public IEnumerable <IProduct> GetProducts(IOrderConfiguration configuration, int categoryID = 0, bool returnLongDetails = true)
            if (categoryID == 0)
                categoryID = configuration.CategoryID;

            // Get the products
            var response = Exigo.WebService().GetItems(new GetItemsRequest
                WarehouseID         = configuration.WarehouseID,
                PriceType           = configuration.PriceTypeID,
                LanguageID          = GlobalUtilities.GetCurrentLanguageID(),
                CurrencyCode        = configuration.CurrencyCode,
                RestrictToWarehouse = true,
                ReturnLongDetail    = returnLongDetails,
                WebID         = 1,
                WebCategoryID = categoryID

            foreach (var item in response.Items)
                yield return((Item)item);
        public IEnumerable <IItem> GetProducts(IOrderConfiguration configuration, string[] itemcodes)
            var results = new List <IItem>();

            if (itemcodes.Length == 0)
                yield break;

            // Get the products
            var response = Exigo.WebService().GetItems(new GetItemsRequest
                WarehouseID         = configuration.WarehouseID,
                PriceType           = configuration.PriceTypeID,
                LanguageID          = GlobalUtilities.GetCurrentLanguageID(),
                CurrencyCode        = configuration.CurrencyCode,
                RestrictToWarehouse = true,
                ReturnLongDetail    = true,
                ItemCodes           = itemcodes.Distinct().ToArray()

            foreach (var item in response.Items)
                yield return((Item)item);
        // Products
        public GetProductsResponse GetProducts(IOrderConfiguration configuration, IWebCategoryConfiguration webcategoryConfiguration, GetProductsRequest request)
            var response = new GetProductsResponse();

            // Set up ordering
            var orderByClause = "";

            switch (request.SortType)
            case ProductListSortType.PriceAsc:
                orderByClause = "ip.price";

            case ProductListSortType.PriceDesc:
                orderByClause = "ip.price DESC";

            case ProductListSortType.NameAsc:
                orderByClause = "COALESCE(il.itemdescription, i.itemdescription)";

            case ProductListSortType.NameDesc:
                orderByClause = "COALESCE(il.itemdescription, i.itemdescription) DESC";


            // Set up where clause
            // This is dummied for now until we know what this filter is intended for
            string whereClause = string.Empty;

            if (request.CategoryID == 0)
                var childCategoryIDs = GetAllWebCategoryIDChildren(configuration.CategoryID);
                whereClause += " WHERE w.WebCategoryID in ({0}) ".FormatWith(string.Join(",", childCategoryIDs));
                whereClause += " WHERE w.WebCategoryID = {0} ".FormatWith(request.CategoryID);

            if (request.SearchFilter.IsNotEmpty())
                whereClause += @" 
                        il.ItemDescription LIKE '%{0}%' 
                        OR i.ItemDescription LIKE '%{0}%'

            // Get the products
            var products = new List <Item>();

            using (var context = Exigo.Sql())
                products = context.Query <Item>(@"
                            ItemCode = i.itemcode,
                            Quantity = @initialquantity,
                            TinyImageUrl = @imageprefix + i.tinyimagename, 
                            SmallImageUrl = @imageprefix + i.smallimagename, 
                            LargeImageUrl = @imageprefix + i.largeimagename, 
                            ItemDescription = COALESCE(il.itemdescription, i.itemdescription), 
                            ShortDetail1 = COALESCE(il.shortdetail, i.shortdetail), 
                            ShortDetail2 = COALESCE(il.shortdetail2, i.shortdetail2), 
                            ShortDetail3 = COALESCE(il.shortdetail3, i.shortdetail3), 
                            ShortDetail4 = COALESCE(il.shortdetail4, i.shortdetail4), 
                            LongDetail = COALESCE(il.longdetail, i.longdetail), 
                            LongDetail2 = COALESCE(il.longdetail2, i.longdetail2), 
                            LongDetail3 = COALESCE(il.longdetail3, i.longdetail3), 
                            LongDetail4 = COALESCE(il.longdetail4, i.longdetail4), 
                            Price = ip.price, 
                            Other3Price = ip.Other3Price,
                            BusinessVolume = ip.businessvolume, 
                            CommissionableVolume = ip.commissionablevolume,
                            CategoryID = w.WebCategoryID,
                            SortOrder = CASE WHEN TRY_PARSE(i.Field6 AS int) IS NULL THEN 99 ELSE PARSE(i.Field6 AS int) END,
                            AvailableQuantity = iw.StockLevel
                            --AvailableQuantity = case when i.ItemTypeID > 0 then 99999 else iw.StockLevel end
                    FROM   items i 
                            INNER JOIN itemprices ip 
                                    ON i.itemid = ip.itemid 
                                        AND ip.pricetypeid = @pricetypeID 
                            LEFT JOIN itemlanguages il 
                                    ON i.itemid = il.itemid 
                                        AND il.languageid = @languageID 
                            LEFT JOIN itemwarehouses iw
                                ON i.itemid = iw.itemid
                            INNER JOIN webcategoryitems w 
                                    ON w.itemid = i.itemid 
                                        AND w.webid = @webID                    

                    " + whereClause + @"

                    ORDER BY " + orderByClause + @"

                    OFFSET @skip ROWS
                    FETCH NEXT @take ROWS ONLY
                ", new
                    imageprefix     = GlobalSettings.ProductImagePath,
                    webID           = 1,
                    pricetypeID     = configuration.PriceTypeID,
                    languageID      = GlobalUtilities.GetCurrentLanguageID(),
                    initialquantity = request.InitialQuantity,
                    skip            = request.Skip,
                    take            = request.Take

            // Run logic to set Item Type, for bundles
            products.ForEach(p => SetProductType(p, webcategoryConfiguration));

            // Now run logic to remove all bundles if the user has already purchased one
            if (products.Any(p => p.Type == ShoppingCartItemType.Bundle))
                var hasPurchaseBundle = GlobalUtilities.HasPurchasedBundle(Identity.Current.CustomerID);

                if (hasPurchaseBundle)
                    products.RemoveAll(p => p.Type == ShoppingCartItemType.Bundle);
                    //var temp = new List<Product>();

                    //temp = products.Where(p => p.Type != ShoppingCartItemType.Bundle).ToList();
                    //products.RemoveAll(p => p.Type != ShoppingCartItemType.Bundle);


            response.Items = items;

            var itemcodelist = response.Products.Select(i => i.ItemCode).ToList();
            var memberlist   = new List <Item>();
            var languageID   = GlobalUtilities.GetCurrentLanguageID();

            var grouptask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var members = Exigo.WebService().GetItems(new GetItemsRequest
                    WarehouseID         = configuration.WarehouseID,
                    PriceType           = configuration.PriceTypeID,
                    LanguageID          = languageID,
                    CurrencyCode        = configuration.CurrencyCode,
                    RestrictToWarehouse = true,
                    ReturnLongDetail    = false,
                    ItemCodes           = itemcodelist.Distinct().ToArray()

                foreach (var item in members.Where(m => m.IsGroupMaster))
                    foreach (var member in item.GroupMembers)
                        memberlist.Add(new Item
                            ItemCode             = member.ItemCode,
                            ItemDescription      = member.MemberDescription,
                            Price                = item.Price,
                            Other3Price          = item.Other3Price,
                            Type                 = ShoppingCartItemType.Default,
                            ShortDetail1         = item.ShortDetail,
                            ShortDetail2         = item.ShortDetail2,
                            LongDetail1          = item.LongDetail,
                            LongDetail2          = item.LongDetail2,
                            Category             = item.Category,
                            SortOrder            = (item.Field6.CanBeParsedAs <int>()) ? Convert.ToInt32(item.Field6) : 99,
                            BusinessVolume       = item.BusinessVolume,
                            CommissionableVolume = item.CommissionableVolume,
                            GroupMasterItemCode  = item.ItemCode

                if (memberlist.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in members.Where(i => i.IsGroupMaster))
                        var newprod           = response.Products.Where(i => i.ItemCode == item.ItemCode).First();
                        newprod.IsGroupMaster = true;
                        newprod.GroupMembers  = memberlist.Where(m => m.GroupMasterItemCode == item.ItemCode).ToList();

            if (request.ReturnTotalRowCount)
                var rowCount = 0;
                using (var context = Exigo.Sql())
                    rowCount = context.Query <int>(@"
                        'RowCount' = COUNT(*)
                    FROM   items i 
                            INNER JOIN itemprices ip 
                                    ON i.itemid = ip.itemid 
                                        AND ip.pricetypeid = @pricetypeID 
                            LEFT JOIN itemlanguages il 
                                    ON i.itemid = il.itemid 
                                        AND il.languageid = @languageID 
                            INNER JOIN webcategoryitems w 
                                    ON w.itemid = i.itemid 
                                        AND w.webid = @webID

                    " + whereClause + @"
                ", new
                        webID       = 1,
                        pricetypeID = configuration.PriceTypeID,
                        languageID  = GlobalUtilities.GetCurrentLanguageID()
                response.TotalRowCount = rowCount;

            response.Page     = request.Page;
            response.RowCount = response.Products.Count();

