public void Test1() { Goose goose = new Goose(); GooseToIDuckAdapter adapter = new GooseToIDuckAdapter(goose); Assert.AreEqual(adapter.Quack(), goose.Honk()); }
public void A_goose_that_is_saddled_should_not_accept_another_saddle() { //Arrange var bunny = new Rabbit(); var emotionalState = "Pooped-filled Anger"; var orignalSaddle = new Saddle(); var largeGoose = new Goose { Name = "Tedothy", Sex = Sex.Male, Size = Size.Large, EmotinalState = emotionalState, Saddle = orignalSaddle }; var largeSaddle = new Saddle { Size = Size.Large, InUse = false }; bunny.OwnedSaddle.Add(largeSaddle); bunny.OwnedGeese.Add(largeGoose); //Act bunny.SaddleThatGoose(largeGoose, largeSaddle); //Assert // Assert.NotEqual(largeSaddle, largeGoose.Saddle); Assert.Equal(orignalSaddle, largeGoose.Saddle); Assert.Equal("Exhausted", largeGoose.EmotinalState); // the goose should be exhausted }
public void A_goose_and_Saddle_that_are_not_same_size_should_not_be_compatible() { //Arrange var bunny = new Rabbit(); var largeGoose = new Goose { Name = "Tedothy", Sex = Sex.Male, Size = Size.Large }; var smallSaddle = new Saddle { Size = Size.Small, InUse = false }; bunny.OwnedSaddle.Add(smallSaddle); bunny.OwnedGeese.Add(largeGoose); //Act bunny.SaddleThatGoose(largeGoose, smallSaddle); //Assert Assert.NotSame(smallSaddle, largeGoose.Saddle); // what we are not expecting, what should happen Assert.False(smallSaddle.InUse); Assert.Equal("Distraught by fat shaming", largeGoose.EmotinalState); }
public void simulate(AbstractDuckFactory duckFactory) { Quackable mallardDuck = duckFactory.createMallardDuck(); Quackable redheadDuck = duckFactory.createRedheadDuck(); Quackable duckCall = duckFactory.createDuckCall(); Quackable rubberDuck = duckFactory.createRubberDuck(); Goose goose = new Goose(); Quackable gooseAdapter = new GooseAdapter(goose); Flock flockOfDucks = new Flock(); Quackologist quackologist = new Quackologist(); flockOfDucks.add(mallardDuck); flockOfDucks.add(redheadDuck); flockOfDucks.add(duckCall); flockOfDucks.add(rubberDuck); //foarte important sa fie dupa ce am adaugat lez ducks , //inregistrarea observerului se face cu interator pt toate lez ducks existente flockOfDucks.registerObserver(quackologist); Console.WriteLine("Duck Simulator"); simulate(flockOfDucks); Console.WriteLine(" The ducks quacked " + QuackCounter.getQaucks() + " times"); }
public void A_goose_and_Saddle_of_the_same_size_should_be_compatible() { //Arrange var bunny = new Rabbit(); var emotionalState = "Pooped-filled Anger"; var largeGoose = new Goose { Name = "Tedothy", Sex = Sex.Male, Size = Size.Large, EmotinalState = emotionalState }; var largeSaddle = new Saddle { Size = Size.Large, InUse = false }; bunny.OwnedSaddle.Add(largeSaddle); bunny.OwnedGeese.Add(largeGoose); //Act // ctrl. to create a method in Rabbit.cs bunny.SaddleThatGoose(largeGoose, largeSaddle); //Assert Assert.Same(largeSaddle, largeGoose.Saddle); Assert.True(largeSaddle.InUse); Assert.Equal(emotionalState, largeGoose.EmotinalState); }
static void Main() { Tiger Amur = new Tiger(); Amur.protection_status(); Amur.color(); WhiteTiger Timur = new WhiteTiger(); Timur.protection_status(); Timur.color(); Kitten Mur = new Kitten(); Mur.protection_status(); Mur.color(); Mur.noise(); Mur.quantity = 3; Console.WriteLine("This quantity of kitten of white tiger is {0}", Mur.quantity); Goose Grey = new Goose(10); Grey.protection_status(); Grey.features(); Console.WriteLine(Grey.speed); Grey.swim(); Sparrow Captain = new Sparrow(); Captain.protection_status(); Captain.features(); Captain.speed = 7; Console.WriteLine("Speed of Captain is {0}", Captain.speed);;; Captain.swim(); Captain.size(); }
//private CameraController camController; // Start is called before the first frame update private void Awake() { party = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <Party>(); goose = party.partyMembers[0]; cam = Camera.main; //camController = cam.GetComponent<CameraController>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Goose g1 = new Goose(); Console.WriteLine(g1.Fly()); g1.FlyBehavior = new NoFly(); Console.WriteLine(g1.Fly()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Goose goose = new Goose(); goose.GooseStats(); goose.GetEnemyEnmName(); Console.WriteLine(goose.GetEnemyEnmName()); Console.WriteLine(goose.GetEnemyEnmStr()); }
public void Compound_Adapter_Behavior() { DuckSimulator duckSim = new DuckSimulator(); IQuackable duck1 = new RubberDuck(); Goose goose = new Goose(); IQuackable gooseAdapter = new GooseAdapter(goose); duckSim.Simulate(duck1); duckSim.Simulate(gooseAdapter); }
public IActionResult AddGooseToRabbit(int id, Goose goose) { var rabbit = _storage.GetById(id); if (rabbit == null) { return(NotFound()); } rabbit.OwnedGeese.Add(goose); return(Ok()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // // OLD MACDONALD // Console.WriteLine("Old MacDonald had a farm ee ay ee ay oh"); // Let's try singing about a Farm Animal List <ISingable> farm = new List <ISingable>(); farm.Add(new Palimino()); farm.Add(new Horse()); farm.Add(new Goose()); Goose gooseB = new Goose(); farm.Add(new Horse()); farm.Add(new Palimino()); farm.Add(new Horse("gary")); farm.Add(gooseB); farm.Add(new Goat()); farm.Add(new Tractor()); List <ISellable> forTheYardSale = new List <ISellable>(); // Can we swap out any animal in place here? foreach (ISingable thingOnTheFarm in farm) { if (thingOnTheFarm is Goose) //rename all the geese bernard { ((Goose)thingOnTheFarm).reNameTheGoose("bernard"); } if (thingOnTheFarm is ISellable) { forTheYardSale.Add((ISellable)thingOnTheFarm); } Console.WriteLine("And on his farm there was a " + thingOnTheFarm.Name + " ee ay ee ay oh"); Console.WriteLine("With a " + thingOnTheFarm.MakeSoundTwice() + " here and a " + thingOnTheFarm.MakeSoundTwice() + " there"); Console.WriteLine("Here a " + thingOnTheFarm.MakeSoundOnce() + ", there a " + thingOnTheFarm.MakeSoundOnce() + " everywhere a " + thingOnTheFarm.MakeSoundTwice()); Console.WriteLine("Old Macdonald had a farm, ee ay ee ay oh"); Console.WriteLine(); } forTheYardSale.Add(new Apple()); Console.WriteLine("Sellable things: "); foreach (ISellable thingToSell in forTheYardSale) { Console.Write(thingToSell.Name + ", "); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void ChangeSkin(Goose __instance) { m_skin = __instance.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer> () [0]; Shader shader = Shader.Find("VertexLit"); Material mat = new Material(shader); mat.SetColor("_Color", m_currentColor); mat.SetFloat("_EmissionColor", m_currentColor.r * 10f); //mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", null); m_skin.material = new Material(mat); StartRoutine(__instance); }
public void CanCoexist_WhenCharacterAreFoxAndGoose_ReturnsReason() { // Arrange var goose = new Goose(); var fox = new Fox(); // Act var result = fox.CanCoexist(goose); // Assert Assert.Equal("Fox will eat the goose", result); }
public void CanCoexist_WhenCharactersAreFarmerAndGoose_ReturnsEmpty() { // Arrange var goose = new Goose(); var farmer = new Farmer(); // Act var result = farmer.CanCoexist(goose); // Assert Assert.Null(result); }
public void Compound_Decorator_Behavior() { DuckSimulator duckSim = new DuckSimulator(); IQuackable duck1 = new QuackCounter(new RubberDuck()); Goose goose = new Goose(); IQuackable gooseAdapter = new QuackCounter(new GooseAdapter(goose)); duckSim.Simulate(duck1); duckSim.Simulate(gooseAdapter); Assert.AreEqual(2, QuackCounter.GetQuackCount()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("*************************** Toy ***************************************"); var babyCube = new BabyCube(10, "VTech"); babyCube.Describe(); babyCube.SetLevel(1); Console.WriteLine("*************************** Birds ***************************************"); //Birds (the parent constructor was executed first before the child constructor) var goose = new Goose(true, 2, "seeds", "gray"); Console.WriteLine("*************************** Pets ***************************************"); //Pets(child can have its own methods Bark or Climb) var puppy = new Puppy(false, 4, "bones", "yellow"); puppy.Bark(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); var kitty = new Kitty(false, 4, "fish", "yellow"); kitty.Climb(); Console.WriteLine("*************************** Crawls ***************************************"); //Crawls(child can use its implemented interface methods and call the parent public methods) var turtle = new Turtle(false, 4, "insects", "brown"); turtle.Crawl(); turtle.Eat(); //turtle.Confidential(); turtle.MakePublic(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); var crocodile = new Crocodile(false, 4, "fish", "gray"); crocodile.Sleep(); crocodile.Crawl(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); var tortoise = new Tortoise(true, 4, "grass", "gray"); tortoise.Sleep(); tortoise.Crawl(); tortoise.Walk(); }
protected virtual Vector3 _predictTargetPosition(Vector3 from, Goose goose) { Vector3 target = goose.transform.position; float distance = Vector3.Distance(from, target); float u1 = Math.Abs(Stats.Projectile.Velocity); float u2 = Math.Abs(goose.Speed); float angle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (Vector3.Angle(from - target, goose.Movement)); float time = Mathf.Abs((Mathf.Sqrt(2) * Mathf.Sqrt(2 * distance * distance * u1 * u1 + distance * distance * u2 * u2 * Mathf.Cos(2 * angle) - distance * distance * u2 * u2) - 2 * distance * u2 * Mathf.Cos(angle)) / (2 * (u1 * u1 - u2 * u2))); Vector3 prediction = goose.Movement * time + new Vector3(-0.15f, 0.15f, 0); return(target + prediction); }
private static IEnumerator <WaitForSeconds> ChangeWantedColor(Goose goose) { while (true) { if (goose.gooseHonker.justQuacked) { m_currentColor = m_skin.material.color; m_fProgress = 0.01f; m_wantedColor = UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 1f); } yield return(null); } }
public void NotCompatibleCharacters_ReturnsListOfStrings() { // Arrange var character = new Goose(); // Act var result = character.NotCompatibleCharacters; // Assert Assert.IsType <Dictionary <string, string> >(result); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); Assert.Equal("Fox will eat the goose", result["Fox"]); Assert.Equal("Goose will eat the bean", result["Bean"]); }
[HttpPut("{id}/geese")] // puttig a goose onto a rabbit public IActionResult AddGooseToRabbit(int id, Goose goose) { var rabbit = _storage.GetById(id); // check to see if a rabbit is not null so it wont throw an excecption error if (rabbit == null) { return(NotFound()); } rabbit.OwnedGeese.Add(goose); return(Ok()); }
public void Moveplayer_WhenLandingOnGooseAndNextSquareIsAlsoAGoose_PlayerIsMovedToCorrectPosition() { // Arrange ISquare square = new Goose(-1); int diceAmount = 4; player = players[0]; player.AmountOfDice = diceAmount; player.Position = 46; // Act gameboard.MovePlayer(player, diceAmount, square); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(54, player.Position); }
public static void Init(string[] args) { PetWalker pw = new PetWalker(); Dog lassie = new Dog { Name = "Lassie", FurColor = "Golden", Attitude = "Heroic" }; pw.Walk(lassie); Goose carl = new Goose { Name = "Carl", Attitude = "Asshole", FeatherColor = "Snow White" }; pw.Walk(carl); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Parent man = new Parent("Мужик", "Мужской", 52); Parent woman = new Parent("Баба", "Женский", 44); Child daughter = new Child("Доченька", "Женский", 12); Child son = new Child("Сынок", "Мужской", 8); Goose goose = new Goose("Гуси-лебеди", "Птица", "Коричневые", 1, 1, 2); Oven oven = new Oven("Печка", "Еда"); AppleTree apple_tree = new AppleTree("Яблоня", "Фрукты", 21); MilkRiver milk_river = new MilkRiver("Молочная река", 100, 21); GrandParent granny_yaga = new GrandParent("Баба-Яга", "Женский", 119); Mouse mouse = new Mouse("Мышка", "Грызун", "Серый", 1, 1, 4); Swan_geese_story(man, woman, daughter, son, goose, oven, apple_tree, milk_river, granny_yaga, mouse); //правильная концвока при 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 включая рандомы Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Parent man = new Parent("Мужик", "Мужской", 52); Parent woman = new Parent("Баба", "Женский", 44); Child daughter = new Child("Доченька", "Женский", 12, 4); Child son = new Child("Сынок", "Мужской", 8, 1); Goose goose = new Goose("Гуси-лебеди", "Птица", "Коричневые", 1, 1, 2); Oven oven = new Oven("Печка", "Еда"); AppleTree apple_tree = new AppleTree("Яблоня", "Фрукты", 21); MilkRiver milk_river = new MilkRiver("Молочная река", 100, 21); GrandParent <Human> granny_yaga = new GrandParent <Human>("Баба-Яга", "Женский", 119); Mouse mouse = new Mouse("Мышка", "Грызун", "Серый", 1, 1, 4); //правильная концвока при 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 включая рандомы //Класс Zmey(в нем находится так же dictionary) и GrandParent обобщенные StoryTeller storyTeller = new StoryTeller(); storyTeller.TellStrory(man, woman, daughter, son, goose, oven, apple_tree, milk_river, granny_yaga, mouse); Console.ReadKey(); }
protected virtual IEnumerator _attack() { while (IsAvailable) { Goose aim = GooseFabric.Instance.FindGoose(transform.position, Stats.Range); // null или далеко if (aim == null || _spawnPoints == null) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); continue; } _animator.SetTrigger("Shoot"); var shotNumber = _spawnPoints.Count(); foreach (var spawnPoint in _spawnPoints) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f)); aim = GooseFabric.Instance.FindGoose(transform.position, Stats.Range); if (aim == null) { break; } // добавляю скрипт на префаб var projectile = GameObject.Instantiate(_projectilePrefab, spawnPoint.position, Quaternion.identity, _battlefield); Projectile proj = projectile.GetComponent <Projectile>(); _audioSource.Play(); proj.Loauch(spawnPoint.position, _predictTargetPosition(spawnPoint.position, aim), Stats.Projectile); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Stats.AttackDelay / shotNumber)); } // может быть не нужен yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Zoo!"); Cow cow = new Cow(); BlackBear blackbear = new BlackBear(); PolarBear polarBear = new PolarBear(); Ostrich ostrich = new Ostrich(); Goose goose = new Goose(); Tortise tortise = new Tortise(); Crocodile crocodile = new Crocodile(); Console.WriteLine($"Cow: {cow.PlowField()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Black Bear: {blackbear.ClimbTree()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Polar Bear: {polarBear.Sleep()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Polar Bear: {polarBear.Prey}"); Console.WriteLine($"Polar Bear: {polarBear.HuntingGround()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Ostrich: {ostrich.Sprint()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Ostrich: {ostrich.Race()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Ostrich: When I race, do I wear blinders? {ostrich.WearBlinders}"); Console.WriteLine($"Goose: {goose.Sound()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Tortise: {tortise.HideInShell()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Crocodile: {crocodile.BirdTeethClean()}"); }
public GooseAdapter(Goose goose) { m_observable = new Observable(this); m_goose = goose; }
public GooseAdapter(Goose goose) { Goose = goose; }
public GooseAdapter(Goose goose) { this.goose = goose; observable = new Observable(this); }