public void CheckForUpdates(string orgName, bool useBulk) { string downloadsFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory), DOWNLOADS); if (!Directory.Exists(downloadsFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadsFolder); } int totalErrors; int totalProcessed = totalErrors = 0; log.InfoFormat("Check for updates at {0}", EXPORTER_CATALOG); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(EXPORTER_CATALOG))) { ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.Load(ms); List <string> links = (from link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]") select link.Attributes["href"] into href where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(href.Value) && href.Value.Contains("_PRJ_X_") orderby href.Value select "" + href.Value).ToList(); bool addToProcessed = false; foreach (string link in links) { Uri uri = new Uri(link); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath); if (!FileProcessed(fileName)) { log.InfoFormat("Downloading file {0}", fileName); WebClient d = new WebClient(); byte[] compessed = d.DownloadData(uri); // byte[] compessed = File.ReadAllBytes(@"F:\Downloads\"); log.InfoFormat("File '{0}' downloaded to {1} folder.", fileName, downloadsFolder); string zipPath = Path.Combine(downloadsFolder, fileName); File.WriteAllBytes(zipPath, compessed); ZipFile file = new ZipFile(zipPath); foreach (ZipEntry zipEntry in file) { string fName = zipEntry.FileName; zipEntry.Extract(downloadsFolder, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); log.InfoFormat("Unpacked '{0}' to {1}.", fileName, fName); try { if (useBulk) { BulkImporter importer = new BulkImporter(); importer.ImportData(Path.Combine(downloadsFolder, fName), orgName); log.InfoFormat("{0} Records imported. {1} Errors", importer.TotalRecords, importer.ErrorsCount); totalProcessed = totalProcessed + importer.TotalRecords; totalErrors = totalErrors + importer.ErrorsCount; addToProcessed = true; } else { GrantImporter gi = new GrantImporter(); gi.ImportData(Path.Combine(downloadsFolder, fName), orgName, null); log.InfoFormat("{0} Records imported. {1} Errors", gi.TotalRecords, gi.ErrorsCount); totalProcessed = totalProcessed + gi.TotalRecords; totalErrors = totalErrors + gi.ErrorsCount; addToProcessed = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug("Error running bulk insert.", ex); } finally { //add or not to add? if (addToProcessed) { AddFileToProcessed(fileName); } } } } } log.InfoFormat("End of import."); log.InfoFormat("Total: {0} Records imported with {1} Errors", totalProcessed, totalErrors); } }
private static void ExecTasks(Options options) { string fileName = null; if (!options.CheckForUpdates && !options.Validate && !options.CheckForUpdatesNoBulk) { if (options.FileName == null || options.FileName.Count == 0) { Options.ShowUsage(); return; } fileName = options.FileName[0]; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { Options.ShowUsage(); log.InfoFormat("File {0} does not exists.", fileName); Environment.ExitCode = 1; return; } } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); if (options.UseBCP) { BCPImporter bi = new BCPImporter(); bi.Import(fileName); } else if (options.UseBULK) { BulkImporter bi = new BulkImporter(); bi.ImportData(fileName, options.OrgName, null); log.InfoFormat("{0} Records imported. {1} Errors", bi.TotalProcessed, bi.ErrorsCount); } else if (options.CheckForUpdates) { WebDownloader d = new WebDownloader(); d.CheckForUpdates(options.OrgName, true); } else if (options.CheckForUpdatesNoBulk) { WebDownloader d = new WebDownloader(); d.CheckForUpdates(options.OrgName, false); } else if (!options.Validate) { GrantImporter gi = new GrantImporter(); gi.ImportData(fileName, options.OrgName, null); log.InfoFormat("{0} Records imported. {1} Errors", gi.TotalRecords, gi.ErrorsCount); } if (options.Validate) { GrantOnlineValidator validator = new GrantOnlineValidator(); validator.ValidateGrants(); log.InfoFormat("Total {0} Record(s) validated. {1} invalid grant(s)", validator.TotalProcessed, validator.InvalidGrants); if (validator.ErrorsCount > 0) { log.InfoFormat("Total {0} Errors(s)", validator.ErrorsCount); } } sw.Stop(); log.InfoFormat("Total time: {0:0.#} seconds.", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); log.Info("Done."); Environment.ExitCode = 0; }