Esempio n. 1
        public void AddShoot_PlantExists_ShootCreated()
            Gramene g = new Gramene();

            int plantId = g.TestAddPlant();

            Assert.AreEqual(plantId, g.GetCursor());

            int shootId = g.TestAddShoot();

            Assert.AreEqual(shootId, g.GetCursor());

            // Verification of the scale.

            Assert.AreEqual(g.Scale(plantId) + 1, g.Scale(shootId));

            // Verification of the label.

            string plantNb = g.GetVertexProperties(plantId)["label"].Substring(5);

            Assert.AreEqual("shoot" + plantNb, g.GetVertexProperties(shootId)["label"]);

            // Verification of the complex.

            Assert.AreEqual(plantId, g.Complex(shootId));
Esempio n. 2
        public void AddRoot_PlantDoesntExist_PlantCreatedAndRootAdded()
            Gramene g = new Gramene();

            int rootId = g.TestAddRoot();

            // Verify that the canopy is created.

            int canopy = rootId;

            while (g.Scale(canopy) != 1)
                canopy = (int)g.Complex(canopy);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.Scale(canopy));
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new List <int>()
            }, g.Components(0));

            // Verify that the plant is created.

            int plant = (int)g.Complex(rootId);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, g.Scale(plant));

            string plantLabel = g.GetVertexProperties(plant)["label"];

            Assert.AreEqual("plant0", plantLabel);

            // Verify that the cursor is placed on the shoot.

            Assert.AreEqual(rootId, g.GetCursor());
Esempio n. 3
        public void AddCanopy_NoCanopyBefore_CanopyAddedAndCursorMoved()
            // Add a canopy

            Gramene g        = new Gramene();
            int     canopyId = g.TestAddCanopy();

            // Compare the expected scale of the canopy and the actual one.

            int scaleOfCanopy = g.labelsOfScales.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == "canopy").Key;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, scaleOfCanopy);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.Scale(canopyId));

            // Verify that the components are correct.

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new List <int>()
            }, g.Components(0));

            // Verify that the cursor moved to the newly created canopy.

            Assert.AreEqual(canopyId, g.GetCursor());

            // Verify that the label of the canopy is "canopy".

            Assert.AreEqual("canopy", g.GetVertexProperties(canopyId)["label"]);
Esempio n. 4
        public void AddPlant_NewPlant_PlantAdded()
            Gramene g = new Gramene();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, g.GetCursor());

            // Get the identifiers of the new plants.

            int firstPlant = g.TestAddPlant();

            Assert.AreEqual(firstPlant, g.GetCursor());

            int secondPlant = g.TestAddPlant();
            int thirdPlant  = g.TestAddPlant();

            // Get the label of the plants.

            string firstLabel  = g.GetVertexProperties(firstPlant)["label"];
            string secondLabel = g.GetVertexProperties(secondPlant)["label"];
            string thirdLabel  = g.GetVertexProperties(thirdPlant)["label"];

            // Make sure the labels correspond to the ones expected.

            Assert.AreEqual("plant0", firstLabel);
            Assert.AreEqual("plant1", secondLabel);
            Assert.AreEqual("plant2", thirdLabel);

            // Verify that all plants belong to scale number 2.

            Assert.AreEqual(2, g.Scale(firstPlant));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, g.Scale(secondPlant));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, g.Scale(thirdPlant));

            // Verify that the complex of the plant is the canopy.

            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.Complex(firstPlant));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.Complex(secondPlant));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.Complex(thirdPlant));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Gramene_CopyOfGramene_CorrectlyCopied()
            // Creation of a gramene

            Gramene g = new Gramene();


            // Copy of a gramene

            Gramene g1 = new Gramene(g);

            Assert.AreEqual(g1.GetCursor(), g.GetCursor());

            Assert.AreEqual(10, g1.GetLeafNumber());