public GitHutReleaseRetrieverFixture(string assetName, string oauthToken) { AssetName = assetName; HttpMock = HttpMockRepository.At(BasePath); PathPartMock = new GitHubUrlPathParts { Base = BasePath }; UrlHelper = new GitHubApiUrlHelper(PathPartMock); LogDummy = new RetrieverLogFixture(); GetInstance = new GitHubReleaseRetriever(UrlHelper, LogDummy, oauthToken); }
public void LatestReleaseUrlIsConstructedCorrectly() { // arrange const string owner = "NinetailLabs"; const string repo = "VaraniumSharp"; var expectedUrl = $"{owner}/{repo}/releases/latest"; var parts = new GitHubUrlPathParts(); var sut = new GitHubApiUrlHelper(parts); // act var retrievalUrl = sut.LatestReleaseUrl(owner, repo); // asset retrievalUrl.Should().Be(expectedUrl); }
public static void RetrievePaketBootstrapper(this ICakeContext context, DirectoryPath paketDirectory, string githubOAuthToken) { var urlPartHelper = new GitHubUrlPathParts { Base = GithubUrlPath }; var urlHelper = new GitHubApiUrlHelper(urlPartHelper); var retrieverLog = new CakeRetrieverLog(context.Log); var releaseRetriever = new GitHubReleaseRetriever(urlHelper, retrieverLog, githubOAuthToken); paketDirectory.CheckAndCreateDirectory(context.Log); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(paketDirectory.FullPath, PaketAsset))) { context.Log.Information("Paket Bootstrapper already exists - skipping download"); return; } var latestUrl = releaseRetriever.GetLatestReleaseUrlAsync(PaketOwner, PaketRepo, PaketAsset).Result; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(latestUrl)) { context.Log.Error("Failed to retrieve link for latest Paket BootStrapper"); throw new CakeException("Failed to retrieve link for latest Paket Bootstrapper"); } var result = releaseRetriever.DownloadFileAsync(latestUrl, paketDirectory.FullPath, PaketAsset).Result; if (!result) { context.Log.Error("An error occured while trying to retrieve the Paket Bootstrapper"); throw new CakeException("Error occured while trying to retrieve the Paket Bootstrapper"); } context.Log.Information("Completed retrieval of the Paket Bootstrapper"); }