public IEnumerator RepositoryHandlesLockedFileWhenWithIgnoreStatus() { File.AppendAllText(injectionHelper.GetInstance <GitInitializer>().GitIgnoreFilePath, "testFile.txt"); string lockedFilePathName = "testFile.txt"; string lockedFilePath = UniGitPathHelper.Combine(gitManager.GetCurrentRepoPath(), lockedFilePathName); using (var lockFileStream = File.CreateText(lockedFilePath)) { lockFileStream.WriteLine("This is a locked test file"); } injectionHelper.Bind <GitProjectOverlay>().WithArguments(new InjectionArgument("cullNonAssetPaths", false)); var projectOverlays = injectionHelper.GetInstance <GitProjectOverlay>(); var prefs = injectionHelper.GetInstance <IGitPrefs>(); prefs.SetBool(GitProjectOverlay.ForceUpdateKey, true); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(lockedFilePath)); GitCommands.Stage(gitManager.Repository, lockedFilePathName); FileStream lockedFileStream = new FileStream(lockedFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); try { gitManager.MarkDirty(); yield return(null); Assert.AreEqual(FileStatus.Ignored, projectOverlays.StatusTree.GetStatus(lockedFilePathName).State); } finally { lockedFileStream.Dispose(); } }
public override void Execute(IUniBuilderConfiguration buildParameters) { var outputFilename = buildParameters.BuildParameters.OutputFile; var outputExtension = string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactExtension)? Path.GetExtension(outputFilename) : artifactExtension; var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFilename); var artifactName = useProductName ? PlayerSettings.productName : fileName; if (useNameTemplate) { artifactName = string.Format(artifactNameTemplate, artifactName); } if (includeGitBranch) { var branch = GitCommands.GetGitBranch(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branch) == false) { artifactName = string.Format(nameFormatTemplate, artifactName, branch); } } if (includeBundleVersion) { artifactName = string.Format(nameFormatTemplate, artifactName, PlayerSettings.bundleVersion); } artifactName += $"{outputExtension}"; buildParameters.BuildParameters.OutputFile = artifactName; }
public void AllLinesHistoryTest() { var lineHistory = Helpers.LoadResource(Paths.GitLineLogOutput, typeof(GitCommandsTest).Assembly); var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); var fileName = "dir/bla.js"; var gitCommandFirstLine = $"log --pretty='commit-%h;auth-%an' -L 1,1:\"{fileName}\" --no-patch"; var gitCommandSecondLine = $"log --pretty='commit-%h;auth-%an' -L 2,2:\"{fileName}\" --no-patch"; executorMock .Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommandFirstLine), "dir")) .Returns(lineHistory.Split('\n')); executorMock .Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommandSecondLine), "dir")) .Returns(lineHistory.Split('\n')); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.NumberOfChangesForEachLine(fileName, 2) .ToArray(); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(s => s == gitCommandFirstLine), "dir"), Times.Once); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(s => s == gitCommandSecondLine), "dir"), Times.Once); result.Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new[] { 9, 9 }); }
public void CheckoutNthCommitOnBranch() { var output = Helpers.LoadResource(Paths.GitSingleCommitOutput, typeof(GitCommandsTest).Assembly); var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); const string repoPath = "dir"; const string commitCountCommand = "rev-list --count HEAD"; const int nthCommit = 5; const int allCommits = 123; var nthCommitHashCommand = $"log -1 HEAD~{allCommits - nthCommit + 1}"; executorMock .Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == commitCountCommand), repoPath)) .Returns(new[] { allCommits.ToString() }); executorMock .Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == nthCommitHashCommand), repoPath)) .Returns(output.Split('\n')); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); gitCommands.CheckoutNthCommitOnBranch(repoPath, nthCommit); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", commitCountCommand, repoPath), Times.Exactly(2)); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", nthCommitHashCommand, repoPath), Times.Once); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", "checkout abb3cc3d7e405c39eae91b22c41d1281b9075cd4", repoPath), Times.Once); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); foreach (string reference in GitCommands.RunGit("branch").Split('\n')) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference)) { continue; } string branchName = reference.Trim('*', ' ', '\n', '\r'); DateTime date = new DateTime(); foreach (string dateString in GitCommands.RunGit(string.Concat("log --pretty=%ci ", branchName, "^1..", branchName)).Split('\n')) { DateTime singleDate; if (DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out singleDate)) { if (singleDate > date) { date = singleDate; } } } Branches.Add(new Branch(branchName, date, date < (DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Days)))); } BranchesGrid.DataSource = Branches; }
public void RepositoryHandlesLockedFileWhenWithIgnoreStatus() { File.AppendAllText(gitManager.GitIgnoreFilePath, "testFile.txt"); string lockedFilePathName = "testFile.txt"; string lockedFilePath = UniGitPath.Combine(gitManager.RepoPath, lockedFilePathName); using (var lockFileStream = File.CreateText(lockedFilePath)) { lockFileStream.WriteLine("This is a locked test file"); } injectionHelper.Bind <GitProjectOverlay>(); var projectOverlays = injectionHelper.GetInstance <GitProjectOverlay>(); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(lockedFilePath)); GitCommands.Stage(gitManager.Repository, lockedFilePathName); FileStream lockedFileStream = new FileStream(lockedFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); try { gitManager.MarkDirty(); injectionHelper.GetInstance <GitCallbacks>().IssueEditorUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(FileStatus.Ignored, projectOverlays.StatusTree.GetStatus(lockedFilePathName).State); } finally { lockedFileStream.Dispose(); } }
public void GetOrderOfCurrentHeadRelativeToFirstCommitOfBranchTest() { var output = Helpers.LoadResource(Paths.GitSingleCommitOutput, typeof(GitCommandsTest).Assembly); var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); const int nthCommit = 1; const int allCommits = 123; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", "rev-list --count HEAD", "dir")) .Returns(new[] { "123" }); var nthCommitHashCommand = $"log -1 HEAD~{allCommits - nthCommit + 1}"; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", nthCommitHashCommand, "dir")) .Returns(output.Split('\n')); executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", "rev-list abb3cc3d7e405c39eae91b22c41d1281b9075cd4..HEAD --count", "dir")) .Returns(new[] { "42" }); var result = gitCommands.GetOrderOfCurrentHeadRelativeToFirstCommitOfBranch("dir"); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", "rev-list --count HEAD", "dir"), Times.Once); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", nthCommitHashCommand, "dir"), Times.Once); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", "rev-list abb3cc3d7e405c39eae91b22c41d1281b9075cd4..HEAD --count", "dir"), Times.Once); result.Should() .Be(42); }
public async Task RunAsync(CommandLineOptions options) { var git = new GitCommands(options.GetGitOptions()); var files = await git.GetFilesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var gitFileAnalyzer = new GitFileAnalyzer(options.GetFileAnalyzerOptions(), git); ICollection <AuthorStatistics> authorStatistics; using (var progressBar = CreateProgressBar(files.Count)) { // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure => false positive authorStatistics = await gitFileAnalyzer.BlameFilesAsync(files, progress => AdvanceProgressBar(progressBar, progress)).ConfigureAwait(false); var commitStatistics = await git.ShortlogAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); foreach (var commitStatistic in commitStatistics) { var authorStatistic = authorStatistics.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Author.Equals(commitStatistic.Key)); if (authorStatistic == null) { authorStatistic = new AuthorStatistics(commitStatistic.Key); authorStatistics.Add(authorStatistic); } authorStatistic.CommitCount = commitStatistic.Value; } var merger = new AuthorsMerger(options.GetAuthorMergeOptions()); authorStatistics = merger.Merge(authorStatistics); } WriteOutput(options, authorStatistics); DisplaySummary(authorStatistics); }
private async void CreateProjectRepository() { Auth(); var exists = await IsRemoteRepoExists(); if (!exists) { var newRepository = await CreateRepo(); if (newRepository != null) { WriteLog("New Repo Successfully created"); _slugNameField.value = newRepository.Slug; _gitHelperData.lastRepositoryData.repositorySlugName = newRepository.Slug; SaveData(); string link = newRepository.Links.Clone.FirstOrDefault(cloneLink => cloneLink.Href.Contains("https"))?.Href; _gitHelperData.lastRepositoryData.repositoryUrl = link; _repoUrlField.value = link; GitCommands.Instance().AddRemoteBranch(link); } else { WriteLog("Something went wrong. New repo not created"); } } else { WriteLog("Repo already exists"); } }
public Commit() { if (lastFile == null) { lastFile = string.Empty; } showCurrentBranch = GitCommands.GetShowCurrentBranchSetting(); }
public WebhookRegistry.HTTPResponseData gitHook(List <string> arguments, string body, string method, NameValueCollection headers) { GitCommands.Process(body, headers.Get("X-Github-Event")); WebhookRegistry.HTTPResponseData reply = new WebhookRegistry.HTTPResponseData(); reply.ReplyString = "Done"; reply.Status = 200; // removed a line here that triggered a git refresh return(reply); }
public void NumberOfChangesForLineThrowsArgumentExceptionIfFilePathIsInvalid() { var gitCommands = new GitCommands(Mock.Of <ICommandLineExecutor>()); Action act = () => gitCommands.NumberOfChangesForLine(string.Empty, 2); act.Should() .Throw <ArgumentException>(); }
public void Test_ALL() { DirectoryInfo rootDire = new DirectoryInfo(rootDirePath); // 未完全实现 if (Directory.Exists(rootDirePath)) { DirectoryInfo[] haveDires = rootDire.GetDirectories(); for (int i = 0; i < haveDires.Length; i++) { haveDires[i].Delete(true); } FileInfo[] havefiles = rootDire.GetFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < havefiles.Length; i++) { havefiles[i].Delete(); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(rootDirePath); } IGit git = new GitCommands(new Repository() { RootPath = new DirectoryInfo(rootDirePath), }); git.Init().OnCommand(); Assert.AreEqual(true, Directory.Exists(rootDirePath)); Assert.AreEqual(true, Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(rootDirePath, ".git"))); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { }); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(rootDirePath, "1.json"), json); git.Add().OnCommand("1.json"); IList <string> msgs; msgs = git.Status().OnCommand(); msgs.Test(new string[] { "On branch master", "No commits yet", "Changes to be committed:", " (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)", " new file: 1.json", }); git.Commit().OnCommand("save data"); msgs = git.Status().OnCommand(); msgs.Test(new string[] { "On branch master", "nothing to commit, working tree clean", }); }
private void InitGit() { var gitCommands = new GitCommands(); var gitRepository = new GitRepository(_repositoryURL, _localDirectory, _repositoryName); var repositoryManager = new RepositoryManager(gitCommands, gitRepository); _gitHubStorageCoordinator = new GitHubStorageCoordinator(gitCommands, gitRepository, repositoryManager); }
public override bool IsEnabled(_DTE application) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); bool enabled = base.IsEnabled(application); string fileName = GetSelectedFile(application); if (fileName != lastFile || DateTime.Now - lastBranchCheck > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)) { string newCaption = "&Commit"; if (enabled) { bool showCurrentBranch = GitCommands.GetShowCurrentBranchSetting(); if (showCurrentBranch && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { string head = GitCommands.GetCurrentBranch(fileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(head)) { string headShort; if (head.Length > 27) { headShort = "..." + head.Substring(head.Length - 23); } else { headShort = head; } newCaption = "&Commit (" + headShort + ")"; } } lastBranchCheck = DateTime.Now; lastFile = fileName; } // This guard required not only for performance, but also for prevent StackOverflowException. // IDE.QueryStatus -> Commit.IsEnabled -> Plugin.UpdateCaption -> IDE.QueryStatus ... if (_lastUpdatedCaption != newCaption) { _lastUpdatedCaption = newCaption; // try apply new caption (operation can fail) if (!PluginHelpers.ChangeCommandCaption(application, PluginHelpers.GitCommandBarName, "Commit changes", newCaption)) { _lastUpdatedCaption = null; } } } return(enabled); }
public override void OnCommand(EnvDTE80.DTE2 application, OutputWindowPane pane) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( o => { string file = GitCommands.RunGitExWait("searchfile", application.Solution.FullName); if (file == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Trim())) { return; } application.ExecuteCommand("File.OpenFile", file); }); }
private void Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete the selected branches?" + Environment.NewLine + "Only branches that are not fully merged will be deleted.", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (Branch branch in Branches) { if (branch.Delete) { branch.Result = GitCommands.RunGit(string.Concat("branch -d " + branch.Name)).Trim(); BranchesGrid.Refresh(); } } } }
private static void FirstInit() { PlayerSettings.assemblyVersionValidation = false; string gitFolderPath = Application.dataPath.Replace("/Assets", ""); gitFolderPath = $"{gitFolderPath}/.git"; if (!Directory.Exists(gitFolderPath)) { GitCommands.Instance().SetGitIgnore(); GitCommands.Instance().InitGit(); } }
static void OnToolbarGUI() { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUI.color = Color.yellow; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Commit", "Start Scene 1"))) { GitCommands.Instance().CommitChanges(); } GUI.color =; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Push", "Start Scene 2"))) { GitCommands.Instance().Push(); } }
public void handle(string text, UUID User, string agentName, Destinations src, UUID originator) { OCBotMemory ocb = OCBotMemory.Memory; //BotSession.Instance.MHE(MessageHandler.Destinations.DEST_LOCAL, UUID.Zero, $"Got data \n\n[HandleMiscInputs.cs]:handle(\"{text}\", {User.ToString()}, \"{agentName}\", {src.ToString()}, {originator.ToString()})"); if (ocb.ActiveReportSessions.ContainsKey(User) && ocb.ActiveReportSessions.Count > 0) { // Send report response to GitCommands GitCommands gc = new GitCommands(); gc.BugResponse(originator, User, ocb.ActiveReportSessions[User].ReportStage, text, src, agentName); return; } if (ocb.ActiveFeatureSessions.ContainsKey(User) && ocb.ActiveFeatureSessions.Count > 0) { GitCommands gc = new GitCommands(); gc.FeatureResponse(originator, User, ocb.ActiveFeatureSessions[User].ReportStage, text, src, agentName); return; } if (ocb.ActiveCommentSessions.ContainsKey(User) && ocb.ActiveCommentSessions.Count > 0) { GitCommands gc = new GitCommands(); gc.comment(originator, User, ocb.ActiveCommentSessions[User].ReportStage, text, src, agentName); return; } if (ocb.NoticeSessions.ContainsKey(User) && ocb.NoticeSessions.Count > 0) { GroupSystem gs = new GroupSystem(); gs.update_notice_sess(originator, User, text, src, agentName); return; } if (ocb.MailingLists.Count > 0) { // Scan all mailing lists for a session and agentKey that match. foreach (string sML in ocb.MailingLists.Keys) { OCBotMemory.MailList ML = ocb.MailingLists[sML]; if (ML.PrepFrom == User && ML.PrepState == 1) { MailingLists.MailingLists cML = new MailingLists.MailingLists(); cML.HandleMailListData(User, originator, src, sML, text); return; } } } }
public Commit() : base(true, true) { if (lastBranchCheck == null) { lastBranchCheck = DateTime.MinValue; } if (lastFile == null) { lastFile = string.Empty; } if (showCurrentBranch == null) { showCurrentBranch = GitCommands.GetShowCurrentBranchSetting(); } }
private static void ParseUnifiedDiff(string path, GitDiffParser diffParser, GitCommit commit) { commit.Difflets = diffParser.Parse(commit.UnifiedDiff); foreach (var file in commit.Files) { if (file.Status != "A") { file.BeforeText = GitCommands.ShowFileBeforeCommit(path, commit.Sha, file.File); } if (file.Status != "D") { file.AfterText = GitCommands.ShowFileAfterCommit(path, commit.Sha, file.File); } } }
public void LatestCommitDateTest() { var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); const string repoPath = "dir"; const string gitCommand = "log -1 --format=%cd"; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommand), repoPath)) .Returns(new[] { "Thu Mar 12 23:38:51 2020 +0100" }); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.DateOfLatestCommitOnBranch(repoPath); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", gitCommand, repoPath), Times.Once); result.Date.Should() .BeSameDateAs(new DateTime(2020, 3, 12)); }
public void HashForLatestCommit() { var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); const string repoPath = "dir"; const string command = "rev-parse HEAD"; executorMock .Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(c => c == command), repoPath)) .Returns(new[] { "23d81a11e8deb30d2f004cfc5ed2d7430581e70a" }); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.GetHashForLatestCommit(repoPath); result.Should() .Be("23d81a11e8deb30d2f004cfc5ed2d7430581e70a"); }
public void NumberOfCommitsOnCurrentBranchTest() { var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); const string repoPath = "dir"; const string gitCommand = "rev-list --count HEAD"; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommand), repoPath)) .Returns(new[] { "123" }); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.NumberOfCommitsOnCurrentBranch(repoPath); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", gitCommand, repoPath), Times.Once); result.Should() .Be(123); }
public override bool IsEnabled(EnvDTE80.DTE2 application) { bool enabled = base.IsEnabled(application); string fileName = GetSelectedFile(application); if (showCurrentBranch && (fileName != lastFile || DateTime.Now - lastBranchCheck > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1, 0))) { string newCaption = "Commit"; if (enabled) { string head = GitCommands.GetCurrentBranch(fileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(head)) { string headShort; if (head.Length > 27) { headShort = "..." + head.Substring(head.Length - 23); } else { headShort = head; } newCaption = "Commit (" + headShort + ")"; } } // This guard required not only for perfromance, but also for prevent StackOverflowException. // IDE.QueryStatus -> Commit.IsEnabled -> Plugin.UpdateCaption -> IDE.QueryStatus ... if (_lastUpdatedCaption != newCaption) { _lastUpdatedCaption = newCaption; // try apply new caption (operation can fail) if (!Plugin.ChangeCommandCaption(application, "GitExtensions", "Commit changes", newCaption)) { _lastUpdatedCaption = null; } } lastBranchCheck = DateTime.Now; lastFile = fileName; } return(enabled); }
public override void OnCommand(_DTE application, OutputWindowPane pane) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( o => { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); string file = GitCommands.RunGitExWait("searchfile", application.Solution.FullName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file?.Trim())) { return; } application.ExecuteCommand("File.OpenFile", file); }); }
public void FileAuthorsTest() { var fileAuthors = Helpers.LoadResource(Paths.GitShortlogOutput, typeof(GitCommandsTest).Assembly); var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); var fileName = "dir/bla.js"; var gitCommand = $"shortlog -n -s {fileName}"; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommand), "dir")) .Returns(fileAuthors.Split('\n')); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.NumberOfDifferentAuthorsForFile(fileName); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", gitCommand, "dir"), Times.Once); result.Should() .Be(10); }
public void FileHistoryTest() { var gitLogOutput = Helpers.LoadResource(Paths.GitPrettyLogOutput, typeof(GitCommandsTest).Assembly); var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); var fileName = "dir/bla.js"; var gitCommand = $"log --pretty=oneline {fileName}"; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommand), "dir")) .Returns(gitLogOutput.Split('\n')); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.NumberOfChangesForFile(fileName); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", gitCommand, "dir"), Times.Once); result.Should() .Be(4); }
public void SingleLineHistoryTest() { var lineHistory = Helpers.LoadResource(Paths.GitLineLogOutput, typeof(GitCommandsTest).Assembly); var executorMock = new Mock <ICommandLineExecutor>(); var fileName = "dir/bla.js"; var lineNumber = 2; var gitCommand = $"log --pretty='commit-%h;auth-%an' -L {lineNumber},{lineNumber}:\"{fileName}\" --no-patch"; executorMock.Setup(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(command => command == gitCommand), "dir")) .Returns(lineHistory.Split('\n')); var gitCommands = new GitCommands(executorMock.Object); var result = gitCommands.NumberOfChangesForLine(fileName, lineNumber); executorMock.Verify(mock => mock.Execute("git", It.Is <string>(s => s == gitCommand), "dir"), Times.Once); result.Should() .Be(9); }
public static bool SolveKDiffPath(GitCommands.GitCommands gitCommands) { string kdiff3path = gitCommands.GetGlobalSetting("mergetool.kdiff3.path"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdiff3path) || !File.Exists(kdiff3path)) { kdiff3path = @"c:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdiff3path) || !File.Exists(kdiff3path)) { kdiff3path = @"c:\Program Files (x86)\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdiff3path) || !File.Exists(kdiff3path)) { kdiff3path = GetRegistryValue(Registry.LocalMachine, "SOFTWARE\\KDiff3", "") + "\\kdiff3.exe"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kdiff3path) || !File.Exists(kdiff3path)) { kdiff3path = ""; return false; } } } } gitCommands.SetGlobalSetting("mergetool.kdiff3.path", kdiff3path); return true; }
public static void AddStringSetting(this SettingsLayout aLayout, string aCaption, GitCommands.Settings.StringSetting aSetting) { aLayout.AddSetting(new StringISettingAdapter(aCaption, aSetting)); }
public StringISettingAdapter(string aCaption, GitCommands.Settings.StringSetting setting) : base(setting.FullPath, aCaption, setting.DefaultValue) { }