public MenuState(MainClass game) : base(game) { Glfw.Enable(GlfwEnableCap.MouseCursor); Button bSP = new Button(game, "PLAY GAME"); bSP.Position = new Vector2i(game.Screen.Width / 2 - bSP.Image.Width / 2, 10); bSP.MouseClicked += (sender, e) => Game.CurrentGameState = new MainGameState(Game); Gui.Add(bSP); Button bMP = new Button(game, "MULTIPLAYER"); bMP.Position = new Vector2i(game.Screen.Width / 2 - bMP.Image.Width / 2, 30); bMP.MouseClicked += (sender, e) => Game.CurrentGameState = new ServerRequestState(Game); Gui.Add(bMP); Button credits = new Button(game, "CREDITS"); credits.Position = new Vector2i(game.Screen.Width / 2 - credits.Image.Width / 2, 50); credits.MouseClicked += (sender, e) => Game.CurrentGameState = new PlotScreen(Game, "PROGRAMMING: ANTONIJN\n" + "SOUND EFFECTS: ANTONIJN\n" + "GRAPHICS: ANTONIJN\n\n" + "LIVESTREAM PROVIDED BY TWITCH\n" + "HOSTING ON DROPBOX", (sender1, e1) => Game.CurrentGameState = this, (sender1, e1) => Game.CurrentGameState = this); Gui.Add(credits); Button howToPlay = new Button(game, "HOW TO PLAY"); howToPlay.Position = new Vector2i(game.Screen.Width / 2 - howToPlay.Image.Width / 2, 70); howToPlay.MouseClicked += (sender, e) => Game.CurrentGameState = new PlotScreen(Game, "MOVE AROUND WITH WASD.\n" + "USE MOUSE TO LOOK AROUND.\n" + "CHANGE INVENTORY ITEM WITH THE MOUSE WHEEL OR THE NUMBER KEYS.\n" + "DROP ITEMS WITH Q.\n" + "PICK UP HEALTH PACKS TO REGAIN HEALTH.\n" + "AMMO CRATES RESTORE THE AMMO OF EVERYTHING IN YOUR INVENTORY.\n" + "THE NUMBER IN BETWEEN THE HEALTH BAR AND AMMO INDICATES THE AMOUNT OF MAGAZINES LEFT. ONCE OUT OF AMMO, REALOAD YOUR GUN BY PRESSING THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON.\n", (sender1, e1) => Game.CurrentGameState = this, (sender1, e1) => Game.CurrentGameState = this); Gui.Add(howToPlay); Button exit = new Button(game, "QUIT"); exit.Position = new Vector2i(game.Screen.Width / 2 - exit.Image.Width / 2, 90); exit.MouseClicked += (sender, e) => Glfw.CloseWindow(); Gui.Add(exit); }