private void Start() { _coll = GetComponent <CollisionHandler>(); _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); _anim = GetComponent <AnimationHandler>(); _anim = GetComponentInChildren <AnimationHandler>(); _vfx = GetComponent <VfxHandler>(); _ghost = GetComponent <GhostEffect>(); _healthManager = GetComponent <HealthManager>(); _attackManager = GetComponent <CharacterAttackManager>(); _capsuleCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>(); _input = GetComponent <IInputController>(); _gameManager = GameManager.Instance; _coll.OnGrounded += ResetIsJumping; _coll.OnWalled += ResetIsJumping; _groundTouch = true; _canStillJump = true; _wasOnWall = false; _side = 1; _capsuleOffset = _capsuleCollider.offset; _capsuleSize = _capsuleCollider.size; if (_showDebug) { CursedDebugger.Instance.Add("State", () => _state.ToString()); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (ghost == null) { ghost = GameObject.Find("Ghost(Clone)"); if (ghost == null) { ghost = GameObject.Find("Ghost"); } } else { m_GhostEffect = ghost.GetComponent <GhostEffect>(); } alha = meshrender.material.color.a; if (m_GhostEffect != null) { m_ControlType = m_GhostEffect.ControlType; } if (life > 0 && IsAct == true) { life--; } if (IsAct == false) { if (meshrender.material.color.a > 0) { meshrender.material.color -= new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1f); } } switch (m_ControlType) { case CServer.CONTROL_TYPE.GHOST: //常に見える状態 UpdateGhost(); break; case CServer.CONTROL_TYPE.HUMAN: //見えない状態 UpdateHuman(); break; } }
// Creates an Event with the same properties as the given event public Event(Event other) { type = other.type; actionToPerform = other.actionToPerform; basicActionToPerform = other.basicActionToPerform; soundEffect = other.soundEffect; cameraMovement = new CameraMovement(other.cameraMovement); slowMotion = other.slowMotion; particleEvent = other.particleEvent; forceEvent = new Force(other.forceEvent, false); colorFlash = other.colorFlash; ghostEffect = other.ghostEffect; screenShake = other.screenShake; tweenEvent = other.tweenEvent; startTime = other.startTime; duration = other.duration; }
/** Displays a foldout of a list of events */ public Brawler.Event[] Display() { showFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showFoldout, title + " (" + events.Length + ")"); if (showFoldout) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; // Cycle through each event for (int i = 0; i < events.Length; i++) { Brawler.Event e = events[i]; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { e.type = (Brawler.EventType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type:", e.type); if (GUILayout.Button("X", GUILayout.Width(40))) { = ArrayUtils.RemoveAt <Brawler.Event> (, i); showStartTimeFoldouts = ArrayUtils.RemoveAt <bool>(showStartTimeFoldouts, i); showDurationFoldouts = ArrayUtils.RemoveAt <bool>(showDurationFoldouts, i); continue; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.PerformAction) { // Select an action e.actionToPerform = (ActionScriptableObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Action:", e.actionToPerform, typeof(ActionScriptableObject), false); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.PerformBasicAction) { // Select a basic action e.basicActionToPerform = (BasicActionType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Basic action:", e.basicActionToPerform); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.CameraMovement) { // Set the camera settings = (TargetPosition)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Target position:",; if ( == TargetPosition.CustomPosition) { e.cameraMovement.targetPosition = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Position to move to:", e.cameraMovement.targetPosition); } e.cameraMovement.zoom = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Zoom:", e.cameraMovement.zoom); e.cameraMovement.cameraSpeed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Camera speed:", e.cameraMovement.cameraSpeed); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.SoundEffect) { // Select the sound effect to play when the event is triggered e.soundEffect = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Sound effect:", e.soundEffect, typeof(AudioClip), false); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.SlowMotion) { e.slowMotion.timeScale = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Time scale:", e.slowMotion.timeScale, 0.001f, 1.0f); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.ParticleEffect) { // Select a particle effect e.particleEvent.effect = (ParticleEffect)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Particle Effect:", e.particleEvent.effect); e.particleEvent.spawnPoint = (ParticleSpawnPoint)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Spawn Point:", e.particleEvent.spawnPoint); e.particleEvent.offset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Offset:", e.particleEvent.offset); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.Force) { Force force = e.forceEvent; // Select a force type force.forceType = (ForceType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Force Type:", force.forceType); switch (force.forceType) { case ForceType.Velocity: force.velocity = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Velocity:", force.velocity); force.relativeToFacingDirection = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Relative to facing direction?", force.relativeToFacingDirection); break; case ForceType.Position: = (TargetPosition)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Target Position:",; if ( == TargetPosition.CustomPosition) { force.customTargetPosition = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Custom Position:", force.customTargetPosition); } force.faceTarget = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Face target?", force.faceTarget); break; } } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.ColorFlash) { ColorFlash colorFlash = e.colorFlash; // Edit the color-flashing event colorFlash.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color:", colorFlash.color); colorFlash.renderInFront = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Render in front", colorFlash.renderInFront); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.Ghosting) { GhostEffect ghostEffect = e.ghostEffect; // Edit the ghosting effect ghostEffect.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color:", ghostEffect.color); ghostEffect.renderInFront = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Render in front", ghostEffect.renderInFront); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.ScreenShake) { ScreenShake screenShake = e.screenShake; // Modify the screen shake settings screenShake.speed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Speed:", screenShake.speed); screenShake.magnitude = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Magnitude:", screenShake.magnitude); } else if (e.type == Brawler.EventType.Tween) { TweenEvent tweenEvent = e.tweenEvent; TweenEventEditor(tweenEvent); } // Stores true if the event being edited requires a starting time to be specified bool editStartTime = (e.type != Brawler.EventType.None); // If we require to edit the duration if (editStartTime) { // "Starting Time" foldout showStartTimeFoldouts[i] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showStartTimeFoldouts[i], "Starting Time"); if (showStartTimeFoldouts[i]) { ActionEditor.StartTimeFoldout(e.startTime); } } // Stores true if the event being edited requires a 'duration' to be specified bool editDuration = (e.type == Brawler.EventType.SlowMotion || e.type == Brawler.EventType.Force || e.type == Brawler.EventType.ColorFlash || e.type == Brawler.EventType.FreezeAnimation || e.type == Brawler.EventType.ScreenShake || e.type == Brawler.EventType.Tween || e.type == Brawler.EventType.Ghosting); // If we require to edit the duration if (editDuration) { // "Duration" foldout showDurationFoldouts[i] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showDurationFoldouts[i], "Duration"); if (showDurationFoldouts[i]) { ActionEditor.DurationFoldout(e.duration); } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } // Add event ("+") button EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(""); // Add new event if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(40))) { = ArrayUtils.Add <Brawler.Event>(, new Brawler.Event()); showStartTimeFoldouts = ArrayUtils.Add <bool>(showStartTimeFoldouts, false); showDurationFoldouts = ArrayUtils.Add <bool>(showDurationFoldouts, false); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } // Return the modified array of events return(events); }
private bool Flash() { if (!canThrowCube && currentCube != null && CubeCDTimer > 10) { if (delta_ThrowInteraction > 0) { FlashOver = false; Vector2 start = transform.position; // 什么都没有击中 if (!currentCube.HitEnemy && !currentCube.HitInteractiveItem && !currentCube.HitGround) { gameObject.transform.position = currentCube.gameObject.transform.position; Destroy(currentCube.gameObject); _rigidbody.velocity =; } // 击中墙壁,自动跳起 if (currentCube.HitGround) { gameObject.transform.position = currentCube.HitGroundFlashPos; CubeCDTimer = 140; _rigidbody.velocity =; // 先让unity进行碰撞判定,然后再进行跳跃 // Invoke("JumpAction", 0.1f); JumpAction(); // 音效以及特效 playerSoundController.Play(PlayerSoundType.hit); RefreshEffect.Play(); // 进入无敌帧 isInvincible = true; Invoke("CancelInvincible", 0.04f); Destroy(currentCube.gameObject); } // 击中敌人,自动跳起 if (currentCube.HitEnemy) { <EnemyUnit>().GetHurt(1); gameObject.transform.position = currentCube.gameObject.transform.position; CubeCDTimer = 140; _rigidbody.velocity =; JumpAction(); // 音效以及特效 playerSoundController.Play(PlayerSoundType.hit); RefreshEffect.Play(); Destroy(currentCube.gameObject); } // 击中可交互物体 if (currentCube.HitInteractiveItem) { currentCube.InteractiveItem.GetComponent <InterActiveItem>().InterAction(); gameObject.transform.position = currentCube.gameObject.transform.position; CubeCDTimer = 140; _rigidbody.velocity =; JumpAction(); // 音效以及特效 playerSoundController.Play(PlayerSoundType.hit); RefreshEffect.Play(); Destroy(currentCube.gameObject); } // 音效 playerSoundController.Play(PlayerSoundType.flash); // 残影特效 GhostEffect ghostEffect = gameObject.GetComponent <GhostEffect>(); if (ghostEffect != null) { ghostEffect.DrawFlashGhost(start, gameObject.transform.position); } SecJump = false; return(true); } } if (delta_ThrowInteraction < 0) { FlashOver = true; } return(false); }