public StruTemplateLibGeneralViewModel() { doSearch(); SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(doSearch); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); proUtils = ProjectUtils.GetInstance(); }
public void BtnOnClick() { Vector3 point = getLocation(); GPS = new Vector2(point.x, point.y); Debug.Log("当前距离:::" + GlobalInfo.Distance(GPS.y, GPS.x, float.Parse(locationY), float.Parse(locationX)) * 1000); if (GlobalInfo.Distance(GPS.y, GPS.x, float.Parse(locationY), float.Parse(locationX)) * 1000 < limitdistance) { foreach (var item in VersionFilesItems.Where(item => item.extName == "mp4")) { Debug.Log(item.filename); if (item.filename.Contains("qionghaixingcheng")) { GlobalInfo.VideoURL2D = PublicAttribute.LocalFilePath + "/Panorama/1/" + item.filename; } else { VideoURL = PublicAttribute.LocalFilePath + "/Panorama/1/" + item.filename; Debug.Log(VideoURL); } } foreach (var item in VersionFilesItems.Where(item => item.extName == "vsz")) { Debug.Log(item.localPath); StartCoroutine(LoadAssets(item.localPath)); } } else { mainUISet._inst.ShowUI(mainUISet.UIname.change, 1); } }
public static List <ProductsInventoryResultJson.ProductsInventoryResult> GetProdustsInventoryInfo() { int PageSise = 40; int currentPageIndex = 1; var QueryResult = new List <ProductsInventoryResultJson.ProductsInventoryResult>(); string result = GlobalInfo.GetProdustsInventoryInfoString(PageSise, currentPageIndex); var jobj = (ProductsInventoryResultJson.Rootobject)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result, typeof(ProductsInventoryResultJson.Rootobject)); QueryResult.AddRange(jobj.Translate()); int totalProductsCount = jobj.response.count; while (totalProductsCount > PageSise * currentPageIndex) { currentPageIndex++; result = GetProdustsInventoryInfoString(PageSise, currentPageIndex); jobj = (ProductsInventoryResultJson.Rootobject)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result, typeof(ProductsInventoryResultJson.Rootobject)); QueryResult.AddRange(jobj.Translate()); } return(QueryResult); }
public void ReturnChampSelect() { StaticData.Reset(); GlobalInfo.Reset(); SceneManager.LoadScene("MenuPlayer"); }
public string GetDPManagedPropertyType(GlobalInfo all) { string property_type = Annotations.GetValue("ManagedPropertyType"); if (property_type != null) { return(property_type); } property_type = Annotations.GetValue("PropertyType"); if (property_type == null) { return(null); } switch (property_type) { case "char*": property_type = "string"; break; case "gint32": property_type = "int"; break; } if (IsDPNullable) { return("Nullable<" + property_type + ">"); } else { return(property_type); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除命令 /// </summary> /// <param name="menu"></param> public override void Command4(SubMenuBase menu) { var struCalsList = GlobalInfo.GetInstance().StruCalsParas; if (struCalsList == null) { return; } int index = struCalsList.FindIndex(item => item.TowerName == menu.Title.Trim()); if (index == -1) { return; } struCalsList.RemoveAt(index); if (parentVm == null) { return; } parentVm.SelectedModuleInfo.MenuItems.Add(menu); parentVm.MenuItems = new ObservableCollection <SubMenuBase>(parentVm.SelectedModuleInfo.MenuItems); }
void Awake() { config = UFE_Config; if (config.fps > 0) { Time.fixedDeltaTime = (float)1 / (float)config.fps; Time.timeScale = config.gameSpeed; QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; } SetLanguage("English"); = true; if (config.startGameImmediately) { config.player1Character = config.p1CharStorage; config.player2Character = config.p2CharStorage; StartGame(0); } else { StartIntro(0); } }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public GeneralInsulatorViewModule() { doSearch(); SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(doSearch); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public StruCalsLibExtralLoadViewModel() { this.DataSource = new ObservableCollection <StruCalsLibExtralLoad>(struCalsLibExtralLoadDataService.GetList()); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); }
/** * Attempts to log the user in based on the provided login info. If the info * is valid, the user either proceeds to the main page of the * self-assessment quiz. */ public void OnClickLogin() { // Try to log in if (GlobalInfo.login(usernameInput.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text, passwordInput.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text)) { // If the login is successful, stash the login info GlobalInfo.storedUserName = usernameInput.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text; GlobalInfo.storedPassword = passwordInput.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text; // Proceed to either the main page or the quiz if (Database.get_student(GlobalInfo.storedUserName).has_finished_quiz) { Application.LoadLevel("3 Main Page"); } else { Application.LoadLevel("2 Self-Assesment"); } } else { Debug.Log("Login Failed"); } }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public RigidJumperInsulatorViewModel() { doSearch(); SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(doSearch); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); }
public void Moving() { //Debug.Log(player.forward); Vector3 forward = player.forward * movement.z; //двигаемся вперед/назад относительно того куда смотрит игрок Vector3 right = player.right * movement.x; //двигаемся влево/вправо относительно того куда смотрит игрок if (!GlobalInfo.CheckWallRun()) { if (GlobalInfo.CheckGround()) { body.MovePosition(body.position + forward * speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);//осуществялем передвижение вперед/назад } else { body.MovePosition(body.position + forward * speedMove / 2 * Time.fixedDeltaTime);//осуществялем передвижение вперед/назад } //Debug.Log("Move"); } else { jumps = 0; } if (GlobalInfo.CheckGround()) { body.MovePosition(body.position + right * speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);//осуществялем передвижение влево/вправо } else { body.MovePosition(body.position + right * speedMove / 2 * Time.fixedDeltaTime);//осуществялем передвижение влево/вправо } }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public SpacerViewModel() { doSearch(); SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(doSearch); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); }
public bool ZoneLostTick() { if (_RegisterTicks) { _TicksSinceZoneReclaim++; } if (Dangerous && !Capture && _TicksSinceZoneReclaim == 2) { InitBlip(false); Inactive = false; Spawned = false; Dangerous = false; if (Convert.ToInt32(TerroristsAmount * 1.5) <= 100) { TerroristsAmount = Convert.ToInt32(TerroristsAmount * 1.5); } else { TerroristsAmount = 100; } _TicksSinceZoneReclaim = 0; _RegisterTicks = false; GlobalInfo.CapturedZonesNames.Remove(GroupName); GlobalInfo.SaveCapturedZones(); Screen.ShowSubtitle(GroupName + " zone was lost - terrorists are now stronger !", 10000); return(true); } return(false); }
public void ZoneReclaimedTick() { if (!Dangerous && Inactive && GlobalInfo.GeneralRandomInstance.Next(0, 50) == 0) { MarkBlipAsDangerous(); Spawned = false; Inactive = false; Dangerous = true; if (Convert.ToInt32(TerroristsAmount * 0.8) > 5) { TerroristsAmount = Convert.ToInt32(TerroristsAmount * 0.8); } else { TerroristsAmount = 5; } FighterCfg = ReclaimerCfg; _RegisterTicks = true; GlobalInfo.CapturedZonesNames.Remove(GroupName); GlobalInfo.SaveCapturedZones(); Screen.ShowSubtitle(GroupName + " zone is being reclaimed !", 8000); } }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public EarthWire_InternetViewModel() { doSearch(); SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(doSearch); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public StruCalsLibBaseDataViewModel() { OverhangingTower = new Tower(); TensionTower = new Tower(); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); IList <StruCalsLibBaseData> baseList = baseService.GetList(); //基本信息列表 IList <StruCalsLibBaseData_Detail> detailList = detailService.GetList(); //明细信息列表 //页面返回结果 StruCalsLibBaseData Overhangingbase = baseList.Where(item => item.BaseCategory == "悬垂塔基础参数").SingleOrDefault(); StruCalsLibBaseData Tensionbase = baseList.Where(item => item.BaseCategory == "耐张塔基础参数").SingleOrDefault(); //悬垂塔 OverhangingTower.BaseData = Overhangingbase; OverhangingTower.GB50545Data = detailList.Where(item => item.ParentId == Overhangingbase.Id && item.Category == "GB50545-2010").SingleOrDefault(); OverhangingTower.DLT5551Data = detailList.Where(item => item.ParentId == Overhangingbase.Id && item.Category == "DLT5551-2018").SingleOrDefault(); //耐张塔 TensionTower.BaseData = Tensionbase; TensionTower.GB50545Data = detailList.Where(item => item.ParentId == Tensionbase.Id && item.Category == "GB50545-2010").SingleOrDefault(); TensionTower.DLT5551Data = detailList.Where(item => item.ParentId == Tensionbase.Id && item.Category == "DLT5551-2018").SingleOrDefault(); }
public override void Command2(SubMenuBase menu) { var saveFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Result Files (*.calc)|*.calc", }; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != true) { return; } GlobalInfo globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); //StruCalsParas中塔位数据,是在点击这个塔位的页面后才加载的GlobalInfo中, //下面代码针对的是,没有打开这个塔位的页面而直接进行计算的情况 if (globalInfo.StruCalsParas.Where(item => item.TowerName == ((SubMenuBase)menu).Title && item.SequenceName == ((StrCalsModuleSubMenu)menu).Sequence).Count() <= 0) { if (((StrCalsModuleSubMenu)menu).Sequence == "") { ProjectUtils.GetInstance().ReadStruCalsTowerParas(((SubMenuBase)menu).Title); } else { ProjectUtils.GetInstance().ReadStruCalsTowerParas(((SubMenuBase)menu).Title, ((StrCalsModuleSubMenu)menu).Sequence); } } StruCalsParasCompose paras = globalInfo.StruCalsParas.Where(para => para.TowerName == ((SubMenuBase)menu).Title && para.SequenceName == ((StrCalsModuleSubMenu)menu).Sequence).FirstOrDefault(); if (paras == null) { return; } ConvertSpecToWorkCondition(paras.Template, paras.WorkConditions, true); string path = saveFileDialog.FileName.Substring(0, saveFileDialog.FileName.Length - 5); for (int i = 0; i < paras.HPSettingsParas.Count(); i++) { LoadComposeBase loadCompose; if (paras.BaseParas.Type == TowerTypeEnum.LineTower) { loadCompose = new LoadComposeLineTower(paras.BaseParas, paras.LineParas.ToArray(), paras.HPSettingsParas[i], paras.Template, paras.ElectricalLoadFilePath); } else if (paras.BaseParas.Type == TowerTypeEnum.LineCornerTower) { loadCompose = new LoadComposeLineCornerTower(paras.BaseParas, paras.LineParas.ToArray(), paras.HPSettingsParas[i], paras.Template, paras.ElectricalLoadFilePath); } //剩下的都属于耐张塔 else { loadCompose = new LoadComposeTensionTower(paras.BaseParas, paras.LineParas.ToArray(), paras.HPSettingsParas[i], paras.Template, paras.ElectricalLoadFilePath); } paras.ResultPointLoad.AddRange(loadCompose.LoadCaculate(path)); } }
public AppStateMachine(GlobalInfo globalInfo, AudioAnalyzerForm audioAnalyzerForm) { _boardStatus = BoardStatus.Disconnect; _analyzeStatus = AnalyzeStatus.Idle; this._globalInfo = globalInfo; this._audioAnalyzerForm = audioAnalyzerForm; this._taskRunning = false; }
public static GlobalInfo DecryptGlobalInfo(string globalInfo) { var serialize = new JavaScriptSerializer(); GlobalInfo newObjectGlobal = serialize.Deserialize <GlobalInfo>(Encryption.Decrypt(globalInfo)); return(newObjectGlobal); }
protected override void InitializeData() { SaveXmlCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveXml); DBFImportCommand = new DelegateCommand(DBFImport); //this.SelectedItems = new ObservableCollection<TowerStrData>(TowerStrDataReader.ReadLoadFile(filePath));//获取本地已保存信息 this.SelectedItems = new ObservableCollection <TowerStrData>(GlobalInfo.GetInstance().GetLocalTowerStrs()); }
private LayerMask mask = (1 << 11) | (1 << 13) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 17); //hookable, blue, wall, box layers void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); global = GameObject.Find("info").GetComponent <GlobalInfo>(); ground_checker = GameObject.Find("GroundChecker").GetComponent <GroundChecker>(); left = GameObject.Find("Left").GetComponent <WallChecker>(); right = GameObject.Find("Right").GetComponent <WallChecker>(); }
GlobalInfo globalInfo;//获取文件保存地址 public WeatherCondition_InternetViewModel() { doSearch(); SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(doSearch); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doExportData); //ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(doCheckData); globalInfo = GlobalInfo.GetInstance(); }
private void OnClickECTowerParaMenu(SubMenuBase vm) { if (GlobalInfo.GetInstance().GetElecCalsTowerParasList().Count == 0) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("本地没有保存任何铁塔配置参数!"); return; } OnSelectedMenuChanged(vm); }
public void LoadMenu() { StaticData.Reset(); GlobalInfo.Reset(); Time.timeScale = 1; StaticData.pause = false; SceneManager.LoadScene("Login"); }
/// <summary> /// Runs "test" script: see <see cref="RunScript(string, bool)"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="globalInfo">The global information object.</param> /// <param name="scriptMustExist"> /// False to only emit a warning and return false if the script doesn't exist instead of /// throwing an exception. /// </param> /// <returns>False if the script doesn't exist (<paramref name="scriptMustExist"/> is false), otherwise true.</returns> public void RunTest() { var key = DirectoryPath.AppendPart("test"); if (!GlobalInfo.CheckCommitMemoryKey(key)) { RunScript("test", false, true); GlobalInfo.WriteCommitMemoryKey(key); } }
public void ReturnToTitle() { Time.timeScale = 1; int score = digitDisplay.displaynumber; GlobalInfo.ReportScore(score); GlobalInfo.deathCount = 0; SceneManager.LoadScene("ResultMenu"); flag = true; }
public StruCalsLibExtralLoadViewModel() { var libParas = GlobalInfo.GetInstance().GetStruCalsLibParas(); if (libParas == null) { return; } WireExtraLoadParas = new ObservableCollection <StruCalsLibWireExtraLoadParas>(libParas.WireExtraLoadParas); }
public StruCalsLibIceCoverModuleVodel() { var libParas = GlobalInfo.GetInstance().GetStruCalsLibParas(); if (libParas == null) { return; } IceCoverParas = new ObservableCollection <StruCalsLibIceCoverParas>(libParas.IceCoverParas); }
public StruCalsLibBaseDataViewModel() { var libParas = GlobalInfo.GetInstance().GetStruCalsLibParas(); if (libParas == null) { return; } OverhangingTowerParas = libParas.OverhangingTowerBaseParas; TensionTowerParas = libParas.TensionTowerBaseParas; }
public void Write (StringBuilder text, SignatureType type, GlobalInfo info) { if (IsConst && (type == SignatureType.Native || type == SignatureType.NativeC)) text.Append ("const "); if (type != SignatureType.Native && type != SignatureType.NativeC) { if (IsRef && !IsReturnType) text.Append ("ref "); if (IsOut && !IsReturnType) text.Append ("out "); } if (type == SignatureType.NativeC && info.IsEnum (Value)) { text.Append (GetPrettyType ().Replace (Value.Replace ("*", ""), "int")); } else if (type == SignatureType.Native || type == SignatureType.NativeC) { text.Append (GetPrettyType ()); } else { text.Append (GetManagedType ()); } }
static void WriteImplMethod (MethodInfo cmethod, MethodInfo cppmethod, StringBuilder text, GlobalInfo info) { bool is_void = cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "void"; bool is_ctor = cmethod.IsConstructor; bool is_static = cmethod.IsStatic; bool is_dtor = cmethod.IsDestructor; bool check_instance = !is_static && !is_ctor; bool check_error = false; foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in cmethod.Parameters) { if (parameter.ParameterType.Value == "MoonError*") { check_error = true; break; } } cmethod.ReturnType.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, info); text.AppendLine (); text.Append (cmethod.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, false); text.AppendLine (""); text.AppendLine ("{"); if (is_ctor) { TypeInfo type = cppmethod.ParentType; bool use_factory = false; if (!cppmethod.Annotations.ContainsKey ("SkipFactories")) { do { if (type.Name == "EventObject") { use_factory = true; break; } MemberInfo m = null; if (type.Base != null && type.Base.Value != null && info.Children.TryGetValue (type.Base.Value, out m)) type = (TypeInfo) m; else break; } while (type != null); } if (use_factory) text.Append ("\treturn MoonManagedFactory::Create"); else text.Append ("\treturn new "); text.Append (cmethod.Parent.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, true); text.AppendLine (";"); } else if (is_dtor) { text.AppendLine ("\tdelete instance;"); } else { if (check_instance) { text.AppendLine ("\tif (instance == NULL)"); if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "void") { text.Append ("\t\treturn"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value.Contains ("*")) { text.Append ("\t\treturn NULL"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "Type::Kind") { text.Append ("\t\treturn Type::INVALID"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "bool") { text.Append ("\t\treturn false"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "Point") { text.Append ("\t\treturn Point (0, 0)"); } else { text.AppendLine ("\t\t// Need to find a proper way to get the default value for the specified type and return that if instance is NULL."); text.Append ("\t\treturn"); text.Append (" ("); text.Append (cmethod.ReturnType.Value); text.Append (") 0"); } text.AppendLine (";"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); } if (check_error) { text.AppendLine ("\tif (error == NULL)"); text.Append ("\t\tg_warning (\"Moonlight: Called "); text.Append (cmethod.Name); text.AppendLine (" () with error == NULL.\");"); } text.Append ("\t"); if (!is_void) text.Append ("return "); if (is_static) { text.Append (cmethod.Parent.Name); text.Append ("::"); } else { text.Append ("instance->"); cmethod.Parameters [0].DisableWriteOnce = true; } text.Append (cppmethod.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, true); text.AppendLine (";"); } text.AppendLine ("}"); }
static void WriteHeaderMethod (MethodInfo cmethod, MethodInfo cppmethod, StringBuilder text, GlobalInfo info) { Log.WriteLine ("Writing header: {0}::{1} (Version: '{2}', GenerateManaged: {3})", cmethod.Parent.Name, cmethod.Name, cmethod.Annotations.GetValue ("Version"), cmethod.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GenerateManaged")); if (cmethod.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GeneratePInvoke")) text.AppendLine ("/* @GeneratePInvoke */"); cmethod.ReturnType.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, info); if (!cmethod.ReturnType.IsPointer) text.Append (" "); text.Append (cmethod.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, false); text.AppendLine (";"); }
public bool NeedsQualifiedGetValue (GlobalInfo all) { foreach (MemberInfo child in Children.Values) { if (child is FieldInfo && child.Name == "ValueProperty") return true; } if (Base != null) return ((TypeInfo)all.Children[Base.Value]).NeedsQualifiedGetValue (all); return false; }
public string GetDPManagedPropertyType (GlobalInfo all) { string property_type = Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedPropertyType"); if (property_type != null) return property_type; property_type = Annotations.GetValue ("PropertyType"); if (property_type == null) return null; switch (property_type) { case "char*": property_type = "string"; break; case "gint32": property_type = "int"; break; } if (IsDPNullable) return "Nullable<" + property_type + ">"; else return property_type; }
static List<FieldInfo> TopoSortedProperties (GlobalInfo all, List<TypeInfo> types) { Dictionary<TypeInfo,TypeEdgeCount> typeHash = new Dictionary<TypeInfo,TypeEdgeCount>(); List<TypeInfo> remainingTypes = new List<TypeInfo>(); foreach (TypeInfo type in types) { typeHash.Add (type, new TypeEdgeCount (type)); remainingTypes.Add (type); } // build up edges for our graph foreach (TypeInfo type in typeHash.Keys) { // every property defines an edge from the declaring type to the property type foreach (FieldInfo prop in type.Properties) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (prop.DPDefaultValue)) continue; TypeInfo propType = prop.GetDPPropertyType (all); if (propType == type) continue; if (typeHash.ContainsKey (propType) && !typeHash[propType].Inbound.Contains (type)) { typeHash[propType].Inbound.Add (type); typeHash[type].Outbound.Add (propType); } } // every base class has an edge to subclass // (this is kind of a hack to deal with // property types which are listed as base // types when the default values are // subclasses. TypeInfo ourType = type; TypeReference baseRef = ourType.Base; while (baseRef != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (baseRef.Value)) { TypeInfo baseType = (TypeInfo) all.Children [baseRef.Value]; if (baseType == null) break; if (typeHash.ContainsKey (baseType) && !typeHash[baseType].Outbound.Contains (ourType)) { typeHash[baseType].Outbound.Add (ourType); typeHash[ourType].Inbound.Add (baseType); } ourType = baseType; if (!typeHash.ContainsKey (ourType)) break; baseRef = ourType.Base; } } List<TypeInfo> sorted = new List<TypeInfo>(); List<TypeInfo> roots = new List<TypeInfo>(); foreach (TypeEdgeCount tec in typeHash.Values) { if (tec.Inbound.Count == 0) roots.Add (tec.Type); } while (roots.Count > 0) { TypeInfo type = roots[0]; roots.RemoveAt (0); sorted.Add (type); remainingTypes.Remove (type); foreach (TypeInfo targetType in typeHash[type].Outbound) { if (!typeHash.ContainsKey (targetType)) continue; typeHash[targetType].Inbound.Remove (type); if (typeHash[targetType].Inbound.Count == 0) { roots.Add (targetType); } } } if (remainingTypes.Count > 0) { throw new Exception (string.Format ("cycle in the DO/DP graph ({0} types left)", remainingTypes.Count)); } List<FieldInfo> fields = new List<FieldInfo>(); foreach (TypeInfo type in sorted) { foreach (FieldInfo field in type.Properties) fields.Insert (0, field); } return fields; }
static void GenerateManagedDOs (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class"); string sys_win_dir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), "System.Windows"); string filename = Path.Combine (sys_win_dir, "DependencyObject.g.cs"); string previous_namespace = ""; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); List<TypeInfo> types = all.GetDependencyObjects (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("using Mono;"); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Collections.Generic;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Controls;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Documents;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Ink;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Input;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Markup;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Animation;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Shapes;"); text.AppendLine (); for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) { TypeInfo type = types [i]; bool call_initialize = type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("CallInitialize"); string ns; ns = type.Namespace; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns)) { Console.WriteLine ("The type '{0}' in {1} does not have a namespace annotation.", type.FullName, Path.GetFileName (type.Header)); continue; } if (ns == "None") { //Console.WriteLine ("The type '{0}''s Namespace annotation is 'None'.", type.FullName); continue; } string check_ns = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), ns), type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", "") + ".cs"); if (!File.Exists (check_ns)) throw new Exception (string.Format ("The file {0} does not exist, did you annotate the class with the wrong namespace?", check_ns)); if (previous_namespace != ns) { if (previous_namespace != string.Empty) { text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); } text.Append ("namespace "); text.Append (ns); text.AppendLine (" {"); previous_namespace = ns; } else { text.AppendLine (); } if (type.ContentProperty != null) text.AppendFormat ("\t[ContentProperty (\"{0}\")]\n", type.ContentProperty); text.Append ("\tpartial class "); text.Append (type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", "<T>")); text.AppendLine (" {"); // Public ctor if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (type.C_Constructor)) { string access = "Public"; foreach (MemberInfo member in type.Children.Values) { MethodInfo method = member as MethodInfo; if (method == null || !method.IsConstructor || method.IsStatic) continue; if (method.Parameters.Count != 0) continue; if (method.Annotations.ContainsKey ("ManagedAccess")) access = method.Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedAccess"); break; } text.Append ("\t\t"); Helper.WriteAccess (text, access); text.Append (" "); text.Append (type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", "")); text.Append (" () : base (SafeNativeMethods."); text.Append (type.C_Constructor); text.Append (" (), true)"); if (call_initialize) { text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("\t\t{"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tInitialize ();"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); } else { text.AppendLine (" {}"); } } // Internal ctor text.Append ("\t\tinternal "); text.Append (type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", "")); text.Append (" (IntPtr raw, bool dropref) : base (raw, dropref)"); if (call_initialize) { text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("\t\t{"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tInitialize ();"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); } else { text.AppendLine (" {}"); } text.AppendLine ("\t}"); } text.AppendLine ("}"); Helper.WriteAllText (filename, text.ToString ()); }
static void GenerateManagedEvents (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class"); string sys_win_dir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), "System.Windows"); string filename = Path.Combine (sys_win_dir, "Events.g.cs"); string previous_namespace = ""; List<TypeInfo> sorted_types = new List<TypeInfo> (); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); Dictionary <TypeInfo, List<FieldInfo>> types = new Dictionary<TypeInfo,List<FieldInfo>> (); foreach (FieldInfo field in all.Events) { TypeInfo parent = field.Parent as TypeInfo; List <FieldInfo> fields; string managed_parent = field.Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedDeclaringType"); if (!field.IsEvent || !field.GenerateManagedEvent) continue; if (managed_parent != null) { parent = all.Children [managed_parent] as TypeInfo; if (parent == null) throw new Exception (string.Format ("Could not find the type '{0}' set as ManagedDeclaringType of '{1}'", managed_parent, field.FullName)); } if (parent == null) throw new Exception (string.Format ("The field '{0}' does not have its parent set.", field.FullName)); if (!types.TryGetValue (parent, out fields)) { fields = new List<FieldInfo> (); types.Add (parent, fields); sorted_types.Add (parent); } fields.Add (field); } Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("using Mono;"); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Collections.Generic;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.ComponentModel;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Controls;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Documents;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Ink;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Input;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Markup;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Animation;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Navigation;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Shapes;"); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("namespace Mono {"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal static class EventIds {"); foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (t.GetEventCount () == 0) continue; foreach (FieldInfo field in t.Events) { text.Append ("\t\tpublic const int "); text.Append (t.Name); text.Append ("_"); text.Append (field.EventName); text.Append ("Event = "); text.Append (t.GetEventId (field)); text.AppendLine (";"); } } text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal static partial class Events {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\tpublic static UnmanagedEventHandler CreateDispatcherFromEventId (int eventId, Delegate value) {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tswitch (eventId) {"); foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (t.GetEventCount () == 0) continue; foreach (FieldInfo field in t.Events) { if (field.GenerateManagedEventField == false) continue; text.Append ("\t\t\t\tcase EventIds."); text.Append (t.Name); text.Append ("_"); text.Append (field.EventName); text.Append ("Event: return Events."); text.Append (GetDispatcherMethodName(field.EventDelegateType)); text.Append (" (("); text.Append (field.EventDelegateType); text.Append (") value)"); text.AppendLine (";"); } } text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t\tdefault: throw new NotSupportedException ();"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("}"); sorted_types.Sort (new Members.MembersSortedByManagedFullName <TypeInfo> ()); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_types.Count; i++) { TypeInfo type = sorted_types [i]; List<FieldInfo> fields = types [type]; TypeInfo parent = type; string ns; ns = parent.Namespace; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns)) { Console.WriteLine ("The type '{0}' in {1} does not have a namespace annotation.", parent.FullName, parent.Header); continue; } if (type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("ManagedEvents")) { string event_mode = type.Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedEvents"); switch (event_mode) { case "None": case "Manual": continue; case "Generate": break; default: throw new Exception (string.Format ("Invalid value '{0}' for ManagedEvents in '{1}'", event_mode, type.FullName)); } } if (ns == "None") { Console.WriteLine ("'{0}''s Namespace = 'None', this type should have set @ManagedEvents=Manual to not create events.", type.FullName); continue; } string check_ns = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), ns), parent.Name + ".cs"); if (!File.Exists (check_ns)) throw new Exception (string.Format ("The file {0} does not exist, did you annotate the class with the wrong namespace?", check_ns)); if (previous_namespace != ns) { if (previous_namespace != string.Empty) { text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); } text.Append ("namespace "); text.Append (ns); text.AppendLine (" {"); previous_namespace = ns; } else { text.AppendLine (); } text.Append ("\tpartial class "); text.Append (parent.ManagedName); text.AppendLine (" {"); fields.Sort (new Members.MembersSortedByName <FieldInfo> ()); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { if (!field.IsEvent) continue; text.AppendLine (); if (field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("Browsable")) { text.Append ("\t\t[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState."); text.Append (field.Annotations.GetValue ("Browsable")); text.AppendLine (")]"); } // property accessor text.Append ("\t\t"); Helper.WriteAccess (text, field.GetManagedAccessorAccess ()); text.Append (" event "); text.Append (field.EventDelegateType); text.Append (" "); text.Append (field.EventName); text.AppendLine (" {"); // property getter text.Append ("\t\t\t"); if (field.GetManagedAccessorAccess () != field.GetManagedGetterAccess ()) { Helper.WriteAccess (text, field.GetManagedGetterAccess ()); text.Append (" "); } text.Append ("add { RegisterEvent (EventIds."); text.Append (field.ParentType.Name); text.Append ("_"); text.Append (field.EventName); text.Append ("Event, value, Events."); text.Append (GetDispatcherMethodName(field.EventDelegateType)); text.Append (" (value)"); text.AppendLine ("); }"); text.Append ("\t\t\t"); text.Append ("remove { UnregisterEvent (EventIds."); text.Append (field.ParentType.Name); text.Append ("_"); text.Append (field.EventName); text.Append ("Event, value);"); text.AppendLine (" }"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); if (field.GenerateManagedEventField) { if (field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("Browsable")) { text.Append ("\t\t[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState."); text.Append (field.Annotations.GetValue ("Browsable")); text.AppendLine (")]"); } text.Append ("\t\t"); text.Append (string.Format ("public static readonly RoutedEvent {0}Event = new RoutedEvent (EventIds.{1}_{2}Event);", field.EventName, field.ParentType.Name, field.EventName)); text.AppendLine (); } } text.AppendLine ("\t}"); } text.AppendLine ("}"); Helper.WriteAllText (filename, text.ToString ()); }
static void GeneratePInvokes (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; List <MethodInfo> methods = new List<MethodInfo> (); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); string NativeMethods_cs; NativeMethods_cs = File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine (base_dir, "class/System.Windows/Mono/NativeMethods.cs".Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))); methods = all.CPPMethodsToBind; foreach (MemberInfo info in all.Children.Values) { MethodInfo minfo = info as MethodInfo; if (minfo == null) continue; if (!minfo.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GeneratePInvoke")) continue; foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) { if (mi.CMethod.Name == minfo.Name) { minfo = null; break; } } if (minfo == null) continue; //Console.WriteLine ("Added: {0} IsSrc: {1} IsPlugin: {2} Header: {3}", minfo.Name, minfo.IsSrcMember, minfo.IsPluginMember, minfo.Header); methods.Add (minfo); } Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); text.AppendLine (""); text.AppendLine ("namespace Mono {"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal static partial class SafeNativeMethods {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* moonplugin methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsPluginMember && IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* libmoon methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsSrcMember && IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal static partial class NativeMethods {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* moonplugin methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsPluginMember && !IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* libmoon methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsSrcMember && !IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("}"); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (base_dir, "class/System.Windows/Mono/GeneratedPInvokes.cs".Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)), text.ToString ()); }
static void GenerateTypeH (GlobalInfo all) { const string file = "src/type.h"; StringBuilder text; string contents = File.ReadAllText (file + ".in"); contents = contents.Replace ("/*DO_KINDS*/", all.Children.GetKindsForEnum ().ToString ()); text = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); contents = text.ToString () + contents; Helper.WriteAllText (file, contents); }
static void WriteFactoryHeaderMethod (MethodInfo cmethod, MethodInfo cppmethod, StringBuilder text, GlobalInfo info, bool ensure) { text.Append ("\t static "); cmethod.ReturnType.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, info); text.AppendFormat ("Create{0}", cmethod.Parent.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, false); text.Append (" { "); text.AppendFormat ("{0}* o = new {0}", cmethod.Parent.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, true); text.Append ("; "); if (ensure) text.Append ("o->EnsureManagedPeer (); "); text.Append ("return o;"); text.AppendLine (" }"); }
private GlobalInfo/*!*/ GetGlobalInfo(string/*!*/ name) { GlobalInfo global; if (!_globals.TryGetValue(name, out global)) { _globals[name] = global = new GlobalInfo( _globals.Count, Ast.ArrayIndex( _globalArray, Ast.Constant(_globals.Count) ) ); } return global; }
static void GenerateManagedWeakRefs (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class"); string sys_win_dir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), "System.Windows"); string filename = Path.Combine (sys_win_dir, "WeakRefs.g.cs"); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("namespace Mono {"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal enum WeakRefs {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\tInvalid = 0,"); foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { foreach (FieldInfo field in t.WeakRefs) { text.Append ("\t\t"); text.Append (t.Name); text.Append ("_"); text.Append (field.Name.Replace ("WeakRef", "")); text.Append (" = "); text.Append (t.GetWeakRefId (field)); text.AppendLine (","); } } text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("}"); Helper.WriteAllText (filename, text.ToString ()); }
static void GeneratePInvokes (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; List <MethodInfo> methods = new List<MethodInfo> (); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); string NativeMethods_cs; NativeMethods_cs = File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine (base_dir, "class/System.Windows/Mono/NativeMethods.cs".Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))); methods = all.CPPMethodsToBind; foreach (MemberInfo info in all.Children.Values) { MethodInfo minfo = info as MethodInfo; if (minfo == null) continue; if (!minfo.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GeneratePInvoke")) continue; if (minfo.ParentType == null) { // having this as an error would be annoying if the error is in a generated header // since we'd error out the first time the generator is run, but not the second // Make it more visible instead (red) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine ("C method: {0} must be a static C++ method to properly namespace it. A pinvoke will not be generated.", minfo.Name); Console.ResetColor (); continue; } foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) { if (mi.CMethod.Name == minfo.Name) { minfo = null; break; } } if (minfo == null) continue; //Console.WriteLine ("Added: {0} IsSrc: {1} IsPlugin: {2} Header: {3}", minfo.Name, minfo.IsSrcMember, minfo.IsPluginMember, minfo.Header); methods.Add (minfo); } Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Interop;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); text.AppendLine (""); text.AppendLine ("namespace Mono {"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal static partial class SafeNativeMethods {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* moonplugin methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsPluginMember && IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* libmoon methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsSrcMember && IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\tinternal static partial class NativeMethods {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* moonplugin methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsPluginMember && !IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t/* libmoon methods */"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); WriteMethods (all, NativeMethods_cs, text, delegate (MethodInfo method) { return method.IsSrcMember && !IsSafe (method); }); text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("}"); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (base_dir, "class/System.Windows/Mono/GeneratedPInvokes.cs".Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)), text.ToString ()); }
static void GenerateTypeStaticCpp (GlobalInfo all) { string header; List<string> headers = new List<string> (); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("#include <config.h>"); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("#include <stdlib.h>"); headers.Add ("factory.h"); headers.Add ("cbinding.h"); foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (t.C_Constructor == string.Empty || t.C_Constructor == null || !t.GenerateCBindingCtor) { //Console.WriteLine ("{0} does not have a C ctor", t.FullName); if (t.GetTotalEventCount () == 0) continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Header)) { // Console.WriteLine ("{0} does not have a header", t.FullName); continue; } //Console.WriteLine ("{0}'s header is {1}", t.FullName, t.Header); header = Path.GetFileName (t.Header); if (!headers.Contains (header)) headers.Add (header); } // Loop through all the classes and check which headers // are needed for the c constructors text.AppendLine (""); headers.Sort (); foreach (string h in headers) { text.Append ("#include \""); text.Append (h); text.AppendLine ("\""); } text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("namespace Moonlight {"); text.AppendLine (); foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (t.GetEventCount () == 0) continue; foreach (FieldInfo field in t.Events) { text.Append ("const int "); text.Append (t.Name); text.Append ("::"); text.Append (field.EventName); text.Append ("Event = "); text.Append (t.GetEventId (field)); text.AppendLine (";"); } } // Create the arrays of event names for the classes which have events text.AppendLine (""); foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (t.Events.Count > 0) { text.Append ("const char *"); text.Append (t.KindName); text.Append ("_Events [] = { "); foreach (FieldInfo field in t.Events) { text.Append ("\""); text.Append (field.EventName); text.Append ("\", "); } text.AppendLine ("NULL };"); } if (t.Interfaces.Count > 0) { text.Append ("const Type::Kind "); text.Append (t.KindName); text.Append ("_Interfaces[] = { "); for (int i = 0; i < t.Interfaces.Count; i ++) { text.Append ("Type::"); text.Append (t.Interfaces[i].KindName); if (i < t.Interfaces.Count - 1) text.Append (", "); } text.AppendLine (" };"); } } // Create the array of type data text.AppendLine (""); text.AppendLine ("void"); text.AppendLine ("Types::RegisterNativeTypes ()"); text.AppendLine ("{"); text.AppendLine ("\tDeployment *deployment = Deployment::GetCurrent ();"); text.AppendLine ("\ttypes [(int) Type::INVALID] = new Type (deployment, Type::INVALID, Type::INVALID, false, false, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, false, NULL, NULL );"); text.AppendLine ("\ttypes [(int) Type::ENUM] = new Type (deployment, Type::ENUM, Type::OBJECT, false, false, false, \"Enum\", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, false, NULL, NULL );"); foreach (TypeInfo type in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { MemberInfo member; TypeInfo parent = null; string events = "NULL"; string interfaces = "NULL"; if (!type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("IncludeInKinds")) continue; if (type.Base != null && type.Base.Value != null && all.Children.TryGetValue (type.Base.Value, out member)) parent = (TypeInfo) member; if (type.Events != null && type.Events.Count != 0) events = type.KindName + "_Events"; if (type.Interfaces.Count != 0) interfaces = type.KindName + "_Interfaces"; string parentKind; if (type.KindName == "OBJECT") { parentKind = "INVALID"; } else { if (parent != null) parentKind = parent.KindName; else if (type.IsEnum) parentKind = "ENUM"; else parentKind = "OBJECT"; } text.AppendLine (string.Format (@" types [(int) {0}] = new Type (deployment, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}, {13});", "Type::" + type.KindName, "Type::" + parentKind, type.IsEnum ? "true" : "false", type.IsValueType || type.IsEnum ? "true" : "false", type.IsInterface ? "true" : "false", "\"" + type.Name + "\"", type.GetEventCount (), type.GetTotalEventCount (), events, type.Interfaces.Count, interfaces, type.DefaultCtorVisible || type.IsValueType || type.IsEnum ? "true" : "false", ((type.C_Constructor != null && type.GenerateCBindingCtor && (all.GetDependencyObjects ().Contains (type) || type.Name == "DependencyObject")) ? (type.ConstructorSkipsFactories ? string.Concat ("(create_inst_func *) ", type.C_Constructor) : string.Concat ("(create_inst_func *) MoonUnmanagedFactory::Create", type.Name)) : "NULL"), type.ContentProperty != null ? string.Concat ("\"", type.ContentProperty, "\"") : "NULL" ) ); } text.AppendLine ("\ttypes [(int) Type::LASTTYPE] = new Type (deployment, Type::LASTTYPE, Type::INVALID, false, false, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, false, NULL, NULL);"); text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("};"); text.AppendLine (); Helper.WriteAllText ("src/type-generated.cpp", text.ToString ()); }
void Start() { // Find global knowledge global = GameObject.Find("GlobalKnowledge").GetComponent<GlobalInfo>(); }
static void GenerateValueH (GlobalInfo all) { const string file = "src/value.h"; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (result); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (file + ".in")) { string line; line = reader.ReadLine (); while (line != null) { if (line.Contains ("/*DO_FWD_DECLS*/")) { foreach (TypeInfo type in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (!type.Annotations.ContainsKey("IncludeInKinds") || type.Annotations.ContainsKey("SkipValue") || type.IsNested || type.IsStruct || type.IsEnum) continue; if (type.IsStruct) { forward_decls.Append ("struct "); } else { forward_decls.Append ("class "); } forward_decls.Append (type.Name); forward_decls.AppendLine (";"); } forward_decls.AppendLine (); result.Append (forward_decls.ToString ()); } else if (line.Contains ("/*DO_AS*/")) { foreach (TypeInfo type in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (!type.Annotations.ContainsKey("IncludeInKinds") || type.Annotations.ContainsKey("SkipValue") || type.IsNested || type.IsStruct || type.IsEnum) continue; //do_as.AppendLine (string.Format (" {1,-30} As{0} () {{ checked_get_subclass (Type::{2}, {0}) }}", type.Name, type.Name + "*", type.KindName)); result.Append ('\t'); result.Append (type.Name); result.Append ("*"); result.Append (' ', 40 - type.Name.Length); result.Append ("As"); result.Append (type.Name); result.Append (" (Types *types = NULL) const { checked_get_subclass (Type::"); result.Append (type.KindName); result.Append (", "); result.Append (type.Name); result.Append (") }"); result.AppendLine (); } foreach (TypeInfo type in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) { if (!type.IsEnum || !type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("IncludeInKinds")) continue; result.AppendFormat ("\t{0} As{0} () const\t", type.Name); result.Append ("\t{ "); result.Append ("checked_get_exact (Type::"); result.Append (type.KindName); result.AppendFormat (", ({0}) -1, ({0}) u.i32);", type.Name); result.Append ("\t}"); result.AppendLine (); } result.AppendLine (); } else { result.AppendLine (line); } line = reader.ReadLine (); } } Helper.WriteAllText (file, result.ToString ()); }
static void WriteImplMethod (MethodInfo cmethod, MethodInfo cppmethod, StringBuilder text, GlobalInfo info) { bool is_void = cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "void"; bool is_ctor = cmethod.IsConstructor; bool is_static = cmethod.IsStatic; bool is_dtor = cmethod.IsDestructor; bool check_instance = !is_static && !is_ctor; bool check_error = false; foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in cmethod.Parameters) { if (parameter.ParameterType.Value == "MoonError*") { check_error = true; break; } } cmethod.ReturnType.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, info); text.AppendLine (); text.Append (cmethod.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, false); text.AppendLine (""); text.AppendLine ("{"); if (is_ctor) { text.Append ("\treturn new "); text.Append (cmethod.Parent.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, true); text.AppendLine (";"); } else if (is_dtor) { text.AppendLine ("\tdelete instance;"); } else { if (check_instance) { text.AppendLine ("\tif (instance == NULL)"); if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "void") { text.Append ("\t\treturn"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value.Contains ("*")) { text.Append ("\t\treturn NULL"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "Type::Kind") { text.Append ("\t\treturn Type::INVALID"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "bool") { text.Append ("\t\treturn false"); } else if (cmethod.ReturnType.Value == "Point") { text.Append ("\t\treturn Point (0, 0)"); } else { text.AppendLine ("\t\t// Need to find a proper way to get the default value for the specified type and return that if instance is NULL."); text.Append ("\t\treturn"); text.Append (" ("); text.Append (cmethod.ReturnType.Value); text.Append (") 0"); } text.AppendLine (";"); text.AppendLine ("\t"); } if (check_error) { text.AppendLine ("\tif (error == NULL)"); text.Append ("\t\tg_warning (\"Moonlight: Called "); text.Append (cmethod.Name); text.AppendLine (" () with error == NULL.\");"); } text.Append ("\t"); if (!is_void) text.Append ("return "); if (is_static) { text.Append (cmethod.Parent.Name); text.Append ("::"); } else { text.Append ("instance->"); cmethod.Parameters [0].DisableWriteOnce = true; } text.Append (cppmethod.Name); cmethod.Parameters.Write (text, SignatureType.NativeC, true); text.AppendLine (";"); } text.AppendLine ("}"); }
static void WriteMethods (GlobalInfo all, string NativeMethods_cs, StringBuilder text, Func<MethodInfo,bool> func) { List <MethodInfo> methods = all.CPPMethodsToBind; foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { if (!func (method) || !method.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GeneratePInvoke")) continue; WritePInvokeMethod (NativeMethods_cs, method, text, method.IsPluginMember ? "moonplugin" : "moon"); text.AppendLine (); } }
static string CreateValue (GlobalInfo all, FieldInfo field, string default_value) { if (default_value.StartsWith ("new ")) return string.Format ("Value::CreateUnrefPtr ({0})", default_value); else if (field.GetDPPropertyType (all).IsEnum) return string.Format ("new Value ((gint32) {0}, Type::{1})", default_value, field.GetDPPropertyType (all).KindName); else return string.Format ("new Value ({0})", default_value); }
static void GenerateJSBindings (GlobalInfo all) { List<MethodInfo> methods; methods = all.JSMethodsToBind; StringBuilder mappings = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder (); MemberInfo current = null; Dictionary<string, List<MethodInfo>> types = new Dictionary<string, List<MethodInfo>> (); foreach (MemberInfo m in methods) { MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) m; string name = method.Annotations.GetValue ("GenerateJSBinding"); if (name == null) name = method.Name; mappings.AppendLine ("\tMoonId_" + method.Parent.Name + "_" + name + ","); if (current != method.Parent) { current = method.Parent; } if (!types.ContainsKey (current.Name)) types.Add (current.Name, new List<MethodInfo>()); types[current.Name].Add (method); } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<MethodInfo>> t in types) { string parent = t.Key; header.AppendLine ("/*** Moonlight" + parent + "Class *********/"); header.AppendLine ("struct Moonlight" + parent + "Type : MoonlightDependencyObjectType {"); header.AppendLine ("\tMoonlight" + parent + "Type ();"); header.AppendLine ("};"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("extern Moonlight" + parent + "Type *Moonlight" + parent + "Class;"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("struct Moonlight" + parent + "Object : MoonlightDependencyObjectObject {"); header.AppendLine ("\tMoonlight" + parent + "Object (NPP instance) : MoonlightDependencyObjectObject (instance)"); header.AppendLine ("\t{"); header.AppendLine ("\t\tmoonlight_type = Type::" + parent.ToUpper() + ";"); header.AppendLine ("\t}"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("\tvirtual bool Invoke (int id, NPIdentifier name,"); header.AppendLine ("\t\tconst NPVariant *args, guint32 argCount, NPVariant *result);"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("};"); body.AppendLine (); body.AppendLine ("/*** Moonlight" + parent + "Class *********/"); body.AppendLine (); body.AppendLine ("static NPObject *"); body.AppendLine ("moonlight_" + parent.ToLower() + "_allocate (NPP instance, NPClass *klass)"); body.AppendLine ("{"); body.AppendLine (" return new Moonlight" + parent + "Object (instance);"); body.AppendLine ("}"); body.AppendLine (); body.AppendLine ("static const MoonNameIdMapping moonlight_" + parent.ToLower() + "_mapping[] = {"); for (int i = 0; i < t.Value.Count; i++) { MethodInfo method = t.Value[i]; string name = method.Annotations.GetValue ("GenerateJSBinding"); if (name == null) name = method.Name; string id = "MoonId_" + parent + "_" + name; body.Append (" { \"" + name.ToLower () + "\", " + id + " }"); if (i < t.Value.Count - 1) body.Append (","); body.AppendLine (""); } body.AppendLine ("};"); body.AppendLine (""); body.AppendLine ("bool"); body.AppendLine ("Moonlight" + parent + "Object::Invoke (int id, NPIdentifier name,"); body.AppendLine (" const NPVariant *args, guint32 argCount,"); body.AppendLine (" NPVariant *result)"); body.AppendLine ("{"); body.AppendLine (" " + parent + " *dob = (" + parent + " *) GetDependencyObject ();"); body.AppendLine (""); body.AppendLine (" switch (id) {"); foreach (MethodInfo method in t.Value) { string name = method.Annotations.GetValue ("GenerateJSBinding"); if (name == null) name = method.Name; string id = "MoonId_" + parent + "_" + name; body.AppendLine ("\t\tcase " + id + ": {"); bool errorcheck = false; string argcodes = ""; List<string> args = new List<string>(); List<string> parms = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++) { ParameterInfo parameter = method.Parameters[i]; if (parameter.ParameterType.Value == "MoonError*") { errorcheck = true; } else { argcodes += parameter.ParameterType.GetNPType (); switch (parameter.ParameterType.GetNPType ()) { case "i": args.Add ("\t\t\tint arg" + i + " = NPVARIANT_TO_INT32 (args[" + i + "]);"); parms.Add ("arg" + i); break; case "s": args.Add ("\t\t\tchar *arg" + i + " = STRDUP_FROM_VARIANT (args[" + i + "]);"); parms.Add ("arg" + i); break; case "o": args.Add ("\t\t\tNPObject *obj" + i + " = NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT (args[" + i + "]);"); args.Add ("\t\t\tif (!npobject_is_dependency_object (obj" + i + "))"); args.Add ("\t\t\t\tTHROW_JS_EXCEPTION (\"" + name + "\");"); args.Add ("\t\t\tDependencyObject *arg" + i + " = ((MoonlightDependencyObjectObject *) obj" + i + ")->GetDependencyObject();"); parms.Add ("(" + parameter.ParameterType.WriteFormatted () + ") arg" + i); break; case "d": args.Add ("\t\t\tdouble arg" + i + " = NPVARIANT_AS_DOUBLE (args[" + i + "]);"); parms.Add ("arg" + i); break; case "b": args.Add ("\t\t\tbool arg" + i + " = NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args[" + i + "]);"); parms.Add ("arg" + i); break; } } } if (argcodes != "") { body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tif (!check_arg_list (\"" + argcodes + "\", argCount, args))"); body.AppendLine ("\t\t\t\tTHROW_JS_EXCEPTION (\"" + name + "\");"); } if (errorcheck) { body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tMoonError err;"); parms.Add ("&err"); } if (args.Count > 0) body.AppendLine (String.Join ("\n", args.ToArray())); body.Append ("\t\t\t"); if (method.ReturnType.GetNPType () != "v") { method.ReturnType.WriteFormatted (body); if (!method.ReturnType.IsPointer) body.Append (" "); body.AppendLine ("ret = dob->" + method.Name + " (" + String.Join (", ", parms.ToArray ()) + ");"); } else body.AppendLine ("dob->" + method.Name + " (" + String.Join (", ", parms.ToArray ()) + ");"); for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++) { ParameterInfo parameter = method.Parameters[i]; if (parameter.ParameterType.GetNPType () == "s") body.AppendLine ("g_free (arg" + i + ");"); } if (errorcheck) body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tif (err.number != 0) THROW_JS_EXCEPTION (err.message);"); switch (method.ReturnType.GetNPType ()) { case "i": body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tINT32_TO_NPVARIANT (ret, *result);"); break; case "s": body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tstring_to_npvariant (ret, *result);"); break; case "o": string strobj = "EventObjectCreateWrapper (GetPlugin (), ret)"; if (method.ReturnType.IsPointer) { body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tif (ret) {"); if (method.ReturnType.IsMoonNpType) { string strname = method.ReturnType.GetPlainType(); body.AppendLine (String.Format ("\t\t\t\tMoonlight{0} *{1} = (Moonlight{0} *) MOON_NPN_CreateObject (GetInstance (), Moonlight{0}Class);", strname, strname.ToLower())); body.AppendLine (String.Format ("\t\t\t\t{0}->{0} = {1}ret;", strname.ToLower())); strobj = strname.ToLower(); } body.AppendLine ("\t\t\t\tOBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT (" + strobj + ", *result);"); body.AppendLine ("\t\t\t} else"); body.AppendLine ("\t\t\t\tNULL_TO_NPVARIANT (*result);"); } else { // this will be something like a Point. string strname = method.ReturnType.GetPlainType(); body.AppendLine (String.Format ("\t\t\tMoonlight{0} *{1} = (Moonlight{0} *) MOON_NPN_CreateObject (GetInstance (), Moonlight{0}Class);", strname, strname.ToLower())); body.AppendLine (String.Format ("\t\t\t{0}->{0} = ret;", strname.ToLower())); strobj = strname.ToLower(); body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tOBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT (" + strobj + ", *result);"); } break; case "d": body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tDOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT (ret, *result);"); break; case "b": body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tBOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT (ret, *result);"); break; case "v": body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tVOID_TO_NPVARIANT (*result);"); break; } body.AppendLine ("\t\t\treturn true;"); body.AppendLine ("\t\t\tbreak;"); body.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); } body.AppendLine ("\t}"); body.AppendLine (); body.AppendLine ("\treturn MoonlightDependencyObjectObject::Invoke (id, name, args, argCount, result);"); body.AppendLine ("}"); body.AppendLine (); body.AppendLine ("Moonlight" + parent + "Type::Moonlight" + parent + "Type ()"); body.AppendLine ("{"); body.AppendLine (" AddMapping (moonlight_" + parent.ToLower() + "_mapping, G_N_ELEMENTS (moonlight_" + parent.ToLower() + "_mapping));"); body.AppendLine (); body.AppendLine (" allocate = moonlight_" + parent.ToLower() + "_allocate;"); body.AppendLine ("}"); } string file = "plugin/plugin-class.h"; string contents = File.ReadAllText (file + ".in"); contents = contents.Replace ("/*MAP_IDS*/", mappings.ToString()); contents = contents.Replace ("/*MAP_HEADERS*/", header.ToString()); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); contents = text.ToString () + contents; Helper.WriteAllText (file, contents); file = "plugin/plugin-class.g.cpp"; contents = File.ReadAllText (file + ".in"); contents = contents.Replace ("/*MAP_BODY*/", body.ToString()); text = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); contents = text.ToString () + contents; Helper.WriteAllText (file, contents); }
static GlobalInfo GetTypes2 () { string srcdir = Path.Combine (Environment.CurrentDirectory, "src"); string plugindir = Path.Combine (Environment.CurrentDirectory, "plugin"); string paldir = Path.Combine (srcdir, "pal"); string palgtkdir = Path.Combine (paldir, "gtk"); List<string> all_files = new List<string> (); all_files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (srcdir, "*.h")); all_files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (plugindir, "*.h")); all_files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (paldir, "*.h")); all_files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (palgtkdir, "*.h")); RemoveExcludedSrcFiles (srcdir, plugindir, paldir, all_files); Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer (all_files.ToArray ()); GlobalInfo all = new GlobalInfo (); tokenizer.Advance (false); try { while (ParseMembers (all, tokenizer)) { try { tokenizer.Accept (Token2Type.Punctuation, "}"); tokenizer.Accept (Token2Type.Punctuation, ";"); } catch {} } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception (string.Format ("{0}({1}): {2}", tokenizer.CurrentFile, tokenizer.CurrentLine, ex.Message), ex); } // Add all the manual types TypeInfo t; TypeInfo IComparableInfo; TypeInfo IFormattableInfo; TypeInfo IConvertibleInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableBoolInfo; TypeInfo IComparableBoolInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableDoubleInfo; TypeInfo IComparableDoubleInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableFloatInfo; TypeInfo IComparableFloatInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableCharInfo; TypeInfo IComparableCharInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableIntInfo; TypeInfo IComparableIntInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableLongInfo; TypeInfo IComparableLongInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableStringInfo; TypeInfo IComparableStringInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableTimeSpanInfo; TypeInfo IComparableTimeSpanInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableUintInfo; TypeInfo IComparableUintInfo; TypeInfo IEquatableUlongInfo; TypeInfo IComparableUlongInfo; all.Children.Add (new TypeInfo ("object", "OBJECT", "INVALID", true, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable", "ICOMPARABLE", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IFormattableInfo = new TypeInfo ("IFormattable", "IFORMATTABLE", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IConvertibleInfo = new TypeInfo ("IConvertible", "ICONVERTIBLE", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableBoolInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<bool>", "IEQUATABLE_BOOL", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableBoolInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<bool>", "ICOMPARABLE_BOOL", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableDoubleInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<double>", "IEQUATABLE_DOUBLE", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableDoubleInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<double>", "ICOMPARABLE_DOUBLE", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableFloatInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<float>", "IEQUATABLE_FLOAT", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableFloatInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<float>", "ICOMPARABLE_FLOAT", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableCharInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<char>", "IEQUATABLE_CHAR", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableCharInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<char>", "ICOMPARABLE_CHAR", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableIntInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<int>", "IEQUATABLE_INT", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableIntInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<int>", "ICOMPARABLE_INT", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableLongInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<long>", "IEQUATABLE_LONG", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableLongInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<long>", "ICOMPARABLE_LONG", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableStringInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<string>", "IEQUATABLE_STRING", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableStringInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<string>", "ICOMPARABLE_STRING", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableTimeSpanInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<TimeSpan>", "IEQUATABLE_TIMESPAN", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableTimeSpanInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<TimeSpan>", "ICOMPARABLE_TIMESPAN", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableUintInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<uint>", "IEQUATABLE_UINT", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableUintInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<uint>", "ICOMPARABLE_UINT", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IEquatableUlongInfo = new TypeInfo ("IEquatable<ulong>", "IEQUATABLE_ULONG", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (IComparableUlongInfo = new TypeInfo ("IComparable<ulong>", "ICOMPARABLE_ULONG", "OBJECT", true, true, false, true)); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("bool", "BOOL", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableBoolInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableBoolInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("float", "FLOAT", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableFloatInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableFloatInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("double", "DOUBLE", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableDoubleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableDoubleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("guint64", "UINT64", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableUlongInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableUlongInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("gint64", "INT64", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableLongInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableLongInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("guint32", "UINT32", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableUintInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableUintInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("gint32", "INT32", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableIntInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableIntInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("char*", "STRING", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableStringInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableStringInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IFormattableInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("TimeSpan", "TIMESPAN", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableTimeSpanInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableTimeSpanInfo); all.Children.Add (t = new TypeInfo ("char", "CHAR", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IComparableCharInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IConvertibleInfo); t.Interfaces.Add (IEquatableCharInfo); all.Children.Add (new TypeInfo ("NPObj", "NPOBJ", "OBJECT", true, true, true, false)); all.Children.Add (new TypeInfo ("System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguage", "XMLLANGUAGE", "OBJECT", true, true)); // Set IncludeInKinds for all types which inherit from EventObject foreach (MemberInfo member in all.Children.Values) { TypeInfo type = member as TypeInfo; if (type == null) continue; if (type.Name == "EventObject") type.Annotations ["IncludeInKinds"] = null; TypeReference bR = type.Base; MemberInfo m; TypeInfo b; while (bR != null) { if (bR.Value == "EventObject") { member.Annotations ["IncludeInKinds"] = null; } if (!all.Children.TryGetValue (bR.Value, out m)) break; b = m as TypeInfo; if (b != null) bR = b.Base; else bR = null; } } return all; }
static void GenerateManagedDPs (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class"); string sys_win_dir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), "System.Windows"); string filename = Path.Combine (sys_win_dir, "DependencyProperty.g.cs"); string previous_namespace = ""; List<TypeInfo> sorted_types = new List<TypeInfo> (); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); Dictionary <TypeInfo, List<FieldInfo>> types = new Dictionary<TypeInfo,List<FieldInfo>> (); foreach (FieldInfo field in all.DependencyProperties) { TypeInfo parent = field.Parent as TypeInfo; List <FieldInfo> fields; string managed_parent = field.Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedDeclaringType"); if (field.Annotations.GetValue ("GenerateManagedDP") == "false") continue; if (managed_parent != null) { parent = all.Children [managed_parent] as TypeInfo; if (parent == null) throw new Exception (string.Format ("Could not find the type '{0}' set as ManagedDeclaringType of '{1}'", managed_parent, field.FullName)); } if (parent == null) throw new Exception (string.Format ("The field '{0}' does not have its parent set.", field.FullName)); if (!types.TryGetValue (parent, out fields)) { fields = new List<FieldInfo> (); types.Add (parent, fields); sorted_types.Add (parent); } fields.Add (field); } Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("using Mono;"); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.ComponentModel;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Collections.Generic;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Controls;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Documents;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Ink;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Input;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Markup;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Animation;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Effects;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Shapes;"); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("#pragma warning disable 414 // The private field 'X' is assigned but its value is never used"); text.AppendLine ("#pragma warning disable 169 // The private property 'X' is never used"); text.AppendLine (); sorted_types.Sort (new Members.MembersSortedByManagedFullName <TypeInfo> ()); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_types.Count; i++) { TypeInfo type = sorted_types [i]; List<FieldInfo> fields = types [type]; TypeInfo parent = type; string ns; ns = parent.Namespace; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns)) { Console.WriteLine ("The type '{0}' in {1} does not have a namespace annotation.", parent.FullName, parent.Header); continue; } if (type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("ManagedDependencyProperties")) { string dp_mode = type.Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedDependencyProperties"); switch (dp_mode) { case "None": case "Manual": continue; case "Generate": break; default: throw new Exception (string.Format ("Invalid value '{0}' for ManagedDependencyProperties in '{1}'", dp_mode, type.FullName)); } } if (ns == "None") { Console.WriteLine ("'{0}''s Namespace = 'None', this type should have set @ManagedDependencyProperties=Manual to not create DPs.", type.FullName); continue; } string check_ns = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), ns), parent.Name + ".cs"); if (!File.Exists (check_ns)) throw new Exception (string.Format ("The file {0} does not exist, did you annotate the class with the wrong namespace?", check_ns)); if (previous_namespace != ns) { if (previous_namespace != string.Empty) { text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); } text.Append ("namespace "); text.Append (ns); text.AppendLine (" {"); previous_namespace = ns; } else { text.AppendLine (); } text.Append ("\tpartial class "); text.Append (parent.ManagedName); text.AppendLine (" {"); fields.Sort (new Members.MembersSortedByName <FieldInfo> ()); // The DP registration foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { bool conv_int_to_double = field.GetDPManagedPropertyType (all) == "int" && field.GetDPPropertyType (all).Name == "double"; if (field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("Browsable")) { text.Append ("\t\t[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState."); text.Append (field.Annotations.GetValue ("Browsable")); text.AppendLine (")]"); } text.Append ("\t\t"); Helper.WriteAccess (text, field.GetManagedFieldAccess ()); text.Append (" static readonly DependencyProperty "); text.Append (field.Name); text.Append (" = DependencyProperty.Lookup (Kind."); text.Append (field.ParentType.KindName); text.Append (", \""); text.Append (field.GetDependencyPropertyName ()); text.Append ("\", typeof ("); if (conv_int_to_double) text.Append ("double"); else text.Append (field.GetDPManagedPropertyType (all)); text.AppendLine ("));"); } foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { bool conv_int_to_double = field.GetDPManagedPropertyType (all) == "int" && field.GetDPPropertyType (all).Name == "double"; if (field.IsDPAttached || !field.GenerateManagedAccessors) continue; text.AppendLine (); if (field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("Browsable")) { text.Append ("\t\t[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState."); text.Append (field.Annotations.GetValue ("Browsable")); text.AppendLine (")]"); } // property accessor text.Append ("\t\t"); Helper.WriteAccess (text, field.GetManagedAccessorAccess ()); text.Append (" "); text.Append (field.GetDPManagedPropertyType (all)); text.Append (" "); text.Append (field.GetDependencyPropertyName ()); text.AppendLine (" {"); // property getter text.Append ("\t\t\t"); if (field.GetManagedAccessorAccess () != field.GetManagedGetterAccess ()) { Helper.WriteAccess (text, field.GetManagedGetterAccess ()); text.Append (" "); } text.Append ("get { return ("); text.Append (field.GetDPManagedPropertyType (all)); if (conv_int_to_double) text.Append (") (double"); text.Append (") GetValue ("); text.Append (field.Name); text.AppendLine ("); }"); // property setter if (!field.IsDPReadOnly) { text.Append ("\t\t\t"); if (field.GetManagedAccessorAccess () != field.GetManagedSetterAccess ()) { Helper.WriteAccess (text, field.GetManagedSetterAccess ()); text.Append (" "); } text.Append ("set { SetValue ("); text.Append (field.Name); text.AppendLine (", value); }"); } text.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); } text.AppendLine ("\t}"); } text.AppendLine ("}"); Helper.WriteAllText (filename, text.ToString ()); }
public void GenerateTypes_G (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class"); string moon_moonlight_dir = Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"); List<TypeInfo> types = new List<TypeInfo> (all.GetDependencyObjects ()); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine ("using Mono;"); text.AppendLine ("using System;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Reflection;"); text.AppendLine ("using System.Collections.Generic;"); text.AppendLine (""); text.AppendLine ("namespace Mono {"); text.AppendLine ("\tpartial class Types {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\tprivate void CreateNativeTypes ()"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t{"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tType t;"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\ttry {"); foreach (MemberInfo m in all.Children.Values) { TypeInfo t = m as TypeInfo; if (t == null) continue; if (types.Contains (t)) continue; types.Add (t); } types.Sort (new Members.MembersSortedByManagedFullName <TypeInfo> ()); for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) { TypeInfo t = types [i]; string type = t.ManagedName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Namespace) || t.Namespace == "None" || t.Name.StartsWith ("MoonWindow")) continue; type = type.Replace ("`1", "<>"); //Log.WriteLine ("Found Kind.{0} in {1} which result in type: {2}.{3}", kind, file, ns, type); text.Append ("\t\t\t\tt = typeof ("); text.Append (t.Namespace); text.Append ("."); text.Append (type); text.AppendLine ("); "); text.Append ("\t\t\t\tAddBuiltinType (t, new ManagedType (t, Kind."); text.Append (t.KindName); text.AppendLine ("));"); } // now handle the primitive types output_native_type_delegate f = delegate (string t, string k) { text.Append ("\t\t\t\tt = typeof ("); text.Append (t); text.AppendLine (");"); text.Append ("\t\t\t\tAddBuiltinType (t, new ManagedType (t, Kind."); text.Append (k); text.AppendLine ("));"); }; f ("char", "CHAR"); f ("object", "OBJECT"); f ("bool", "BOOL"); f ("double", "DOUBLE"); f ("float", "FLOAT"); f ("ulong", "UINT64"); f ("long", "INT64"); f ("uint", "UINT32"); f ("int", "INT32"); f ("string", "STRING"); f ("TimeSpan", "TIMESPAN"); f ("Enum", "ENUM"); f ("System.Windows.Application", "APPLICATION"); f ("System.Windows.Thickness", "THICKNESS"); f ("System.Windows.CornerRadius", "CORNERRADIUS"); f ("System.Windows.PropertyPath", "PROPERTYPATH"); f ("System.Windows.Point", "POINT"); f ("System.Windows.Rect", "RECT"); f ("System.Windows.Size", "SIZE"); f ("System.Windows.FontStretch", "FONTSTRETCH"); f ("System.Windows.FontWeight", "FONTWEIGHT"); f ("System.Windows.FontStyle", "FONTSTYLE"); f ("System.Windows.Documents.TextSelection", "TEXTSELECTION"); f ("System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer", "TEXTPOINTER"); f ("System.Windows.Media.FontFamily", "FONTFAMILY"); f ("System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguage", "XMLLANGUAGE"); f ("System.Windows.Input.Cursor", "CURSORTYPE"); f ("System.Windows.Messaging.LocalMessageReceiver", "LOCALMESSAGERECEIVER"); f ("System.Windows.Messaging.LocalMessageSender", "LOCALMESSAGESENDER"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t} catch (Exception ex) {"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t\tConsole.WriteLine (\"There was an error while loading native types: \" + ex.ToString ());"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); text.AppendLine ("\t}"); text.AppendLine ("}"); Log.WriteLine ("typeandkidngen done"); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (Path.Combine (moon_moonlight_dir, "Mono"), "Types.g.cs"), text.ToString ()); }
static void GenerateDPs (GlobalInfo all) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string moon_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "src"); // int version_previous = 0; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); List<FieldInfo> fields = all.DependencyProperties; List<string> headers = new List<string> (); List<TypeInfo> types = new List<TypeInfo> (); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { if (!types.Contains ((TypeInfo)field.Parent)) types.Add ((TypeInfo)field.Parent); } fields = TopoSortedProperties (all, types); headers.Add ("dependencyproperty.h"); headers.Add ("validators.h"); headers.Add ("provider.h"); headers.Add ("color.h"); headers.Add ("managedtypeinfo.h"); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { string h; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (field.Header)) continue; h = Path.GetFileName (field.Header); if (!headers.Contains (h)) headers.Add (h); } Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("#include <config.h>"); text.AppendLine (); headers.Sort (); foreach (string h in headers) { text.Append ("#include \""); text.Append (h); text.AppendLine ("\""); } text.AppendLine ("namespace Moonlight {"); text.AppendLine (); text.AppendLine ("void"); text.AppendLine ("Types::RegisterNativeProperties ()"); text.AppendLine ("{"); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++) { FieldInfo field = fields [i]; TypeInfo type = field.ParentType; TypeInfo propertyType = null; string default_value = field.DPDefaultValue; bool has_default_value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (default_value); string autocreator = field.DPAutoCreator; bool is_nullable = field.IsDPNullable; bool is_attached = field.IsDPAttached; bool is_readonly = field.IsDPReadOnly; bool is_always_change = field.IsDPAlwaysChange; string validator = field.DPValidator; bool is_full = is_attached || is_readonly || is_always_change || validator != null || autocreator != null || is_nullable; propertyType = field.GetDPPropertyType (all); text.Append ("\t"); if (propertyType == null) { text.Append ("// (no PropertyType was found for this DependencyProperty) "); } else { headers.Add (propertyType.Header); } text.Append ("DependencyProperty::Register"); if (is_full) text.Append ("Full"); text.Append (" ("); text.Append ("this, "); text.Append ("Type::"); text.Append (type.KindName); text.Append (", \""); text.Append (field.GetDependencyPropertyName ()); text.Append ("\""); text.Append (", "); text.Append (field.IsCustom ? "true" : "false"); text.Append (", "); if (has_default_value) { text.Append (CreateValue (all, field, default_value)); } else if (is_full) { text.Append ("NULL"); } if ((has_default_value || is_full)) text.Append (", "); if (propertyType != null) { text.Append ("Type::"); text.Append (propertyType.KindName); } else if (!has_default_value) { text.Append ("Type::INVALID"); Console.WriteLine ("{0} does not define its property type.", field.FullName); } if (is_full) { text.Append (", "); text.Append (is_attached ? "true" : "false"); text.Append (", "); text.Append (is_readonly ? "true" : "false"); text.Append (", "); text.Append (is_always_change ? "true" : "false"); text.Append (", "); text.Append ("NULL"); text.Append (", "); text.Append (validator != null ? ("Validators::" + validator) : "NULL"); text.Append (", "); text.Append (autocreator != null ? (autocreator.Contains("::") ? autocreator : "AutoCreators::" + autocreator) : "NULL"); text.Append (", "); text.Append (is_nullable ? "true" : "false"); } text.AppendLine (");"); } text.AppendLine (); foreach (var field in fields) { foreach (var metadataOverride in field.MetadataOverrides) { text.AppendFormat ("\tthis->GetProperty ({0}::{1})->AddDefaultValueOverride (Type::{2}, {3});", field.Parent.Name, field.Name, metadataOverride.Key, CreateValue (all, field, metadataOverride.Value)); text.AppendLine (); } if (field.HasHiddenDefaultValue) { text.AppendFormat ("\tthis->GetProperty ({0}::{1})->SetHasHiddenDefaultValue (true);{2}", field.Parent.Name, field.Name, Environment.NewLine); } } text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); // Static initializers for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++) { FieldInfo field = fields [i]; text.Append ("const int "); text.Append (field.Parent.Name); text.Append ("::"); text.Append (field.Name); text.Append (" = "); text.Append (i); text.AppendLine (";"); } text.AppendLine (); // C++ Accessors for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++) { FieldInfo field = fields [i]; TypeInfo prop_type; string prop_type_str; string value_str; string prop_default = null; bool both = field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GenerateAccessors"); bool setter = both || field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GenerateSetter"); bool getter = both || field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("GenerateGetter"); bool is_attached = field.IsDPAttached; bool nullable_setter = setter && field.IsDPNullable; bool doing_nullable_setter = false; if (!setter && !getter) continue; prop_type = field.GetDPPropertyType (all); switch (prop_type.Name) { case "char*": prop_type_str = "const char *"; value_str = "String"; break; case "int": case "gint32": value_str = "Int32"; prop_type_str = prop_type.Name; prop_default = "0"; break; case "double": value_str = "Double"; prop_type_str = prop_type.Name; prop_default = "0.0"; break; case "bool": prop_type_str = prop_type.Name; value_str = "Bool"; prop_default = "false"; break; case "char": prop_type_str = "gunichar"; value_str = "Char"; prop_default = "0"; break; case "object": prop_type_str = "Value *"; prop_default = "NULL"; value_str = null; break; default: prop_type_str = prop_type.Name; value_str = prop_type.Name; break; } if (field.Annotations.ContainsKey ("IsConstPropertyType")) prop_type_str = "const " + prop_type_str; string GetterName = string.Format ("{0}::Get{1}", field.ParentType.Name, field.GetDependencyPropertyName()); string SetterName = string.Format ("{0}::Set{1}", field.ParentType.Name, field.GetDependencyPropertyName()); if (getter) { text.Append (prop_type_str); if (field.IsDPNullable || (prop_type.IsClass || prop_type.IsStruct)) text.Append (" *"); text.AppendLine (); text.Append (GetterName); if (is_attached) text.AppendLine (" (DependencyObject *obj)"); else text.AppendLine (" ()"); text.AppendLine ("{"); if (value_str == null) { text.Append ("\treturn "); } else if (is_attached) { text.Append ("\tValue *value = (!obj) ? NULL : "); } else { text.Append ("\tValue *value = "); } text.AppendFormat ("{0}{1}GetValue ({2}::{3});\n", is_attached ? "obj->" : "", field.ParentType.NeedsQualifiedGetValue(all) ? "DependencyObject::" : "", field.ParentType.Name, field.Name); // if (is_attached) { // text.AppendFormat ("\tif (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty ({0}::{1})->GetDefaultValue(obj->GetType ()->GetKind ());\n", // field.ParentType.Name, field.Name); // } if (value_str == null) { // Skip this } else if (field.IsDPNullable || (prop_type.IsClass || prop_type.IsStruct || prop_type.Name == "char*")) { text.Append ("\treturn value ? "); if (prop_type.IsEnum) { text.AppendFormat ("({0}) value->As{0}() : ({0}) 0", prop_type.Name); } else { if (!field.IsDPNullable && (/*prop_type.IsStruct || */prop_default != null)) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (prop_default)) throw new NotImplementedException ( string.Format ("Generation of DependencyProperties with struct values ({0}.{1})", field.ParentType.Name, field.Name)); text.AppendFormat ("value->As{0}{1} () : {2}", field.IsDPNullable && !(prop_type.IsStruct || prop_type.IsClass) ? "Nullable" : "", value_str, !field.IsDPNullable && prop_default != null ? prop_default : "NULL"); } } else { // Value cannot be null, so don't need to check for it text.Append ("\treturn "); if (prop_type.IsEnum) { text.AppendFormat ("value->As{0} ()", prop_type.Name); } else { text.AppendFormat ("value->As{0} ()", value_str); } } if (value_str != null) text.AppendLine (";"); text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); } do_nullable_setter: if (setter) { text.AppendLine ("void"); text.Append (SetterName); text.Append (" ("); if (is_attached) text.Append ("DependencyObject *obj, "); text.Append (prop_type_str); if (prop_type.Name != "char*") text.Append (' '); if (!nullable_setter && (prop_type.IsClass || prop_type.IsStruct)) text.Append ('*'); text.AppendLine ("value)"); text.AppendLine ("{"); if (is_attached) text.AppendLine ("\tif (!obj) return;"); if (doing_nullable_setter) { text.AppendLine ("\tif (!value)"); text.Append ("\t\t"); text.AppendFormat ("{0}{1}SetValue ({2}::{3}, NULL);\n", is_attached ? "obj->" : "", field.ParentType.NeedsQualifiedGetValue(all) ? "DependencyObject::" : "", field.ParentType.Name, field.Name); text.AppendLine ("\telse"); text.Append ("\t\t"); text.AppendFormat ("{0}{1}SetValue ({2}::{3}, Value (*value));\n", is_attached ? "obj->" : "", field.ParentType.NeedsQualifiedGetValue(all) ? "DependencyObject::" : "", field.ParentType.Name, field.Name); } else { if (!nullable_setter && prop_type.IsStruct) text.AppendLine ("\tif (!value) return;"); text.Append ("\t"); text.AppendFormat ("{0}{1}SetValue ({2}::{3}, ", is_attached ? "obj->" : "", field.ParentType.NeedsQualifiedGetValue(all) ? "DependencyObject::" : "", field.ParentType.Name, field.Name); if (prop_type.Name == "guint64" || prop_type.Name == "TimeSpan") { text.AppendFormat ("Value (value, Type::{0}));\n", prop_type.KindName); } else if (prop_type.Name == "char") { text.AppendLine ("Value (value, Type::CHAR));"); } else if ((value_str == null) || (!nullable_setter && prop_type.IsStruct)) { text.AppendLine ("Value (*value));"); } else if (prop_type.IsClass) { text.AppendLine ("Value (value));"); } else if (prop_type.IsEnum) { text.AppendFormat ("Value ((gint32) value, Type::{0}));", prop_type.KindName); text.AppendLine (); } else { text.AppendLine ("Value (value));"); } } text.AppendLine ("}"); text.AppendLine (); } if (nullable_setter) { if (!prop_type.IsStruct) prop_type_str += " *"; nullable_setter = false; doing_nullable_setter = true; goto do_nullable_setter; } } text.AppendLine ("};"); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (moon_dir, "dependencyproperty.g.cpp"), text.ToString ()); }
private static void GenerateCBindings (GlobalInfo info, string dir) { List<MethodInfo> methods; StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder impl = new StringBuilder (); List <string> headers = new List<string> (); List <string> classes = new List<string> (); List <string> structs = new List<string> (); string last_type = string.Empty; methods = info.CPPMethodsToBind; Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (header);; Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (impl); header.AppendLine ("#ifndef __MOONLIGHT_C_BINDING_H__"); header.AppendLine ("#define __MOONLIGHT_C_BINDING_H__"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("#include <glib.h>"); header.AppendLine ("#include <cairo.h>"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("#include \"pal.h\""); header.AppendLine ("#include \"pal/gtk/window-gtk.h\""); header.AppendLine ("#include \"enums.h\""); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("namespace Moonlight {"); foreach (MemberInfo member in info.Children.Values) { TypeInfo type = member as TypeInfo; if (type == null) continue; if (type.IsClass) { if (!classes.Contains (type.Name)) classes.Add (type.Name); } else if (type.IsStruct) { if (!structs.Contains (type.Name)) structs.Add (type.Name); } } foreach (MemberInfo method in methods) { string h; if (method.ParentType != null) { TypeInfo type = method.ParentType; if (type.IsClass) { if (!classes.Contains (type.Name)) classes.Add (type.Name); } else if (type.IsStruct) { if (!structs.Contains (type.Name)) structs.Add (type.Name); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (method.Header)) continue; if (!method.Header.StartsWith (dir)) continue; h = Path.GetFileName (method.Header); if (!headers.Contains (h)) headers.Add (h); } header.AppendLine (forward_decls.ToString ()); classes.Sort (); structs.Sort (); foreach (string c in classes) { header.Append ("class "); header.Append (c); header.AppendLine (";"); } header.AppendLine (); foreach (string s in structs) { header.Append ("struct "); header.Append (s); header.AppendLine (";"); } header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine (cbinding_requisites.ToString ()); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("G_BEGIN_DECLS"); header.AppendLine (); impl.AppendLine ("#include <config.h>"); impl.AppendLine (); impl.AppendLine ("#include <stdio.h>"); impl.AppendLine ("#include <stdlib.h>"); impl.AppendLine (); impl.AppendLine ("#include \"cbinding.h\""); if (!dir.Contains ("plugin")) impl.AppendLine ("#include \"factory.h\""); impl.AppendLine (); headers.Sort (); foreach (string h in headers) { impl.Append ("#include \""); impl.Append (h); impl.AppendLine ("\""); } impl.AppendLine (); impl.AppendLine ("namespace Moonlight {"); foreach (MemberInfo member in methods) { MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) member; if (!method.Header.StartsWith (dir)) continue; if (last_type != method.Parent.Name) { last_type = method.Parent.Name; foreach (StringBuilder text in new StringBuilder [] {header, impl}) { text.AppendLine ("/**"); text.Append (" * "); text.AppendLine (last_type); text.AppendLine (" **/"); } } WriteHeaderMethod (method.CMethod, method, header, info); header.AppendLine (); WriteImplMethod (method.CMethod, method, impl, info); impl.AppendLine (); impl.AppendLine (); } header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("G_END_DECLS"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("};"); header.AppendLine ("#endif"); impl.AppendLine (""); impl.AppendLine ("};"); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (dir, "cbinding.h"), header.ToString ()); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (dir, "cbinding.cpp"), impl.ToString ()); }
public TypeInfo GetDPPropertyType (GlobalInfo all) { string property_type = DPPropertyType; TypeInfo propertyType = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (property_type)) { if (all.Children.ContainsKey (property_type)) { propertyType = (TypeInfo) all.Children [property_type]; } else { Console.WriteLine ("{0}'s PropertyType '{1}' was not recognized. Do not use the Kind value, but the real type name.", FullName, property_type); } } else { Console.WriteLine ("{0} does not have a PropertyType defined.", FullName); } return propertyType; }
public static void GenerateCBindings (GlobalInfo info) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string plugin_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "plugin"); string moon_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "src"); GenerateCBindings (info, moon_dir); GenerateCBindings (info, plugin_dir); }
/// <summary> /// Grants buffs and grounded-check based on the platform the player collides. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_platType">P_plat type.</param> void PlatformCollision(GlobalInfo.PlaformType p_platType) { if (isPaused) return; if (p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.WHITE || p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.LOCKED_WHITE) { _groundedFlag = true; return; } else if (p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.BLACK) return; else if (p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.RED || p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.LOCKED_RED) { _groundedFlag = true; _redBuffActive = true; _redBuffTimer = 0.0f; } else if (p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.BLUE || p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.LOCKED_BLUE) { _groundedFlag = true; _blueBuffActive = true; _blueBuffTimer = 0.0f; } else if (p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.GREEN || p_platType == GlobalInfo.PlaformType.LOCKED_GREEN) { _groundedFlag = true; if (!_greenBuffActive) { _greenBuffActive = true; _greenBuffTimer = 0.0f; InvertGravity(); } } }
public static void GenerateFactories (GlobalInfo info) { string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "src/"); List<MethodInfo> methods; StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder (); List <string> headers = new List<string> (); methods = info.AllCtors; Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (header);; header.AppendLine ("#ifndef __MOONLIGHT_FACTORY_H__"); header.AppendLine ("#define __MOONLIGHT_FACTORY_H__"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("#include <glib.h>"); header.AppendLine ("#include <cairo.h>"); header.AppendLine (); foreach (MemberInfo method in methods) { string h; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (method.Header)) continue; if (!method.Header.StartsWith (dir)) continue; h = method.Header.Substring (dir.Length); if (!headers.Contains (h) && h != "pipeline-ui.h" && h != "pipeline-nocodec-ui.h" && !h.Contains ("pal/")) { headers.Add (h); } } headers.Sort (); foreach (string h in headers) { header.Append ("#include \""); header.Append (h); header.AppendLine ("\""); } header.AppendLine ("namespace Moonlight {"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("class MoonUnmanagedFactory {"); header.AppendLine ("public:"); header.AppendLine (); foreach (MemberInfo member in methods) { MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) member; if (!method.Header.StartsWith (dir)) continue; if (method.CMethod.IsConstructor) { TypeInfo type = method.ParentType; bool emit = false; bool ensure = false; do { if (type.Name == "EventObject") { emit = true; break; } else if (type.Name == "DependencyObject") { emit = true; ensure = true; break; } MemberInfo m = null; if (type.Base != null && type.Base.Value != null && info.Children.TryGetValue (type.Base.Value, out m)) type = (TypeInfo) m; else break; } while (type != null); if (emit && !method.Annotations.ContainsKey ("SkipFactories")) { WriteFactoryHeaderMethod (method.CMethod, method, header, info, ensure); header.AppendLine (); } } } header.AppendLine ("};"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("class MoonManagedFactory {"); header.AppendLine ("public:"); header.AppendLine (); foreach (MemberInfo member in methods) { MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) member; if (!method.Header.StartsWith (dir)) continue; if (method.CMethod.IsConstructor) { TypeInfo type = method.ParentType; bool emit = false; do { if (type.Name == "EventObject") { emit = true; break; } MemberInfo m = null; if (type.Base != null && type.Base.Value != null && info.Children.TryGetValue (type.Base.Value, out m)) type = (TypeInfo) m; else break; } while (type != null); if (emit && !method.Annotations.ContainsKey ("SkipFactories")) { WriteFactoryHeaderMethod (method.CMethod, method, header, info, false); header.AppendLine (); } } } header.AppendLine ("};"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("};"); header.AppendLine (); header.AppendLine ("#endif"); Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (dir, "factory.h"), header.ToString ()); }