async void Handle_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var x = new CloudData(); GraphUser y = await x.GetDisplayName(); Task <string> access_id = x.GetAccessID(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Debug: get access ID " + access_id.Result); //await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Welcome, " + y, "OK"); var displayName = new Item { Name = "Logged in as: " + y.displayName, Company = "Company: " + y.Company, Stand = "Stand number: " + y.StandID }; App.Current.Properties["LoginName"] = "Logged in as: " + y.displayName; App.Current.Properties["StandName"] = "Stand ID: " + y.StandID; App.Current.Properties["CompanyName"] = "Company: " + y.Company; await App.Current.SavePropertiesAsync(); var Scanner = new Scanner.Scanner(); Scanner.BindingContext = displayName; Application.Current.MainPage = Scanner; }
private async void UserChangedWorkAddress(GraphUser user) { try { if (user == null) { return; } var employee = (await _dataService.GetAllEmployeesAsync()) .FirstOrDefault(e => e.Email.Equals(user.UserPrincipalName)); if (employee != null) { employee.WorkAddress = user.WorkAddress; employee.WorkLatitude = user.WorkLatitude.HasValue ? user.WorkLatitude.Value : default(double); employee.WorkLongitude = user.WorkLongitude.HasValue ? user.WorkLongitude.Value : default(double); await _dataService.InsertOrUpdateEmployeeAsync(employee); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!IsConnected) { await _dialogService.ShowAlertAsync("No network connection, please check your internet.", "Service unavailable", "Ok"); } Debug.WriteLine($"[UserChangedHomeAddress] Error updating in: {ex}"); } }
private async void UpdateDriverTimeRange(GraphUser user) { try { if (user == null) { return; } var driver = (await _dataService.GetAllDriversAsync()) .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name.Equals(user.UserPrincipalName)); if (driver != null) { driver.Arrival = user.ArrivalTime; driver.Departure = user.DepartureTime; await _dataService.InsertOrUpdateDriverAsync(driver); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!IsConnected) { await _dialogService.ShowAlertAsync("No network connection, please check your internet.", "Service unavailable", "Ok"); } Debug.WriteLine($"[UpdateEmployeeTimeRange] Error updating in: {ex}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the FBUser class from a GraphUser /// </summary> public FBUser(GraphUser user) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } this.Id = user.Id; this.Name = user.Name; this.UserName = user.UserName; this.FirstName = user.FirstName; this.MiddleName = user.MiddleName; this.LastName = user.LastName; this.Birthday = user.Birthday; if (user.Location == null) { this.Location = null; } else { this.Location = new FBLocation(user.Location); } this.Link = user.Link; this.ProfilePictureUrl = user.ProfilePictureUrl; }
private async Task <bool> UpdateSettingsAsync(GraphUser user, Employee employee) { var drivers = await _dataService.GetAllDriversAsync(); var driver = drivers.FirstOrDefault(d => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.Name) && d.Name.Equals(user.UserPrincipalName)); if (driver != null) { App.CurrentUser.ArrivalTime = driver.Arrival; App.CurrentUser.DepartureTime = driver.Departure; App.CurrentUser.RiderRequests = DriverHelper.GetRiderRequests(driver).Count(); Settings.DriverEnabled = true; } else { Settings.DriverEnabled = false; } // Any changes since last login? delta query if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.DeltaLink)) { // First login, fetch actual delta state Settings.DeltaLink = await _userService.InitializeDeltaQueryAsync(); } else { // Check changes from last login var userChanges = await _userService.GetDeltaQueryChangesAsync(Settings.DeltaLink); return(await _userHelper.UpdateProfilesChanges(userChanges, employee)); } return(false); }
private async void OnSignInOrOut() { // EEP, cheesy!! if (_signInButtonText == SIGN_IN) { StatusMessage = "Signing in"; SignInButtonText = SIGN_OUT; SignInButtonColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); if (_officeGraphClient.Initialize()) { OnReload(); } } else { StatusMessage = "Signing out.."; SignInButtonText = SIGN_IN; SignInButtonColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); await _officeGraphClient.SignOut(); _me = null; AnnounceProperty(nameof(Me)); _myImageBytes = null; AnnounceProperty(nameof(MyImage)); } StatusMessage = "Ok"; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the page load event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> /// Sender object /// </param> /// <param name="e"> /// Event args /// </param> private async void MainPageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var session = SessionStorage.Load(); if (null != session) { this.ExpiryText.Text = string.Format("Login expires on: {0}", session.Expires.ToString()); this.ProgressText = "Fetching details from Facebook..."; this.ProgressIsVisible = true; try { var fb = new FacebookClient(session.AccessToken); dynamic result = await fb.GetTaskAsync("me"); var user = new GraphUser(result); user.ProfilePictureUrl = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/picture?access_token={1}", user.Id, session.AccessToken)); this.CurrentUser = user; await this.GetUserStatus(fb); } catch (FacebookOAuthException exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error fetching user data: " + exception.Message); } this.ProgressText = string.Empty; this.ProgressIsVisible = false; } }
private async void UpdateEmployeeTimeRange(GraphUser user) { try { if (user == null) { return; } var employee = (await _dataService.GetAllEmployeesAsync()) .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email.Equals(user.Mail)); if (employee != null) { employee.Arrival = user.ArrivalTime; employee.Departure = user.DepartureTime; await _dataService.InsertOrUpdateEmployeeAsync(employee); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!IsConnected) { await _dialogService.ShowAlertAsync("No network connection, please check your internet.", "Service unavailable", "Ok"); } Debug.WriteLine($"[UpdateEmployeeTimeRange] Error updating in: {ex}"); } }
private async void FetchUser([NotNull] GraphUser user) { var socId = "FB." + user.Id; //TODO: move to consts var userExist = false; //await _vm.GetIdIfExist(socId); //TODO: return if (userExist) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(EventsList));//TODO: Use PRISM navigation service return; } var userModel = new UserInfo //TODO: it comes empty { FirstName = user.FirstName, Surname = user.LastName, Patronymic = user.MiddleName, UserToken = Session.ActiveSession.CurrentAccessTokenData.AccessToken, UserTokenExpiration = Session.ActiveSession.CurrentAccessTokenData.Expires.GetUnixTimeStamp(), SocialId = socId, Email = (string)user["email"] //, //Photo = string.Format("{0}/picture?type={1}&access_token={2}", user.Id, "square", Session.ActiveSession.CurrentAccessTokenData.AccessToken) //TODO }; Frame.Navigate(typeof(LoginPageForm), userModel); //TODO: Use PRISM navigation service }
public static string getUser(string token, string userPrincipalName) { string endPoint = "" + userPrincipalName + "?$select=id"; string responseFromServer = requestGet(endPoint, token); GraphUser graphUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GraphUser>(responseFromServer); return(; }
public async void RetrieveMyInformation() { _me = await _officeGraphClient.GetMyInformationAsync(); if (_me != null) { AnnounceProperty("Me"); } }
private string BuildUserInfoDisplay(GraphUser user) { var userInfoname = new StringWriter(); userInfoname.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", user.FirstName)); //userInfoname.WriteLine(string.Format("Name: {0} {1} {2} {3}", user.FirstName, user.MiddleName, user.LastName, user.ProfilePictureUrl)); userInfoname.WriteLine(); return(userInfoname.ToString()); }
private void AddDriverToList(GraphUser driver, ObservableCollection <GraphUser> drivers) { driver.Distance = UserHelper.CalculateDistance(App.CurrentUser, driver); if (driver.Distance.HasValue && !driver.Distance.Value.Equals(Double.NaN)) { drivers.Add(driver); } }
private async Task RetriveUserInfo() { var client = new FacebookClient(Session.ActiveSession.CurrentAccessTokenData.AccessToken); dynamic result = await client.GetTaskAsync("me"); //TODO: me?fields=picture p-o-c var currentUser = new GraphUser(result); FetchUser(currentUser); }
public ADUser(GraphUser user) : this() { Id = user.Id; DisplayName = user.DisplayName; FirstName = user.GivenName; LastName = user.Surname; OfficeRole = user.JobTitle == null ? "" : user.JobTitle; Mail = user.Mail; MobilePhone = user.MobilePhone; Office = user.OfficeLocation == null ? "" : user.OfficeLocation.ToString(); }
async Task OnTokenValidated(JwtBearer.TokenValidatedContext tokenValidatedContext) { var passed = false; var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)tokenValidatedContext.Principal.Identity; // See if there's a UPN, and if so, use that object id var upn = identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "upn")?.Value; if (upn != null) { var oid = identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "oid")?.Value; // get the user var context = new AuthenticationContext($"{_azureOptions.AADInstance}{_azureOptions.TenantId}", null); // No token caching var credential = new ClientCredential(_azureOptions.ClientId, _azureOptions.ClientSecret); var incomingToken = ((JwtSecurityToken)tokenValidatedContext.SecurityToken).RawData; var result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(graphResourceId, credential, new UserAssertion(incomingToken)); var url = $"{adminOptions.Value.GraphInstance}{_azureOptions.TenantId}/users/{oid}?api-version=1.6"; GraphUser user = null; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var resp = await client.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false); if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GraphUser>(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } } if (user?.SignServiceConfigured == true) { passed = true; identity.AddClaim(new Claim("keyVaultUrl", user.KeyVaultUrl)); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("keyVaultCertificateName", user.KeyVaultCertificateName)); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("timestampUrl", user.TimestampUrl)); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("access_token", incomingToken)); } } if (!passed) { // If we get here, it's an unknown value tokenValidatedContext.Fail("User is not configured"); } telemetryClient.Context.User.AuthenticatedUserId = upn; }
/// <summary> /// Get current logged in user info /// </summary> public static void GetCurrentUser(Action <FBUser> callback) { API("me", HttpMethod.GET, (result) => { var data = (IDictionary <string, object>)result.Json; var me = new GraphUser(data); if (callback != null) { callback(new FBUser(me)); } }); }
public void AddRemoveAADUserByOIDWithStorageKey() { // Get the client VssConnection connection = Context.Connection; GraphHttpClient graphClient = connection.GetClient <GraphHttpClient>(); // // Part 1: add the AAD user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "MaterializeAADUserByOIDWithStorageKey"); GraphUserCreationContext addAADUserContext = new GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext { OriginId = "27dbfced-5593-4756-98a3-913c39af7612", StorageKey = new Guid("9b71f216-4c4f-6b74-a911-efb0fa9c777f") }; GraphUser newUser = graphClient.CreateUserAsync(addAADUserContext).Result; string userDescriptor = newUser.Descriptor; Context.Log("New user added! ID: {0}", userDescriptor); // // Part 2: get the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetUser-AddRemoveAADUserByOIDWithStorageKey"); newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; // // Part 3: remove the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "DeleteUser-AddRemoveAADUserByOIDWithStorageKey"); graphClient.DeleteUserAsync(userDescriptor).SyncResult(); // Try to get the deleted user ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetMembershipState-AddRemoveAADUserByOIDWithStorageKey"); GraphMembershipState membershipState = graphClient.GetMembershipStateAsync(userDescriptor).Result; try { if (membershipState.Active) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { Context.Log("The deleted user is not disabled!"); } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <GraphUser> > GetMyRidersAsync(GraphUser user) { var users = new List <GraphUser>(); var drivers = await _dataService.GetAllDriversAsync(); var driver = drivers.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name.Equals(user.UserPrincipalName)); if (driver != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(driver.Rider1) && driver.Rider1Status) { var graphRider = await _userService.GetUserByDisplayNameAsync(driver.Rider1); if (graphRider != null) { users.Add(new GraphUser(graphRider)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(driver.Rider2) && driver.Rider2Status) { var graphRider = await _userService.GetUserByDisplayNameAsync(driver.Rider2); if (graphRider != null) { users.Add(new GraphUser(graphRider)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(driver.Rider3) && driver.Rider3Status) { var graphRider = await _userService.GetUserByDisplayNameAsync(driver.Rider3); if (graphRider != null) { users.Add(new GraphUser(graphRider)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(driver.Rider4) && driver.Rider4Status) { var graphRider = await _userService.GetUserByDisplayNameAsync(driver.Rider4); if (graphRider != null) { users.Add(new GraphUser(graphRider)); } } } return(users); }
public void AddRemoveAADUserByUPN() { // Get the client VssConnection connection = Context.Connection; GraphHttpClient graphClient = connection.GetClient <GraphHttpClient>(); // // Part 1: add the AAD user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "CreateUserAAD"); GraphUserCreationContext addAADUserContext = new GraphUserPrincipalNameCreationContext { PrincipalName = "*****@*****.**" }; GraphUser newUser = graphClient.CreateUserAsync(addAADUserContext).Result; string userDescriptor = newUser.Descriptor; Context.Log("New user added! ID: {0}", userDescriptor); // // Part 2: get the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetUserAAD"); newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; // // Part 3: remove the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "DeleteUserAAD"); graphClient.DeleteUserAsync(userDescriptor).SyncResult(); // Try to get the deleted user ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetMembershipStateAAD"); GraphMembershipState membershipState = graphClient.GetMembershipStateAsync(userDescriptor).Result; try { if (membershipState.Active) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { Context.Log("The deleted user is not disabled!"); } }
public void AddRemoveAADUserByOID() { // Get the client VssConnection connection = Context.Connection; GraphHttpClient graphClient = connection.GetClient <GraphHttpClient>(); // // Part 1: add the AAD user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "MaterializeAADUserByOID"); GraphUserCreationContext addAADUserContext = new GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext { OriginId = "e97b0e7f-0a61-41ad-860c-748ec5fcb20b" }; GraphUser newUser = graphClient.CreateUserAsync(addAADUserContext).Result; string userDescriptor = newUser.Descriptor; Context.Log("New user added! ID: {0}", userDescriptor); // // Part 2: get the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetUser-AddRemoveAADUserByOID"); newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; // // Part 3: remove the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "DeleteUser-AddRemoveAADUserByOID"); graphClient.DeleteUserAsync(userDescriptor).SyncResult(); // Try to get the deleted user ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetMembershipState-AddRemoveAADUserByOID"); GraphMembershipState membershipState = graphClient.GetMembershipStateAsync(userDescriptor).Result; try { if (membershipState.Active) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { Context.Log("The deleted user is not disabled!"); } }
public void LookupSubject() { // Get the client VssConnection connection = Context.Connection; GraphHttpClient graphClient = connection.GetClient <GraphHttpClient>(); // // Part 1: add the AAD user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "MaterializeAADUserByOIDWithStorageKey"); GraphUserCreationContext addAADUserContext = new GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext { OriginId = "e97b0e7f-0a61-41ad-860c-748ec5fcb20b", StorageKey = Guid.NewGuid() }; GraphUser newUser = graphClient.CreateUserAsync(addAADUserContext).Result; string userDescriptor = newUser.Descriptor; Context.Log("New user added! ID: {0}", userDescriptor); // // Part 2: add the AAD group // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "MaterializeAADGroupByOIDWithStorageKey"); GraphGroupCreationContext addAADGroupContext = new GraphGroupOriginIdCreationContext { OriginId = "f0d20172-7b96-42f6-9436-941433654b48", StorageKey = Guid.NewGuid() }; GraphGroup newGroup = graphClient.CreateGroupAsync(addAADGroupContext).Result; string groupDescriptor = newGroup.Descriptor; Context.Log("New group created! ID: {0}", groupDescriptor); // // Part 3: lookup subjects // GraphSubjectLookup subjectLookup = new GraphSubjectLookup(new[] { new GraphSubjectLookupKey(newGroup.Descriptor), new GraphSubjectLookupKey(newUser.Descriptor) }); ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "LookupSubjects"); IReadOnlyDictionary <SubjectDescriptor, GraphSubject> lookups = graphClient.LookupSubjectsAsync(subjectLookup).Result; }
private async Task UpdateUserPhotoAsync(GraphUser user) { try { var photo = await _userService.GetUserPhotoAsync(user.Mail); if (photo != null) { user.PhotoStream = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(photo)); } } catch { user.PhotoStream = null; } }
public static double CalculateDistance(GraphUser me, GraphUser user) { if (me.HasLocation() && user.HasLocation()) { var dist = MapHelper.CalculateDistance( me.Location().Value.Latitude, me.Location().Value.Longitude, user.Location().Value.Latitude, user.Location().Value.Longitude, DistanceMeasure.Miles); return(dist); } return(Double.NaN); }
private ObservableCollection <CustomPin> CalculateDrivePushpins(GraphUser driver) { ObservableCollection <CustomPin> pins = new ObservableCollection <CustomPin>(); if (driver.HasLocation()) { pins.Add(driver.CreateUserPin()); } if (driver.HasWorkLocation()) { pins.Add(driver.CreateWorkPin()); } return(pins); }
public void AddRemoveAADUserByUPN() { // Get the client VssConnection connection = Context.Connection; GraphHttpClient graphClient = connection.GetClient <GraphHttpClient>(); // // Part 1: add the AAD user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "CreateUserAAD"); GraphUserCreationContext addAADUserContext = new GraphUserPrincipalNameCreationContext { PrincipalName = "*****@*****.**" }; GraphUser newUser = graphClient.CreateUserAsync(addAADUserContext).Result; string userDescriptor = newUser.Descriptor; Context.Log("New user added! ID: {0}", userDescriptor); // // Part 2: get the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetUserAAD"); //newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; //BUG ???: {"TF14045: The identity with type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity' and identifier '45aa3d2d-7442-473d-b4d3-3c670da9dd96\\[email protected]' could not be found."} // // Part 3: remove the user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "DeleteUserAAD"); graphClient.DeleteUserAsync(userDescriptor).SyncResult(); // Try to get the deleted user try { ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "GetDisabledUserAAD"); newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; if (!newUser.Disabled) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { Context.Log("The deleted user is not disabled!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Get current logged in user info /// </summary> public static void GetCurrentUser(Action <FBUser> callback) { #if NETFX_CORE API("me", HttpMethod.GET, (result) => { var data = (IDictionary <string, object>)result.Json; var me = new GraphUser(data); if (callback != null) { callback(new FBUser(me)); } }); #else throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(""); #endif }
public void AddRemoveAADUserByOID() { // Get the client VssConnection connection = Context.Connection; GraphHttpClient graphClient = connection.GetClient <GraphHttpClient>(); // // Part 1: add the AAD user // ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetOperationName(this.Context, "MaterializeAADUserByOID"); GraphUserCreationContext addAADUserContext = new GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext { OriginId = "e97b0e7f-0a61-41ad-860c-748ec5fcb20b" }; GraphUser newUser = graphClient.CreateUserAsync(addAADUserContext).Result; string userDescriptor = newUser.Descriptor; Context.Log("New user added! ID: {0}", userDescriptor); // // Part 2: get the user // //newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; //BUG ???: TF14045: The identity with type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity' and identifier '45aa3d2d-7442-473d-b4d3-3c670da9dd96\[email protected]' could not be found. // // Part 3: remove the user // graphClient.DeleteUserAsync(userDescriptor).SyncResult(); // Try to get the deleted user try { newUser = graphClient.GetUserAsync(userDescriptor).Result; if (!newUser.Disabled) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { Context.Log("The deleted user is not disabled!"); } }
async void CallAuthenticate() { var x = new CloudData(); AuthenticationResult token = await x.GetAccessToken(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Debug: access token " + token); if (token == null) { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "User has cancelled login or the browser is incompatible", "OK"); var About = new Views.AboutPage(); // Navigate to our scanner page //await Navigation.PushModalAsync(About); //NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false); Application.Current.MainPage = About; return; } GraphUser y = await x.GetDisplayName(); //await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Welcome, " + y, "OK"); var displayName = new Item { Id = y.displayName, Text = "Welcome! You have successfully logged in" }; var Scanner = new Scanner.Scanner(); Scanner.BindingContext = displayName; // Navigate to our scanner page //await Navigation.PushModalAsync(Scanner); //NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false); Application.Current.MainPage = Scanner; }
public async Task <IActionResult> ResetPassword(Guid id, GraphUser model) { try { var details = await GetUserDetailsForId(id); var pw = await adminService.UpdatePasswordAsync(id); ViewBag.Password = pw; return(View(nameof(Details), details)); } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.TryAddModelError("", e.Message); return(View(model)); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the UserInfoChangedEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The current user.</param> public UserInfoChangedEventArgs(GraphUser user) { this.User = user; }