Esempio n. 1
        private List <GoogleFont> GetFonts(Themes.Theme theme)
            List <GoogleFont> list  = new List <GoogleFont>();
            List <Setting>    fonts = (from s in theme.Settings
                                       where s.Name != null && s.Name.ToLower() == "font"
                                       select s).ToList();

            foreach (Setting font in fonts)
                GoogleFont googleFont = new GoogleFont
                    Name   = font.Settings["font-family"],
                    Styles = font.Settings["font-weight"].Split(',').ToList()

Esempio n. 2
 private static string ToHeaderReference(GoogleFont gfont)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 1. generate imgages for windows fonts then google ones
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //init google fonts from ttf file

            var googleFontDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleFontDir"])
                                 .SelectMany(x => Directory.GetFiles(x)
                                             .Where(m => m.Contains(".ttf")))

            var googleFonts = googleFontDirs.Select(x =>
                var tmp      = x.Split('\\');
                var fontName = tmp[tmp.Length - 1].Replace(".ttf", "").Trim();
                return(new { fontName = fontName, path = x });

            FontImageExporter exporter = new FontImageExporter();

            Console.WriteLine("export one test image (mostly for testing purpose), or export char level images in various fonts?  (1 / 2) ");
            if (Console.ReadLine().Equals("1"))
                //font name
                Console.WriteLine("Font Name?");
                var fontName = Console.ReadLine();
                //17 size is good size to produce height of 28
                Console.WriteLine("Font Size");
                var fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                //create fontdata, check against windows/google fonts
                //lets assume that if it is not windows font then it is google font
                var fontData = default(FontData);
                if (FontResource.Fonts_Small.Any(x => x.Equals(fontName)))
                    fontData = new WindowsFont(fontName, fontSize);
                    var tmp = googleFonts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.fontName.Equals(fontName));

                    fontData = new GoogleFont(fontName, fontSize, tmp.path);

                Console.WriteLine("what is the word you want to generate? ('.' is treated as linebreak, so it supports multi lines)");
                var word = Console.ReadLine();

                var strbuilder = new StringBuilder();
                //where the word consists of multi chars, append some space around it
                if (word.Length > 1)
                    var words = word.Split('.').ToList();
                    words.ForEach(x => {
                        strbuilder.Append(' ', 1).Append(x).Append(' ', 2);

                    strbuilder.Append(' ', 6).Append(".");
                var path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExportWordDir"];
                var name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                //resize and save new images
                Console.WriteLine("resize to 28*28?");
                var resize = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine());
                if (resize)
                    exporter.SaveOneImage(strbuilder.ToString(), name, fontData, path, new List <ImageDecorator> {
                        new ResizeDecorator(28, 28)
                    exporter.SaveOneImage(strbuilder.ToString(), name, fontData, path);
                Console.WriteLine("export windows font images or google font images. (1 / 2)");
                var command  = Console.ReadLine();
                int fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultExportFontSize"]);

                var fontDatas = new List <FontData>();
                if (command.Equals("2"))
                    var googleFontDatas = googleFonts.Select(x =>
                        var e = new GoogleFont(fontName: x.fontName, fontSize: fontSize, fontPath: x.path);

                    //google fonts are many, some are too unnormal, manually create a list with all normal font names
                    string[] googleFontNameList = File.ReadAllLines(@"..\..\fonts_small.txt");
                    fontDatas = googleFontDatas.Where(x => googleFontNameList.Contains(x.FontName)).ToList();
                else if (command.Equals("1"))
                    fontDatas = FontResource.Fonts_Small.Select(x =>
                        var font = new WindowsFont(x, fontSize);

                //---------------auto adjust offset

                //X,Y - 3,6 for font 40 is good, remove some offset manually
                Console.WriteLine("remove white pixel as offsets? (true/false)");
                var removeOffset = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine());

                var offsetRemoveOption = -1;
                var offsetX            = 0;
                var offsetY            = 0;
                if (removeOffset)
                    Console.WriteLine("specify offset removal option - remove offsets (0) / even and remove offsets (1) / even and keep offset remains (2)? (0,1,2)");
                    offsetRemoveOption = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.WriteLine("specify offsets - 'X,Y' - (x-3, y-6, fontsize 40), (x-2, y-4, fontsize 27)");
                    var offsets = Console.ReadLine();
                    offsetX = Convert.ToInt32(offsets.Split(',')[0]);
                    offsetY = Convert.ToInt32(offsets.Split(',')[1]);

                var decorators = new List <ImageDecorator>();

                if (removeOffset)
                    if (offsetRemoveOption == 0)
                        decorators.Add(new PeelDecorator(offsetX, offsetX, offsetY, offsetY));
                    else if (offsetRemoveOption == 1)
                        //X,Y - 3,6 is tested
                        decorators.Add(new EvenAndPeelDecorator(offsetX, offsetX, offsetY, offsetY));
                    else if (offsetRemoveOption == 2)
                        decorators.Add(new AutoPeelDecorator(offsetX, offsetX, offsetY, offsetY));
                exporter.ExportFontData(fontDatas, decorators);


            //following code not used in the main program, some of the google fonts are bad, manually remove them, keep a list of google fonts that are good
            //System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"..\..\googlefonts.txt");

            //var allfonts = Directory.GetDirectories(@"D:\Test\FontData_After_Filter_stag");
            //allfonts.ToList().ForEach(x => {
            //    var dir = new DirectoryInfo(x);
            //    var dirName = dir.Name;
            //    file.WriteLine(dirName);