protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ViewState["gi"] != null) { Gov_RecipientInfo gov_RecipientInfo = this.ViewState["gi"] as Gov_RecipientInfo; if (gov_RecipientInfo.Sign == 0) { gov_RecipientInfo.FeedBack = base.Request.Form["FeedBack"]; gov_RecipientInfo.Sign = 1; gov_RecipientInfo.SignTime = DateTime.Now; Gov_Recipient.Init().Update(gov_RecipientInfo); string format = "update gov set status=5 where id={0} and status=1 and IsValid=0 and (select count(*) from Gov_Recipient where flow_id={0} and sign=0)=0"; MsSqlOperate.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, string.Format(format, gov_RecipientInfo.Flow_ID), new SqlParameter[0]); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "公文已成功签收!", "RecMenu.aspx"); } } }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.rpt_steps.Items.Count > 0) { bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.rpt_steps.Items.Count; i++) { Label label = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("stepid") as Label; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.Form["namelist" + label.Text])) { flag = false; } } if (flag && this.userlist.Value.Contains(",")) { GovInfo govInfo = new GovInfo(); if (Convert.ToInt32(this.Model_Type.SelectedValue) > 0) { govInfo.ComID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Model_Type.SelectedValue); } govInfo.ModelName = this.ModelFlowList.Items[this.ModelFlowList.SelectedIndex].Text; govInfo.Flow_Name = this.Flow_Name.Value; govInfo.DocNo = this.DocNo.Value; govInfo.Secret = base.Request.Form["Secret"]; govInfo.CurrentDocPath = this.filepath.Value; govInfo.DocBody = this.DocBody.Value; govInfo.ValidTime = DateTime.Now; govInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now; if (Utils.IsDate(this.ValidTime.Value)) { govInfo.ValidTime = Convert.ToDateTime(this.ValidTime.Value); govInfo.IsValid = 1; } govInfo.Remark = this.FlowRemark.Value; govInfo.CreatorID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); govInfo.CreatorRealName = this.RealName; govInfo.CreatorDepName = this.DepName; govInfo.HasOperatedUserList = ""; govInfo.Flow_Files = this.UpdateFiles(); Gov.Init().Add(govInfo); for (int i = 0; i < this.rpt_steps.Items.Count; i++) { Label label = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("stepid") as Label; Label label2 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("isuseredit") as Label; Label label3 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("IsHead") as Label; Label label4 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("IsEnd") as Label; Label label5 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("MailAlert") as Label; Label label6 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("RightToFinish") as Label; Label label7 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("Step_Orders") as Label; Label label8 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("Step_Name") as Label; Label label9 = this.rpt_steps.Items[i].FindControl("IsUserFile") as Label; string text = label.Text; Gov_StepInfo gov_StepInfo = new Gov_StepInfo(); gov_StepInfo.Flow_ID =; gov_StepInfo.IsEnd = Convert.ToInt32(label4.Text); gov_StepInfo.IsHead = Convert.ToInt32(label3.Text); gov_StepInfo.IsUserEdit = Convert.ToInt32(label2.Text); gov_StepInfo.IsUserFile = Convert.ToInt32(label9.Text); gov_StepInfo.MailAlert = Convert.ToInt32(label5.Text); gov_StepInfo.RightToFinish = Convert.ToInt32(label6.Text); gov_StepInfo.Step_Name = label8.Text; gov_StepInfo.Step_Orders = Convert.ToInt32(label7.Text); gov_StepInfo.userlist = base.Request.Form["userlist" + text]; gov_StepInfo.namelist = base.Request.Form["namelist" + text]; gov_StepInfo.Acts = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Gov_Step.Init().Add(gov_StepInfo); if (i == 0) { Gov_StepInfo gov_StepInfo2 = this.MakeNewFsi(gov_StepInfo); govInfo.CurrentStepID =; govInfo.CurrentStepName = gov_StepInfo2.Step_Name; govInfo.CurrentStepUserList = gov_StepInfo2.userlist; } } Gov.Init().Update(govInfo); Gov_DocInfo gov_DocInfo = new Gov_DocInfo(); gov_DocInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now; gov_DocInfo.DocPath = govInfo.CurrentDocPath; gov_DocInfo.DocBody = govInfo.DocBody; gov_DocInfo.Flow_ID =; gov_DocInfo.UserDepName = this.DepName; gov_DocInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid); gov_DocInfo.UserRealName = this.RealName; Gov_Doc.Init().Add(gov_DocInfo); string[] array = this.userlist.Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { string[] array2 = array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' }); Gov_RecipientInfo gov_RecipientInfo = new Gov_RecipientInfo(); gov_RecipientInfo.Flow_ID =; gov_RecipientInfo.SignTime = DateTime.Now; gov_RecipientInfo.UserRealName = array2[0]; gov_RecipientInfo.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(array2[1].Trim()); gov_RecipientInfo.UserDepName = array2[2]; Gov_Recipient.Init().Add(gov_RecipientInfo); } } string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!新建 发文拟稿成功!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('审批人员或签收人员 不能为空!')</script>"); } } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('公文拟稿 没有审批步骤!');window.location='Gov_Manage.aspx'</script>"); } }
private void Show(string nid) { GovInfo byId = Gov.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(nid)); this.DocBody.InnerHtml = byId.DocBody; IList all = Gov_Recipient.Init().GetAll("UserID=" + this.Uid + " and Flow_ID=" + base.Request.QueryString["fl"], null); if (all.Count > 0) { Gov_RecipientInfo gov_RecipientInfo = all[0] as Gov_RecipientInfo; this.ViewState["gi"] = gov_RecipientInfo; if (gov_RecipientInfo.Sign == 0 && byId.Status == 1) { this.pals.Visible = true; } } this.NewsTitle.InnerText = byId.Flow_Name; this.Creator.InnerText = byId.CreatorRealName + " (" + byId.CreatorDepName + ")"; this.addtime.InnerText = Utils.ConvertDate2(byId.AddTime); this.Page.Title = "公文签收:" + byId.Flow_Name; this.fjs = "<span style='color:#006600;'>相关文件</span>:<br>"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.Flow_Files)) { string[] array = byId.Flow_Files.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { int num = array[i].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string arg = array[i].Substring(num, array[i].Length - num); string s = array[i].Replace("~", ""); this.fjs += string.Format(, base.Server.UrlEncode(s), arg); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.Remark)) { = "<span style='color:#006600;'>简要说明</span>:<br>" + byId.Remark + "<br><br>"; } if (byId.IsValid == 0) { = "<br><span style='color:#006600;'>归档日期</span>:<br>所有人签收完 自动归档.<br><br>"; } else { = "<br><span style='color:#006600;'>归档日期</span>:<br>" + Utils.ConvertDate3(byId.ValidTime) + "."; } string innerHtml; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.DocNo)) { innerHtml = "发文字号:" + byId.DocNo; } else { innerHtml = "发文字号:无"; } = innerHtml; }