/// <summary>
        /// Tries to place filters at the earliest point possible i.e. the first point after which all required variables have occurred
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gp">Graph Pattern</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Filter to place</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool TryPlaceFilter(GraphPattern gp, ISparqlFilter filter)
            // Firstly we need to find out what variables are needed in the Filter
            List <String> variablesNeeded = filter.Variables.Distinct().ToList();

            // Then we need to move through the Triple Patterns and find the first place at which all the
            // Variables used in the Filter have been used in ordinary Triple Patterns
            List <String> variablesUsed = new List <string>();

            for (int p = 0; p < gp.TriplePatterns.Count; p++)
                if (gp.TriplePatterns[p].PatternType == TriplePatternType.Match || gp.TriplePatterns[p].PatternType == TriplePatternType.BindAssignment || gp.TriplePatterns[p].PatternType == TriplePatternType.LetAssignment)
                    foreach (String var in gp.TriplePatterns[p].Variables)
                        if (!variablesUsed.Contains(var))

                    // Have all the Variables we need now been used in a Pattern?
                    if (variablesNeeded.All(v => variablesUsed.Contains(v)))
                        // We can place this Filter after the Pattern we were just looking at
                        gp.InsertFilter(filter, p + 1);

            // If we reach here then this means that all the Variables used in the Filter did not occur
            // in the Triple Patterns which means they likely occur in child graph patterns (or the query
            // is malformed).  In this case we cannot place the Filter and it has to be applied post-commit
            // rather than during Triple Pattern execution