// Adds a glTF uniform, as described by name, type, and semantic, to the given technique tech. If // node is non-null, that is also included (e.g. for lights). private void AddUniform( IExportableMaterial exportableMaterial, string name, GlTF_Technique.Type type, GlTF_Technique.Semantic semantic, GlTF_Node node = null) { //var techName = GlTF_Technique.GetNameFromObject(matObjName); var tech = GlTF_Writer.GetTechnique(G, exportableMaterial); GlTF_Technique.Parameter tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = name; tParam.type = type; tParam.semantic = semantic; if (node != null) { tParam.node = node; } tech.parameters.Add(tParam); GlTF_Technique.Uniform tUniform = new GlTF_Technique.Uniform(); tUniform.name = "u_" + name; tUniform.param = tParam.name; tech.uniforms.Add(tUniform); }
public static BoundsDouble Export(string path, Transform[] trs, Transform root, out double minHeight, out double maxHeight) { minHeight = 0; maxHeight = 0; writer = new GlTF_Writer(); writer.Init(); if (presetAsset != null) { string psPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(presetAsset); if (psPath != null) { psPath = psPath.Remove(0, "Assets".Length); psPath = Application.dataPath + psPath; preset.Load(psPath); } } savedPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); savedFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); EditorPrefs.SetString(KEY_PATH, savedPath); EditorPrefs.SetString(KEY_FILE, savedFile); Debug.Log("attempting to save to " + path); writer.OpenFiles(path); if (rtcScript != null && root != null) { var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(rtcScript.GetClass()); var rtc = instance as RTCCallback; if (rtc != null) { writer.RTCCenter = rtc.GetCenter(root); } } RotationCallback rotCallback = null;; if (rotScript != null) { var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(rotScript.GetClass()); rotCallback = instance as RotationCallback; } if (unpackTexture) { // prepass, for texture unpacker TextureUnpacker.Reset(); foreach (Transform tr in trs) { TextureUnpacker.CheckPackedTexture(tr, preset); } TextureUnpacker.Build(); } BoundsDouble bb = new BoundsDouble(); // first, collect objects in the scene, add to lists foreach (Transform tr in trs) { if (tr.GetComponent <Camera>() != null) { if (tr.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographic) { GlTF_Orthographic cam; cam = new GlTF_Orthographic(); cam.type = "orthographic"; cam.zfar = tr.GetComponent <Camera>().farClipPlane; cam.znear = tr.GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane; cam.name = tr.name; //cam.orthographic.xmag = tr.camera. GlTF_Writer.cameras.Add(cam); } else { GlTF_Perspective cam; cam = new GlTF_Perspective(); cam.type = "perspective"; cam.zfar = tr.GetComponent <Camera>().farClipPlane; cam.znear = tr.GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane; cam.aspect_ratio = tr.GetComponent <Camera>().aspect; cam.yfov = tr.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView; cam.name = tr.name; GlTF_Writer.cameras.Add(cam); } } if (tr.GetComponent <Light>() != null) { switch (tr.GetComponent <Light>().type) { case LightType.Point: GlTF_PointLight pl = new GlTF_PointLight(); pl.color = new GlTF_ColorRGB(tr.GetComponent <Light>().color); pl.name = tr.name; GlTF_Writer.lights.Add(pl); break; case LightType.Spot: GlTF_SpotLight sl = new GlTF_SpotLight(); sl.color = new GlTF_ColorRGB(tr.GetComponent <Light>().color); sl.name = tr.name; GlTF_Writer.lights.Add(sl); break; case LightType.Directional: GlTF_DirectionalLight dl = new GlTF_DirectionalLight(); dl.color = new GlTF_ColorRGB(tr.GetComponent <Light>().color); dl.name = tr.name; GlTF_Writer.lights.Add(dl); break; case LightType.Area: GlTF_AmbientLight al = new GlTF_AmbientLight(); al.color = new GlTF_ColorRGB(tr.GetComponent <Light>().color); al.name = tr.name; GlTF_Writer.lights.Add(al); break; } } Mesh m = GetMesh(tr); if (m != null) { GlTF_Mesh mesh = new GlTF_Mesh(); mesh.name = GlTF_Mesh.GetNameFromObject(m); GlTF_Accessor positionAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "position"), GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC3, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); positionAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec3BufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(positionAccessor); GlTF_Accessor normalAccessor = null; if (m.normals.Length > 0) { normalAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "normal"), GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC3, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); normalAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec3BufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(normalAccessor); } GlTF_Accessor uv0Accessor = null; if (m.uv.Length > 0) { uv0Accessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "uv0"), GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); uv0Accessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec2BufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(uv0Accessor); } GlTF_Accessor uv1Accessor = null; if (m.uv2.Length > 0) { uv1Accessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "uv1"), GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); uv1Accessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec2BufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(uv1Accessor); } GlTF_Accessor uv2Accessor = null; if (m.uv3.Length > 0) { uv2Accessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "uv2"), GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); uv2Accessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec2BufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(uv2Accessor); } GlTF_Accessor uv3Accessor = null; if (m.uv4.Length > 0) { uv3Accessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "uv3"), GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC2, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); uv3Accessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec2BufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(uv3Accessor); } var smCount = m.subMeshCount; for (var i = 0; i < smCount; ++i) { GlTF_Primitive primitive = new GlTF_Primitive(); primitive.name = GlTF_Primitive.GetNameFromObject(m, i); primitive.index = i; GlTF_Attributes attributes = new GlTF_Attributes(); attributes.positionAccessor = positionAccessor; attributes.normalAccessor = normalAccessor; attributes.texCoord0Accessor = uv0Accessor; attributes.texCoord1Accessor = uv1Accessor; attributes.texCoord2Accessor = uv2Accessor; attributes.texCoord3Accessor = uv3Accessor; primitive.attributes = attributes; GlTF_Accessor indexAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(GlTF_Accessor.GetNameFromObject(m, "indices_" + i), GlTF_Accessor.Type.SCALAR, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.USHORT); indexAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.ushortBufferView; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(indexAccessor); primitive.indices = indexAccessor; var mr = GetRenderer(tr); var sm = mr.sharedMaterials; if (i < sm.Length && sm[i] != null) { var mat = sm[i]; var matName = GlTF_Material.GetNameFromObject(mat); primitive.materialName = matName; if (!GlTF_Writer.materials.ContainsKey(matName)) { GlTF_Material material = new GlTF_Material(); material.name = matName; GlTF_Writer.materials.Add(material.name, material); //technique var s = mat.shader; var techName = GlTF_Technique.GetNameFromObject(s); material.instanceTechniqueName = techName; if (!GlTF_Writer.techniques.ContainsKey(techName)) { GlTF_Technique tech = new GlTF_Technique(); tech.name = techName; GlTF_Technique.States ts = null; if (preset.techniqueStates.ContainsKey(s.name)) { ts = preset.techniqueStates[s.name]; } else if (preset.techniqueStates.ContainsKey("*")) { ts = preset.techniqueStates["*"]; } if (ts == null) { // Unless otherwise specified by a preset file, enable z-buffering. ts = new GlTF_Technique.States(); const int DEPTH_TEST = 2929; // int CULL_FACE = 2884; ts.enable = new int[1] { DEPTH_TEST }; } tech.states = ts; GlTF_Technique.Parameter tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = "position"; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC3; tParam.semantic = GlTF_Technique.Semantic.POSITION; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); GlTF_Technique.Attribute tAttr = new GlTF_Technique.Attribute(); tAttr.name = "a_position"; tAttr.param = tParam.name; tech.attributes.Add(tAttr); if (normalAccessor != null) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = "normal"; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC3; tParam.semantic = GlTF_Technique.Semantic.NORMAL; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tAttr = new GlTF_Technique.Attribute(); tAttr.name = "a_normal"; tAttr.param = tParam.name; tech.attributes.Add(tAttr); } if (uv0Accessor != null) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = "texcoord0"; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC2; tParam.semantic = GlTF_Technique.Semantic.TEXCOORD_0; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tAttr = new GlTF_Technique.Attribute(); tAttr.name = "a_texcoord0"; tAttr.param = tParam.name; tech.attributes.Add(tAttr); } if (uv1Accessor != null) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = "texcoord1"; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC2; tParam.semantic = GlTF_Technique.Semantic.TEXCOORD_1; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tAttr = new GlTF_Technique.Attribute(); tAttr.name = "a_texcoord1"; tAttr.param = tParam.name; tech.attributes.Add(tAttr); } if (uv2Accessor != null) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = "texcoord2"; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC2; tParam.semantic = GlTF_Technique.Semantic.TEXCOORD_2; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tAttr = new GlTF_Technique.Attribute(); tAttr.name = "a_texcoord2"; tAttr.param = tParam.name; tech.attributes.Add(tAttr); } if (uv3Accessor != null) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = "texcoord3"; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC2; tParam.semantic = GlTF_Technique.Semantic.TEXCOORD_3; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tAttr = new GlTF_Technique.Attribute(); tAttr.name = "a_texcoord3"; tAttr.param = tParam.name; tech.attributes.Add(tAttr); } tech.AddDefaultUniforms(writer.RTCCenter != null); GlTF_Writer.techniques.Add(techName, tech); int spCount = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(s); for (var j = 0; j < spCount; ++j) { var pName = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(s, j); var pType = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(s, j); // Debug.Log(pName + " " + pType); GlTF_Technique.Uniform tUni; if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Color) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = pName; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC4; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tUni = new GlTF_Technique.Uniform(); tUni.name = pName; tUni.param = tParam.name; tech.uniforms.Add(tUni); } else if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Vector) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = pName; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC4; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tUni = new GlTF_Technique.Uniform(); tUni.name = pName; tUni.param = tParam.name; tech.uniforms.Add(tUni); } else if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Float || pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Range) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = pName; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tUni = new GlTF_Technique.Uniform(); tUni.name = pName; tUni.param = tParam.name; tech.uniforms.Add(tUni); } else if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv) { var td = ShaderUtil.GetTexDim(s, j); if (td == UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension.Tex2D) { tParam = new GlTF_Technique.Parameter(); tParam.name = pName; tParam.type = GlTF_Technique.Type.SAMPLER_2D; tech.parameters.Add(tParam); tUni = new GlTF_Technique.Uniform(); tUni.name = pName; tUni.param = tParam.name; tech.uniforms.Add(tUni); } } } // create program GlTF_Program program = new GlTF_Program(); program.name = GlTF_Program.GetNameFromObject(s); tech.program = program.name; foreach (var attr in tech.attributes) { program.attributes.Add(attr.name); } GlTF_Writer.programs.Add(program); // shader GlTF_Shader vs = new GlTF_Shader(); vs.name = GlTF_Shader.GetNameFromObject(s, GlTF_Shader.Type.Vertex); program.vertexShader = vs.name; vs.type = GlTF_Shader.Type.Vertex; vs.uri = preset.GetVertexShader(s.name); GlTF_Writer.shaders.Add(vs); GlTF_Shader fs = new GlTF_Shader(); fs.name = GlTF_Shader.GetNameFromObject(s, GlTF_Shader.Type.Fragment); program.fragmentShader = fs.name; fs.type = GlTF_Shader.Type.Fragment; fs.uri = preset.GetFragmentShader(s.name); GlTF_Writer.shaders.Add(fs); } int spCount2 = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(s); for (var j = 0; j < spCount2; ++j) { var pName = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(s, j); var pType = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(s, j); if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Color) { var matCol = new GlTF_Material.ColorValue(); matCol.name = pName; matCol.color = mat.GetColor(pName); material.values.Add(matCol); } else if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Vector) { var matVec = new GlTF_Material.VectorValue(); matVec.name = pName; matVec.vector = mat.GetVector(pName); material.values.Add(matVec); } else if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Float || pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Range) { var matFloat = new GlTF_Material.FloatValue(); matFloat.name = pName; matFloat.value = mat.GetFloat(pName); material.values.Add(matFloat); } else if (pType == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv) { var td = ShaderUtil.GetTexDim(s, j); if (td == UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension.Tex2D) { var t = mat.GetTexture(pName); if (t == null) { continue; } var val = new GlTF_Material.StringValue(); val.name = pName; string texName = null; texName = GlTF_Texture.GetNameFromObject(t); val.value = texName; material.values.Add(val); if (!GlTF_Writer.textures.ContainsKey(texName)) { var texPath = ExportTexture(t, savedPath); GlTF_Image img = new GlTF_Image(); img.name = GlTF_Image.GetNameFromObject(t); img.uri = texPath; GlTF_Writer.images.Add(img); GlTF_Sampler sampler; var samplerName = GlTF_Sampler.GetNameFromObject(t); if (GlTF_Writer.samplers.ContainsKey(samplerName)) { sampler = GlTF_Writer.samplers[samplerName]; } else { sampler = new GlTF_Sampler(t); sampler.name = samplerName; GlTF_Writer.samplers[samplerName] = sampler; } GlTF_Texture texture = new GlTF_Texture(); texture.name = texName; texture.source = img.name; texture.samplerName = samplerName; GlTF_Writer.textures.Add(texName, texture); } } } } } } mesh.primitives.Add(primitive); } mesh.Populate(m); GlTF_Writer.meshes.Add(mesh); if (unpackTexture) { TextureUnpacker.ProcessMesh(mesh); } // calculate bounding box transform if (root != null) { Matrix4x4 brot = Matrix4x4.identity; if (rotCallback != null) { brot = rotCallback.GetBoundsRotationMatrix(root); } var pos = tr.position - root.position; // relative to parent var objMat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, tr.rotation, tr.lossyScale); //read vertices var ms = positionAccessor.bufferView.memoryStream; var offset = (int)positionAccessor.byteOffset; var len = positionAccessor.count; var buffer = new byte[len * 12]; var mspos = ms.Position; ms.Position = offset; ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); minHeight = double.MaxValue; maxHeight = double.MinValue; double[] c = writer.RTCCenter; double[] minPos = new double[3]; minPos[0] = double.MaxValue; minPos[1] = double.MaxValue; minPos[2] = double.MaxValue; double[] maxPos = new double[3]; maxPos[0] = double.MinValue; maxPos[1] = double.MinValue; maxPos[2] = double.MinValue; for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) { var x = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, j * 12); var y = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, j * 12 + 4); var z = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, j * 12 + 8); // local rotation var lx = objMat.m00 * x + objMat.m01 * y + objMat.m02 * z; var ly = objMat.m10 * x + objMat.m11 * y + objMat.m12 * z; var lz = objMat.m20 * x + objMat.m21 * y + objMat.m22 * z; minHeight = Math.Min(minHeight, ly); maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, ly); // to world double wx = brot.m00 * lx + brot.m01 * ly + brot.m02 * lz; double wy = brot.m10 * lx + brot.m11 * ly + brot.m12 * lz; double wz = brot.m20 * lx + brot.m21 * ly + brot.m22 * lz; // local translation to world double tx = brot.m00 * pos.x + brot.m01 * pos.y + brot.m02 * pos.z; double ty = brot.m10 * pos.x + brot.m11 * pos.y + brot.m12 * pos.z; double tz = brot.m20 * pos.x + brot.m21 * pos.y + brot.m22 * pos.z; wx += tx; wy += ty; wz += tz; if (c != null) { wx += c[0]; wy += c[1]; wz += c[2]; } minPos[0] = Math.Min(minPos[0], wx); minPos[1] = Math.Min(minPos[1], wy); minPos[2] = Math.Min(minPos[2], wz); maxPos[0] = Math.Max(maxPos[0], wx); maxPos[1] = Math.Max(maxPos[1], wy); maxPos[2] = Math.Max(maxPos[2], wz); } ms.Position = mspos; BoundsDouble tbb = new BoundsDouble(); tbb.Encapsulate(new BoundsDouble(minPos, maxPos)); bb.Encapsulate(tbb); } } Animation a = tr.GetComponent <Animation>(); // Animator a = tr.GetComponent<Animator>(); if (a != null) { AnimationClip[] clips = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips(tr.gameObject); int nClips = clips.Length; // int nClips = a.GetClipCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nClips; i++) { GlTF_Animation anim = new GlTF_Animation(a.name); anim.Populate(clips[i]); GlTF_Writer.animations.Add(anim); } } // next, build hierarchy of nodes GlTF_Node node = new GlTF_Node(); Matrix4x4 rotMat = Matrix4x4.identity; if (root != null && rotCallback != null) { rotMat = rotCallback.GetNodeRotationMatrix(root); } if (tr == root) { Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4.identity; mat.m22 = -1; // flip z axis if (rotMat != Matrix4x4.identity) { mat = rotMat; } // do not use global position if rtc is defined Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero; if (writer.RTCCenter == null) { pos = tr.localPosition; } mat = mat * Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, tr.localRotation, tr.localScale); node.matrix = new GlTF_Matrix(mat); } else { node.hasParent = true; if (tr.localPosition != Vector3.zero) { node.translation = new GlTF_Translation(tr.localPosition); } if (tr.localScale != Vector3.one) { node.scale = new GlTF_Scale(tr.localScale); } if (tr.localRotation != Quaternion.identity) { node.rotation = new GlTF_Rotation(tr.localRotation); } } node.name = GlTF_Node.GetNameFromObject(tr); if (tr.GetComponent <Camera>() != null) { node.cameraName = tr.name; } else if (tr.GetComponent <Light>() != null) { node.lightName = tr.name; } else if (m != null) { node.meshNames.Add(GlTF_Mesh.GetNameFromObject(m)); } foreach (Transform t in tr.transform) { var found = false; foreach (var check in trs) { if (t == check) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { node.childrenNames.Add(GlTF_Node.GetNameFromObject(t)); } } GlTF_Writer.nodes.Add(node); } if (copyShaders && preset.shaderDir != null) { var sd = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, preset.shaderDir); foreach (var shader in GlTF_Writer.shaders) { var srcPath = Path.Combine(sd, shader.uri); if (File.Exists(srcPath)) { var dstPath = Path.Combine(savedPath, shader.uri); File.Copy(srcPath, dstPath, true); } } } // third, add meshes etc to byte stream, keeping track of buffer offsets writer.Write(); writer.CloseFiles(); return(bb); }