static void Main() { List <int> myList = new List <int>(); //Console.WriteLine(typeof(myArray); myList.Add(3244); myList.Add(1233); Goo.Print(myList.ToList()); Goo.Print("John Green"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var foo = new Foo(); System.Console.WriteLine(foo.Bar()); System.Console.WriteLine(foo.Bar("World")); var goo = new Goo(); System.Console.WriteLine(goo.Bar("Hello")); var foo2 = new Foo2(); System.Console.WriteLine(foo2.Bar("Hello")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string cultureCode = "pt-PT"; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(cultureCode); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(cultureCode); var foo = new Foo(); PrintIFoo(foo); var goo = new Goo(); PrintIFoo(goo); var woo = new Woo(); PrintIFoo(woo); Console.ReadLine(); }
public FooApplication(IFoo foopage, HistoryScope<ApplicationState> fooscope) { // init state! this will be sent to server at every new web call. this.state = fooscope.state; FlashTitle(); // how do we know when we need to shut down? // if we go back in time we need to shut down // should we have a Dispose method? // can we await on scope? Native.document.title = state.title; = "1em red solid"; foopage.output.innerText = new { this.state.title }.ToString(); foopage.EnterData.WhenClicked( async delegate { this.reason = "foopage.EnterData.WhenClicked"; // what if server has gone away? var newscope = await this.DoEnterData(); newscope_data =; // DataTable is not correctly stored in HistoryAPI yet = null; // ready to transition to a new Native.window.history.pushState( newscope.state, async scope => { Console.WriteLine("at DoEnterData"); = newscope_data; newscope_data = null; // now what? // we get here either by a click or a reload #region do // we need a copy of childnodes! var oldpagenodes = Native.document.body.childNodes.ToArray(); var goopage = new Goo(); Native.document.body.Clear(); #endregion Native.document.body.appendChild( goopage.body.childNodes.ToArray() ); // should we automate this somehow? var gooapp = new GooApplication(goopage, scope); // we only use the data once? // = null; await scope; Native.document.body.Clear(); #region undo Native.document.body.appendChild( oldpagenodes ); // // are we sure the state has been restored? // show our intent to reload IStyleSheet.Default["title"].style.color = "red"; // wait for any animation, sound to complete, then wipe // what if we move in time during the delay? await Task.Delay(500); Native.document.location.reload(); #endregion } ); } ); //[await scope].borderLeft = "0.3em yellow solid"; fooscope.With( async delegate { await fooscope; // time to undo = "0.3em yellow solid"; } ); }
public ManyCtor2(Goo goo) { Goo = goo; }
public FooApplication(IFoo foopage, HistoryScope <ApplicationState> fooscope) { // init state! this will be sent to server at every new web call. this.state = fooscope.state; FlashTitle(); // how do we know when we need to shut down? // if we go back in time we need to shut down // should we have a Dispose method? // can we await on scope? Native.document.title = state.title; = "1em red solid"; foopage.output.innerText = new { this.state.title }.ToString(); foopage.EnterData.WhenClicked( async delegate { this.reason = "foopage.EnterData.WhenClicked"; // what if server has gone away? var newscope = await this.DoEnterData(); newscope_data =; // DataTable is not correctly stored in HistoryAPI yet = null; // ready to transition to a new Native.window.history.pushState( newscope.state, async scope => { Console.WriteLine("at DoEnterData"); = newscope_data; newscope_data = null; // now what? // we get here either by a click or a reload #region do // we need a copy of childnodes! var oldpagenodes = Native.document.body.childNodes.ToArray(); var goopage = new Goo(); Native.document.body.Clear(); #endregion Native.document.body.appendChild( goopage.body.childNodes.ToArray() ); // should we automate this somehow? var gooapp = new GooApplication(goopage, scope); // we only use the data once? // = null; await scope; Native.document.body.Clear(); #region undo Native.document.body.appendChild( oldpagenodes ); // // are we sure the state has been restored? // show our intent to reload IStyleSheet.Default["title"].style.color = "red"; // wait for any animation, sound to complete, then wipe // what if we move in time during the delay? await Task.Delay(500); Native.document.location.reload(); #endregion } ); } ); //[await scope].borderLeft = "0.3em yellow solid"; fooscope.With( async delegate { await fooscope; // time to undo = "0.3em yellow solid"; } ); }
public static void Main() { Goo x = new Goo(); x =; }
public static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { _source = ObjectManager.LocalHero; if (!Game.IsInGame || Game.IsPaused || Game.IsWatchingGame) { return; } if (_source.ClassId != ClassId.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Bristleback) { return; } var _enemy = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsIllusion && hero.IsVisible && hero.Team != _source.Team); var _creep = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Creep>().Where(x => (x.ClassId == ClassId.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane || x.ClassId == ClassId.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege) && x.IsAlive && x.IsSpawned && x.IsVisible).ToList(); if (_source == null) { return; } if (Quill == null) { Quill = _source.Spellbook.Spell2; } if (Goo == null) { Goo = _source.Spellbook.Spell1; } if (abyssal == null) { abyssal = _source.FindItem("item_abyssal_blade"); } if (dust == null) { dust = _source.FindItem("item_dust"); } if (atos == null) { atos = _source.FindItem("item_rod_of_atos"); } if (solar == null) { solar = _source.FindItem("item_solar_crest"); } if (medallion == null) { medallion = _source.FindItem("item_medallion_of_courage"); } if (halberd == null) { halberd = _source.FindItem("item_heavens_halberd"); } if (Menu.Item("Quill").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 3 && Quill.CanBeCasted() && _source.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("quill") && !_source.IsChanneling() && !_source.IsInvisible()) { foreach (var x in _creep) { if (x.Team == _source.GetEnemyTeam() && x.Health > 0 && x.Health < (Quilldmg[Quill.Level - 1] * (1 - x.DamageResist) + 20) && GetDistance2D(x.Position, _source.Position) < Quill.CastRange && Utils.SleepCheck("quill")) { Quill.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "quill"); } } } if (Menu.Item("Quill").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 0 && Quill.CanBeCasted() && _source.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("quill") && !_source.IsChanneling() && !_source.IsInvisible()) { Quill.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "quill"); } if (Menu.Item("Quill").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == 1 && Quill.CanBeCasted() && _source.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("quill") && !_source.IsChanneling() && !_source.IsInvisible()) { foreach (var enemy in _enemy) { if (GetDistance2D(enemy.Position, _source.Position) < Quill.CastRange) { Quill.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "quill"); } } } if (chase && Menu.Item("enable").GetValue <bool>()) { _target = _source.ClosestToMouseTarget(1000); if (_source.CanAttack() && _source.CanCast()) { var linken = _target.Modifiers.Any(x => x.Name == "modifier_item_spheretarget") || _target.Inventory.Items.Any(x => x.Name == "item_sphere"); if (abyssal != null && abyssal.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("item_abyssal") && !linken) { abyssal.UseAbility(_target); Utils.Sleep(400 + Game.Ping, "item_abyssal"); } if (abyssal != null) { Utils.ChainStun(_source, 310, null, false); } if (medallion != null && medallion.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("item_medal") && !linken) { medallion.UseAbility(_target); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "item_medal"); } if (atos != null && atos.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("item_atos") && !linken) { medallion.UseAbility(_target); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "item_atos"); } if (solar != null && solar.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("item_solar") && !linken) { solar.UseAbility(_target); Utils.Sleep(200 + Game.Ping, "item_solar"); } if (dust != null && dust.CanBeCasted() && (_target.CanGoInvis() || _target.IsInvisible()) && Utils.SleepCheck("dust")) { dust.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(200 + Game.Ping, "dust"); } if (Goo.CanBeCasted() && _source.CanAttack() && !_target.IsInvul() && Utils.SleepCheck("Goo")) { if (_source.HasItem(ClassId.CDOTA_Item_UltimateScepter)) { if (GetDistance2D(_target.Position, _source.Position) < Goo.CastRange) { Goo.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "Goo"); } else { _source.Attack(_target); Utils.Sleep(Game.Ping + 150, "atk"); } } else { Goo.UseAbility(_target); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "Goo"); } } if (!Goo.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("animationatk")) { _source.Attack(_target); Utils.Sleep(Game.Ping + 150, "animationatk"); } if (Quill.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("quill")) { Quill.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "quill"); } } else { if (Utils.SleepCheck("atk")) { _source.Attack(_target); } Utils.Sleep(1000, "atk"); } } }