public override void DrawStep() { if (this.visible) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color.Transparent, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.position.X, this.position.Y, this.size.X, this.size.Y, ' ', true); GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.borderColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.position.X, this.position.Y, this.size.X, this.size.Y, this.borderToken, false); if (this.isMultilined) { for (int i = 0; i < this.lines.Length; i++) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor((GraphicConsole.BufferWidth / 2) - (this.size.X - 4) / 2, this.position.Y + 2 + i); GraphicConsole.Write(this.lines[i]); } } else { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor((GraphicConsole.BufferWidth / 2) - (this.size.X - 4) / 2, GraphicConsole.BufferHeight / 2); GraphicConsole.Write(this.message); } } base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y); if (this.isHover) //Mouse is hovering { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.foregroundColorHover, this.backgroundColorHover); } else if (this.enabled) //Check box is checked { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.foregroundColorEnabled, this.backgroundColorEnabled); } else //Check box isn't checked { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.foregroundColorDisabled, this.backgroundColorDisabled); } if (this.enabled) { GraphicConsole.Write(this.enabledToken); } else { GraphicConsole.Write(this.disabledToken); } base.DrawStep(); }
private void drawSystems() { //Draw every system foreach (StarSystem point in Interface.GameManager.Systems) { Point relativePos = point.MapCoord; relativePos.X += (int)(mapOffset.X / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); relativePos.Y += (int)(mapOffset.Y / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); GraphicConsole.SetColor(point.StarColor, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Put('☼', relativePos.X + Position.X, relativePos.Y + Position.Y); } //Draw current system Point systemPos = currentSystem.MapCoord; systemPos.X += (int)(mapOffset.X / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); systemPos.Y += (int)(mapOffset.Y / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Black, currentSystem.StarColor); GraphicConsole.Put('☼', systemPos.X + Position.X, systemPos.Y + Position.Y); if (drawSelectedSystem) { Point relativePos = selectedSystem.MapCoord; relativePos.X += (int)(mapOffset.X / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); relativePos.Y += (int)(mapOffset.Y / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Black, selectedSystem.StarColor); GraphicConsole.Put('☼', relativePos.X + Position.X, relativePos.Y + Position.Y); } GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); if (this.textAlignMode == TextAlignModes.Center) { int x = this.Position.X - this.text.Length / 2; GraphicConsole.SetCursor(x, this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } else if (this.textAlignMode == TextAlignModes.Left) { GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } else if (this.textAlignMode == TextAlignModes.Right) { int x = this.Position.X - this.text.Length; GraphicConsole.SetCursor(x, this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Black, FillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { this.drawRail(); GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.barColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Put(this.barToken, this.barPosition.X, this.barPosition.Y); base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { for (int i = 0; i < stars.Count; i++) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(stars[i].Color, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Put('.', stars[i].X, stars[i].Y); } GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.text)) { if (this.scroll) { //Scroll Bar Rail GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.scrollRailColor, this.fillColor); for (int h = this.Position.Y; h < this.Size.Y + this.Position.Y; h++) { GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X + this.Size.X, h); GraphicConsole.Write(this.scrollRail); } //Scroll Bar GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.scrollBarColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X + this.Size.X, (int)(this.scrollValue / 100f * this.Size.Y) + this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(this.scrollBar); string[] lines = this.text.Split('\n'); this.lineCount = lines.Length; int line = (int)(this.scrollValue / 100f * (lines.Length - this.Size.Y + 1)); if (line < 0) { line = 0; } GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); for (int y = 0; y < this.Size.Y && y < lines.Length; y++) { if (line < lines.Length) { this.writeLine(lines[line], this.Position.X, this.Position.Y + y); } line++; } } else { string[] lines = this.text.Split('\n'); for (int line = 0; line < lines.Length && line < this.Size.Y; line++) { this.writeLine(lines[line], this.Position.X, this.Position.Y + line); } } base.DrawStep(); } }
private void drawPaths() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Red, Color4.Black); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++) { Point a = getScreenPosFromCoord(path[i].MapCoord); Point b = getScreenPosFromCoord(path[i + 1].MapCoord); GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y, '∙'); } GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); }
private void drawRail() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.railColor, this.fillColor); if (this.sliderMode == SliderModes.Horizontal) { GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Position.X + this.Size.X, this.Position.Y, this.railToken); } else if (this.sliderMode == SliderModes.Vertical) { GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Position.X, this.Position.Y + this.Size.Y, this.railToken); } }
private void drawShips() { List <Ship> shipsInRange = Interface.GameManager.GetShipsInJumpRadius(Interface.GameManager.PlayerShip); foreach (Ship ship in shipsInRange) { Point point = getScreenPosFromCoord(getCoordFromWorldPos(ship.WorldPosition)); GraphicConsole.SetColor(ship.Faction.RegionColor, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Put('.', point); } }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(ForeColor, FillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position); GraphicConsole.Write(new string('░', Size.X)); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position); GraphicConsole.Write(new string('█', fill)); base.DrawStep(); }
private void drawFactions() { GraphicConsole.Draw.PaintMode = Console.PaintModes.Add; foreach (Faction faction in Interface.GameManager.Factions) { foreach (Market market in faction.OwnedMarkets) { Point relativePos = getScreenPosFromCoord(market.System.MapCoord); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Transparent, faction.RegionColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.FillCircle(relativePos.X, relativePos.Y, 8, ' '); } } GraphicConsole.Draw.PaintMode = Console.PaintModes.Default; }
public override void DrawStep() { Rectangle mapBounds = new Rectangle(Position, new Size(Size)); GraphicConsole.SetBounds(mapBounds); Vector2 origin = Vector2.Zero; origin.X += mapOffset.X / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth; origin.Y += mapOffset.Y / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth; int x = (int)(origin.X + mapBounds.X); int y = (int)(origin.Y + mapBounds.Y); GraphicConsole.SetColor(axisColor, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(x, mapBounds.Top + 1, x, mapBounds.Bottom - 1, '·'); GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(mapBounds.Left + 1, y, mapBounds.Right - 1, y, '·'); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(x + 1, y - 1); GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); double travelRadius = Interface.GameManager.PlayerShip.JumpRadius; int r = (int)(travelRadius / GraphicConsole.BufferWidth); Point playerPos = getScreenPosFromCoord(getCoordFromWorldPos(Interface.GameManager.PlayerShip.WorldPosition)); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Gray, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Draw.Circle(playerPos.X, playerPos.Y, r, '·'); if (drawSelectedSystem) { drawPaths(); } drawShips(); drawSystems(); drawFactions(); GraphicConsole.ClearBounds(); GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); drawBorder(mapBounds); if (DrawPlayerPosition) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Red, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Put('@', playerPos); } GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); base.DrawStep(); }
private void setConsoleColors(int index) { if (index == this.selectedIndex) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.selectedTextColor, this.selectedFillColor); } else if (index == this.hoverIndex) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.hoverTextColor, this.hoverFillColor); } else { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.objectList[index].TextColor, this.fillColor); } }
public override void DrawStep() { this.clearArea(); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color.Transparent, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); if (this.text != string.Empty) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Transparent, FillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(Position.X, Position.Y, Size.X, Size.Y, ' ', true); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.Transparent, StripeColor); for (int x = Position.X + Size.X - 1; x >= Position.X; x -= 5) { GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(x, Position.Y, x, Position.Y + Size.Y - 1, ' '); } if (faction == null) { return; } int scaleX = 5; int scaleY = max(0, 100) / (Size.Y - 1); if (scaleY == 0) { return; //Prevent divide by zero exception } int loop = 0; for (int i = faction.StockPrices.Count - 1; i > 0 && loop < Size.X / 5; i--) { int x0 = (Position.X + Size.X - 1) - loop * scaleX; int x1 = (Position.X + Size.X - 1) - (loop + 1) * scaleX; int y0 = (Position.Y + Size.Y - 1) - faction.StockPrices[i] / scaleY; int y1 = (Position.Y + Size.Y - 1) - faction.StockPrices[i - 1] / scaleY; GraphicConsole.SetColor(faction.RegionColor, FillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(x0, y0, x1, y1, '.'); GraphicConsole.SetColor(faction.RegionColor, StripeColor); GraphicConsole.Put('*', x0, y0); GraphicConsole.Put('*', x1, y1); loop++; } GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color.Transparent, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); if (!scroll) { for (int i = 0; i < this.objectList.Count; i++) { this.setConsoleColors(i); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y + i); this.writeLine(this.objectList[i].ListText); } } else { //Scroll Bar Rail GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.scrollRailColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Line(this.Position.X + this.Size.X, this.Position.Y, this.Position.X + this.Size.X, this.Position.Y + this.Size.Y - 1, this.scrollRail); //Scroll Bar GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.scrollBarColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X + this.Size.X, (int)(this.scrollValue / 100f * this.Size.Y) + this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(this.scrollBar); int line = (int)(this.scrollValue / 100f * (this.objectList.Count - this.Size.Y + 1)); if (line < 0) { line = 0; } for (int y = 0; y < this.Size.Y; y++) { if (line < objectList.Count) { this.setConsoleColors(line); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y + y); this.writeLine(this.objectList[line].ListText); } line++; } } base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { this.clearArea(); if (this.mode == ButtonModes.Normal) { //Fill Area GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color.Transparent, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); //Write Text GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.textPosition); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } else if (this.mode == ButtonModes.Hover) { //Fill Area GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color.Transparent, this.fillColorHover); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); //Write Text GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColorHover, this.fillColorHover); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.textPosition); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } else if (this.mode == ButtonModes.Pressed) { //Fill Area GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color.Transparent, this.fillColorPressed); GraphicConsole.Draw.Rect(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, ' ', true); //Write Text GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColorPressed, this.fillColorPressed); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.textPosition); GraphicConsole.Write(this.text); } base.DrawStep(); }
public override void DrawStep() { //Draw the star int r = 15; for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(GameManager.CurrentSystem.StarColor, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Draw.Circle(0, GraphicConsole.BufferHeight / 2, i, '.'); } GraphicConsole.Draw.Circle(0, GraphicConsole.BufferHeight / 2, r, '*'); //Draw the planets for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.CurrentSystem.Planetoids.Count; i++) { int x = i % 4; int y = i / 4; Planetoid planet = GameManager.CurrentSystem.Planetoids[i]; int planetRadius = 5; GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.White, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Draw.Circle(x * 20 + 25, y * 15 + 10, planetRadius, '.'); for (int moon = 0; moon < planet.Moons.Count; moon++) { double angle = OpenTK.MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(moon * 30) - OpenTK.MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(90.0); int mX = (int)(Math.Cos(angle) * (planetRadius + 3.1)) + (x * 20 + 25); int mY = (int)(Math.Sin(angle) * (planetRadius + 1)) + (y * 15 + 10); GraphicConsole.SetColor(Color4.White, Color4.Black); GraphicConsole.Put('*', mX, mY); } } GraphicConsole.ClearColor(); base.DrawStep(); }
private void writeLine(string line, int x, int y) { GraphicConsole.SetCursor(x, y); for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++) { if (line[i] == '<') { int k = i; string formatTag = ""; while (k < line.Length && line[k] != '>') { formatTag += line[k]; k++; } formatTag += ">"; line = line.Remove(i, formatTag.Length); if (formatTag.Contains("<color ")) //Start Custom Color { //Get the color specified formatTag = formatTag.Remove(0, 7); formatTag = formatTag.Remove(formatTag.Length - 1); //Retrieve the color and apply it GraphicConsole.SetColor(TextUtilities.GetColor(formatTag), this.fillColor); } else if (formatTag == "<color>") //End Custom Color { //Reset colors back to normal GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); } } GraphicConsole.Write(line[i]); } GraphicConsole.Write('\n'); }
public override void UpdateFrame(GameTime gameTime) { if (this.hasFocus) { this.cursorCounter += gameTime.ElapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds; if (this.cursorCounter >= cursorFlickerRate * 2) { this.cursorCounter = 0.0; } if (this.cursorCounter > cursorFlickerRate) { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X + this.text.Length, this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(this.cursor); } else { GraphicConsole.SetColor(this.textColor, this.fillColor); GraphicConsole.SetCursor(this.Position.X + this.text.Length, this.Position.Y); GraphicConsole.Write(' '); } } }