void OnGUI() { //set demensions of the buttons float buttonW = Screen.width / 3; float buttonH = Screen.height / 16; float halfScreenW, halfScreenH; //set the prebuilt button GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); style.fontSize = (int)(buttonH / 2); // -430 -290 -170 -50 70 190 310 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { halfScreenW = (Screen.width / 2) - buttonW / 2; halfScreenH = Screen.height / 6 + (buttonH * 1.5f) * i; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Level: " + (i + 1), style)) { GlobalFlags.setLevel(i + 1); Application.LoadLevel("game"); } } //set the back button halfScreenW = (Screen.width / 2) - buttonW / 2; halfScreenH = Screen.height / 6 + (buttonH * 1.5f) * 7; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Back", style)) { Application.LoadLevel("ModeSelectMenu"); } }
void OnGUI() { //set demensions of the buttons if (Resources.Load("levels/level" + (GlobalFlags.getLevel() + 1))) { //System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("assets/levels/level" + (GlobalFlags.getLevel() + 1) + ".txt"); //GlobalFlags.setLevel(GlobalFlags.getLevel() + 1); float buttonW = Screen.width / 2.8f; float buttonH = Screen.width / 6; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); style.fontSize = (int)(buttonH / 2.8); //set the play game button float halfScreenW = (Screen.width / 4) - buttonW / 2; float halfScreenH = (Screen.height / 2) + 0; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Replay", style)) { Application.LoadLevel("game"); } halfScreenW = (3 * Screen.width / 4) - buttonW / 2; halfScreenH = (Screen.height / 2) + 0; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Play Next", style)) { GlobalFlags.setLevel(GlobalFlags.getLevel() + 1); Application.LoadLevel("game"); } //set the exit button halfScreenW = (Screen.width / 4) - buttonW / 2; halfScreenH = Screen.height / 2 + buttonH * 1.5f; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Level Select", style)) { Application.LoadLevel("LevelSelectPreMenu"); } //set the exit button halfScreenW = (3 * Screen.width / 4) - buttonW / 2; halfScreenH = Screen.height / 2 + buttonH * 1.5f; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Main Menu", style)) { Application.LoadLevel("ModeSelectMenu"); } } else { float buttonW = Screen.width / 2.8f; float buttonH = Screen.width / 6; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); style.fontSize = (int)(buttonH / 2.8); //set the play game button float halfScreenW = (Screen.width / 4) - buttonW / 2; float halfScreenH = (Screen.height / 2) + 0; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Replay", style)) { Application.LoadLevel("game"); } halfScreenW = (3 * Screen.width / 4) - buttonW / 2; halfScreenH = (Screen.height / 2) + 0; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(halfScreenW, halfScreenH, buttonW, buttonH), "Main Menu", style)) { Application.LoadLevel("ModeSelectMenu"); } } }