public frmWelcome() : base("embedded://www/index.html") //设定启示页面,scheme是embedded就是我们在Main里注册的当前程序集资源 { InitializeComponent(); //在js中注册一个方法来打开About窗口 GlobalObject.AddFunction("showAboutForm").Execute += (sender, args) => { ShowAboutNanUI(); //ShowAboutWindow(); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDevTools").Execute += (sender, args) => { ShowDevTools(); }; //网页加载完成时触发事件 LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += (sender, args) => { //判断下触发的事件是不是主框架的 if (args.Frame.IsMain) { //执行JS,将当前的CEF运行版本等信息通过JS加载到网页上 var js = $"$client.setRuntimeInfo({{ api: ['{CfxRuntime.ApiHash(0)}', '{CfxRuntime.ApiHash(1)}'], cef:'{CfxRuntime.GetCefVersion()}', chrome:'{CfxRuntime.GetChromeVersion()}',os:'{CfxRuntime.PlatformOS}', arch:'{CfxRuntime.PlatformArch}'}});"; ExecuteJavascript(js); } }; }
public Form1() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); //FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDialog").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { var form2 = new Form2(); form2.ShowDialog(this); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showWindow").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { var form2 = new Form2(); form2.Show(this); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDevTools").Execute += (func, args) => Chromium.ShowDevTools(); }
public Form1() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); LoadHandler.OnLoadStart += LoadHandler_OnLoadStart; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDialog").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { var form2 = new Form2(); form2.ShowDialog(this); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showWindow").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { var form2 = new Form2(); form2.Show(this); }); }; //this.Left = 0; //this.Top = 0; //form2.Left = Screen.AllScreens[1].WorkingArea.Left; //form2.Top = Screen.AllScreens[1].WorkingArea.Top; }
public Form1() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDevTools").Execute += (func, args) => Chromium.ShowDevTools(); }
public Form1(Package <AppState> store) : base(store, Config.BaseUrl + "index.html")//"" { InitializeComponent(); this.ConfigChartAction(); this.ConfigCommunityActions(); GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDialog").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { var form2 = new Form2(store); form2.ShowDialog(this); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDevTools").Execute += (func, args) => Chromium.ShowDevTools(); LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += LoadHandler_OnLoadEnd; store.Subscribe((subscription, action) => { var state = store.GetState(); string cmd = string.Format("app.updateData({0})", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state)); ExecuteJavascript(cmd); }); Store.Dispatch(new loadCommunityList()); }
public Form1() : base("about:blank") { InitializeComponent(); Text = "Hotel Management System"; WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDevTools").Execute += (func, args) => Chromium.ShowDevTools(); GlobalObject.AddFunction("windowMinimize").Execute += (func, args) => WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; GlobalObject.AddFunction("windowMaximize").Execute += (func, args) => WindowState = (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) ? FormWindowState.Maximized : FormWindowState.Normal; GlobalObject.AddFunction("windowClose").Execute += CloseExecute; Chromium.BrowserCreated += Chromium_BrowserCreated; RegisterObject(); }
public MainForm() : base("embedded://www/index3.html") { InitializeComponent(); //在js中注册一个方法来打开About窗口 GlobalObject.AddFunction("showAboutForm").Execute += (sender, args) => { ShowAboutNanUI(); //ShowAboutWindow(); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDevTools").Execute += (sender, args) => { ShowDevTools(); }; LifeSpanHandler.OnBeforePopup += (sender, args) => { }; LifeSpanHandler.OnAfterCreated += (sender, args) => { }; //网页加载完成时触发事件 LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += (sender, args) => { //判断下触发的事件是不是主框架的 if (args.Frame.IsMain) { //执行JS,将当前的CEF运行版本等信息通过JS加载到网页上 //var js = string.Format("$client.setRuntimeInfo({{ api: ['{CfxRuntime.ApiHash(0)}', '{CfxRuntime.ApiHash(1)}'], cef:'{CfxRuntime.GetCefVersion()}', chrome:'{CfxRuntime.GetChromeVersion()}',os:'{CfxRuntime.PlatformOS}', arch:'{CfxRuntime.PlatformArch}'}});"); var js = string.Format("alert('{0}')", CfxRuntime.ApiHash(1)); object a = CfxRuntime.GetCefVersion(); //ExecuteJavascript(js); this.UpdateUI(() => { //显示字窗体的过程,不解释 SubForm su = new SubForm(); su.Show(); }); } }; }
private void RegisterJSFunc() { if (uiProxy == null) { uiProxy = new UiProxy(); GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnNewFile").Execute += uiProxy.OnNewFile; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnOpenFile").Execute += uiProxy.OnOpenFile; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnSaveFile").Execute += uiProxy.OnSaveFile; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnRun").Execute += uiProxy.OnRun; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnPause").Execute += uiProxy.OnPause; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnStop").Execute += uiProxy.OnStop; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnMouseHover").Execute += uiProxy.OnMouseMove; GlobalObject.AddFunction("BeginAddFlowItem").Execute += uiProxy.OnBeginAddFlowItem; GlobalObject.AddFunction("EndAddFlowItem").Execute += uiProxy.OnEndAddFlowItem; GlobalObject.AddFunction("GetFlowPicSize").Execute += uiProxy.GetFlowPicSize; GlobalObject.AddFunction("GetLiveMaxWidth").Execute += uiProxy.GetLiveMaxWidth; GlobalObject.AddFunction("OnRemoveProcess").Execute += uiProxy.OnRemoveProcess; } }
public Main() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); GetMain = this; this.Load += OnLoadForm; LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += (sender, args) => { PortMonitor.StartMonitor(); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("ShowDevTools").Execute += (sender, args) => { Chromium.ShowDevTools(); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("HostOpenAndCloseSerialDevice").Execute += (sender, args) => { try { var callback = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(e => e.IsFunction); string deviceName = args.Arguments[0].StringValue; SerialPortEx serial = SelectSerialDevice(deviceName); string portName = args.Arguments[1].StringValue; if (!serial.IsOpen) { SerialPortManager.OpenSerialPort(serial, portName); } else { SerialPortManager.CloseSerialPort(serial); } string json = Utility.JsonSerializerBySingleData(serial); callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new Chromium.Remote.CfrV8Value[] { json }); } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Helper.ErrorInfo(ex.Message, ex); ViewCallFunction.ViewAlert(ex.Message); } }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("HostAutoConnectionDeviced").Execute += (sender, args) => { try { bool autoConnection = args.Arguments[0].BoolValue; if (autoConnection) { ConnectionSerialDevice.Start(); } else { ConnectionSerialDevice.Stop(); } ConnectionSerialDevice.AutoConnectioinDevice = autoConnection; } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Helper.ErrorInfo(ex.Message, ex); ViewCallFunction.ViewAlert(ex.Message); } }; CardManagerEvh.InitEvent(); PwdManagerEvh.InitEvent(); ConfigureManagerEvh.InitEvent(); WirelessManagerEvh.InitEvent(); UserManagerEvh.InitEvent(); }
public Mian() : base(AnimationType.Center, "wwwroot/Pages/Main2.html", false) { InitializeComponent(); base.ContextMenuHandler.OnBeforeContextMenu += (sender, e_) => e_.Model.Clear(); //禁用右键 this.MinimumSize = new Size(1000, 700); this.MaximumSize = new Size(1000, 700); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; //注册显示注册界面事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("showRegistered").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { }); }; //注册显示主界 面窗体到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("viewMain").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { //Application.Run(new Main()); //this.Close(); //this.Dispose(); //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; //new Main(this).Show(); //this.Close(); }); }; var FuncExport = GlobalObject.AddFunction("Func_Export"); FuncExport.Execute += (func, args) => { var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { var str = stringArgument.StringValue; str = str.Replace("ind", "序号"); str = str.Replace("one", "数字"); str = str.Replace("two", "排序"); str = str.Replace("three", "正负"); ExportList tables = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExportList>(str); //导出五个表 var saveDir = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory; string currDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string currTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm"); if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir + "\\数据表格")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir + "\\数据表格"); } if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir + "\\数据表格\\" + currDate)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir + "\\数据表格\\" + currDate); } try { var path = saveDir + "\\数据表格\\" + currDate; //if (tables.table1 != null && tables.table1.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\千位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table1) + ".xls", tables.table1, ""); //if (tables.table2 != null && tables.table2.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\百位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table2) + ".xls", tables.table2, ""); //if (tables.table3 != null && tables.table3.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\十位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table3) + ".xls", tables.table3, ""); //if (tables.table4 != null && tables.table4.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\个位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table4) + ".xls", tables.table4, ""); //if (tables.table5 != null && tables.table5.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\球五" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table5) + ".xls", tables.table5, ""); var resultStr = CfrV8Value.CreateString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(true)); args.SetReturnValue(resultStr); } catch { var resultStr = CfrV8Value.CreateString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(false)); args.SetReturnValue(resultStr); } } }; //注册最小化事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("minForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized); //注册最大化事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("maxForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized); //注册默认大小事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("normalForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal); //注册关闭窗体事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("closeForm").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); Application.Exit(); }); }; this.Visible = true; //#if DEBUG // base.LoadHandler.OnLoadStart += (sender, e) => // { // base.Chromium.ShowDevTools(); // }; //#endif }
public Main() : base("http://my.resource.local/pages/Index.html") { InitializeComponent(); this.MinimumSize = new Size(1100, 690); //this.MaximumSize = new Size(1000, 690); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; GlobalObject.AddFunction("exit").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { Application.Exit(); GC.Collect(); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("toGithub").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { Process.Start(""); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("toHome").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { Process.Start(""); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("toWord").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { Process.Start(""); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showCreateEntity").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { CreateEntity.ShowWindow(); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("showDBMove").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { DBMove.ShowWindow(); }); }; var qq = base.GlobalObject.AddObject("qq"); var addedQun = qq.AddFunction("addedQun"); addedQun.Execute += (func, args) => { var url = ((args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString)?.StringValue) ?? string.Empty).Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { Process.Start(url); } }; base.LoadHandler.OnLoadStart += LoadHandler_OnLoadStart; }
public Form1() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += LoadHandler_OnLoadEnd; //register the "my" object var myObject = GlobalObject.AddObject("my"); //add property "name" to my, you should implemnt the getter/setter of name property by using PropertyGet/PropertySet events. var nameProp = myObject.AddDynamicProperty("name"); nameProp.PropertyGet += (prop, args) => { // getter - if js code "" executes, it'll get the string "NanUI". args.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateString("NanUI"); args.SetReturnValue(true); }; nameProp.PropertySet += (prop, args) => { // setter's value from js context, here we do nothing, so it will store or igrone by your mind. var value = args.Value; args.SetReturnValue(true); }; //add a function showCSharpMessageBox var showMessageBoxFunc = myObject.AddFunction("showCSharpMessageBox"); showMessageBoxFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { //it will be raised by js code "my.showCSharpMessageBox(`some text`)" executed. //get the first string argument in Arguments, it pass by js function. var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { MessageBox.Show(this, stringArgument.StringValue, "C# Messagebox", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }; //add a function getArrayFromCSharp, this function has an argument, it will combind C# string array with js array and return to js context. var friends = new string[] { "Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG" }; var getArrayFromCSFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getArrayFromCSharp"); getArrayFromCSFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsArray = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); if (jsArray == null) { jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { jsArray.SetValue(i, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } } else { var newArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(jsArray.ArrayLength + friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < jsArray.ArrayLength; i++) { newArray.SetValue(i, jsArray.GetValue(i)); } var jsArrayLength = jsArray.ArrayLength; for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { newArray.SetValue(i + jsArrayLength, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } jsArray = newArray; } //return the array to js context args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); //in js context, use code "my.getArrayFromCSharp()" will get an array like ["Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG"] }; //add a function getObjectFromCSharp, this function has no arguments, but it will return a Object to js context. var getObjectFormCSFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getObjectFromCSharp"); getObjectFormCSFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { //create the CfrV8Value object and the accssor of this Object. var jsObjectAccessor = new CfrV8Accessor(); var jsObject = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(jsObjectAccessor); //create a CfrV8Value array var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { jsArray.SetValue(i, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } jsObject.SetValue("libName", CfrV8Value.CreateString("NanUI"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); jsObject.SetValue("friends", jsArray, CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); args.SetReturnValue(jsObject); //in js context, use code "my.getObjectFromCSharp()" will get an object like { friends:["Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG"], libName:"NanUI" } }; //add a function with callback var callbackTestFunc = GlobalObject.AddFunction("callbackTest"); callbackTestFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var callback = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsFunction); if (callback != null) { var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); callbackArgs.SetValue("success", CfrV8Value.CreateBool(true), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callbackArgs.SetValue("text", CfrV8Value.CreateString("Message from C#"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); } }; //add a function with async callback var asyncCallbackTestFunc = GlobalObject.AddFunction("asyncCallbackTest"); asyncCallbackTestFunc.Execute += async(func, args) => { //save current context var v8Context = CfrV8Context.GetCurrentContext(); var callback = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsFunction); //simulate async methods. await Task.Delay(5000); if (callback != null) { //get render process context var rc = callback.CreateRemoteCallContext(); //enter render process rc.Enter(); //create render task var task = new CfrTask(); task.Execute += (_, taskArgs) => { //enter saved context v8Context.Enter(); //create callback argument var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); callbackArgs.SetValue("success", CfrV8Value.CreateBool(true), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callbackArgs.SetValue("text", CfrV8Value.CreateString("Message from C#"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); //execute callback callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); v8Context.Exit(); //lock task from gc lock (task) { Monitor.PulseAll(task); } }; lock (task) { //post task to render process v8Context.TaskRunner.PostTask(task); } rc.Exit(); GC.KeepAlive(task); } }; }
public Main() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); MainForm = this; LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += HtmlLoadEnd; GlobalObject.AddFunction("ShowDevTools").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { Chromium.ShowDevTools(); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("ChangeSerialConnection").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { string portName = args.Arguments[0].StringValue; if (SerialPortManager.Device.IsOpen) { SerialPortManager.Close(); } else { SerialPortManager.Open(portName); } args.SetReturnValue(SerialPortManager.Device.IsOpen); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("ChangeConnectionState").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { bool state = args.Arguments[0].BoolValue; if (state) { ConnectionManager.Start(); } else { ConnectionManager.Stop(); } }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("ReconnectDevice").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { ConnectionManager.Start(); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("RefreshClick").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { bool ret = false; try { DataManager.Params.Clear(); string deal = PortAgreement.ReadAllCard(); SerialPortManager.Write(deal); OverTimer.start(); ret = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Helper.ErrorInfo(ex.Message, ex); JavascriptEvent.ErrorMessage(ex.Message); } args.SetReturnValue(ret); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("DownloadClick").Execute += (func, args) => { int count = DataManager.Params.Where(e => e.State != "设置成功" && e.DataType == "正常").Count(); if (count == 0) { args.SetReturnValue(count); return; } this.RequireUIThread(() => { string strClientNumber = args.Arguments[0].StringValue; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { foreach (Param item in DataManager.Params) { if (item.State != "设置成功" && item.DataType == "正常") { string deal = PortAgreement.WriteClientNumber(item.CardNumber, strClientNumber); bool ret = SerialPortManager.Write(deal); if (ret) { SerialPortManager.OperationResult = OperationResults.None; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { Thread.Sleep(10); if (SerialPortManager.OperationResult != OperationResults.None) { if (SerialPortManager.OperationResult == OperationResults.Success) { item.State = "设置成功"; DataManager.ViewListDisplay(); } break; } } } } } JavascriptEvent.OperationOver(); }); }); args.SetReturnValue(-1); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("SetDeviceClient").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { string strClientNumber = args.Arguments[0].StringValue; string deal = PortAgreement.EncryptionDevice(strClientNumber); bool ret = SerialPortManager.Write(deal); args.SetReturnValue(ret); }); }; GlobalObject.AddFunction("SetCardNumber").Execute += (func, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { string strOldNumber = args.Arguments[0].StringValue; string strCardNumber = args.Arguments[1].StringValue; string strType = args.Arguments[2].StringValue; string deal = PortAgreement.WriteCardNumber(strOldNumber, strCardNumber, strType); bool ret = SerialPortManager.Write(deal); if (ret) { if (strCardNumber != "797979" || strCardNumber != "123456") { ConfigManager.SetConfig("Number", strCardNumber); } } args.SetReturnValue(ret); }); }; }