public void ShouldFinish()
            RandomPlayer one  = new RandomPlayer();
            RandomPlayer two  = new RandomPlayer();
            GomokuEngine game = new GomokuEngine(one, two);

            // Random behavior can't really be tested.
            // "test" verifies that a game will eventually end with two RandomPlayers.
            while (!game.IsOver)
                Result result;
                    // Get the current (random) player and generate a random
                    // stone from the existing game moves.
                    Stone stone = game.Current.GenerateMove(game.Stones);
                    result = game.Place(stone);
                } while(!result.IsSuccess);
        public void ShouldSwapAfterSuccessfulStonePlacement()
            // The GomokuEngine tracks the state of the game including whose turn it is.
            // Check that the GomokuEngine swaps the current player
            // after a stone has been successfully placed.

            // Get the current player.
            IPlayer previous = game.Current;

            // Rely upon the GomokuEngine's `IsBlacksTurn` property to determine the current player's stone color.
            bool isBlack = game.IsBlacksTurn;

            // Create a new stone for the uppermost left hand spot on the board.
            Stone stone = new Stone(0, 0, isBlack);

            // Place the stone and capture the result into a variable.
            Result result = game.Place(stone);

            // Check that the stone was successfully placed.

            // Check that the current player has changed.
            IPlayer next = game.Current;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(previous, next);

            // Check that it's no longer black's turn.