Esempio n. 1
        public static GraphDataSet LoadSampleFromNormalizedDatabase(int?size)
            var retour = new GraphDataSet();


            using (var loader = new CsvLoaderNormalized())
                loader.OnMessage += Loader_OnMessage;

                loader.LoadProviders(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\entreprise_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));
                loader.LoadLinks(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\declaration_avantage_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));
                loader.LoadLinks(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\declaration_convention_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));
                loader.LoadLinks(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\declaration_remuneration_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));


                retour = loader.LinksToJson(null, size);

                loader.OnMessage -= Loader_OnMessage;

Esempio n. 2
        public static GraphDataSet LoadSampleFromMetadataDatabase(int?size)
            GraphDataSet retour = null;


            using (var loader = new CvsLoaderMetadata())
                loader.OnMessage += Loader_OnMessage;

                loader.DbConnectionString = @"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=AdexMeta;Integrated Security=True;";

                loader.LoadProviders(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\entreprise_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));
                loader.LoadLinks(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\declaration_avantage_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));
                loader.LoadLinks(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\declaration_convention_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));
                loader.LoadLinks(Path.Combine(_dataRootPath, @"ImmobilisCommander\ADEX\Data\declaration_remuneration_2020_08_01_04_00.csv"));

                retour = loader.LinksToJson(null, size);

                loader.OnMessage -= Loader_OnMessage;

Esempio n. 3
        public GraphDataSet LinksToJson(string txt, int?take)
            var retour = new GraphDataSet();

            var links = new List <Link>();

            using (var db = new AdexContext())
                db.Database.Log = (log) =>
                    OnMessage?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs {
                        Level = Level.Debug, Message = log

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt))
                    if (db.Entities.Any(x => x.Reference.Contains(txt)))
                        links.AddRange(db.Links.Include("From").Include("To").Where(x => x.From.Reference.Contains(txt)));
                        links.AddRange(db.Links.Include("From").Include("To").Where(x => x.To.Reference.Contains(txt)));
                    links = db.Links.Include("From").Include("To").ToList();
            var all = links.Select(x => new { id = x.From.Reference, name = x.From.Reference }).Distinct().ToList();

            all.AddRange(links.Select(x => new { id = x.To.Reference, name = x.To.Reference }).Distinct());

            foreach (var item in all.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty( ?? all.Count))
                var temp = links.Where(x => x.From.Reference == => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.To.Reference)).Select(x => x.To.Reference);
                retour.BundlingItems.Add(new EdgeBundlingItem {
                    Name =, Size = temp.Distinct().Count(), Imports = temp.Distinct().ToList()

Esempio n. 4
        private Rectangle GetPointBox(PointF pt, GraphDataSet current)
            float size = current.SymbolSize;

            Rectangle retval = new Rectangle(
                (int)(pt.X - size / 2), (int)(pt.Y - size / 2),
                (int)size, (int)size);

            return retval;
Esempio n. 5
        public GraphDataSet CreateNewDataSet()
            GraphDataSet retval = new GraphDataSet();

            retval.Name = "Dataset " + mDataSetCreatedCount.ToString();

            retval.Color = mColors[mDataSets.Count % mColors.Length];



            return retval;
Esempio n. 6
        private void OnCreateDataSet(GraphDataSet dataSet)
            if (AddedDataset != null)
                GraphDataSetEventArgs e = new GraphDataSetEventArgs();

                e.Graph = this;
                e.GraphDataSet = dataSet;

                AddedDataset(this, e);
Esempio n. 7
        public GraphDataSet LinksToJson(string txt, int?take)
            var retour = new GraphDataSet()
                ForceDirectedData = new ForceDirectedData()

            string query =
                @"select a.Reference as Company, am.Value as Designation, p.Reference as Beneficiary, pm1.Value + ' ' + pm2.Value as SocialDenomination, b.NumberOfLinks, b.Amount
		l.From_Id, l.To_Id, count(*) as NumberOfLinks, SUM(CONVERT(decimal, lm.Value)) as Amount
		Links l
		inner join Metadatas lm on lm.Entity_Id = l.Id
		inner join Members lmb on lmb.Id = lm.Member_Id
		lmb.Name like '%_montant_ttc'
	group by
		l.From_Id, l.To_Id
		SUM(CONVERT(decimal, lm.Value)) > 30000
	) b

	inner join Entities a on a.Id = b.From_Id
	inner join Metadatas am on am.Entity_Id = a.Id
	inner join Members amb on amb.Id = am.Member_Id and amb.Name = 'denomination_sociale'

	inner join Entities p on p.Id = b.To_Id
	inner join Metadatas pm1 on pm1.Entity_Id = p.Id
	inner join Members pmb1 on pmb1.Id = pm1.Member_Id and pmb1.Name = 'benef_nom'
	inner join Metadatas pm2 on pm2.Entity_Id = p.Id
	inner join Members pmb2 on pmb2.Id = pm2.Member_Id and pmb2.Name = 'benef_prenom'"    ;
            var result = new List <QueryResult>();

            using (var con = new SqlConnection(DbConnectionString))

                using (var cm = new SqlCommand(query, con))
                    cm.CommandTimeout = 3600;
                    cm.CommandType    = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                    using (var reader = cm.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var obj = new QueryResult
                                Company = (string)reader["Company"]
                                Beneficiary = (string)reader["Beneficiary"]
                                Designation = (string)reader["Designation"]
                                SocialDenomination = (string)reader["SocialDenomination"]
                                NumberOfLinks = (int)reader["NumberOfLinks"]
                                Amount = (decimal)reader["Amount"]


                //result = con.Query<QueryResult>(query);

            //retour.BundlingItems.AddRange(result.Select(x => x.Company).Distinct().Select(x => new EdgeBundlingItem { Name = x, Imports = new List<string>() }));
            //retour.BundlingItems.AddRange(result.Select(x => x.Beneficiary).Distinct().Select(x => new EdgeBundlingItem { Name = x, Imports = new List<string>() }));

            foreach (var grp in result.GroupBy(x => new { company = x.Company, designation = x.Designation }))
                retour.ForceDirectedData.ForceDirectedNodes.Add(new ForceDirectedNodeItem {
                    Id =, Name = grp.Key.designation, Amount = grp.Sum(s => s.Amount), Group = "1"

            foreach (var grp in result.GroupBy(x => new { benef = x.Beneficiary, denomination = x.SocialDenomination }))
                retour.ForceDirectedData.ForceDirectedNodes.Add(new ForceDirectedNodeItem {
                    Id = grp.Key.benef, Name = grp.Key.denomination, Amount = grp.Sum(s => s.Amount), Group = "2"

            retour.ForceDirectedData.ForceDirectedLinks.AddRange(result.Select(a => new ForceDirectedLinkItem
                Source  = a.Company,
                Target  = a.Beneficiary,
                NbLinks = Convert.ToInt32(a.NumberOfLinks),
                Amount  = Convert.ToInt32(a.Amount),
                Size    = 1

Esempio n. 8
        void WriteDataSetHeader(int index, GraphDataSet set)
            string indexString = "s" + index.ToString();
            string colorString = ColorIndex(set.Color).ToString();

            int symbol = 0;

            if (set.DrawPoints)
                switch (set.PointType)
                    case GraphDataSet.SymbolType.Square: symbol = 2; break;
                    case GraphDataSet.SymbolType.Circle: symbol = 1; break;
                    case GraphDataSet.SymbolType.Point: symbol = 3; break;

            int lineType = 0;

            if (set.DrawLine)
                switch (set.LineStyle)
                    case GraphDataSet.LineType.Solid: lineType = 1; break;
                    case GraphDataSet.LineType.Dashed: lineType = 2; break;
                    case GraphDataSet.LineType.Dotted: lineType = 3; break;

            string header =
                    "@    " + indexString + " hidden false\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " type xy\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol " + symbol + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol size 1.000000\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol color " + colorString + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol pattern 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol fill color 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol fill pattern 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol linewidth " + set.LineWeight + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol linestyle 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol char 65\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol char font 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " symbol skip 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " line type " + lineType + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " line linestyle 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " line linewidth " + set.LineWeight + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " line color " + colorString + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " line pattern 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " baseline type 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " baseline off\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " dropline off\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " fill type 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " fill rule 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " fill color " + colorString + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " fill pattern 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue off\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue type 2\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue char size 1.000000\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue font 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue color " + colorString + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue rot 0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue format general\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue prec 3\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue prepend \"\"\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue append \"\"\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar on\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar place both\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar color " + colorString + "\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar pattern 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar size 1.000000\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar linewidth 1.0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar linestyle 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar riser linewidth 1.0\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar riser linestyle 1\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar riser clip off\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " errorbar riser clip length 0.100000\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " comment \"\"\n" +
                    "@    " + indexString + " legend  \"\"\n"

Esempio n. 9
        void WriteDataSet(int index, GraphDataSet set)
            string indexString = "S" + index.ToString();

            mFile.Write("@target G0.{0}\n@type xy\n", indexString);

            for (int i = 0; i < set.Count; i++)
                if (float.IsNaN(set[i].X) || float.IsNaN(set[i].Y))
                if (float.IsInfinity(set[i].X) || float.IsInfinity(set[i].Y))

                mFile.Write("{0} {1}\n", set[i].X, set[i].Y);
