Esempio n. 1
        public void Render(Gk3Main.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb, int tickCount)
            Gk3Main.Graphics.Viewport vp = Gk3Main.Graphics.RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.Viewport;

            Gk3Main.Graphics.Rect src;
            src.X      = 0;
            src.Y      = 0;
            src.Width  = 1.0f;
            src.Height = 1.0f;

            // this keeps everything at a 4:3 ratio, even if it isn't IRL
            float screenWidth      = (vp.Height * 4) / 3;
            float widescreenOffset = (vp.Width - screenWidth) / 2;

            Gk3Main.Graphics.Rect dest;
            dest.X      = widescreenOffset + vp.X;
            dest.Y      = vp.Y;
            dest.Width  = screenWidth;
            dest.Height = vp.Height;

            sb.Draw(_background, dest, null, 0);

            _introButton.Render(sb, tickCount);
            _playButton.Render(sb, tickCount);
            _restoreButton.Render(sb, tickCount);
            _quitButton.Render(sb, tickCount);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Render(Gk3Main.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb, int tickCount)
            Gk3Main.Graphics.IRenderer renderer = Gk3Main.Graphics.RendererManager.CurrentRenderer;

            // draw the background centered in the screen
            Gk3Main.Graphics.Viewport viewport = renderer.Viewport;
            int centerX     = viewport.Width / 2 + viewport.X;
            int centerY     = viewport.Height / 2 + viewport.Y;
            int backgroundX = centerX - _background.Width / 2;
            int backgroundY = centerY - _background.Height / 2;

            sb.Draw(_background, new Gk3Main.Math.Vector2(backgroundX, backgroundY));

            // draw the title
            if (_timeAtStartRender == 0)
                _timeAtStartRender = tickCount;
            int frame = calcCurrentFrame(_timeAtStartRender, tickCount);

            if (frame >= _title.Count)
                frame = _title.Count - 1;
            if (frame >= 0)
                sb.Draw(_title[frame], new Gk3Main.Math.Vector2(backgroundX + _titleX, backgroundY + _titleY));

            if (tickCount > _timeAtStart + 4000)
                if (_onFinished != null)
                    _onFinished(this, EventArgs.Empty);