public void StopProcess() { try { Process process = Process; if (process != null) { if (!process.CloseMainWindow()) { GotoLog.Warn($"Failed to exit profile {profile} process {pid}, application refused to close window."); process.Kill(); } if (!process.WaitForExit(10000)) { GotoLog.Warn($"Failed to exit profile {profile} process {pid}, waited 10 seconds but its still alive."); process.Kill(); } } } catch { GotoLog.Warn($"Failed to exit profile {profile} process {pid}"); } }
private void Update() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (_clicked || APIUser.CurrentUser == null) { return; } try { RuntimeWorldCreation worldCreation = FindObjectOfType <RuntimeWorldCreation>(); if (worldCreation == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(worldCreation.blueprintName.text)) { return; } PipelineManager pipelineManager = worldCreation.pipelineManager; if (!pipelineManager.completedSDKPipeline || !APIUser.Exists(pipelineManager.user)) { return; } _clicked = true; worldCreation.uploadButton.onClick.Invoke(); } catch (Exception e) { _clicked = true; GotoLog.Exception("Failed automated publish", e); } #endif }
public static void Update(ReleaseAsset asset, Action <UpdateResult> callback) { GotoLog.Log($"Downloading update ({asset.Name}) from {asset.DownloadUrl}"); UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(asset.DownloadUrl); try { string downloadLocation = FileUtil.GetUniqueTempPathInProject(); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(downloadLocation); UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation action = www.SendWebRequest(); action.completed += operation => { UnityWebRequest request = action.webRequest; var responseCode = request.responseCode; if (responseCode != 200) { GotoLog.Error("Failed to download update: " + request.error); callback(new UpdateResult { Error = "Failed to download" + request.error }); www.Dispose(); return; } callback(new UpdateResult { DownloadPath = downloadLocation }); www.Dispose(); }; } catch (Exception exception) { GotoLog.Exception("Failed to request for update: " + exception.Message, exception); www.Dispose(); } }
public static void GetNewestVersion(string author, string repository, Action <ReleaseResponse> callback) { string url = $"{author}/{repository}/releases/latest"; UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); try { UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation action = www.SendWebRequest(); DownloadHandler downloadHandler = www.downloadHandler; action.completed += operation => { UnityWebRequest request = action.webRequest; var responseCode = request.responseCode; if (responseCode != 200) { callback(new ReleaseResponse { Error = $"Failed to check for new version: {request.error}" }); www.Dispose(); return; } GithubRespone githubRespone = JsonUtility.FromJson <GithubRespone>(downloadHandler.text); try { callback(new ReleaseResponse { ReleaseInfo = new ReleaseInfo { Name =, Version = githubRespone.tag_name, Description = githubRespone.body, Assets = ReadAssets(githubRespone.assets) } }); } catch (Exception exception) { ReleaseResponse response = new ReleaseResponse { Error = "Failed to read response from Gtihub API: " + exception.Message }; GotoLog.Exception(response.Error, exception); callback(response); } finally { www.Dispose(); } }; } catch (Exception exception) { www.Dispose(); ReleaseResponse response = new ReleaseResponse { Error = "Failed to send request to check update: " + exception.Message }; GotoLog.Exception(response.Error, exception); callback(response); } }
public static void GetNewestSdkVersion(Action <ReleaseResponse> callback) { string url = ""; UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); try { UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation action = www.SendWebRequest(); DownloadHandler downloadHandler = www.downloadHandler; action.completed += operation => { try { UnityWebRequest request = action.webRequest; var responseCode = request.responseCode; if (responseCode != 200) { callback(new ReleaseResponse { Error = $"Failed to check for new VrChat SDK version: {request.error}" }); www.Dispose(); return; } string version = downloadHandler.text; string description = version == GotoUdonEditor.ImplementedSDKVersion ? "This is recommended version of VRChat SDK for GotoUdon!" : "This version might not be fully supported by GotoUdon. If there is new version of GotoUdon available first update SDK then GotoUdon for best compatibility."; callback(new ReleaseResponse { ReleaseInfo = new ReleaseInfo { Name = $"VRCSDK3-WORLD-{version}_Public", Version = version, Description = description, Assets = new List <ReleaseAsset> { new ReleaseAsset { Name = $"VRCSDK3-WORLD-{version}_Public.unitypackage", DownloadUrl = "" } } } }); } catch (Exception exception) { ReleaseResponse response = new ReleaseResponse { Error = "Failed to read response from GotoUdon GitHub sdk file: " + exception.Message }; GotoLog.Exception(response.Error, exception); callback(response); } finally { www.Dispose(); } }; } catch (Exception exception) { www.Dispose(); ReleaseResponse response = new ReleaseResponse { Error = "Failed to send request to check VRChat SDK update: " + exception.Message }; GotoLog.Exception(response.Error, exception); callback(response); } }