Esempio n. 1
        public async Task AuthAsync()
            // before we begin, check if the pre-reqs are met
            if (!GoogleCalendarSyncService.DoesGoogleAPIClientIDFileExist())
                await ReplyAsync(
                    $"We can't find some things we need for this to work. " +
                    $"Contact {Context.Guild.GetUser(ulong.Parse(Config["discordBotOwnerId"])).Mention} (client_id.json file missing). " +
                    $"When that's resolved, run the ```{Config["prefix"]}auth``` command to continue the process.");


            await GoogleCalendarSyncService.GetAuthCode(Context);

            var response = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

            if (response != null)
                await GoogleCalendarSyncService.GetTokenAndLogin(response.Content, Context);
                await ReplyAsync("I didn't get a response in time. Try again.");
Esempio n. 2
 public async Task CalendarIdSetAsync([Remainder] string input)
     if (input != "")
         await GoogleCalendarSyncService.SetCalendarId(input, Context);
         await ReplyAndDeleteAsync(
             $":white_check_mark: Calendar ID set. You can use ```{Config["prefix"]}sync``` to sync up your calendar now.", false, null, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
         await ReplyAsync("You need to provide a calendar ID after the command.");
        public async Task AuthAsync()
            await GoogleCalendarSyncService.GetAuthCode(Context);

            var response = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

            if (response != null)
                await GoogleCalendarSyncService.GetTokenAndLogin(response.Content, Context);
                await ReplyAsync("I didn't get a response in time. Try again.");
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task AdjustEventAsync(string function, int value = 0)
            if (function != "start" && function != "end" && function != "clear" || function != "clear" && value == 0)
                await ReplyAsync($"You didn't correctly fill out the command. Syntax is ```{Config["prefix"]}adjust start/end amount (in minutes)```");


            var result = GoogleCalendarSyncService.AdjustUpcomingEvent(function, value, Context);

            if (result == true)
                var server = DbDiscordServers.ServerList.Find(x => x.DiscordServerObject == Context.Guild);

                StringBuilder responseBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                responseBuilder.Append($"Event {server.Events[0].Name} adjusted - ");

                if (function == "start")
                    responseBuilder.Append($" new start time: {server.Events[0].StartDate}");
                if (function == "end")
                    responseBuilder.Append($" new end time: {server.Events[0].EndDate}");
                if (function == "clear")
                    responseBuilder.Append($"adjustment cleared. Use the ```{Config["prefix"]}sync``` command to reload original values.");

                await ReplyAsync(responseBuilder.ToString());
            if (result == false)
                await ReplyAsync("Adjust failed - you probably tried to make the event start after it was set to end or something.");
            if (result == null)
                await ReplyAsync("Adjust failed - this server doesn't have any events to adjust.");
Esempio n. 5
 public async Task CalendarSyncAsync()
     await GoogleCalendarSyncService.ManualSync(null, Context);