Esempio n. 1
 // Token: 0x060006CA RID: 1738 RVA: 0x00025DC5 File Offset: 0x00023FC5
 public DoorState(GhostAI ghostAI, GhostInteraction ghostInteraction, GhostInfo ghostInfo, PhotonObjectInteract obj)
     this.ghostAI          = ghostAI;
     this.ghostInteraction = ghostInteraction;
     this.ghostInfo        = ghostInfo;
     this.door             = obj.GetComponent <Door>();
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetGhostFrom(bool ghostFrom)
            if (GhostArray != null)

            if (!ghostFrom)

            GhostFreeIndex = GhostZeroUpdateIndex = 0;
            GhostArray     = new GhostInfo[MaxGhostCount];
            GhostRefs      = new GhostInfo[MaxGhostCount];

            for (var i = 0U; i < MaxGhostCount; ++i)
                GhostRefs[i] = new GhostInfo
                    Obj        = null,
                    Index      = i,
                    UpdateMask = 0UL
Esempio n. 3
        public void DetachObject(GhostInfo info)
            info.Flags |= (uint)GhostInfoFlags.KillGhost;

            if (info.UpdateMask == 0UL)
                info.UpdateMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL;

            if (info.Obj == null)

            if (info.PrevObjectRef != null)
                info.PrevObjectRef.NextObjectRef = info.NextObjectRef;

            if (info.NextObjectRef != null)
                info.NextObjectRef.PrevObjectRef = info.PrevObjectRef;

            info.PrevObjectRef = info.NextObjectRef = null;
            info.Obj           = null;
Esempio n. 4
 public NetObject()
     _netIndex       = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
     _firstObjectRef = null;
     _prevDirtyList  = null;
     _nextDirtyList  = null;
     _dirtyMaskBits  = 0UL;
Esempio n. 5
        public override void OnEnable()

                m_GhostInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson <GhostInfo>(File.ReadAllText(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(assetTarget)));
                m_GhostInfo = default(GhostInfo);

            var assetTargetName = assetTarget == null ? "" :;

            if (m_GhostInfo.snapshotDataPath == null)
                m_GhostInfo.snapshotDataPath = assetTargetName + "SnapshotData.cs";
            if (m_GhostInfo.spawnSystemPath == null)
                m_GhostInfo.spawnSystemPath = assetTargetName + "GhostSpawnSystem.cs";
            if (m_GhostInfo.updateSystemPath == null)
                m_GhostInfo.updateSystemPath = assetTargetName + "GhostUpdateSystem.cs";
            if (m_GhostInfo.serializerPath == null)
                m_GhostInfo.serializerPath = assetTargetName + "GhostSerializer.cs";
            if (m_GhostInfo.importance == null)
                m_GhostInfo.importance = "1";
            if (m_GhostInfo.components == null)
                m_GhostInfo.components = new GhostComponent[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_GhostInfo.components.Length; ++i)
                if (m_GhostInfo.components[i].name == null)
                    m_GhostInfo.components[i].name = "";
                if (m_GhostInfo.components[i].fields == null)
                    m_GhostInfo.components[i].fields = new GhostField[0];
                for (int j = 0; j < m_GhostInfo.components[i].fields.Length; ++j)
                    if (m_GhostInfo.components[i].fields[j].name == null)
                        m_GhostInfo.components[i].fields[j].name = "";
Esempio n. 6
        protected void FreeGhostInfo(GhostInfo ghost)
            if (ghost.ArrayIndex < GhostZeroUpdateIndex)
                ghost.UpdateMask = 0UL;

Esempio n. 7
    void SpawnGhost(PlayerTrain playerTrain, Vector3 side)
        GhostInfo  info     = new GhostInfo();
        GameObject newGhost = Instantiate(ghostPrefab) as GameObject;

        newGhost.GetComponent <GhostController> ().feature = this;
        info.obj = newGhost;
        int wagonsCount = 0;

        for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < playerTrain.transform.childCount; childIndex++)
            if (playerTrain.transform.GetChild(childIndex).GetComponent <WagonScript>() != null)
                wagonsCount += 1;

        WagonScript wagon      = null;
        Transform   spawnPoint = null;

        for (int wagonIndex = 0; wagonIndex < wagonsCount; wagonIndex++)
            // try to get random wagon point
            wagon      = playerTrain.GetWagon(Random.Range(0, wagonsCount));
            spawnPoint = wagon.GetGhostPoint();
            if (spawnPoint != null)
                info.wagonIndex = wagon.GetIndex();

            wagon      = playerTrain.GetWagon(wagonIndex);
            spawnPoint = wagon.GetGhostPoint();
            if (spawnPoint != null)
                info.wagonIndex = wagon.GetIndex();
        //GameObject wagon = playerTrain.GetWagon (Random.Range(0,wagonsCount)).gameObject;
        if (spawnPoint == null)

        newGhost.transform.parent           = spawnPoint;
        newGhost.transform.localPosition    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        newGhost.transform.localScale       = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        newGhost.transform.localEulerAngles = side;
        newGhost.GetComponent <Animator>().Play("move");

Esempio n. 8
 public void GhostPushNonZero(GhostInfo info)
     if (info.ArrayIndex != GhostZeroUpdateIndex)
         GhostArray[GhostZeroUpdateIndex].ArrayIndex = info.ArrayIndex;
         GhostArray[info.ArrayIndex]      = GhostArray[GhostZeroUpdateIndex];
         GhostArray[GhostZeroUpdateIndex] = info;
         info.ArrayIndex = GhostZeroUpdateIndex;
Esempio n. 9
        public void GhostPushZeroToFree(GhostInfo info)

            if (info.ArrayIndex != GhostFreeIndex)
                GhostArray[GhostFreeIndex].ArrayIndex = info.ArrayIndex;
                GhostArray[info.ArrayIndex]           = GhostArray[GhostFreeIndex];
                GhostArray[GhostFreeIndex]            = info;
                info.ArrayIndex = GhostFreeIndex;
Esempio n. 10
        public void GhostPushFreeToZero(GhostInfo info)
            if (info.ArrayIndex != GhostFreeIndex)
                GhostArray[GhostFreeIndex].ArrayIndex = info.ArrayIndex;
                GhostArray[info.ArrayIndex]           = GhostArray[GhostFreeIndex];
                GhostArray[GhostFreeIndex]            = info;
                info.ArrayIndex = GhostFreeIndex;

Esempio n. 11
        public void GhostPushToZero(GhostInfo info)

            if (info.ArrayIndex == GhostZeroUpdateIndex)

            GhostArray[GhostZeroUpdateIndex].ArrayIndex = info.ArrayIndex;
            GhostArray[info.ArrayIndex]      = GhostArray[GhostZeroUpdateIndex];
            GhostArray[GhostZeroUpdateIndex] = info;
            info.ArrayIndex = GhostZeroUpdateIndex;
Esempio n. 12
	void SpawnGhost(PlayerTrain playerTrain, Vector3 side)
		GhostInfo info = new GhostInfo ();
		GameObject newGhost = Instantiate (ghostPrefab) as GameObject;
		newGhost.GetComponent<GhostController> ().feature = this;
		info.obj = newGhost;
		int wagonsCount = 0;
		for(int childIndex = 0; childIndex < playerTrain.transform.childCount; childIndex++)
			if (playerTrain.transform.GetChild(childIndex).GetComponent<WagonScript>() != null)
				wagonsCount += 1;

		WagonScript wagon = null;
		Transform spawnPoint = null;
		for (int wagonIndex = 0; wagonIndex < wagonsCount; wagonIndex++) {
			// try to get random wagon point
			wagon = playerTrain.GetWagon (Random.Range(0,wagonsCount));
			spawnPoint = wagon.GetGhostPoint ();
			if (spawnPoint != null) {
				info.wagonIndex = wagon.GetIndex ();

			wagon = playerTrain.GetWagon (wagonIndex);
			spawnPoint = wagon.GetGhostPoint ();
			if (spawnPoint != null) {
				info.wagonIndex = wagon.GetIndex ();

		//GameObject wagon = playerTrain.GetWagon (Random.Range(0,wagonsCount)).gameObject;
		if (spawnPoint == null)

		newGhost.transform.parent = spawnPoint;
		newGhost.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,0);
		newGhost.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1,1,1);
		newGhost.transform.localEulerAngles = side;

		spawnedGhosts.Add (info);

Esempio n. 13
         * void OnDisable() {
         *  _ghostInfos.Clear();
         * }

        GhostInfo NewGhostInfo()
            for (int i = 0; i < _ghostInfos.Count; i++)
                if (!_ghostInfos[i]._used)
                    _ghostInfos[i]._used = true;

            GhostInfo info = new GhostInfo();

            info._mesh     = new Mesh();
            info._matBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            info._used     = true;
Esempio n. 14
    // Token: 0x0600075A RID: 1882 RVA: 0x0002AF74 File Offset: 0x00029174
    public bool IsFingerPrintEvidence()
        GhostInfo ghostInfo = LevelController.instance.currentGhost.ghostInfo;

        return(ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType == GhostTraits.Type.Wraith || ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType == GhostTraits.Type.Poltergeist || ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType == GhostTraits.Type.Spirit || ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType == GhostTraits.Type.Banshee || ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType == GhostTraits.Type.Revenant);
Esempio n. 15
 void PlaySoundEffect()
     GI          = AG.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <GhostInfo> ();
     SoundEffect = GI.OnActiveAudio[Random.Range(0, 3)];
Esempio n. 16
 void PlaySoundEffect()
     GI = AG.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<GhostInfo> ();
     SoundEffect = GI.OnActiveAudio[Random.Range (0, 3)];
     Audio.PlayOneShot (SoundEffect);
    }                                                                       // Dummy constructor

    public u0920u0920u0929u0924u091Fu0928u0926u091Eu0923u0921u091F(GhostAI ghostAI, GhostInteraction ghostInteraction, GhostInfo ghostInfo, PhotonObjectInteract obj)
    }                                                                                                                                                                        // 0x0000000180C7F090-0x0000000180C7F150
Esempio n. 18
        // gets move information, for drawing ghosts and for performing actual move operation
        private GhostInfo[] GetMoveGhostInfo(Matrix worldToView, TimelineLayout layout)
            // get start and y offsets in timeline space
            PointF dragOffset = GetDragOffset();

            // Get snapping points along the timeline (in world coordinates).
            List<float> movingPoints = new List<float>(2);
            TimelinePath snapperPath;
            if (m_mouseMoveHitRecord != null)
                snapperPath = m_mouseMoveHitRecord.HitPath;//use the last clicked event (interval, key or marker)
                snapperPath = m_owner.Selection.LastSelected as TimelinePath;//moving a group or track, for example
            IEvent snapperEvent = snapperPath != null ? snapperPath.Last as IEvent : null;

            if (snapperEvent != null)
                Matrix localToWorld = D2dTimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(snapperPath);
                float worldStart = GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, snapperEvent.Start + dragOffset.X);
                if (snapperEvent.Length > 0.0f)
                    movingPoints.Add(GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, snapperEvent.Start + dragOffset.X + snapperEvent.Length));

            // Get the offset from one of the world snap points to the closest non-selected object.
            float snapOffset;
                s_snapOptions.FilterContext = snapperEvent;
                s_snapOptions.Filter = new D2dTimelineControl.SnapFilter(MoveSnapFilter);
                snapOffset = m_owner.GetSnapOffset(movingPoints, s_snapOptions);
                s_snapOptions.FilterContext = null;
                s_snapOptions.Filter = null;

            // adjust dragOffset to "snap-to" nearest event
            dragOffset.X += snapOffset;

            // get offsets in client space
            float xOffset = dragOffset.X * worldToView.Elements[0];
            float yOffset = dragOffset.Y * worldToView.Elements[3];

            TimelinePath[] targets = GetMoveTargets(layout);

            // Pretend that drag-drop objects are in the TimelineLayout object
            if (m_owner.DragDropObjects != null)
                foreach (ITimelineObject dragDrop in m_owner.DragDropObjects)
                    layout[dragDrop] = GetDragDropBounds(dragDrop);

            GhostInfo[] ghosts = new GhostInfo[targets.Length];
            int i = -1;
            foreach(TimelinePath path in m_owner.Selection.Selection)

                ITimelineObject timelineObject = path.Last;
                RectangleF bounds = layout[path];

                TimelinePath targetPath = targets[i];
                ITimelineObject target = targetPath != null ? targetPath.Last : null;

                float start = 0;
                float length = 0;
                bool valid = true;

                IInterval interval = timelineObject as IInterval;
                IKey key = timelineObject as IKey;
                IMarker marker = timelineObject as IMarker;
                ITrack track = timelineObject as ITrack;
                IGroup group = timelineObject as IGroup;
                ITimelineReference reference = timelineObject as ITimelineReference;

                if (interval != null)
                    ITrack targetTrack = target as ITrack;
                    start = interval.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    length = interval.Length;
                    valid = targetTrack != null;
                    valid &= m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(interval, ref start);
                    valid &= m_owner.Constraints.IsLengthValid(interval, ref length);

                    if (valid)
                        ITrack intervalTrack = interval.Track;
                        if (intervalTrack != null)
                            yOffset = layout[target].Y - layout[interval.Track].Y;
                            yOffset = layout[target].Y - bounds.Y;

                        TimelinePath testPath = new TimelinePath(targetPath);
                        foreach (IInterval other in targetTrack.Intervals)
                            // skip selected intervals, since they are moving too
                            testPath.Last = other;
                            if (m_owner.Selection.SelectionContains(testPath))

                            if (!m_owner.Constraints.IsIntervalValid(interval, ref start, ref length, other))
                                valid = false;
                else if (reference != null)
                    // don't allow for vertical repositioning yet
                    start = reference.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    valid = true;
                else if (key != null)
                    start = key.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    ITrack targetTrack = target as ITrack;
                    valid = targetTrack != null;
                    valid &= m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(key, ref start);

                    if (valid)
                        ITrack keyTrack = key.Track;
                        if (keyTrack != null)
                            yOffset = layout[targetTrack].Y - layout[key.Track].Y;
                            yOffset = layout[targetTrack].Y - bounds.Y;
                else if (marker != null)
                    start = marker.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    yOffset = 0;
                    valid = m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(marker, ref start);
                else if (track != null)
                    xOffset = 0;
                    if (target == null)
                        target =
                            (DragDelta.Y < 0) ? GetLastTrack() : GetFirstTrack();
                else if (group != null)
                    xOffset = 0;
                    if (target == null)
                        IList<IGroup> groups = m_owner.TimelineDocument.Timeline.Groups;
                        target = (DragDelta.Y < 0) ? groups[0] : groups[groups.Count - 1];

                bounds.Offset(xOffset, yOffset);

                ghosts[i] = new GhostInfo(timelineObject, target, start, length, bounds, valid);
            return ghosts;
Esempio n. 19
 public void SetFirstObjectRef(GhostInfo info)
     _firstObjectRef = info;
Esempio n. 20
    // Token: 0x06000973 RID: 2419 RVA: 0x00039850 File Offset: 0x00037A50
    public void OnPhraseRecognized(string args)
        if (!this.inUse)
        if (LevelController.instance.currentPlayerRoom == null || LevelController.instance.currentGhostRoom == null)
        if (LevelController.instance.currentPlayerRoom == LevelController.instance.outsideRoom)
        if (Vector3.Distance(base.transform.position, GameController.instance.myPlayer.player.headObject.transform.position) > 5f)
        if (!XRDevice.isPresent && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("localPushToTalkValue") == 0 && > 1 && !GameController.instance.myPlayer.player.pcPushToTalk.isPressingPushToTalk)
        if (Random.Range(0, 3) == 1 && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("isYoutuberVersion") == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < LevelController.instance.currentPlayerRoom.lightSwitches.Count; i++)
                LevelController.instance.currentPlayerRoom.lightSwitches[i].view.RPC("FlickerNetworked", PhotonTargets.All, Array.Empty <object>());
            if (SetupPhaseController.instance.isSetupPhase)
            GameController.instance.myPlayer.player.insanity += 40f;
        for (int j = 0; j < this.questions.Count; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < this.questions[j].questions.Count; k++)
                if (args == this.questions[j].questions[k])
                    switch (this.questions[j].answerType)
                    case Question.AnswerType.dead:
                        this.view.RPC("DeadAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());

                    case Question.AnswerType.roomAmount:
                        this.view.RPC("RoomAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());

                    case Question.AnswerType.location:
                        this.view.RPC("LocationAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());

                    case Question.AnswerType.age:
                        this.view.RPC("AgeAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());
                    if (LevelController.instance.currentGhost.ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType != GhostTraits.Type.Demon)
                        GameController.instance.myPlayer.player.insanity += Random.Range(5f, 10f);
        for (int l = 0; l < this.yesOrNoQuestions.Count; l++)
            for (int m = 0; m < this.yesOrNoQuestions[l].questions.Count; m++)
                if (args == this.yesOrNoQuestions[l].questions[m])
                    if (Random.Range(0, 3) == 2)
                        this.view.RPC("MaybeAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());
                        GhostInfo ghostInfo = LevelController.instance.currentGhost.ghostInfo;
                        if (this.yesOrNoQuestions[l].questionType == YesNoMaybeQuestion.QuestionType.location)
                            if (Vector3.Distance(ghostInfo.transform.position, base.transform.position) < 3f)
                                this.view.RPC("NoAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());
                                this.view.RPC("YesAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());
                            this.view.RPC("MaybeAnswer", PhotonNetwork.masterClient, Array.Empty <object>());
                    if (LevelController.instance.currentGhost.ghostInfo.ghostTraits.ghostType != GhostTraits.Type.Demon)
                        GameController.instance.myPlayer.player.insanity += Random.Range(5f, 10f);
    public void SnapLegacyGhost(float currentTime)
        float   sqrDist = snapDistance * snapDistance;
        Vector3 rhPos = rightHand.position, lhPos = leftHand.position,
                rfPos = rightFoot.position, lfPos = leftFoot.position, wsPos = waist.position;

        if ((rhPos - rightHandPos).sqrMagnitude < sqrDist && (lhPos - leftHandPos).sqrMagnitude < sqrDist &&
            (rfPos - rightFootPos).sqrMagnitude < sqrDist && (lfPos - leftFootPos).sqrMagnitude < sqrDist &&
            (wsPos - waistPos).sqrMagnitude < sqrDist)

        rightHandPos = rhPos;
        leftHandPos  = lhPos;
        rightFootPos = rfPos;
        leftFootPos  = lfPos;
        waistPos     = wsPos;

        bool      overFlowed = false;
        GhostInfo gi         = null;

        //var mesh = Snap();

        if (ghosts.Count >= maxGhostsCount)
            overFlowed = true;
            gi         = ghosts[0];
            gi = ghostPool.Dequeue();

 *      GameObject go = gi.snappedObject;
 *      MeshFilter mf = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
 *      MeshRenderer mr = go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
 *      mf.sharedMesh = mesh;
 *      mr.sharedMaterials = materialList;
 *      gi.mesh = mesh;*/
        var sot = gi.snappedObject.transform;

        sot.position   = transform.position;
        sot.rotation   = transform.rotation;
        sot.localScale = transform.localScale;
        gi.snapTime    = currentTime;

        lastGhost = gi;

        if (overFlowed)
            float earliestTime = currentTime - lifeTime;
            float timeStep     = (float)lifeTime / (float)(ghosts.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < ghosts.Count; i++)
                ghosts[i].snapTime = earliestTime + ((i + 1) * timeStep);
Esempio n. 22
        void LateUpdate()
             * for (int i = 0; i < _materals.Length; i++) {
             * _materals[i].SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int)_srcBlendMode);
             * _materals[i].SetInt("_DstBlend", (int)_dstBlendMode);
             * }

            if (GenerateEnabled && Time.time - _lastCreateTime > _intervalTime)
                if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(transform.position - _lastPostion) > _minDistance * _minDistance)
                    _lastCreateTime = Time.time;

                    GhostInfo info = NewGhostInfo();
                    if (_skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
                        info._mesh = _sharedMesh;
                    info._pos    = transform.position;
                    info._matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    info._life   = _lifeTime;

                    _lastPostion = transform.position;

                    if (!_firstCreate)
                        _firstCreate = true;

            bool noneUsed = true;
            for (int i = _ghostInfos.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                GhostInfo info = _ghostInfos[i];
                info._life -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (info._life < 0)
                    info._used = false;
                    noneUsed = false;

                    //Color c = _rimColor;
                    //c.a *= info._life / _lifeTime;
                    //info._matBlock.SetColor("_RimColor", c);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_colorKey))
                        Color c = _material.GetColor(_colorKey);
                        c.a *= info._life / _lifeTime;
                        info._matBlock.SetColor(_colorKey, c);

            if (_ghostInfos.Count > 0 && noneUsed)
                _lastPostion = new Vector3(Mathf.NegativeInfinity, Mathf.NegativeInfinity, Mathf.NegativeInfinity);

            if (_firstCreate && noneUsed)
                GenerateFinished = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < _ghostInfos.Count; i++)
                GhostInfo info = _ghostInfos[i];
                if (info._used)
                    if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(info._pos - transform.position) > 0.25f)
                        int lenght  = _renderer.sharedMaterials.Length;
                        int subMesh = Mathf.Min(info._mesh.subMeshCount, lenght);
                        for (int j = 0; j < subMesh; j++)
                            Graphics.DrawMesh(info._mesh, info._matrix, _material, gameObject.layer, null, j, info._matBlock);
Esempio n. 23
        private void _MoveSelection(bool tryToCopy, bool createTracksAndGroups)
            ITimeline timeline = m_owner.TimelineDocument.Timeline;
            Dictionary <ITrack, ITrack>           newTrackMap = new Dictionary <ITrack, ITrack>();
            List <Sce.Atf.Pair <ITrack, IEvent> > toAdd       = new List <Sce.Atf.Pair <ITrack, IEvent> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_ghosts.Length; i++)
                GhostInfo ghost = m_ghosts[i];

                ITimelineObject ghostCopy = null;
                if (tryToCopy)
                    ICloneable cloneable = ghost.Object as ICloneable;
                    if (cloneable != null)
                        ghostCopy = cloneable.Clone() as ITimelineObject;

                ITimelineReference reference = ghost.Object as ITimelineReference;
                if (reference != null)
                    if (ghostCopy != null)
                        reference = (ITimelineReference)ghostCopy;
                    reference.Start = ghost.Start;
                    if (ghostCopy != null && timeline is IHierarchicalTimelineList)

                IInterval interval = ghost.Object as IInterval;
                if (interval != null)
                    if (ghostCopy != null)
                        interval = (IInterval)ghostCopy;
                    interval.Start  = ghost.Start;
                    interval.Length = ghost.Length;
                    ITrack target = (ITrack)ghost.Target;
                    if (target != interval.Track && createTracksAndGroups)
                        if (target == null)
                            target = CreateTargetTrack(interval.Track, newTrackMap);
                        if (ghostCopy == null)
                        toAdd.Add(new Sce.Atf.Pair <ITrack, IEvent>(target, interval));

                IKey key = ghost.Object as IKey;
                if (key != null)
                    if (ghostCopy != null)
                        key = (IKey)ghostCopy;
                    key.Start = ghost.Start;
                    ITrack target = (ITrack)ghost.Target;
                    if (target != key.Track && createTracksAndGroups)
                        if (target == null)
                            target = CreateTargetTrack(key.Track, newTrackMap);
                        if (ghostCopy == null)
                        toAdd.Add(new Sce.Atf.Pair <ITrack, IEvent>(target, key));

                IMarker marker = ghost.Object as IMarker;
                if (marker != null)
                    if (ghost.Valid &&
                        marker.Start != ghost.Start)
                        if (ghostCopy != null)
                            IMarker markerCopy = (IMarker)ghostCopy;
                            markerCopy.Start = ghost.Start;
                            marker.Start = ghost.Start;

                ITrack track = ghost.Object as ITrack;
                if (track != null)
                    var targetTrack = ghost.Target as ITrack;
                    if (targetTrack != null &&
                        targetTrack != track)
                        if (ghostCopy != null)
                            track = (ITrack)ghostCopy;
                        int index = targetTrack.Group.Tracks.IndexOf(targetTrack);
                        if (ghostCopy == null)
                        targetTrack.Group.Tracks.Insert(index, track);
                        var targetGroup = ghost.Target as IGroup;
                        if (targetGroup != null)
                            // the track was dragged to an empty group.
                            if (ghostCopy != null)
                                track = (ITrack)ghostCopy;
                            targetGroup.Tracks.Insert(0, track);

                IGroup group = ghost.Object as IGroup;
                if (group != null)
                    IGroup target = (IGroup)ghost.Target;
                    if (target != null &&
                        target != group)
                        if (ghostCopy != null)
                            group = (IGroup)ghostCopy;
                        int index = m_owner.TimelineDocument.Timeline.Groups.IndexOf(target);
                        if (ghostCopy == null)
                        m_owner.TimelineDocument.Timeline.Groups.Insert(index, group);

            // So that when multiple intervals from multiple tracks are relocated to a different
            //  set of tracks, we need to remove them all and then add them all. If the remove and
            //  adds are done in pairs, one by one, then the events can step on each other. artf32260
            foreach (Sce.Atf.Pair <ITrack, IEvent> trackEventPair in toAdd)
                if (trackEventPair.Second is IInterval)
Esempio n. 24
        // gets move information, for drawing ghosts and for performing actual move operation
        private GhostInfo[] GetMoveGhostInfo(Matrix worldToView, TimelineLayout layout)
            // get start and y offsets in timeline space
            PointF dragOffset = GetDragOffset();

            // Get snapping points along the timeline (in world coordinates).
            List <float> movingPoints = new List <float>(2);
            TimelinePath snapperPath;

            if (m_mouseMoveHitRecord != null)
                snapperPath = m_mouseMoveHitRecord.HitPath;//use the last clicked event (interval, key or marker)
                snapperPath = m_owner.Selection.LastSelected as TimelinePath;//moving a group or track, for example
            IEvent snapperEvent = snapperPath != null ? snapperPath.Last as IEvent : null;

            if (snapperEvent != null)
                Matrix localToWorld = D2dTimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(snapperPath);
                float  worldStart   = GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, snapperEvent.Start + dragOffset.X);
                if (snapperEvent.Length > 0.0f)
                    movingPoints.Add(GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, snapperEvent.Start + dragOffset.X + snapperEvent.Length));

            // Get the offset from one of the world snap points to the closest non-selected object.
            float snapOffset;

                s_snapOptions.FilterContext = snapperEvent;
                s_snapOptions.Filter        = new D2dTimelineControl.SnapFilter(MoveSnapFilter);
                snapOffset = m_owner.GetSnapOffset(movingPoints, s_snapOptions);
                s_snapOptions.FilterContext = null;
                s_snapOptions.Filter        = null;

            // adjust dragOffset to "snap-to" nearest event
            dragOffset.X += snapOffset;

            // get offsets in client space
            float xOffset = dragOffset.X * worldToView.Elements[0];
            float yOffset = dragOffset.Y * worldToView.Elements[3];

            TimelinePath[] targets = GetMoveTargets(layout);

            // Pretend that drag-drop objects are in the TimelineLayout object
            if (m_owner.DragDropObjects != null)
                foreach (ITimelineObject dragDrop in m_owner.DragDropObjects)
                    layout[dragDrop] = GetDragDropBounds(dragDrop);

            GhostInfo[] ghosts = new GhostInfo[targets.Length];
            int         i      = -1;

            foreach (TimelinePath path in m_owner.Selection.Selection)

                ITimelineObject timelineObject = path.Last;
                RectangleF      bounds         = layout[path];

                TimelinePath    targetPath = targets[i];
                ITimelineObject target     = targetPath != null ? targetPath.Last : null;

                float start  = 0;
                float length = 0;
                bool  valid  = true;

                IInterval          interval  = timelineObject as IInterval;
                IKey               key       = timelineObject as IKey;
                IMarker            marker    = timelineObject as IMarker;
                ITrack             track     = timelineObject as ITrack;
                IGroup             group     = timelineObject as IGroup;
                ITimelineReference reference = timelineObject as ITimelineReference;

                if (interval != null)
                    ITrack targetTrack = target as ITrack;
                    start  = interval.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    length = interval.Length;
                    valid  = targetTrack != null;
                    valid &= m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(interval, ref start);
                    valid &= m_owner.Constraints.IsLengthValid(interval, ref length);

                    if (valid)
                        ITrack intervalTrack = interval.Track;
                        if (intervalTrack != null)
                            yOffset = layout[target].Y - layout[interval.Track].Y;
                            yOffset = layout[target].Y - bounds.Y;

                        TimelinePath testPath = new TimelinePath(targetPath);
                        foreach (IInterval other in targetTrack.Intervals)
                            // skip selected intervals, since they are moving too
                            testPath.Last = other;
                            if (m_owner.Selection.SelectionContains(testPath))

                            if (!m_owner.Constraints.IsIntervalValid(interval, ref start, ref length, other))
                                valid = false;
                else if (reference != null)
                    // don't allow for vertical repositioning yet
                    start = reference.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    valid = true;
                else if (key != null)
                    start = key.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    ITrack targetTrack = target as ITrack;
                    valid  = targetTrack != null;
                    valid &= m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(key, ref start);

                    if (valid)
                        ITrack keyTrack = key.Track;
                        if (keyTrack != null)
                            yOffset = layout[targetTrack].Y - layout[key.Track].Y;
                            yOffset = layout[targetTrack].Y - bounds.Y;
                else if (marker != null)
                    start   = marker.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    yOffset = 0;
                    valid   = m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(marker, ref start);
                else if (track != null)
                    xOffset = 0;
                    if (target == null)
                        target =
                            (DragDelta.Y < 0) ? GetLastTrack() : GetFirstTrack();
                else if (group != null)
                    xOffset = 0;
                    if (target == null)
                        IList <IGroup> groups = m_owner.TimelineDocument.Timeline.Groups;
                        target = (DragDelta.Y < 0) ? groups[0] : groups[groups.Count - 1];

                bounds.Offset(xOffset, yOffset);

                ghosts[i] = new GhostInfo(timelineObject, target, start, length, bounds, valid);
    private void Initial()
        usedShader = Shader.Find(shaderName);
        smrs       = new List <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>());
        List <Material> matList = new List <Material>();
        Dictionary <Material, Material> origToInstMatDict = new Dictionary <Material, Material>();

        if (LGObject)
            Destroy(LGObject, lifeTime);
        LGObject       = new GameObject("_LegacyGhosting:" +;
        LGObject.layer = gameObject.layer;

        for (int i = 0; i < maxGhostsCount; i++)
            var gi = new GhostInfo();
            var go = new GameObject("_SnappedGhost");
            go.transform.parent = LGObject.transform;
            go.layer            = LGObject.layer;
            var giMeshList = new List <Mesh>();
            foreach (var smr in smrs)
                var m    = smr.sharedMesh;
                var mats = new List <Material>();
                for (int j = 0; j < m.subMeshCount; j++)
                    var oriMat = smr.sharedMaterials[j];
                    if (!origToInstMatDict.ContainsKey(oriMat))
                        var instMat = new Material(oriMat);
                        if (usedShader)
                            instMat.shader = usedShader;
                        origToInstMatDict.Add(oriMat, instMat);
                var child = new GameObject("_mesh:" +;
                child.transform.parent = go.transform;
                child.layer            = go.layer;
                var nmesh = new Mesh();

                giMeshList.Add(child.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = nmesh);
                child.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials         = mats.ToArray();
            gi.snappedObject = go;
            gi.mesh          = giMeshList.ToArray();

        waist     = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips) ?? transform;
        leftHand  = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftHand) ?? transform;
        rightHand = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightHand) ?? transform;
        leftFoot  = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot) ?? transform;
        rightFoot = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightFoot) ?? transform;
        public IEnumerator LoadObjectsTask()
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.missionManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MissionManager>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));;
            Main.gameController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameController>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.levelController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelController>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));;
            Main.levelSelectionManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelSelectionManager>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.walkieTalkie = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <WalkieTalkie>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.handCamera = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HandCamera>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.inventoryManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <InventoryManager>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.liftButton = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LiftButton>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.contract = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Contract>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.pCMenu = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PCMenu>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.exitLevel = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ExitLevel>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.ghostAI = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <GhostAI>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.lightSwitch = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LightSwitch>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.light = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Light>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.dNAEvidences = Enumerable.ToList <DNAEvidence>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <DNAEvidence>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.contracts = Enumerable.ToList <Contract>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Contract>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.items = Enumerable.ToList <InventoryItem>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <InventoryItem>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.players = Enumerable.ToList <Player>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Player>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            if (Main.levelController != null)
                Main.photonView = (Main.ghostAI.field_Public_PhotonView_0 ?? null);
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));
            Main.ghostInfo = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostInfo>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.deadPlayer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DeadPlayer>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.player = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Player>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.rigidbody = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Rigidbody>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.itemSpawner = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ItemSpawner>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.ghostInteraction = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostInteraction>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            //Main.baseController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<BaseController>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.ouijaBoard = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <OuijaBoard>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.ouijaBoards = Enumerable.ToList <OuijaBoard>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <OuijaBoard>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.keys = Enumerable.ToList <Key>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Key>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.ghosts = Enumerable.ToList <GhostAI>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <GhostAI>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.serverManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ServerManager>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.torches = Enumerable.ToList <Torch>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Torch>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.ghostAudio = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostAudio>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.fuseBox = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <FuseBox>();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.doors = Enumerable.ToList <Door>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Door>());
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            Main.lightSwitches = Enumerable.ToList <LightSwitch>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <LightSwitch>());

            if (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <Player>() != null)
                Main.player = (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <Player>() ?? null);
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

                Main.playerAnim = (Main.player.field_Public_Animator_0 ?? null);
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

                if (Main.playerAnim != null)
                    Main.boneTransform = (Main.playerAnim.GetBoneTransform((HumanBodyBones)10) ?? null);
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

                    if (Main.boneTransform != null)
                        Main.light = (Main.boneTransform.GetComponent <Light>() ?? null);
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));
            yield return(null);

            yield break;
Esempio n. 27
        public async Task LoadObjectsTask()
            string curSceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.ToLower();

            while (!curSceneName.Contains("menu") && !curSceneName.Contains("new"))
                await Task.Delay(4000);

                if (SceneManager.sceneLoaded != null)
                    Main.gameController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameController>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.levelController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelController>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.levelSelectionManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelSelectionManager>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.walkieTalkie = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <WalkieTalkie>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.handCamera = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HandCamera>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.inventoryManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <InventoryManager>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.liftButton = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LiftButton>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.contract = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Contract>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.pCMenu = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PCMenu>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.exitLevel = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ExitLevel>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ghostAI = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostAI>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.lightSwitch = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LightSwitch>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.light = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Light>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.dNAEvidences = Enumerable.ToList <DNAEvidence>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <DNAEvidence>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.contracts = Enumerable.ToList <Contract>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Contract>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.items = Enumerable.ToList <InventoryItem>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <InventoryItem>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.players = Enumerable.ToList <Player>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Player>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.photonView = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PhotonView>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ghostInfo = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostInfo>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.deadPlayer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DeadPlayer>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.player = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Player>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.rigidbody = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Rigidbody>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.itemSpawner = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ItemSpawner>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ghostInteraction = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostInteraction>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    //Main.baseController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<BaseController>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ouijaBoard = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <OuijaBoard>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ouijaBoards = Enumerable.ToList <OuijaBoard>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <OuijaBoard>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.keys = Enumerable.ToList <Key>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Key>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ghosts = Enumerable.ToList <GhostAI>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <GhostAI>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.serverManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ServerManager>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.torches = Enumerable.ToList <Torch>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Torch>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.ghostAudio = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GhostAudio>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.fuseBox = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <FuseBox>();
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.doors = Enumerable.ToList <Door>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Door>());
                    await Task.Delay(150);

                    Main.lightSwitches = Enumerable.ToList <LightSwitch>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <LightSwitch>());
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates and caches resize information, for drawing ghosts and for performing
            /// actual resize operations</summary>
            /// <param name="layout">TimelineLayout</param>
            /// <param name="worldDrag">Drag offset</param>
            /// <param name="worldToView">World to view transformation matrix</param>
            /// <returns>Array of GhostInfo</returns>
            internal GhostInfo[] CreateGhostInfo(TimelineLayout layout, float worldDrag, Matrix worldToView)
                // Get snap-from point in world coordinates.
                float[] movingPoints = new[] { worldDrag + m_originalBoundary };
                float   snapOffset   = m_owner.GetSnapOffset(movingPoints, null);

                // adjust dragOffset to snap-to nearest event
                worldDrag         += snapOffset;
                DragOffsetWithSnap = worldDrag;

                GhostInfo[] ghosts = new GhostInfo[m_selection.Count];
                IEnumerator <TimelinePath> events = m_selection.GetEnumerator();

                m_worldGhostMin = float.MaxValue;
                m_worldGhostMax = float.MinValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < ghosts.Length; i++)
                    IEvent     curr       = (IEvent)events.Current.Last;
                    RectangleF bounds     = layout[events.Current];
                    float      viewStart  = bounds.Left;
                    float      viewEnd    = viewStart + bounds.Width;
                    float      worldStart = curr.Start;
                    float      worldEnd   = worldStart + curr.Length;

                        ref viewStart, ref viewEnd,
                        ref worldStart, ref worldEnd);

                    float worldLength = worldEnd - worldStart;
                    bounds = new RectangleF(viewStart, bounds.Y, viewEnd - viewStart, bounds.Height);
                    if (m_worldGhostMin > worldStart)
                        m_worldGhostMin = worldStart;
                    if (m_worldGhostMax < worldEnd)
                        m_worldGhostMax = worldEnd;

                    bool valid = true;

                    IInterval interval = curr as IInterval;
                    if (interval != null)
                        TimelinePath testPath = new TimelinePath(events.Current);
                        foreach (IInterval other in interval.Track.Intervals)
                            // Skip this interval if it's part of the selection because we have to assume
                            //  that the track began in a valid state and that all of the selected objects
                            //  will still be valid relative to each other. We only need to check that the
                            //  scaled objects are valid relative to the stationary objects.
                            testPath.Last = other;
                            if (Mode == ScaleMode.TimePeriod &&
                            else if (other == interval)

                            if (!m_owner.Constraints.IsIntervalValid(interval, ref worldStart, ref worldLength, other))
                                valid = false;

                    ghosts[i] = new GhostInfo(curr, null, worldStart, worldLength, bounds, valid);

                m_ghosts = ghosts;