Esempio n. 1
    static unsafe void GetVoxelsInternal(ref GetVoxelsContext context, int indexStart)
        int i0 = context.indices[indexStart];
        int i1 = context.indices[indexStart + 1];
        int i2 = context.indices[indexStart + 2];

        SimpleMesh.Vertex v0 = context.verts[i0];
        SimpleMesh.Vertex v1 = context.verts[i1];
        SimpleMesh.Vertex v2 = context.verts[i2];

        float3 a = v0.Position;
        float3 b = v1.Position;
        float3 c = v2.Position;

        float3 normalTri;
            float3 normalCross           = cross(b - a, c - a);
            float  normalCrossLengthSqrd = dot(normalCross, normalCross);
            if (normalCrossLengthSqrd == 0f)
            normalTri = normalCross * rcp(sqrt(normalCrossLengthSqrd));

        // extend every tri by half a voxel by just extending it along the corner-middle dir.
        // it's a naive attempt to get a conservative rasterizer - works good enough in general
        float3 middle = (a + b + c) / 3f;

        a += normalize(a - middle) * 0.5f;
        b += normalize(b - middle) * 0.5f;
        c += normalize(c - middle) * 0.5f;

        // get the AABB
        float3 minf          = min(a, min(b, c));
        float3 maxf          = max(a, max(b, c));
        int3   maxDimensions = context.maxDimensions;
        int3   mini          = clamp(int3(floor(minf)), 0, maxDimensions);
        int3   maxi          = clamp(int3(ceil(maxf)), 0, maxDimensions);

        int written = 0;
        VoxelizedPosition *positions = context.positions;
        int positionsLength          = context.positionLength;

        Color color0 = v0.Color;
        Color color1 = v1.Color;
        Color color2 = v2.Color;

        for (int x = mini.x; x <= maxi.x; x++)
            for (int z = mini.z; z <= maxi.z; z++)
                for (int y = mini.y; y <= maxi.y; y++)
                    float3 voxel = float3(x, y, z) + 0.5f;
                    float  normalDistToTriangle = dot(voxel - a, normalTri);
                    if (abs(normalDistToTriangle) > 0.5f)
                        continue;                         // distance to the triangle plane is over half a voxel -> the other side will have a voxel instead if we're at 0.5-1.0 dist

                    // set up barycentric coordinates
                    float3 p     = voxel - normalTri * normalDistToTriangle;
                    float3 p0    = b - a;
                    float3 p1    = c - a;
                    float3 p2    = p - a;
                    float  d00   = dot(p0, p0);
                    float  d01   = dot(p0, p1);
                    float  d11   = dot(p1, p1);
                    float  d20   = dot(p2, p0);
                    float  d21   = dot(p2, p1);
                    float  denom = 1f / (d00 * d11 - d01 * d01);
                    float3 barry;
                    barry.y = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) * denom;              // v1
                    barry.z = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) * denom;              // v2
                    barry.x = 1.0f - barry.y - barry.z;                     // v0

                    if (any(barry < 0 | barry > 1))
                        continue;                         // we're on the triangle plane, but outside the triangle

                    // interpolate vertex colors with the barycentric coordinates
                    Color color;
                    color.r = (color0.r * barry.x + color1.r * barry.y + color2.r * barry.z);
                    color.g = (color0.g * barry.x + color1.g * barry.y + color2.g * barry.z);
                    color.b = (color0.b * barry.x + color1.b * barry.y + color2.b * barry.z);
                    color.a = 1f;

                    float2 uv;
                    uv.x = (v0.UV.x * barry.x + v1.UV.x * barry.y + v2.UV.x * barry.z);
                    uv.y = (v0.UV.y * barry.x + v1.UV.y * barry.y + v2.UV.y * barry.z);

                    int idx = x * (maxDimensions.z + 1) + z;
                    positions[written++] = new VoxelizedPosition
                        XZIndex       = idx,
                        Y             = (short)y,
                        Color         = color,
                        MaterialIndex = (sbyte)v0.MaterialIndex,
                        UV            = uv

                    if (written == positionsLength)
                        goto END;                         // buffer full, our triangle must've been huge
        context.writtenVoxelCount = written;
Esempio n. 2
 public unsafe static void GetVoxels(ref GetVoxelsContext context, int indexStart)
     GetVoxelsInvoker(ref context, indexStart);