Esempio n. 1
        static IActivityMonitor CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput(string topic, GrandOutput go)
            var m = new ActivityMonitor(topic);

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task external_logs_stress_test_Async()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("ExternalLogsStressTest");

            var textConf = new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = "ExternalLogsStressTest"
            var config    = new GrandOutputConfiguration().AddHandler(textConf);
            int taskCount = 20;
            int logCount  = 10;

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, taskCount).Select(c => Task.Run(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < logCount; ++i)
                        g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Info, message: $"{c} n°{i}.");
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            string textLogged = File.ReadAllText(Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder).Single());

            for (int c = 0; c < taskCount; ++c)
                for (int i = 0; i < logCount; ++i)
                    .Contain($"{c} n°{i}.");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task request_monitor_handles_exceptions_but_does_not_swallow_them_by_default(bool swallow)
            var text   = new TextGrandOutputHandlerConfiguration();
            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

            int rootExceptionCount = 0;

                var b = Tester.WebHostBuilderFactory.Create(null, null,
                                                            services =>
                    services.AddSingleton <StupidService>();
                                                            app =>
                    app.Use(async(context, next) =>
                            await next.Invoke();
                            context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError;
                    app.UseRequestMonitor(o => { o.SwallowErrors = swallow; });
                    app.UseMiddleware <StupidMiddleware>();
                using (var client = new TestServerClient(new TestServer(b)))
                    using (HttpResponseMessage bug = await client.Get("?bug"))
                    using (HttpResponseMessage asyncBug = await client.Get("?asyncBug"))
            if (swallow)
                Assert.That(rootExceptionCount, Is.EqualTo(0));
                Assert.That(rootExceptionCount, Is.EqualTo(2));
Esempio n. 4
        public void dumping_text_file()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("TextFile");
            Random r      = new Random();
            GrandOutputConfiguration config = new GrandOutputConfiguration()
                                              .AddHandler(new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = "TextFile"

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                DumpSampleLogs1(r, g);
                DumpSampleLogs2(r, g);
            FileInfo f    = new DirectoryInfo(LogFile.RootLogPath + "TextFile").EnumerateFiles().Single();
            string   text = File.ReadAllText(f.FullName);

            text.Should().Contain("First Activity...");
            text.Should().Contain("End of first activity.");
            text.Should().Contain("another one");
            text.Should().Contain("Something must be said");
            text.Should().Contain("My very first conclusion.");
            text.Should().Contain("My second conclusion.");
            string lineWithSecondConclusion = text.Split("\n").Single(s => s.Contains("My second conclusion."));

            .Replace("My second conclusion.", "")
            .Replace(" ", "")
            .Replace("|", "")
            .Replace("\n", "")
            .Replace("\r", "")
Esempio n. 5
 public RunContext( RunContextParam parameters )
     GrandOutput = CreateGrandOutputWithFakeHandler( parameters.HandlerExtraLoad, parameters.UseLocalTestStrategy, parameters.DispatcherMaxCapacity );
     LoopCount = parameters.LoopCount;
     Barrier = new Barrier( parameters.PoolThreadCount + parameters.NewThreadCount + 1 );
     _newThreadCount = parameters.NewThreadCount;
        public void ApplyConfigSimple()
            GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

<GrandOutputConfiguration AppDomainDefaultFilter=""Release"" >
    <Channel MinimalFilter=""{Trace,Info}"">
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""GlobalCatch"" Path=""Configuration/ApplyConfig"" />
</GrandOutputConfiguration>").Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor));

            Assert.That(c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            ActivityMonitor m = new ActivityMonitor(false);

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput())
                m.Info().Send("Before Registering - NOSHOW");
                m.Info().Send("Before configuration - NOSHOW");
                Assert.That(g.SetConfiguration(c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor));
                m.Info().Send("After configuration. INFO1");

                Assert.That(m.ActualFilter, Is.EqualTo(new LogFilter(LogLevelFilter.Trace, LogLevelFilter.Info)));
                m.Trace().Send("TRACE1-NOSHOW (MinimalFilter of the Channel).");

                Assert.That(g.SetConfiguration(new GrandOutputConfiguration(), TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor));

                m.Info().Send("After disposing - NOSHOW.");

                Assert.That(m.ActualFilter, Is.EqualTo(LogFilter.Undefined));
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task GrandOutput_configuration_with_a_text_log_from_Json()
            var config = CreateDynamicJsonConfigurationSource("GrandOutput_configuration_from_Json", out string logPath);

            using (var g = new GrandOutput(new GrandOutputConfiguration()))
                Action <IActivityMonitor> autoRegisterer = m => g.EnsureGrandOutputClient(m);
                ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration += autoRegisterer;
                    using (var client = CreateServerWithUseMonitoring(config, g))
                        (await client.Get("?sayHello")).Dispose();
                    ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration -= autoRegisterer;

            var log = Directory.EnumerateFiles(logPath).Single();

Esempio n. 8
            static GrandOutput CreateGrandOutputWithFakeHandler(int handlerExtralLoad, bool useAdaptive, int dispatcherMaxCapacity)
                IActivityMonitor mLoad = new ActivityMonitor(false);

                GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                var textConfig             = @"<GrandOutputConfiguration><Channel><Add Type=""FakeHandler, CK.Monitoring.Tests"" Name=""GlobalCatch"" ExtraLoad="""
                                             + handlerExtralLoad.ToString()
                                             + @""" /></Channel></GrandOutputConfiguration>";

                Assert.That(c.Load(XDocument.Parse(textConfig).Root, mLoad));
                Assert.That(c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

                IGrandOutputDispatcherStrategy strat;

                if (useAdaptive)
                    strat = new Impl.EventDispatcherLocalTestStrategy(dispatcherMaxCapacity);
                    strat = new Impl.EventDispatcherBasicStrategy(dispatcherMaxCapacity);
                GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(strat);

                g.SetConfiguration(c, mLoad);
Esempio n. 9
 public RunContext(RunContextParam parameters)
     GrandOutput     = CreateGrandOutputWithFakeHandler(parameters.HandlerExtraLoad, parameters.UseLocalTestStrategy, parameters.DispatcherMaxCapacity);
     LoopCount       = parameters.LoopCount;
     Barrier         = new Barrier(parameters.PoolThreadCount + parameters.NewThreadCount + 1);
     _newThreadCount = parameters.NewThreadCount;
Esempio n. 10
        private static void SetupActivityMonitor()
            System.Console.OutputEncoding      = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
            ActivityMonitor.DefaultFilter      = LogFilter.Debug;
            ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration += monitor => monitor.Output.RegisterClient(new ActivityMonitorConsoleClient());
            LogFile.RootLogPath = GetLogDirectory();
            var grandOutputConfig = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

            grandOutputConfig.AddHandler(new TextFileConfiguration
                MaxCountPerFile = 10000,
                Path            = "Text",
            grandOutputConfig.AddHandler(new TcpHandlerConfiguration
                Host     = "",
                Port     = 33698,
                IsSecure = false,
                AppName  = typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Name,
                PresentEnvironmentVariables          = true,
                PresentMonitoringAssemblyInformation = true,
                HandleSystemActivityMonitorErrors    = true,
        public void BinaryGzip_reconfiguration()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder(nameof(BinaryGzip_reconfiguration));
            var    h      = new Handlers.BinaryFileConfiguration()
                Path = folder + @"\FirstPath",
                UseGzipCompression = false
            var c = new GrandOutputConfiguration().AddHandler(h);

            var m = new ActivityMonitor(applyAutoConfigurations: false);

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(c))

                m.Trace("No Compression.");
                // We must ensure that the log above will use the current configuration.
                // This is by design and is a good thing: there is no causality/ordering between log emission and sink reconfigurations.

                h.UseGzipCompression = true;
                g.ApplyConfiguration(c, true);
                m.Trace("With Compression.");

                h.Path = folder + @"\SecondPath";
                g.ApplyConfiguration(c, true);
                m.Trace("With Compression (in second folder).");

                h.UseGzipCompression = false;
                g.ApplyConfiguration(c, true);
                m.Trace("No Compression (in second folder).");
            // First file is NOT compressed, the second one is.
            var fileNamesFirst = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder + @"\FirstPath").ToList();

            fileNamesFirst.Should().BeInAscendingOrder().And.HaveCount(2).And.NotContain(s => s.EndsWith(".tmp"), "Temporary files have been closed.");
            File.ReadAllText(fileNamesFirst[0]).Should().Contain("No Compression.");
            File.ReadAllText(fileNamesFirst[1]).Should().NotContain("With Compression.", "Cannot read it in clear text since it is compressed...");
            using (var reader = LogReader.Open(fileNamesFirst[1]))
                reader.Current.Text.Should().Be("With Compression.");
            // First file is compressed, not the second one.
            var fileNamesSecond = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder + @"\SecondPath").ToList();

            fileNamesSecond.Should().BeInAscendingOrder().And.HaveCount(2).And.NotContain(s => s.EndsWith(".tmp"), "Temporary files have been closed.");
            File.ReadAllText(fileNamesSecond[0]).Should().NotContain("With Compression (in second folder).", "The fist file is compressed...");
            // We restrict the log entries to the one of our monitor: this filters out the logs from the DispatcherSink.
            using (var reader = LogReader.Open(fileNamesSecond[0], filter: new LogReader.MulticastFilter(m)))
                reader.Current.Text.Should().Be("With Compression (in second folder).");
            File.ReadAllText(fileNamesSecond[1]).Should().Contain("No Compression (in second folder).");
Esempio n. 12
 public void applying_empty_configuration_and_disposing()
     GrandOutput.EnsureActiveDefault(new GrandOutputConfiguration());
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task GrandOutput_dynamic_configuration_with_a_handler_using_the_configurationtype_property()
            const string c1 = @"{ ""Monitoring"": {
                                    ""GrandOutput"": {
                                        ""Handlers"": {
                                            ""Handler1"": {
                                                ""ConfigurationType"": ""TextFile"",
                                                ""Path"": ""configurationtype_prop_test_1""
                                            ""TextFile"": {
                                                ""ConfigurationType"": ""NonexistingTypeUsesKeyInstead!"",
                                                ""Path"": ""configurationtype_prop_test_2""

            var config = new DynamicJsonConfigurationSource(c1);

            string logPath1 = Path.Combine(LogFile.RootLogPath, "configurationtype_prop_test_1");
            string logPath2 = Path.Combine(LogFile.RootLogPath, "configurationtype_prop_test_2");

            if (Directory.Exists(logPath1))
                Directory.Delete(logPath1, true);
            if (Directory.Exists(logPath2))
                Directory.Delete(logPath2, true);

            using (var g = new GrandOutput(new GrandOutputConfiguration()))
                Action <IActivityMonitor> autoRegisterer = m => g.EnsureGrandOutputClient(m);
                ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration += autoRegisterer;

                    using (var client = CreateServerWithUseMonitoring(config, g))
                        (await client.Get("?sayHello&configurationtype_prop_test")).Dispose();
                    ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration -= autoRegisterer;

            var log1 = Directory.EnumerateFiles(logPath1).Single();


            var log2 = Directory.EnumerateFiles(logPath2).Single();

Esempio n. 14
        public void FilteringBySource()
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder(SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "FilteringBySource");

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput())
                GrandOutputConfiguration config = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
    <Channel MinimalFilter=""Debug"">
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All"" Path=""FilteringBySource"" />
        <Channel Name=""HiddenTopic"" MinimalFilter=""Off"" TopicRegex=""(hidden\s+topic|hide\s+this\s+topic)"" MatchOptions=""CultureInvariant, ExplicitCapture, Compiled, Multiline"" />
        <Add File=""SourceFile-Debug.cs"" Filter=""Debug"" />
        <Add File=""SourceFile-Off.cs"" Filter=""Off"" />
        <Add File=""SourceFile-Strange.cs"" Filter=""{Trace,Fatal}"" />
</GrandOutputConfiguration>", LoadOptions.SetLineInfo).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor);

                Assert.That(g.SetConfiguration(config, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor));

                var m = new ActivityMonitor(false);

                m.Fatal(fileName: "SourceFile-Off.cs").Send("NOSHOW");
                m.SetTopic("This is a hidden topic...");
                m.Trace(0, "SourceFile-Debug.cs").Send("Trace-1");
                m.SetTopic("Please, hide this topic!");
                m.Trace(fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs").Send("NOSHOW");
                using (m.OpenTrace(fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs").Send("Trace-2"))
                    m.Trace(fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs").Send("NOSHOW");
                    m.Fatal(fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs").Send("Fatal-1");
                    m.Fatal(fileName: "SourceFile-Off.cs").Send("NOSHOW");
                m.Trace(fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs").Send("NOSHOW");
                m.Fatal(fileName: "SourceFile-Off.cs").Send("NOSHOW");
            List <StupidStringClient> logs = TestHelper.ReadAllLogs(new DirectoryInfo(SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "FilteringBySource"), false);

            Assert.That(logs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(logs[0].ToString(), Does.Not.Contain("NOSHOW"));
            var texts = logs[0].Entries.Select(e => e.Text).ToArray();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new string[] {
            }, texts, StringComparer.Ordinal);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize from IConfigurationSection instead of configurationPath.
        /// </summary>
        static IWebHostBuilder DoUseMonitoring(IWebHostBuilder builder, GrandOutput grandOutput, IConfigurationSection configuration)
            var initializer = new GrandOutputConfigurationInitializer(grandOutput);

            builder.ConfigureLogging((ctx, loggingBuilder) =>
                initializer.Initialize(ctx.HostingEnvironment, loggingBuilder, configuration);
            return(AddPostInstanciationStartupFilter(builder, initializer));
Esempio n. 16
 public GrandOutputConfigurationInitializer(GrandOutput target)
     if (target == null)
         _isDefaultGrandOutput = true;
         target = GrandOutput.EnsureActiveDefault(new GrandOutputConfiguration());
     _target         = target;
     _loggerProvider = new AspNetLoggerProvider(_target);
Esempio n. 17
        private static void DuplicateTestWith6Entries(int nbEntries1, int nbEntries2, bool gzip = false)
            var folder = String.Format("{0}\\ReadDuplicates", TestHelper.TestFolder);

            string config = String.Format(@"
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-1"" MaxCountPerFile=""{1}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-2"" MaxCountPerFile=""{2}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
", folder, nbEntries1, nbEntries2, gzip);

            using (var o = new GrandOutput())
                GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                Assert.That(c.Load(XDocument.Parse(config).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor), Is.True);
                Assert.That(o.SetConfiguration(c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor), Is.True);

                var m = new ActivityMonitor();
                var direct = m.Output.RegisterClient(new CKMonWriterClient(folder, Math.Min(nbEntries1, nbEntries2), LogFilter.Debug, gzip));
                // 6 traces that go to the GrandOutput but also to the direct CKMonWriterClient.
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 1");
                m.OpenTrace().Send("OpenTrace 1");
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 1.1");
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 1.2");
                m.Trace().Send("Trace 2");
            var files = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(folder, 3);

            for (int pageReadLength = 1; pageReadLength < 10; ++pageReadLength)
                MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
                var map = reader.GetActivityMap();
                Assert.That(map.ValidFiles.All(rawFile => rawFile.IsValidFile), Is.True, "All files are correctly closed with the final 0 byte and no exception occurred while reading them.");

                var readMonitor = map.Monitors.Single();

                List <ParentedLogEntry> allEntries = new List <ParentedLogEntry>();
                using (var pageReader = readMonitor.ReadFirstPage(pageReadLength))
                    }while(pageReader.ForwardPage() > 0);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "Trace 1", "OpenTrace 1", "Trace 1.1", "Trace 1.2", null, "Trace 2" }, allEntries.Select(e => e.Entry.Text).ToArray(), StringComparer.Ordinal);
Esempio n. 18
        private static void DuplicateTestWith6Entries(int nbEntries1, int nbEntries2, bool gzip = false)
            var folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("ReadDuplicates");

            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration()
                         .AddHandler(new Handlers.BinaryFileConfiguration()
                Path               = folder,
                MaxCountPerFile    = nbEntries1,
                UseGzipCompression = gzip
                         .AddHandler(new Handlers.BinaryFileConfiguration()
                Path               = folder,
                MaxCountPerFile    = nbEntries2,
                UseGzipCompression = gzip

            using (var o = new GrandOutput(config))
                var m = new ActivityMonitor();
                var direct = m.Output.RegisterClient(new CKMonWriterClient(folder, Math.Min(nbEntries1, nbEntries2), LogFilter.Debug, gzip));
                // 6 traces that go to the GrandOutput but also to the direct CKMonWriterClient.
                m.Trace("Trace 1");
                m.OpenTrace("OpenTrace 1");
                m.Trace("Trace 1.1");
                m.Trace("Trace 1.2");
                m.Trace("Trace 2");
            var files = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(folder, 3);

            for (int pageReadLength = 1; pageReadLength < 10; ++pageReadLength)
                using MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
                var map = reader.GetActivityMap();
                map.ValidFiles.All(rawFile => rawFile.IsValidFile).Should().BeTrue("All files are correctly closed with the final 0 byte and no exception occurred while reading them.");

                var allEntries1 = map.Monitors[0].ReadAllEntries().ToList();
                var allEntries2 = map.Monitors[1].ReadAllEntries().ToList();

                var allEntries = allEntries1.Any(e => e.Entry.Text == "Topic: CK.Monitoring.DispatcherSink")
                                    ? allEntries2
                                    : allEntries1;

                allEntries.Select(e => e.Entry.Text)
                .SequenceEqual(new[] { "Trace 1", "OpenTrace 1", "Trace 1.1", "Trace 1.2", null, "Trace 2" })
Esempio n. 19
        public void external_logs_filtering()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("ExternalLogsFiltering");

            var textConf = new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = "ExternalLogsFiltering"
            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration().AddHandler(textConf);

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Debug, message: "NOSHOW");
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Trace, message: "SHOW 0");
                g.ExternalLogLevelFilter = LogLevelFilter.Debug;
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Debug, message: "SHOW 1");
                g.ExternalLogLevelFilter = LogLevelFilter.Error;
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Warn, message: "NOSHOW");
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Error, message: "SHOW 2");
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Fatal, message: "SHOW 3");
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Trace | LogLevel.IsFiltered, message: "SHOW 4");
                g.ExternalLogLevelFilter = LogLevelFilter.None;
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Debug, message: "NOSHOW");
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Trace, message: "SHOW 4");


                ActivityMonitor.Tags.AddFilter(_myTag, new LogClamper(LogFilter.Verbose, true));

                // Verbose allows Info, not Trace lines.
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Info, _myTag, message: "SHOW 5");
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Trace, _myTag, message: "NOSHOW");

                g.IsExternalLogEnabled(LogLevel.Info, _myTag).Should().BeTrue();
                g.IsExternalLogEnabled(LogLevel.Trace, _myTag).Should().BeFalse();


                g.IsExternalLogEnabled(LogLevel.Trace, _myTag).Should().BeTrue();
                g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Trace, _myTag, message: "SHOW 6");
            string textLogged = File.ReadAllText(Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder).Single());

            .Contain("SHOW 0")
            .And.Contain("SHOW 1")
            .And.Contain("SHOW 2")
            .And.Contain("SHOW 3")
            .And.Contain("SHOW 4")
            .And.Contain("SHOW 5")
            .And.Contain("SHOW 6")
Esempio n. 20
        private static void DuplicateTestWith6Entries( int nbEntries1, int nbEntries2, bool gzip = false )
            var folder = String.Format( "{0}\\ReadDuplicates", TestHelper.TestFolder );
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( folder );
            string config = String.Format( @"
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-1"" MaxCountPerFile=""{1}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All-2"" MaxCountPerFile=""{2}"" Path=""{0}"" UseGzipCompression=""{3}"" /> 
", folder, nbEntries1, nbEntries2, gzip );

            using( var o = new GrandOutput() )
                GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                Assert.That( c.Load( XDocument.Parse( config ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ), Is.True );
                Assert.That( o.SetConfiguration( c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ), Is.True );

                var m = new ActivityMonitor();
                o.Register( m );
                var direct = m.Output.RegisterClient( new CKMonWriterClient( folder, Math.Min( nbEntries1, nbEntries2 ), LogFilter.Debug, gzip ) );
                // 6 traces that go to the GrandOutput but also to the direct CKMonWriterClient.
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 1" );
                m.OpenTrace().Send( "OpenTrace 1" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 1.1" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 1.2" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace 2" );
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 );
                m.Output.UnregisterClient( direct );
            var files = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory( folder, 3 );
            for( int pageReadLength = 1; pageReadLength < 10; ++pageReadLength )
                MultiLogReader reader = new MultiLogReader();
                reader.Add( files );
                var map = reader.GetActivityMap();
                Assert.That( map.ValidFiles.All( rawFile => rawFile.IsValidFile ), Is.True, "All files are correctly closed with the final 0 byte and no exception occurred while reading them." );

                var readMonitor = map.Monitors.Single();

                List<ParentedLogEntry> allEntries = new List<ParentedLogEntry>();
                using( var pageReader = readMonitor.ReadFirstPage( pageReadLength ) )
                        allEntries.AddRange( pageReader.Entries );
                    while( pageReader.ForwardPage() > 0 );
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new[] { "Trace 1", "OpenTrace 1", "Trace 1.1", "Trace 1.2", null, "Trace 2" }, allEntries.Select( e => e.Entry.Text ).ToArray(), StringComparer.Ordinal );
Esempio n. 21
        public void GrandOutputHasSameCompressedAndUncompressedLogs()
            string rootPath = SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + @"\GrandOutputGzip";


            GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

                <GrandOutputConfiguration GlobalDefaultFilter=""Release"" >
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""GzipGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputGzip"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""True"" />
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""RawGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputRaw"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""False"" />
                                               ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor));
            Assert.That(c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput())
                Assert.That(g.SetConfiguration(c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor), Is.True);

                var taskA = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => { DumpMonitorOutput(CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput("Task A", g)); return(1); });
                var taskB = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => { DumpMonitorOutput(CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput("Task B", g)); return(1); });
                var taskC = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => { DumpMonitorOutput(CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput("Task C", g)); return(1); });

                Task.WaitAll(taskA, taskB, taskC);

            string[] gzipCkmons = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(rootPath + @"\OutputGzip", 1);
            string[] rawCkmons  = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory(rootPath + @"\OutputRaw", 1);

            Assert.That(gzipCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(rawCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo(1));

            FileInfo gzipCkmonFile = new FileInfo(gzipCkmons.Single());
            FileInfo rawCkmonFile  = new FileInfo(rawCkmons.Single());

            Assert.That(gzipCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True);
            Assert.That(rawCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True);

            // Test file size
            Assert.That(gzipCkmonFile.Length, Is.LessThan(rawCkmonFile.Length));

            // Test de-duplication between Gzip and non-Gzip
            MultiLogReader mlr      = new MultiLogReader();
            var            fileList = mlr.Add(new string[] { gzipCkmonFile.FullName, rawCkmonFile.FullName });

            Assert.That(fileList, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));

            var map = mlr.GetActivityMap();

            Assert.That(map.Monitors.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
        public void FilteringBySource()
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "FilteringBySource" );

            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                GrandOutputConfiguration config = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                config.Load( XDocument.Parse( @"
    <Channel MinimalFilter=""Debug"">
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All"" Path=""FilteringBySource"" />
        <Channel Name=""HiddenTopic"" MinimalFilter=""Off"" TopicRegex=""(hidden\s+topic|hide\s+this\s+topic)"" MatchOptions=""CultureInvariant, ExplicitCapture, Compiled, Multiline"" />
        <Add File=""SourceFile-Debug.cs"" Filter=""Debug"" />
        <Add File=""SourceFile-Off.cs"" Filter=""Off"" />
        <Add File=""SourceFile-Strange.cs"" Filter=""{Trace,Fatal}"" />
</GrandOutputConfiguration>", LoadOptions.SetLineInfo ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor );

                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( config, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );

                var m = new ActivityMonitor( false );
                g.Register( m );

                m.Fatal( fileName: "SourceFile-Off.cs" ).Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.SetTopic( "This is a hidden topic..." );
                m.Trace( 0, "SourceFile-Debug.cs" ).Send( "Trace-1" );
                m.Trace().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.SetTopic( "Please, hide this topic!" );
                m.Trace( fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs" ).Send( "NOSHOW" );
                using( m.OpenTrace( fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs" ).Send( "Trace-2" ) )
                    m.Trace( fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs" ).Send( "NOSHOW" );
                    m.Fatal( fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs" ).Send( "Fatal-1" );
                    m.Fatal( fileName: "SourceFile-Off.cs" ).Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.SetTopic( null );
                m.Trace( fileName: "SourceFile-Strange.cs" ).Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.Fatal( fileName: "SourceFile-Off.cs" ).Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace-3" );
            List<StupidStringClient> logs = TestHelper.ReadAllLogs( new DirectoryInfo( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "FilteringBySource" ), false );
            Assert.That( logs.Count, Is.EqualTo( 1 ) );
            Assert.That( logs[0].ToString(), Does.Not.Contain( "NOSHOW" ) );
            var texts = logs[0].Entries.Select( e => e.Text ).ToArray();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new string[] { 
            }, texts, StringComparer.Ordinal );
Esempio n. 23
        public void GrandOutputHasSameCompressedAndUncompressedLogs()
            string rootPath = SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + @"\GrandOutputGzip";

            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( rootPath );

            GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
            Assert.That( c.Load( XDocument.Parse( @"
                <GrandOutputConfiguration GlobalDefaultFilter=""Release"" >
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""GzipGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputGzip"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""True"" />
                        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""RawGlobalCatch"" Path=""" + rootPath + @"\OutputRaw"" MaxCountPerFile=""200000"" UseGzipCompression=""False"" />
                ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );
            Assert.That( c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo( 2 ) );

            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( c, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ), Is.True );

                var taskA = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>( () => { DumpMonitorOutput( CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( "Task A", g ) ); return 1; } );
                var taskB = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>( () => { DumpMonitorOutput( CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( "Task B", g ) ); return 1; } );
                var taskC = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>( () => { DumpMonitorOutput( CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( "Task C", g ) ); return 1; } );

                Task.WaitAll( taskA, taskB, taskC );

            string[] gzipCkmons = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory( rootPath + @"\OutputGzip", 1 );
            string[] rawCkmons = TestHelper.WaitForCkmonFilesInDirectory( rootPath + @"\OutputRaw", 1 );

            Assert.That( gzipCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo( 1 ) );
            Assert.That( rawCkmons, Has.Length.EqualTo( 1 ) );

            FileInfo gzipCkmonFile = new FileInfo( gzipCkmons.Single() );
            FileInfo rawCkmonFile = new FileInfo( rawCkmons.Single() );

            Assert.That( gzipCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True );
            Assert.That( rawCkmonFile.Exists, Is.True );

            // Test file size
            Assert.That( gzipCkmonFile.Length, Is.LessThan( rawCkmonFile.Length ) );

            // Test de-duplication between Gzip and non-Gzip
            MultiLogReader mlr = new MultiLogReader();
            var fileList = mlr.Add( new string[] { gzipCkmonFile.FullName, rawCkmonFile.FullName } );
            Assert.That( fileList, Has.Count.EqualTo( 2 ) );

            var map = mlr.GetActivityMap();

            Assert.That( map.Monitors.Count, Is.EqualTo( 3 ) );

 /// <summary>
 /// Uses <see cref="CK.Monitoring"/> during the web host building and initializes an instance of the <see cref="GrandOutput"/>
 /// that must not be null nor be the <see cref="GrandOutput.Default"/> and bounds the configuration from the given configuration section.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">Web host builder</param>
 /// <param name="grandOutput">The target <see cref="GrandOutput"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="configurationPath">The path of the monitoring configuration in the global configuration.</param>
 /// <returns>The builder.</returns>
 public static IWebHostBuilder UseMonitoring(this IWebHostBuilder builder, GrandOutput grandOutput, string configurationPath = "Monitoring")
     if (grandOutput == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(grandOutput));
     if (grandOutput == GrandOutput.Default)
         throw new ArgumentException("The GrandOutput must not be the default one.", nameof(grandOutput));
     return(DoUseMonitoring(builder, grandOutput, configurationPath));
        public async Task when_no_configuration_exists_the_default_is_a_Text_TextFile_handler_like_the_default_one_of_CK_Monitoring_Async(string newEmptyConfig)
            var config = CreateDynamicJsonConfigurationSource("conf_before_default", out string logBefore);

            string logDefault = Path.Combine(LogFile.RootLogPath, "Text");

            if (Directory.Exists(logDefault))
                Directory.Delete(logDefault, true);

            using (var g = new GrandOutput(new GrandOutputConfiguration()))
                Action <IActivityMonitor> autoRegisterer = m => g.EnsureGrandOutputClient(m);
                ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration += autoRegisterer;
                    using (var client = CreateServerWithUseMonitoring(config, (g, "CK-Monitoring")))
                        (await client.GetAsync("?sayHello&in_initial_config")).Dispose();
                        if (newEmptyConfig != null)
                        await Task.Delay(150);

                        (await client.GetAsync("?sayHello&in_default_config")).Dispose();
                        await Task.Delay(150);
                    ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration -= autoRegisterer;

            var log1 = Directory.EnumerateFiles(logBefore).Single();

            .And.Contain("StupidMiddleware is here!");

            var log2 = Directory.EnumerateFiles(logDefault).Single();

            .And.Contain("StupidMiddleware is here!");
Esempio n. 26
        public void text_file_auto_delete_by_date()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("AutoDelete_Date");

            var textConf = new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = "AutoDelete_Date"

            textConf.HousekeepingRate.Should().Be(1800, "Default HousekeepingRate configuration");
            textConf.MinimumDaysToKeep.Should().Be(60, "Default HousekeepingRate configuration");
            textConf.MinimumTimeSpanToKeep.Should().Be(TimeSpan.FromDays(60), "Default HousekeepingRate configuration");
            textConf.MaximumTotalKbToKeep.Should().Be(100_000, "Default HousekeepingRate configuration");

            // Change configuration for tests
            textConf.HousekeepingRate      = 1;                       // Run every 500ms normally (here TimerDuration is set to 100ms).
            textConf.MaximumTotalKbToKeep  = 0;                       // Always delete file beyond max size
            textConf.MinimumTimeSpanToKeep = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3); // Delete files older than 3 seconds
            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration().AddHandler(textConf);

            // Changes the default 500 ms to trigger OnTimerAsync more often.
            config.TimerDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);

            // TEST DELETION BY DATE

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                var m = new ActivityMonitor(false);
                m.Info("Hello world");

                string tempFile = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder).Single();
                File.Exists(tempFile).Should().BeTrue("Log file was created and exists");

                // Wait for next flush (~100ms), and deletion threshold (3000ms)

                File.Exists(tempFile).Should().BeTrue("Log file wasn't deleted yet - it's still active");
            string finalLogFile = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder).Single();

            // Open another GrandOutput to trigger housekeeping
            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                // Wait for next flush (~100 ms)

            File.Exists(finalLogFile).Should().BeFalse("Inactive log file was deleted");
Esempio n. 27
        public void text_file_auto_delete_by_size()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("AutoDelete_Size");

            var textConf = new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = "AutoDelete_Size"

            // Change configuration for tests
            textConf.HousekeepingRate      = 1;             // Run every 500ms normally (here TimerDuration is set to 100ms).
            textConf.MaximumTotalKbToKeep  = 1;             // Always delete file beyond max size
            textConf.MinimumTimeSpanToKeep = TimeSpan.Zero; // Make minimum timespan
            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration().AddHandler(textConf);

            int lineLengthToLogToGet1000bytes = 500;

            // Changes the default 500 ms to trigger OnTimerAsync more often.
            config.TimerDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);

            // Create 3*1 KB log files
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                    var m = new ActivityMonitor(false);
                    m.Info(new string( 'X', lineLengthToLogToGet1000bytes ));

            long GetTotalLogSize()
                return(Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder).Sum(x => new FileInfo(x).Length));

            var totalLogSize = GetTotalLogSize();


            // Open another GrandOutput to trigger housekeeping.
            // Note: this DOES create a file!
            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                // Wait for next flush (~100 ms)
            var files = Directory.GetFiles(folder).Select(f => Path.GetFileName(f));

            files.Should().HaveCount(2, $"Only 2 files should be kept - the last log file, and 1x~1KB file: {files.Concatenate()}");
Esempio n. 28
        public void sending_log_from_client()
            string logPath = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("sending_log_from_client");
            var    c       = new GrandOutputConfiguration()
                             .AddHandler(new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = logPath
                             .AddHandler(new Handlers.BinaryFileConfiguration()
                Path = logPath

            using (var g = new GrandOutput(c))
                var m = new ActivityMonitor(false);
                var txt = new StupidStringClient();
                using (var r = SimpleLogPipeReceiver.Start(m, interProcess: false))
                var stupidLogs = txt.ToString();
                stupidLogs.Should().Contain("From client.")
                .And.Contain("An Exception for the fun.")
                // StupidStringClient does not dump inner exception, only the top message.
                // .And.Contain( "With an inner exception!" )
                .And.Contain("Info n°0")
                .And.Contain("Info n°19");
            // All temporary files have been closed.
            var fileNames = Directory.EnumerateFiles(logPath).ToList();

            fileNames.Should().NotContain(s => s.EndsWith(".tmp"));
            // Brutallity here: opening the binary file as a text.
            // It is enough to check the serialized strings.
            var texts = fileNames.Select(n => File.ReadAllText(n));

            foreach (var logs in texts)
                logs.Should().Contain("From client.")
                .And.Contain("An Exception for the fun.")
                .And.Contain("With an inner exception!")
                .And.Contain("Info n°0")
                .And.Contain("Info n°19");
Esempio n. 29
        static void DumpSampleLogs2(Random r, GrandOutput g)
            var m = new ActivityMonitor(false);


            m.Fatal("An error occured", _exceptionWithInner);
            m.Fatal("Same error occured (wrapped in CKException)", new CKException(CKExceptionData.CreateFrom(_exceptionWithInner)));
            m.SetTopic("This is a topic...");
            m.Trace("a trace");
            m.Trace("another one");
            m.SetTopic("Please, show this topic!");
            m.Trace("Anotther trace.");
            using (m.OpenTrace("A group trace."))
                m.Trace("A trace in group.");
                m.Info("An info...");
                using (m.OpenInfo(@"A group information... with a 
This MUST be correctly indented!"))
                    m.Info("Info in info group.");
                    m.Info("Another info in info group.");
                    m.Error("An error.", _exceptionWithInnerLoader);
                    m.Error("Same error occured (wrapped in CKException)", new CKException(CKExceptionData.CreateFrom(_exceptionWithInnerLoader)));
                    m.Warn("A warning.");
                    m.Trace("Something must be said.");
                    m.CloseGroup("Everything is in place.");
            using (m.OpenTrace("A group with multiple conclusions."))
                using (m.OpenTrace("A group with no conclusion."))
                    m.Trace("Something must be said.");
                m.CloseGroup(new[] {
                    new ActivityLogGroupConclusion("My very first conclusion."),
                    new ActivityLogGroupConclusion("My second conclusion."),
                    new ActivityLogGroupConclusion(@"My very last conclusion
is a multi line one.
and this is fine!")
            m.Trace("This is the final trace.");
Esempio n. 30
        private static void SetupActivityMonitor()
            System.Console.OutputEncoding      = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
            ActivityMonitor.DefaultFilter      = LogFilter.Debug;
            ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration += monitor => monitor.Output.RegisterClient(new ActivityMonitorConsoleClient());
            LogFile.RootLogPath = GetLogDirectory();
            var grandOutputConfig = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

            grandOutputConfig.AddHandler(new TextFileConfiguration
                MaxCountPerFile = 10000,
                Path            = "Text",
        static IWebHostBuilder DoUseMonitoring(IWebHostBuilder builder, GrandOutput grandOutput, string configurationPath)
            // Three steps initialization:
            // First creates the initializer instance.
            var initializer = new GrandOutputConfigurationInitializer(grandOutput);

            builder.ConfigureLogging((ctx, loggingBuilder) =>
                var section = ctx.Configuration.GetSection(configurationPath);
                // Second, give it the environment and its section.
                initializer.Initialize(ctx.HostingEnvironment, loggingBuilder, section);
            // Now, registers the PostInstanciationFilter as a transient object.
            // This startup filter will inject the Application service IApplicationLifetime.
            return(AddPostInstanciationStartupFilter(builder, initializer));
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures a <see cref="GrandOutput"/> instance that must not be null nor be the <see cref="GrandOutput.Default"/> and
 /// bounds the configuration from the given configuration section.
 /// This automatically registers a <see cref="IActivityMonitor"/> as a scoped service in the services.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">This Web host builder.</param>
 /// <param name="grandOutput">The target <see cref="GrandOutput"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="section">The configuration section.</param>
 /// <returns>The builder.</returns>
 public static IHostBuilder UseMonitoring(this IHostBuilder builder, GrandOutput grandOutput, IConfigurationSection section)
     if (grandOutput == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(grandOutput));
     if (grandOutput == GrandOutput.Default)
         throw new ArgumentException("The GrandOutput must not be the default one.", nameof(grandOutput));
     if (section == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(section));
     return(DoUseMonitoring(builder, grandOutput, c => section));
        private void SetupActivityMonitor()
            Console.OutputEncoding             = Encoding.UTF8;
            SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath  = GetTestLogDirectory();
            ActivityMonitor.DefaultFilter      = LogFilter.Debug;
            ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration += (monitor) =>
                monitor.Output.RegisterClient(new ActivityMonitorConsoleClient());
            GrandOutputConfiguration grandOutputConfig = new GrandOutputConfiguration();

            grandOutputConfig.AddHandler(new TextFileConfiguration()
                MaxCountPerFile = 10000,
                Path            = "Text",
Esempio n. 34
        public async Task external_logs_quick_test_Async()
            string folder = TestHelper.PrepareLogFolder("ExternalLogsQuickTest");

            var textConf = new Handlers.TextFileConfiguration()
                Path = "ExternalLogsQuickTest"
            var config = new GrandOutputConfiguration().AddHandler(textConf);

            using (GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput(config))
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.Info($"Async started from ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.");
                    g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Info, message: "Async started.");

                var m = new ActivityMonitor(false);
                m.Info("Normal monitor starts.");
                Task t = Task.Run(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                        ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.Info($"Async n°{i} from ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.");
                        g.ExternalLog(LogLevel.Info, $"Async n°{i}.");
                m.MonitorEnd("This is the end.");
                await t;
            string textLogged = File.ReadAllText(Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder).Single());

            .Contain("Normal monitor starts.")
            .And.Contain("Async started from ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.")
            .And.Contain("Async started.")
            .And.Contain("Async n°0.")
            .And.Contain("Async n°9.")
            .And.Contain("Async n°0 from ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.")
            .And.Contain("Async n°9 from ActivityMonitor.StaticLogger.")
            .And.Contain("This is the end.");
Esempio n. 35
        public void dumping_text_file_with_multiple_monitors()
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "TextFileMulti" );
            Random r = new Random();
            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                GrandOutputConfiguration config = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                config.Load( XDocument.Parse( @"
    <Channel MinimalFilter=""Debug"">
        <Add Type=""TextFile"" Name=""All"" Path=""TextFileMulti"" />
</GrandOutputConfiguration>", LoadOptions.SetLineInfo ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor );

                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( config, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs2( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs2( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs1( r, g ),
                    () => DumpSampleLogs2( r, g )
            FileInfo f = new DirectoryInfo( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "TextFileMulti" ).EnumerateFiles().Single();
            string text = File.ReadAllText( f.FullName );
            Console.WriteLine( text );
Esempio n. 36
        public void ApplyEmptyAndDefaultConfig()
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "ApplyEmptyAndDefaultConfig" );

            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                var m = new ActivityMonitor( false );
                g.Register( m );
                m.Trace().Send( "NoShow-1" );
                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( new GrandOutputConfiguration(), TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );
                m.Trace().Send( "NoShow-2" );
                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( CreateDefaultConfig( "ApplyEmptyAndDefaultConfig" ), TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );
                m.Trace().Send( "Show-1" );
                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( new GrandOutputConfiguration(), TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );
                m.Trace().Send( "NoShow-3" );
            var replayed = new ActivityMonitor( false );
            var c = replayed.Output.RegisterClient( new StupidStringClient() );
            TestHelper.ReplayLogs( new DirectoryInfo( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "ApplyEmptyAndDefaultConfig" ), true, mon => replayed, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor );
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new[] { "<Missing log data>", "Show-1" }, c.Entries.Select( e => e.Text ), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
Esempio n. 37
        public void dumping_text_file()
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "TextFile" );
            Random r = new Random();
            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                GrandOutputConfiguration config = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                config.Load( XDocument.Parse( @"
    <Channel MinimalFilter=""Debug"">
        <Add Type=""TextFile"" Name=""All"" Path=""TextFile"" />
</GrandOutputConfiguration>", LoadOptions.SetLineInfo ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor );

                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( config, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );

                DumpSampleLogs1( r, g );
                DumpSampleLogs2( r, g );
        public void FilteringByTopic()
            TestHelper.CleanupFolder( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "FilteringByTopic" );

            using( GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput() )
                GrandOutputConfiguration config = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                config.Load( XDocument.Parse( @"
    <Channel MinimalFilter=""Debug"">
        <Add Type=""BinaryFile"" Name=""All"" Path=""FilteringByTopic"" />
        <Channel Name=""HiddenTopic"" MinimalFilter=""Off"" TopicFilter=""*H*T?pic*"" >
            <Channel Name=""SavedHiddenTopic"" MinimalFilter=""Release"" TopicFilter=""*DOSHOW*"" >
        <Channel Name=""MonitoredTopic"" MinimalFilter=""Monitor"" TopicFilter=""*MONITOR*"" >
</GrandOutputConfiguration>", LoadOptions.SetLineInfo ).Root, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor );

                Assert.That( g.SetConfiguration( config, TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );

                var fullyHidden = new ActivityMonitor( false );
                g.Register( fullyHidden );
                fullyHidden.SetTopic( "A fully hidden topic: setting the topic before any send, totally hides the monitor if the Actual filter is Off. - NOSHOW" );
                fullyHidden.Fatal().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                using( fullyHidden.OpenFatal().Send( "NOSHOW" ) )
                    fullyHidden.Fatal().Send( "NOSHOW" );

                var m = new ActivityMonitor( false );
                g.Register( m );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace-1" );
                m.SetTopic( "This is a Hidden Topic - NOSHOW" );
                m.Fatal().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.SetTopic( "Visible Topic" );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace-2" );
                m.SetTopic( "This is a Hidden Topic but DOSHOW puts it in Release mode." );
                m.Trace().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.Info().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.Warn().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.Error().Send( "Error-1" );
                m.Fatal().Send( "Fatal-1" );
                m.SetTopic( "This is a HT?PIC (off). Match is case insensitive - NOSHOW" );
                m.Fatal().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.SetTopic( null );
                m.Trace().Send( "Trace-3" );
                m.SetTopic( "A MONITORed topic: If i wrote This is a t.o.p.i.c (without the dots), this would have matched the HiddenT.o.p.i.c channel..." );
                m.Trace().Send( "NOSHOW" );
                m.Warn().Send( "Warn-1" );
            List<StupidStringClient> logs = TestHelper.ReadAllLogs( new DirectoryInfo( SystemActivityMonitor.RootLogPath + "FilteringByTopic" ), false );
            Assert.That( logs.Count, Is.EqualTo( 1 ), "Fully hidden monitor does not appear." );
            Assert.That( logs[0].ToString(), Does.Not.Contain( "NOSHOW" ) );
            var texts = logs[0].Entries.Select( e => e.Text ).ToArray();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new string[] { 
                ActivityMonitor.SetTopicPrefix + "Visible Topic", 
                ActivityMonitor.SetTopicPrefix + "This is a Hidden Topic but DOSHOW puts it in Release mode.", 
                ActivityMonitor.SetTopicPrefix + "A MONITORed topic: If i wrote This is a t.o.p.i.c (without the dots), this would have matched the HiddenT.o.p.i.c channel...", 
            }, texts, StringComparer.Ordinal );
Esempio n. 39
 static IActivityMonitor CreateMonitorAndRegisterGrandOutput( string topic, GrandOutput go )
     var m = new ActivityMonitor( topic );
     go.Register( m );
     return m;
Esempio n. 40
 static void DumpSampleLogs1( Random r, GrandOutput g )
     var m = new ActivityMonitor( false );
     g.Register( m );
     m.SetTopic( "First Activity..." );
     if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
     using( m.OpenTrace().Send( "Opening trace" ) )
         if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
         m.Trace().Send( "A trace in group." );
         if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
         m.Info().Send( "An info in group." );
         if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
         m.Warn().Send( "A warning in group." );
         if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
         m.Error().Send( "An error in group." );
         if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
         m.Fatal().Send( "A fatal in group." );
     if( r.Next( 3 ) == 0 ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 + r.Next( 2500 ) );
     m.Trace().Send( "End of first activity." );
Esempio n. 41
            static GrandOutput CreateGrandOutputWithFakeHandler( int handlerExtralLoad, bool useAdaptive, int dispatcherMaxCapacity )
                IActivityMonitor mLoad = new ActivityMonitor( false );

                GrandOutputConfiguration c = new GrandOutputConfiguration();
                var textConfig = @"<GrandOutputConfiguration><Channel><Add Type=""FakeHandler, CK.Monitoring.Tests"" Name=""GlobalCatch"" ExtraLoad="""
                    + handlerExtralLoad.ToString()
                    + @""" /></Channel></GrandOutputConfiguration>";
                Assert.That( c.Load( XDocument.Parse( textConfig ).Root, mLoad ) );
                Assert.That( c.ChannelsConfiguration.Configurations.Count, Is.EqualTo( 1 ) );

                IGrandOutputDispatcherStrategy strat;
                if( useAdaptive )
                    strat = new Impl.EventDispatcherLocalTestStrategy( dispatcherMaxCapacity );
                    strat = new Impl.EventDispatcherBasicStrategy( dispatcherMaxCapacity );
                GrandOutput g = new GrandOutput( strat );
                g.SetConfiguration( c, mLoad );
                return g;
Esempio n. 42
        static void DumpSampleLogs2( Random r, GrandOutput g )
            var m = new ActivityMonitor( false );
            g.Register( m );

            m.Fatal().Send( ThrowExceptionWithInner( false ), "An error occured" );
            m.SetTopic( "This is a topic..." );
            m.Trace().Send( "a trace" );
            m.Trace().Send( "another one" );
            m.SetTopic( "Please, show this topic!" );
            m.Trace().Send( "Anotther trace." );
            using( m.OpenTrace().Send( "A group trace." ) )
                m.Trace().Send( "A trace in group." );
                m.Info().Send( "An info..." );
                using( m.OpenInfo().Send( @"A group information... with a 
This MUST be correctly indented!" ) )
                    m.Info().Send( "Info in info group." );
                    m.Info().Send( "Another info in info group." );
                    m.Error().Send( ThrowExceptionWithInner( true ), "An error." );
                    m.Warn().Send( "A warning." );
                    m.Trace().Send( "Something must be said." );
                    m.CloseGroup( "Everything is in place." );
            m.SetTopic( null );
            using( m.OpenTrace().Send( "A group with multiple conclusions." ) )
                using( m.OpenTrace().Send( "A group with no conclusion." ) )
                    m.Trace().Send( "Something must be said." );
                m.CloseGroup( new[] {
                        new ActivityLogGroupConclusion( "My very first conclusion." ),
                        new ActivityLogGroupConclusion( "My second conclusion." ),
                        new ActivityLogGroupConclusion( @"My very last conclusion
is a multi line one.
and this is fine!" )
                    } );
            m.Trace().Send( "This is the final trace." );