Esempio n. 1
        private readonly Dictionary <String, IUsageDataCollector> _usagedatacollectors; // Usage Data Collector


        #region Constructor

        /// <summary>
        /// The GraphDS server constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myGraphDB">The graph db instance.</param>
        /// <param name="myIPAddress">the IP adress this GraphDS Server should bind itself to</param>
        /// <param name="myPort">the port this GraphDS Server should listen on</param>
        /// <param name="PluginDefinitions">the plugins that shall be loaded and their according parameters</param>
        public GraphDS_Server(IGraphDB myGraphDB, GraphDSPlugins Plugins = null)
            _iGraphDB            = myGraphDB;
            _pluginManager       = new GraphDSPluginManager();
            _ID                  = new Guid();
            _QueryLanguages      = new Dictionary <string, IGraphQL>();
            _DrainPipes          = new Dictionary <string, IDrainPipe>();
            _graphDSServices     = new Dictionary <String, IService>();
            _usagedatacollectors = new Dictionary <string, IUsageDataCollector>();
            _plugins             = Plugins;

            #region Load Configured Plugins

            if (_plugins == null)
                #region set the defaults
                // which are:
                //  GQL with GraphDB Parameter
                #region GQL
                List <PluginDefinition>     QueryLanguages = new List <PluginDefinition>();
                Dictionary <string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", myGraphDB);

                QueryLanguages.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));

                _plugins = new GraphDSPlugins(QueryLanguages, null);

            // now at least the default plugins or a user setup is stored in the _plugins structure
            // iterate through and instantiate if found
            #region IGraphQL Plugins
            if (_plugins.IGraphQLPlugins != null)
                // we got QL
                foreach (PluginDefinition _pd in _plugins.IGraphQLPlugins)
                    // load!
                    IGraphQL loaded = LoadIGraphQLPlugins(_pd);

                    // add!
                    if (loaded != null)
                        _QueryLanguages.Add(_pd.NameOfPlugin, loaded);
                    //                    else
                    //                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Could not load plugin " + _pd.NameOfPlugin);

            #region IDrainPipe Plugins
            if (_plugins.IDrainPipePlugins != null)
                // we got IDrainPipePlugins
                foreach (PluginDefinition _pd in _plugins.IDrainPipePlugins)
                    // load!
                    IDrainPipe loaded = LoadIDrainPipes(_pd);
                    // add!
                    if (loaded != null)
                        _DrainPipes.Add(_pd.NameOfPlugin, loaded);
                    //                    else
                    //                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Could not load plugin " + _pd.NameOfPlugin);

            #region IUsageDataCollector Plugins
            if (_plugins.IUsageDataCollectorPlugIns != null)
                // we got IUsageDataCollector
                foreach (PluginDefinition _pd in _plugins.IUsageDataCollectorPlugIns)
                    // load!
                    IUsageDataCollector loaded = LoadIUsageDataCollector(_pd);
                    // add!
                    if (loaded != null)
                        _usagedatacollectors.Add(_pd.NameOfPlugin, loaded);

Esempio n. 2
        public sonesGraphDBStartup(String[] myArgs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseCulture);

            if (myArgs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (String parameter in myArgs)
                    if (parameter.ToUpper() == "--Q")
                        quiet = true;
            #region Start REST, WebDAV and WebAdmin services, send GraphDS notification

            IGraphDB GraphDB;

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.UsePersistence)
                if (!quiet)
                    Console.WriteLine("Initializing persistence layer...");

                Uri    configuredLocation            = new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.PersistenceLocation, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                string configuredPageSize            = Properties.Settings.Default.PageSize;
                string configuredBufferSize          = Properties.Settings.Default.BufferSizeInPages;
                string configuredUseVertexExtensions = Properties.Settings.Default.UseVertexExtensions;
                string configuredWriteStrategy       = Properties.Settings.Default.WriteStrategy;
                /* Configure the location */

                Uri location = null;

                if (configuredLocation.IsAbsoluteUri)
                    location = configuredLocation;
                    Uri rootPath = new Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly((typeof(sones.Library.Commons.VertexStore.IVertexStore))).Location);
                    location = new Uri(rootPath, configuredLocation);

                /* Configuration for the page size */
                int pageSize = Int32.Parse(configuredPageSize);

                /* Configuration for the buffer size */
                int bufferSize = Int32.Parse(configuredBufferSize);

                /* Configuration for using vertex extensions */
                bool useVertexExtensions = Boolean.Parse(configuredUseVertexExtensions);

                /* Make a new instance by applying the configuration */
                    //Make a new GraphDB instance
                    GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB(new GraphDBPlugins(
                                                   new PluginDefinition("sones.pagedfsnonrevisionedplugin", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "location", location },
                        { "pageSize", pageSize },
                        { "bufferSizePages", bufferSize },
                        { "writeStrategy", configuredWriteStrategy },
                        { "useVertexExtensions", useVertexExtensions }
                    })), true, null, location.AbsolutePath);

                    if (!quiet)
                        Console.WriteLine("Persistence layer initialized.");
                catch (Exception a)
                    if (!quiet)

                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not access the data directory " + location.AbsoluteUri + ". Please make sure you that you have the right file access permissions!");
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Using in memory storage instead.");
                    GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB(null, true, new CultureInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseCulture));
                GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB(null, true, new CultureInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseCulture));

            #region Configure PlugIns
            // Plugins are loaded by the GraphDS with their according PluginDefinition and only if they are listed
            // below - there is no auto-discovery for plugin types in GraphDS (!)

            #region Query Languages
            // the GQL Query Language Plugin needs the GraphDB instance as a parameter
            List <PluginDefinition>     QueryLanguages = new List <PluginDefinition>();
            Dictionary <string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", GraphDB);

            QueryLanguages.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));

            #region REST Service Plugins
            List <PluginDefinition> SonesRESTServices = new List <PluginDefinition>();
            // not yet used

            #region GraphDS Service Plugins
            List <PluginDefinition> GraphDSServices = new List <PluginDefinition>();

            #region Drain Pipes

            //// QueryLog DrainPipe
            //Dictionary<string, object> QueryLog_Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //QueryLog_Parameters.Add("AsynchronousMode", true);  // do the work in a separate thread to not slow down queries
            //QueryLog_Parameters.Add("MaximumAsyncBufferSize", (Int32)1024 * 1024 * 10); // 10 Mbytes of maximum async queue size
            //QueryLog_Parameters.Add("AppendLogPathAndName", "sones.drainpipelog");
            //QueryLog_Parameters.Add("CreateNew", false); // always create a new file on start-up
            //QueryLog_Parameters.Add("FlushOnWrite", true);  // always flush on each write

            //// the DrainPipe Log expects several parameters
            //Dictionary<string, object> DrainPipeLog_Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //DrainPipeLog_Parameters.Add("AsynchronousMode", true);  // do the work in a separate thread to not slow down queries
            //DrainPipeLog_Parameters.Add("MaximumAsyncBufferSize", (Int32)1024 * 1024 * 10); // 10 Mbytes of maximum async queue size
            //DrainPipeLog_Parameters.Add("AppendLogPathAndName", "sones.drainpipelog");
            //DrainPipeLog_Parameters.Add("CreateNew", false); // always create a new file on start-up
            //DrainPipeLog_Parameters.Add("FlushOnWrite", true);  // always flush on each write

            //Dictionary<string, object> DrainPipeLog2_Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //DrainPipeLog2_Parameters.Add("AsynchronousMode", true);  // do the work in a separate thread to not slow down queries
            //DrainPipeLog2_Parameters.Add("MaximumAsyncBufferSize", (Int32)1024 * 1024 * 10); // 10 Mbytes of maximum async queue size
            //DrainPipeLog2_Parameters.Add("AppendLogPathAndName", "sones.drainpipelog2");
            //DrainPipeLog2_Parameters.Add("CreateNew", false); // always create a new file on start-up
            //DrainPipeLog2_Parameters.Add("FlushOnWrite", true);  // always flush on each write

            List <PluginDefinition> DrainPipes = new List <PluginDefinition>();
            //DrainPipes.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.querylog", QueryLog_Parameters));
            //DrainPipes.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.drainpipelog", DrainPipeLog_Parameters));
            //DrainPipes.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.drainpipelog", DrainPipeLog2_Parameters));
            List <PluginDefinition> UsageDataCollector = new List <PluginDefinition>();

            #region UsageDataCollector
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.UDCEnabled)
                Dictionary <string, object> UDC_parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                UDC_parameters.Add("UDCWaitUpfrontTime", (Int32)Properties.Settings.Default.UDCWaitUpfront);                          // do the work in a separate thread to not slow down queries
                UDC_parameters.Add("UDCUpdateInterval", (Int32)Properties.Settings.Default.UDCUpdateInterval);                        // 10
                UsageDataCollector.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.GraphDS.UsageDataCollectorClient", UDC_parameters));


            GraphDSPlugins PluginsAndParameters = new GraphDSPlugins(QueryLanguages, DrainPipes, UsageDataCollector);
            _dsServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, PluginsAndParameters);

            #region Start GraphDS Services

            #region pre-configure REST Service
            Dictionary <string, object> RestParameter = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            RestParameter.Add("IPAddress", IPAddress.Any);
            RestParameter.Add("Port", Properties.Settings.Default.ListeningPort);
            RestParameter.Add("Username", Properties.Settings.Default.Username);
            RestParameter.Add("Password", Properties.Settings.Default.Password);
            _dsServer.StartService("sones.RESTService", RestParameter);

            #region Remote API Service

            Dictionary <string, object> RemoteAPIParameter = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            RemoteAPIParameter.Add("IPAddress", IPAddress.Any);
            RemoteAPIParameter.Add("Port", (ushort)9970);
            //RemoteAPIParameter.Add("IsSecure", true);

            _dsServer.StartService("sones.RemoteAPIService", RemoteAPIParameter);


            _dsServer.LogOn(new UserPasswordCredentials(Properties.Settings.Default.Username, Properties.Settings.Default.Password));


            #region Some helping lines...
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("This GraphDB Instance offers the following options:");
                Console.WriteLine("   * If you want to suppress console output add --Q as a");
                Console.WriteLine("     parameter.");
                Console.WriteLine("   * the following GraphDS Service Plugins are initialized and started: ");

                foreach (var Service in _dsServer.AvailableServices)
                    Console.WriteLine("      * " + Service.PluginName);

                foreach (var Service in _dsServer.AvailableServices)

                Console.WriteLine("Enter 'shutdown' to initiate the shutdown of this instance.");

            Console.CancelKeyPress += OnCancelKeyPress;

            while (!shutdown)
                String command = Console.ReadLine();

                if (!_ctrlCPressed)
                    if (command != null)
                        if (command.ToUpper() == "SHUTDOWN")
                            shutdown = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down GraphDS Server");
            Console.WriteLine("Shutdown complete");
Esempio n. 3
        public TagExampleWithGraphMappingFramework(String[] myArgs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us");

            if (myArgs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (String parameter in myArgs)
                    if (parameter.ToUpper() == "--Q")
                        quiet = true;

            #region Start RemoteAPI, WebDAV and WebAdmin services, send GraphDS notification

            IGraphDB GraphDB;

            GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB(null, true, new CultureInfo("en-us"));

            #region Configure PlugIns
            // Plugins are loaded by the GraphDS with their according PluginDefinition and only if they are listed
            // below - there is no auto-discovery for plugin types in GraphDS (!)

            #region Query Languages
            // the GQL Query Language Plugin needs the GraphDB instance as a parameter
            List <PluginDefinition>     QueryLanguages = new List <PluginDefinition>();
            Dictionary <string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", GraphDB);

            QueryLanguages.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));

            #region GraphDS Service Plugins
            List <PluginDefinition> GraphDSServices = new List <PluginDefinition>();

            List <PluginDefinition> UsageDataCollector = new List <PluginDefinition>();


            GraphDSPlugins PluginsAndParameters = new GraphDSPlugins(QueryLanguages);
            _dsServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, PluginsAndParameters);

            #region Start GraphDS Services

            #region Remote API Service
            Dictionary <string, object> RemoteAPIParameter = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            RemoteAPIParameter.Add("IPAddress", IPAddress.Parse(""));
            RemoteAPIParameter.Add("Port", (ushort)9970);
            RemoteAPIParameter.Add("IsSecure", false);
            _dsServer.StartService("sones.RemoteAPIService", RemoteAPIParameter);




            #region Some helping lines...
            if (!quiet)
                Console.WriteLine("This GraphDB Instance offers the following options:");
                Console.WriteLine("   * If you want to suppress console output add --Q as a");
                Console.WriteLine("     parameter.");
                Console.WriteLine("   * the following GraphDS Service Plugins are initialized and started: ");

                foreach (var Service in _dsServer.AvailableServices)
                    Console.WriteLine("      * " + Service.PluginName);

                foreach (var Service in _dsServer.AvailableServices)

                Console.WriteLine("Enter 'shutdown' to initiate the shutdown of this instance.");


            Console.CancelKeyPress += OnCancelKeyPress;

            while (!shutdown)
                String command = Console.ReadLine();

                if (!_ctrlCPressed)
                    if (command != null)
                        if (command.ToUpper() == "SHUTDOWN")
                            shutdown = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down GraphDS Server");
            Console.WriteLine("Shutdown complete");