this.m_py_output.Write;
            _compiled_spy = _py.Compile(spyString);

            // console out
            Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String> consoleOut = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Structure<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String>();

            // Main evaluation cycle
            // Should move code into the Antsworld Class
            for (int g = 0; g < nGen; g++)
                // console out
                double[] new_vals = new double[wrld.NodeCount];

                // build list to test
                List<int> nodes_to_test = new List<int>();

                for (int i = 0; i < wrld.NodeCount; i++)
                    // build this now since we will only change a few of them later
                    new_vals[i] = wrld.LatestGen[i];

                    int[] neighboring_indices = wrld.gph.NeighboringIndexesOf(i);
                    double[] n_wts = wrld.gph.NeighboringWeightsOf(i);

                    // build list of neighboring values
                    List<double> neighboring_vals = new List<double>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < neighboring_indices.Length; k++) neighboring_vals.Add(wrld.LatestGen[neighboring_indices[k]]);

                    bool test = SelectCell(i, wrld.LatestGen[i], neighboring_vals, n_wts);

                    if (test) nodes_to_test.Add(i);


                if (SelectType)
                    int trial = rnd.Next(nodes_to_test.Count);
                    int new_index = nodes_to_test[trial];
                    nodes_to_test[0] = new_index;
                    nodes_to_test.RemoveRange(1, nodes_to_test.Count - 1);

                // evaluate list of cells
                for (int j = 0; j < nodes_to_test.Count; j++)
                    int i = nodes_to_test[j];
                    int[] neighboring_indices = wrld.gph.NeighboringIndexesOf(i);

                    // build list of neighboring values
                    List<double> neighboring_vals = new List<double>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < neighboring_indices.Length; k++) neighboring_vals.Add(wrld.LatestGen[neighboring_indices[k]]);

                    double d = EvaluateCell(i, wrld.LatestGen[i], neighboring_vals, wrld.gph.NeighboringWeightsOf(i));
                    //double d = g + i + 0.0;

                    new_vals[i] = d;

                // console out
                Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path key_path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(g);
                List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String> gh_strs = new List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String>();
                foreach (String str in this.m_py_output.Result) gh_strs.Add(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String(str));
                consoleOut.AppendRange(gh_strs, key_path);


            DA.SetDataTree(0, consoleOut);
            DA.SetData(1, wrld);
 public bool AddVolatileDataList(Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path, System.Collections.IEnumerable list)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public bool AddVolatileData(Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path path, int index, object data)
     throw new NotImplementedException();