Esempio n. 1
        private static async Task ExportK210Code(string modelPath, string datasetDir, string codePath)
            var file  = File.ReadAllBytes(modelPath);
            var model = tflite.Model.GetRootAsModel(new FlatBuffers.ByteBuffer(file));
            var tfc   = new TfLiteToGraphConverter(model, model.Subgraphs(0).Value);

            var graph = tfc.Graph;

            Transform.Process(graph, new Transform[] {
                new K210SeparableConv2dTransform(),
                new K210SpaceToBatchNdAndValidConv2dTransform(),
                new K210SameConv2dTransform(),
                new K210Stride2Conv2dTransform(),
                new GlobalAveragePoolTransform(),
                new K210FullyConnectedTransform(),
                new K210Conv2dWithMaxAvgPoolTransform(),
                new Conv2d1x1ToFullyConnectedTransform()
            var ctx = new GraphPlanContext();

            var dim   = graph.Inputs.First().Output.Dimensions.ToArray();
            var k210c = new GraphToK210Converter(graph, 16);
            await k210c.ConvertAsync(new ImageDataset(
                                         new[] { dim[1], dim[2], dim[3] },
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var graph = context.TFGraph;

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Reshape(input, graph.Const(Output.Dimensions.ToArray()));
Esempio n. 3
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph  = context.TFGraph;
            var inputs = Inputs.Select(x => context.TFOutputs[x.Connection.From]).ToArray();

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Concat(graph.Const(3), inputs);
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var y     = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var graph = context.TFGraph;

            // To NCH
            if (Input.Dimensions.Length == 3)
                y = graph.Transpose(y, graph.Const(new[] { 0, 2, 1 }));
            // To NCHW
            else if (Input.Dimensions.Length == 4)
                y = graph.Transpose(y, graph.Const(new[] { 0, 3, 1, 2 }));

            y = context.TFGraph.Reshape(y, context.TFGraph.Const(NewShape.ToArray()));

            // To NHC
            if (NewShape.Length == 3)
                y = graph.Transpose(y, graph.Const(new[] { 0, 2, 1 }));
            // To NHWC
            else if (NewShape.Length == 4)
                y = graph.Transpose(y, graph.Const(new[] { 0, 2, 3, 1 }));
            context.TFOutputs[Output] = y;
Esempio n. 5
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Mean(input, graph.Const(new[] { 1, 2 }));
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var y     = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var graph = context.TFGraph;

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = context.TFGraph.Reshape(y, context.TFGraph.Const(NewShape.ToNHWC()));
Esempio n. 7
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var graph = context.TFGraph;

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Transpose(input, graph.Const(Axes.ToTFAxes()));
Esempio n. 8
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.ResizeBilinear(input, graph.Const(new long[] { Output.Dimensions[2], Output.Dimensions[3] }), AlignCorners);
Esempio n. 9
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var x     = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Maximum(x, graph.Mul(x, graph.Const(Slope)));
Esempio n. 10
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var x     = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Softmax(x);
Esempio n. 11
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Pad(input, graph.Const(Paddings.ToTFTensor()));
Esempio n. 12
        private static async Task ConvertToTFLite(Graph graph, string tflitePath)
            var ctx = new GraphPlanContext();

            var dim    = graph.Inputs.First().Output.Dimensions.ToArray();
            var input  = graph.Inputs.First().Name;
            var output = string.Join(',', graph.Outputs.Select(x => x.Name));

            var tmpPb = Path.GetTempFileName();

            using (var f = File.Open(tmpPb, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                await ctx.SaveAsync(f);

            var binPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location), "bin");
            var args    = $" --input_file={tmpPb} --input_format=TENSORFLOW_GRAPHDEF --output_file={tflitePath} --output_format=TFLITE --input_shape=1,{dim[2]},{dim[3]},{dim[1]} --input_array={input} --output_arrays={output} --inference_type=FLOAT";

            using (var toco = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(binPath, "toco"), args)
                WorkingDirectory = binPath
                if (toco.ExitCode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Convert to tflite failed.");
Esempio n. 13
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.BiasAdd(input, graph.Const(Bias.ToNHWC()));
Esempio n. 14
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var a     = context.TFOutputs[InputA.Connection.From];
            var b     = context.TFOutputs[InputB.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Add(a, b);
Esempio n. 15
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.AvgPool(input, new long[] { 1, Input.Dimensions[2], Input.Dimensions[3], 1 },
                                                      new long[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, "VALID");
Esempio n. 16
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.AddActivation(graph.AvgPool(input, new long[] { 1, FilterHeight, FilterWidth, 1 },
                                                                          new long[] { 1, StrideHeight, StrideWidth, 1 }, Padding.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()), FusedActivationFunction);
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            var y = graph.MaxPool(input, new long[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, new long[] { 1, 4, 4, 1 }, "VALID");

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Reshape(y, graph.Const(new[] { -1, Input.Dimensions[1] }));
Esempio n. 18
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            input = graph.Reshape(input, graph.Const(new[] { Input.Dimensions[0], 1, 1, Input.Dimensions[1] }));
            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Pad(input, graph.Const(new[, ] {
                { 0, 0 }, { 0, 3 }, { 0, 3 }, { 0, 0 }
Esempio n. 19
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var x     = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var y     = graph.Sum(graph.Square(x), graph.Const(Input.Dimensions.Length - 1), keep_dims: true);

            y = graph.Rsqrt(graph.Maximum(y, graph.Const(1e-10f)));

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Mul(x, y);
Esempio n. 20
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var x     = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var alpha = graph.Const(Slope.ToNHWC());
            var zero  = graph.Const(0.0f, TensorFlow.TFDataType.Float);

            var pos = graph.Maximum(zero, x);
            var neg = graph.Mul(alpha, graph.Minimum(zero, x));

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Add(pos, neg);
Esempio n. 21
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;
            var input = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];

            if (Scale is Tensor <float> tensorScale)
                context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Mul(input, graph.Const(tensorScale.ToNHWC()));
            else if (Scale is float scalarScale)
                context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Mul(input, graph.Const(scalarScale));
Esempio n. 22
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph   = context.TFGraph;
            var input   = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var weights = Weights.ToHWIO();
            var bias    = Bias?.ToNHWC();

            var y = graph.Conv2D(input, graph.Const(weights),
                                 new long[] { 1, StrideHeight, StrideWidth, 1 }, Padding.ToString().ToUpperInvariant());

            if (bias != null)
                y = graph.BiasAdd(y, graph.Const(bias));
            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.AddActivation(y, FusedActivationFunction);
Esempio n. 23
        public static async Task<QuantizationContext> QuantizeAsync(Dataset dataset, GraphPlanContext planContext, bool channelwiseOutput)
            using (var session = new TFSession(planContext.TFGraph))
                var connectors = new List<OutputConnector>();
                var additionalOutputs = new List<Guid>();
                var toFetches = new List<TFOutput>();

                foreach (var output in planContext.TFOutputs)
                    if (!(output.Key.Owner is InputLayer))

                foreach (var additional in planContext.AdditionalTFOutputs)

                var quantizationContext = new QuantizationContext
                    Outputs = connectors,
                    AdditionalOutputs = additionalOutputs,
                    PlanContext = planContext,
                    Mean = dataset.Mean,
                    Std = dataset.Std,
                    ChannelwiseOutput = channelwiseOutput

#if NET471
                await dataset.GetBatchesAsync().ForEachAsync(async batch =>
                await foreach (var batch in dataset.GetBatchesAsync())
                    var input = batch.ToNHWC();
                    var runner = session.GetRunner();

                    runner.AddInput(planContext.Inputs.Values.First(), input);
                    foreach (var fetch in toFetches)

                    var outputs = runner.Run();
                    RecordOutputs(new[] { input }.Concat(outputs).ToList(), quantizationContext);
Esempio n. 24
        public async Task ConvertAsync(Dataset dataset, GraphPlanContext planContext, string outputDir, string prefix, bool channelwiseOutput)

            var quantize = await Stages.Quantize.Quantizer.QuantizeAsync(dataset, planContext, channelwiseOutput);

            var convert = Stages.Convert.Converter.Convert(_graph, quantize, _weightsBits);
            var infer   = Stages.Inference.InferExecutor.Infer(_graph, convert);

            Console.WriteLine($"KPU memory usage: {infer.KPUMemoryAllocator.MaxUsage * 64} B");
            Console.WriteLine($"Main memory usage: {infer.MainMemoryAllocator.MaxEnd} B");

            using (var bin = File.Open(Path.Combine(outputDir, $"{prefix}.kmodel"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                Stages.Generate.Generator.GenerateBin(_graph, bin, _weightsBits, prefix, infer);
Esempio n. 25
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph = context.TFGraph;

            var dummyBoxes = new DenseTensor <float>(Boxes.Dimensions);
            var variances  = new DenseTensor <float>(VariancesOutput.Dimensions);

            for (int i = 0; i < variances.Length / 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    variances[i * 4 + j] = Variances[j];

            context.TFOutputs[Boxes]           = graph.Const(dummyBoxes.ToTFTensor());
            context.TFOutputs[VariancesOutput] = graph.Const(variances.ToTFTensor());
Esempio n. 26
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph    = context.TFGraph;
            var x        = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var scale    = Scale.ToNHWC();
            var offset   = Offset.ToNHWC();
            var mean     = Mean.ToNHWC();
            var variance = Variance.ToNHWC();

            if (Input.Dimensions.Length == 4)
                context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.FusedBatchNorm(x, graph.Const(scale), graph.Const(offset), graph.Const(mean), graph.Const(variance), Epsilon, is_training: false).y;
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 27
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph   = context.TFGraph;
            var y       = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var weights = Weights.ToHWIO();

            if (Input.Dimensions.Length == 4 && Input.Dimensions[2] == 1 && Input.Dimensions[3] == 1)
                y = graph.Reshape(y, graph.Const(new[] { Input.Dimensions[0], Input.Dimensions[1] }));

            y = graph.MatMul(y, graph.Const(weights));
            if (Bias != null)
                y = graph.BiasAdd(y, graph.Const(Bias.ToNHWC()));

            context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.AddActivation(y, FusedActivationFunction);
Esempio n. 28
        protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
            var graph    = context.TFGraph;
            var x        = context.TFOutputs[Input.Connection.From];
            var scale    = Scale.ToNHWC();
            var offset   = Offset.ToNHWC();
            var mean     = Mean.ToNHWC();
            var variance = Variance.ToNHWC();

            if (Input.Dimensions.Length == 4)
                context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.FusedBatchNorm(x, graph.Const(scale), graph.Const(offset), graph.Const(mean), graph.Const(variance), Epsilon, is_training: false).y;
                var y = graph.Sub(x, graph.Const(mean));
                var v = graph.Sqrt(graph.Add(graph.Const(variance), graph.Const(Epsilon)));
                y = graph.RealDiv(y, v);
                y = graph.Mul(y, graph.Const(scale));

                context.TFOutputs[Output] = graph.Add(y, graph.Const(offset));
Esempio n. 29
 protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
     context.Inputs[this] = context.TFOutputs[Output] = context.TFGraph.Placeholder(TFDataType.Float, Output.Dimensions.ToNHWC(), Name);
Esempio n. 30
 protected override void OnPlanning(GraphPlanContext context)
     context.TFOutputs[Output] = context.TFGraph.Const(Value.ToNHWC(), TFDataType.Float);