Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the GLWindow class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent renderer instance.</param>
        /// <param name="windowId">The ID of this window.</param>
        /// <param name="sharedContext">The GLFW pointer to use for sharing GL contexts.</param>
        /// <param name="keyEventDelegate">The delegate handler for GLFW key events.</param>
        public RwGlWindow(RwGlWindowManager parent, byte windowId, GlfwWindowPtr sharedContext,
                          GlfwCharFun charEventDelegate, GlfwKeyFun keyEventDelegate)
            Size = parent.ParentClient.DisplayResolutions[windowId];

            GlfwPointer = Glfw.CreateWindow(Size.Width, Size.Height,
                                            parent.ParentClient.ClientWindowTitle, GlfwMonitorPtr.Null, sharedContext);

            Parent = parent;
            Id     = windowId;

            // Set GLFW event callbacks for this window
            Glfw.SetCharCallback(GlfwPointer, charEventDelegate);
            Glfw.SetKeyCallback(GlfwPointer, keyEventDelegate);
Esempio n. 2
        static GlfwApp()
            s_windowCloseCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    //user can cancel window close here here
                    bool userCancel = false;
                    GlFwForm.InvokeOnClosing(found, ref userCancel);
                    if (userCancel)
                    s_latestForm        = null;
                    s_latestGlWindowPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                    //user let this window close ***
                    Glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(wnd, true);
                    Glfw.DestroyWindow(wnd); //destroy this
            s_windowFocusCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, bool focus) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.SetFocusState(found, focus);
            s_windowIconifyCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, bool iconify) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.SetIconifyState(found, iconify);

            s_windowPosCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, int x, int y) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.InvokeOnWindowMove(found, x, y);
            s_windowRefreshCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))

            s_windowSizeCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, int width, int height) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.InvokeOnSizeChanged(found, width, height);
            s_windowCursorPosCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, double x, double y) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    found._latestMouseX = x;
                    found._latestMouseY = y;

                    GlFwForm.InvokeCursorPos(found, x, y);
            s_windowCursorEnterCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, bool enter) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.SetCursorEnterState(found, enter);
            s_windowMouseButtonCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, MouseButton btn, KeyActionKind keyAction) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    int x = (int)found._latestMouseX;
                    int y = (int)found._latestMouseY;

                    GlFwForm.InvokeMouseButton(found, btn, keyAction, x, y);
            s_scrollCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, double xoffset, double yoffset) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    int x = (int)found._latestMouseX;
                    int y = (int)found._latestMouseY;
                    GlFwForm.InvokeOnScroll(found, x, y, (int)xoffset, (int)yoffset);
            s_windowKeyCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, Key key, int scanCode, KeyActionKind action, KeyModifiers mods) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.InvokeKey(found, key, scanCode, action, mods);
            s_windowCharCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, char ch) =>
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out GlFwForm found))
                    GlFwForm.InvokeKeyPress(found, ch);
Esempio n. 3
 public static GlfwCharFun SetCharCallback(GlfwWindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun)
     charFun = cbfun;
     return(GlfwDelegates.glfwSetCharCallback(window, cbfun));
Esempio n. 4
 internal static extern GlfwCharFun glfwSetCharCallback(GlfwWindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun);
Esempio n. 5
 internal static extern void glfwSetCharCallback(GlfwCharFun cbfun);
Esempio n. 6
 public static void SetCharCallback(GlfwCharFun cbfun)
     charFun = cbfun;
Esempio n. 7
 public static GlfwCharFun SetCharCallback(GlfwWindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun)
     charFun = cbfun;
     return GLFWDelegates.glfwSetCharCallback(window, cbfun);
Esempio n. 8
 public static void SetCharCallback(GlfwWindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun)
     charFun = cbfun;
     GlfwDelegates.glfwSetCharCallback(window, cbfun);
Esempio n. 9
 internal static extern GlfwCharFun glfwSetCharCallback(GlfwWindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun);
Esempio n. 10
        static GlfwApp()
            s_windowCloseCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd) =>

                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    //user can cancel window close here here
                    bool userCancel = false;
                    found.InvokeOnClosing(ref userCancel);
                    if (userCancel)
                    latestForm = null;
                    latestGlWindowPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                    //user let this window close ***
                    Glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(wnd, true);
                    Glfw.DestroyWindow(wnd); //destroy this
            s_windowFocusCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, bool focus) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
            s_windowIconifyCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, bool iconify) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))

            s_windowPosCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, int x, int y) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    found.InvokeOnMove(x, y);
            s_windowRefreshCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))

            s_windowSizeCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, int width, int height) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    found.InvokeOnSizeChanged(width, height);
            s_windowCursorPosCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, double x, double y) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    found.InvokeCursorPos(x, y);
            s_windowCursorEnterCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, bool enter) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
            s_windowMouseButtonCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, MouseButton btn, KeyAction keyAction) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    found.InvokeMouseButton(btn, keyAction);
            s_scrollCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, double xoffset, double yoffset) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    found.InvokeOnScroll(xoffset, yoffset);
            s_windowKeyCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, Key key, int scanCode, KeyAction action, KeyModifiers mods) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
                    found.InvokeKey(key, scanCode, action, mods);
            s_windowCharCb = (GlfwWindowPtr wnd, char ch) =>
                GlFwForm found;
                if (GetGlfwForm(wnd, out found))
Esempio n. 11
		public static void SetCharCallback(GlfwWindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun) {
			charFun = cbfun;
			GlfwDelegates.glfwSetCharCallback(window, cbfun);
Esempio n. 12
		public static GlfwCharFun SetCharCallback(WindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun) {
			charFun = cbfun;
			return glfwSetCharCallback(window, cbfun);
Esempio n. 13
		public static void SetCharCallback(GlfwCharFun cbfun) {
			charFun = cbfun;
Esempio n. 14
		internal static extern void glfwSetCharCallback(GlfwCharFun cbfun);
Esempio n. 15
 public static GlfwCharFun SetCharCallback(WindowPtr window, GlfwCharFun cbfun)
     charFun = cbfun;
     return(glfwSetCharCallback(window, cbfun));