void IStartUp.RegisterCustomClasses(GamePackageDIContainer container, bool multiplayer, BasicData data)
     if (multiplayer == false)
         throw new BasicBlankException("Only multiplayer are supported.  For single player, try different startup class that does not rely on signal r");
     container.RegisterType <NetworkStartUp>();
     if (_global == null)
         _global = GlobalDataLoaderClass.Open(data.IsXamarinForms);
     container.RegisterType <MultiplayerProductionSave>();
 void IStartUp.StartVariables(BasicData data) //i think this is it for this one.
     //this is where we get nick name, etc.
     //i think that here is where i could host a server as well (if necessary).
     if (_global == null)
         _global = GlobalDataLoaderClass.Open(data.IsXamarinForms);
     data.NickName = GlobalDataLoaderClass.CurrentNickName(_global);
     if (data.IsXamarinForms == false)
         ScreenUsed = EnumScreen.Desktop; //hopefully the xamarin forms part will work (?)
        public BasicLoaderPage()
            if (Multiplayer.HasValue == false)
                throw new BasicBlankException("Needs to set whether its multiplayer");
            Background = Brushes.Navy;
            if (Multiplayer !.Value)
                if (GlobalDataLoaderClass.HasSettings(false) == false)
                    TextBlock label = GetDefaultLabel();
                    label.Text = "You must use the settings app in order to populate the settings so you have at least a nick name";
                    Content    = label;
                    Show(); //looks like i have to do the show method.  otherwise, nothing.
                _loadServer = new LoaderStartServerClass(false); //needs same thing for xamarin forms but will be true.
                _loadServer.PossibleStartServer();               //problem is here.
            OS = EnumOS.WindowsDT; //this part is okay.
            var tempSize = DefaultWindowSize();

            WindowHelper.CurrentWindow = this;
            WindowHelper.SetSize(tempSize.Width, tempSize.Height);

            _list.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            _list.ItemWidth  += 50;
            if (TotalColumns == 0)
                TotalColumns = 5;
            _list.TotalColumns = TotalColumns; //this should be fine so i can test something else.

            Content = _list;