public ActionResult Index() { GlobalModel global = new GlobalModel(); List <Product> proList = new List <Product>(); List <Dishes> dishList = new List <Dishes>(); global.Products = db.Products.ToList(); global.Dishes_Products = db.Dishes_Products.ToList(); global.DishesList = db.Dishes.Where(dishes => db.Dishes_Products.ToList().Any(dp => dishes.Id == dp.Id_Dishes)).ToList <Dishes>(); foreach (var pro in db.Products) { if (pro.UserId == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId()) { proList.Add(pro); } } foreach (var dish in db.Dishes) { if (dish.UserId == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId()) { dishList.Add(dish); } } global.Products = proList; global.DishesList = dishList; return(View(global)); }
// // GET: /Master/ protected override ViewResult View(string viewName, string masterName, object model) { //Move all "Global content" into the viewbag - it shouldnt be accessible in the model var frontPage = CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1); var global = new GlobalModel(); global.MainMenu = NavigationItemMapper.Map <NavigationItem>(frontPage, CurrentPage); ViewBag.Global = global; /* * global.isFrontpage = CurrentPage.Id == rootNode.Id; * global.GoogleAnalytics = GoogleAnalyticsMapper.Map<GoogleAnalyticsModel>(CurrentPage, Umbraco); * global.Breadcrumb = NavigationItemMapper.Map(new List<NavigationItemModel>(), CurrentPage.AncestorsOrSelf(), * CurrentPage, Umbraco); * global.TopMenu = NavigationItemMapper.Map(new List<NavigationItemModel>(), CurrentPage.AncestorsOrSelf(1), * CurrentPage, Umbraco); * global.InShopContext = ShopHelper.InShopContext(CurrentPage); * global.Seo = SeoMapper.Map<SeoModel>(CurrentPage, global.InShopContext, Umbraco); * SetLanguageDropdown(global, rootNode); * global.SocialMetaData = GetSocialMetaData(global, CurrentPage, rootNode); * ViewBag.Global = global; */ return(base.View(viewName, masterName, model)); }
public void LeaveGame() { Connection.Socket.LeaveMatchAsync(Matchmaker.Match); Matchmaker.CancelSearch(); GlobalModel.ResetGameFlags(); ExitScene("MainMenu"); }
public ViewResult Edit(int id) { var customers = _customerManager.Get(); var services = _serviceManager.Get(); var states = _stateManager.GetStates(); var order = _orderManager.GetOrder((int)id); GlobalModel vm = new GlobalModel { Customer = customers.Customer, Service = services.Service, State = states, Id = order.Id, CustomerId = order.Customer.Id, ServiceId = order.Service.Id, Date = order.Date, StatusId = order.Status.Id }; var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <GlobalModel, GlobalViewModel>()); var mapper = new Mapper(config); var orderVM = mapper.Map <GlobalViewModel>(vm); return(View(orderVM)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int?id, string name) { GlobalModel global = new GlobalModel(); List <Product> proList = new List <Product>(); global.Dishes = new Dishes(); foreach (var pro in db.Products) { if (pro.UserId == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId()) { proList.Add(pro); } } global.Products = proList; global.Dishes_Products = db.Dishes_Products.Where(x => x.Id_Dishes == id).ToList <Dishes_Products>(); global.DishesList = db.Dishes.Where(x => x.Id == id).ToList <Dishes>(); for (int i = 0; i < global.Dishes_Products.Count; i++) { global.Products.Find(d => d.Id == global.Dishes_Products[i].Id_Product).Volume = global.Dishes_Products[i].gram; } global.Dishes.Name = name; if (id == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(global)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } if (returnUrl == "/Account/LogOut") { returnUrl = null; } // This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout // To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, change to shouldLockout: true EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus retVal = _membershipService.ValidateAdmin(model.Email, model.Password); GlobalModel global = new GlobalModel(); switch (retVal) { case EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus.Successful: return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); case EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus.UnauthorizedLogin: ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unauthorized Login"); return(View(model)); default: ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); } }
// GET: Master protected override ViewResult View(IView view, object model) { var rootNode = CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1); var currentMember = Members.GetCurrentMember(); var children = MenuItemMapper.Map <MenuItemModel>(rootNode.Children, CurrentPage, Umbraco).ToList(); var global = new GlobalModel(); global.MenuItems = new MenuItemModel() { Children = children, Url = rootNode.Url, Name = rootNode.Name }; global.MemberLogin = new MemberLoginModel(); global.IsLoggedIn = false; if (currentMember != null) { global.IsLoggedIn = true; global.MemberLogin = new MemberLoginModel() { Username = currentMember.Name }; } global.LoginPage = CurrentPage.Id == 1092 ? true : false; ViewBag.Global = global; return(base.View(view, model)); }
public RaceMainPage(GlobalModel model) { var grid = new Grid(); grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }); grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }); grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(2) }); grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(UIConfiguration.PanelWidth) }); grid.ColumnSpacing = 0; grid.RowSpacing = 0; grid.Children.Add(new LeftPanelBuilder(model).Build(), 0, 0); grid.Children.Add(new BoxView() { Color = UIConfiguration.ButtonColor, WidthRequest = 2, HeightRequest = -1 }, 1, 0); grid.Children.Add(new RightPanelBuilder(model).Build(), 2, 0); Content = grid; BackgroundColor = Color.Black; MessagingHub.Subscribe <GlobalCommand>(this, QueueType.AskConfirmation, (cmd) => ProcessCommand(cmd)); MessagingHub.Subscribe <string>(this, QueueType.Gesture, (msg) => ShowMessage(msg)); //Navigation.PushModalAsync(cp); }
public EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus ValidateAdmin(string username, string password) { MemberBLL bll = new MemberBLL(); //ResultMessageDC response = new ResultMessageDC(); AdminEntityDC MemberEntityDC = new AdminEntityDC(); MemberEntityDC = bll.VerifyUser(username, password); if (MemberEntityDC.roleID != "0") { if (MemberEntityDC.adminID != Guid.Empty) { GlobalModel globalModel = new GlobalModel(); globalModel.GlobalEmail = MemberEntityDC.emailAddress; globalModel.GlobalUserPortalText = string.Format("{0} {1}", MemberEntityDC.firstName, MemberEntityDC.lastName); globalModel.GlobalUserID = MemberEntityDC.adminID.ToString(); globalModel.SelectUserRoleID = MemberEntityDC.roleID; // globalModel.SelectUserRoleName = data.RoleName; // globalModel.UserImage = data.ProfilePhoto; // globalModel.Company = data.CompanyID; return(EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus.Successful); } } else { return(EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus.UnauthorizedLogin); } return(EnumUserPortalAuthenticationStatus.InvalidUsernameOrPassword); }
protected virtual void Awake() { Gold = new Property <int>(); Corn = new Property <int>(); Gas = new Property <int>(); GlobalModel.Connect(); }
private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException += Current_DispatcherUnhandledException; var globalModel = new GlobalModel(NetworkDelivery.ArmletDeliveryInstance, NetworkDelivery.GateDeliveryInstance); ArmletUI.Model = globalModel; ArmletUI.GateUI.Model = globalModel; }
public void Setup(GlobalModel globalModel, Guid?pageSystemId) { var channel = _channelService.Get(globalModel.ChannelSystemId); _requestModelAccessor.RequestModel = new RequestModelImpl(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.GetCartContext(), _countryService) { _channelModel = new Lazy <ChannelModel>(() => channel.MapTo <ChannelModel>()), _searchQuery = new Lazy <SearchQuery>(() => default), //filterContext.HttpContext.MapTo<SearchQuery>()),
private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Title = "HonorGateServer " + Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version; Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException += Current_DispatcherUnhandledException; var globalModel = new GlobalModel(NetworkDelivery.ArmletDeliveryInstance, NetworkDelivery.GateDeliveryInstance, NetworkDelivery.ShipDamageServiceInstance); ArmletUI.Model = globalModel; ArmletUI.GateUI.Model = globalModel; }
public App() { model = new GlobalModel(); MainPage = new RaceMainPage(model); #if SYM simulator = new Simulator(model); simulator.Start(); #endif }
public ActionResult Edit(GlobalModel list, [Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Date,Calories,Proteins,Carbohydrates,Fats")] Dishes dishes) { var selectedProducts = list.Products.Where(x => x.Volume > 0).ToList <Product>(); float calories = 0, carbo = 0, proteins = 0, fats = 0; foreach (Product p in selectedProducts) { calories += p.Calories * p.Volume / 100; carbo += p.Carbohydrates * p.Volume / 100; proteins += p.Proteins * p.Volume / 100; fats += p.Fats * p.Volume / 100; } dishes.Calories = calories; dishes.Carbohydrates = carbo; dishes.Proteins = proteins; dishes.Fats = fats; dishes.Date = System.DateTime.Now; dishes.UserId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); db.Dishes.Add(dishes); db.SaveChanges(); int id = dishes.Id; foreach (Product p in selectedProducts) { Dishes_Products dishesProducts = new Dishes_Products(); dishesProducts.Id_Dishes = id; dishesProducts.Id_Product = p.Id; dishesProducts.gram = p.Volume; db.Dishes_Products.Add(dishesProducts); db.SaveChanges(); } { var selected = db.Dishes_Products.Where(x => x.Id_Dishes == list.Id).ToList <Dishes_Products>(); foreach (Dishes_Products d in selected) { db.Dishes_Products.Remove(d); db.SaveChanges(); } Dishes dishesD = db.Dishes.Find(list.Id); db.Dishes.Remove(dishesD); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dishes_Products")); }
public void Apply(GlobalModel model) { foreach (var controller in model.Controllers) { if (controller.ControllerType == _type) { controller.ApiExplorerIsVisible = false; } } }
public ActionResult ViewStudentProposalSupervisor(String title) { ViewBag.message = title; GlobalViewTitle = title; var model = new GlobalModel(); model.IndexModels = GetDetails(title); return(View(model)); }
public GlobalModel GetFplJson() { var client = new RestClient(""); var response = client.Execute <GlobalModel>(new RestRequest()); GlobalModel fplPayload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GlobalModel>(response.Content); return(fplPayload); }
public void Apply(GlobalModel model) { foreach (var controller in model.Controllers) { if (IsConventionApplicable(controller)) { Apply(controller); } } }
private void Awake() { this.Score = new Property <int>(); this.MissileAmmo = new Property <int>(); playerController.Died += Player_Died; playerController.weaponController.MissileAmmoChanged += Player_MissileAmmoChanged; GlobalModel.Connect(); }
public void ApplyConventions(GlobalModel model) { // Conventions are applied from the outside-in to allow for scenarios where an action overrides // a controller, etc. foreach (var convention in _modelConventions) { convention.Apply(model); } // First apply the conventions from attributes in decreasing order of scope. foreach (var controller in model.Controllers) { // ToArray is needed here to prevent issues with modifying the attributes collection // while iterating it. var controllerConventions = controller.Attributes .OfType <IControllerModelConvention>() .ToArray(); foreach (var controllerConvention in controllerConventions) { controllerConvention.Apply(controller); } foreach (var action in controller.Actions) { // ToArray is needed here to prevent issues with modifying the attributes collection // while iterating it. var actionConventions = action.Attributes .OfType <IActionModelConvention>() .ToArray(); foreach (var actionConvention in actionConventions) { actionConvention.Apply(action); } foreach (var parameter in action.Parameters) { // ToArray is needed here to prevent issues with modifying the attributes collection // while iterating it. var parameterConventions = parameter.Attributes .OfType <IParameterModelConvention>() .ToArray(); foreach (var parameterConvention in parameterConventions) { parameterConvention.Apply(parameter); } } } } }
private static Guid GetProductSystemIdFromSlug(string slug, GlobalModel globalModel, RoutingHelperService routingHelperService) { var systemId = Guid.Empty; var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(globalModel.CurrentUICulture); if (!routingHelperService.TryGetBaseProduct(slug, culture, out systemId)) { routingHelperService.TryGetVariant(slug, culture, out systemId); } return(systemId); }
public void Apply(GlobalModel model) { foreach (var controller in model.Controllers) { if (controller.ApiExplorerIsVisible == null) { controller.ApiExplorerIsVisible = true; controller.ApiExplorerGroupName = controller.ControllerName; } } }
public void Run() { GetFplApiJson getFplApiJson = new GetFplApiJson(); GlobalModel fplPayload = getFplApiJson.GetFplJson(); HighestScoringPlayerTweet highestScoringPlayerTweet = new HighestScoringPlayerTweet(); if (highestScoringPlayerTweet.CreateTweet(fplPayload)) { Console.WriteLine("Tweet has fled the coop."); } }
public void SelectLevel(int index) { if (GlobalModel.Progress.GetCurrentChapter().Levels[index].IsLocked) { return; } GlobalModel.CurrentLevelIndex.Value = index; GlobalModel.Save(); LoadDashboardScene(); }
/// <summary> /// Retourne une réponse OK ou une réponse KO s'il y a une erreur de remontée par le Business /// </summary> /// <param name="model">Le model résultat du Business</param> /// <returns>une réponse OK ou une réponse KO</returns> protected IActionResult Result(GlobalModel model) { if (model.Erreur != null) { return(new ObjectResult(model.Erreur) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError }); } return(Ok(model)); }
private static PageModel GetPageFromSlug(string[] slug, GlobalModel globalModel, PageService pageService, RoutingHelperService routingHelperService) { var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(globalModel.CurrentCulture); var startPage = pageService.GetChildPages(Guid.Empty, globalModel.WebsiteSystemId).FirstOrDefault(); var pageId = startPage.SystemId; foreach (var segment in slug) { routingHelperService.TryGetPage(pageId, segment, culture, out pageId, globalModel.WebsiteSystemId); } return(pageService.Get(pageId).MapTo <PageModel>()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] GlobalModel model) { try { await _globalService.AddGlobal(model); return(Ok(true)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put([FromBody] GlobalModel model) { try { var result = await _globalService.UpdateGlobal(model); return(Ok(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex)); } }
public List <Player> GetPlayers(GlobalModel fplPayload) { List <Player> leedsPlayers = new List <Player>(); foreach (var player in fplPayload.Players) { if (player.TeamCode == leedsTeamCode) { leedsPlayers.Add(player); } } return(leedsPlayers); }
public Armlet CreateObject(byte armletId, GlobalModel model) { return new Armlet(armletId, model, GetName(armletId), GetRegen(armletId)); }