Esempio n. 1
        public PSLocalTask <GetSubscription, PimSubscriptionProxy> CreateGetSubscriptionTask(ExchangePrincipal executingUser)
            GetSubscription task = new GetSubscription();

            this.InitializeTaskToExecuteInMode(executingUser, task, "Get-Subscription", "Identity");
            return(new PSLocalTask <GetSubscription, PimSubscriptionProxy>(task));
Esempio n. 2
        public ANetApiResponse TestGetSubscription()
            var response    = (ARBCreateSubscriptionResponse)CreateSubscription.Run(apiLoginId, transactionKey, GetMonth());
            var getResponse = GetSubscription.Run(apiLoginId, transactionKey, response.subscriptionId);

            CancelSubscription.Run(apiLoginId, transactionKey, response.subscriptionId);
Esempio n. 3
 public void Initialize()
     dto = new GetSubscription
         Id = DataFormats.CreateEntityIdentifier()
     validator = new GetSubscriptionValidator();
        public GetSubscriptionResponse Get(GetSubscription request)
            var subscription = Store.Get(request.Id);

            if (subscription == null)
                throw HttpError.NotFound(null);

            var history = Store.Search(request.Id, 100)
                          .OrderByDescending(result => result.AttemptedDateUtc)

            logger.InfoFormat(@"Retrieved subscription {0} by user {1}", subscription.Id, Caller.UserId);

            return(new GetSubscriptionResponse
                Subscription = subscription,
                History = history
Esempio n. 5
    public KeyVaultStack()
        // Get current Subscription
        var currentSubscription = Output.Create(GetSubscription.InvokeAsync());
        var tenantId            = currentSubscription.Apply(currentSubscription => currentSubscription.TenantId);

        // Get current Client Config
        var currentClient = Output.Create(GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync());
        var objectId      = currentClient.Apply(currentClient => currentClient.ObjectId);

        var config            = new Pulumi.Config();
        var resourceGroupName = config.Require("resource_group_name");
        var keyVaultName      = config.Require("key_vault_name");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);

        // Create an Azure Key Vault
        var keyVault = new KeyVault(keyVaultName, new KeyVaultArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "standard",
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            AccessPolicies    =
                new KeyVaultAccessPolicyArgs
                    TenantId          = tenantId,
                    ObjectId          = objectId,
                    SecretPermissions ={ "list",                         "get" }

        this.VaultUri = keyVault.VaultUri;
    public WebAppStack()
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg-easy-azure-webapp");

        var clientConfig = Output.Create(GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync());

        var tenantId         = clientConfig.Apply(config => config.TenantId);
        var currentPrincipal = clientConfig.Apply(config => config.ObjectId);

        var solutionRoot = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SOLUTION_ROOT_DIRECTORY");

        var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard",

        var storageContainer = new Container("files", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",

        var codeBlob = new Blob("zip", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = storageContainer.Name,
            Type = "Block",

            Source = new FileArchive(Path.Join(solutionRoot, "src/Services/EasyAzureWebApp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish"))

        var keyVault = new KeyVault("key-vault", new KeyVaultArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "standard",
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            SoftDeleteEnabled = true,

        var keyVaultPolicy = new AccessPolicy("key-vault-policy", new AccessPolicyArgs
            KeyVaultId        = keyVault.Id,
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            ObjectId          = currentPrincipal,
            SecretPermissions = new[] { "delete", "get", "list", "set" },

        var codeBlobSecret = new Secret("zip-secret", new SecretArgs
            KeyVaultId = keyVault.Id,
            Value      = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(codeBlob, storageAccount),

        var codeBlobSecretUrl = Output.All(keyVault.VaultUri, codeBlobSecret.Name, codeBlobSecret.Version)
                                .Apply(d => $"{d[0]}secrets/{d[1]}/{d[2]}");

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("easy-azure-webapp-plan", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "App",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Basic",
                Size = "B1",

        var appService = new AppService("easy-azure-webapp", new AppServiceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            Identity          = new AppServiceIdentityArgs
                Type = "SystemAssigned",
            AppSettings = new InputMap <string>
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_ZIP", codeBlobSecretUrl.Apply(url => $"@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={url})") },

        var appServiceGet = AppService.Get("easy-azure-webapp-get", appService.Id,
                                           new AppServiceState
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
                                           new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn = appService,

        var principalId = appServiceGet.Identity.Apply(id => id.PrincipalId !);

        var policy = new AccessPolicy("app-policy", new AccessPolicyArgs
            KeyVaultId        = keyVault.Id,
            TenantId          = tenantId,
            ObjectId          = principalId,
            SecretPermissions = "get",

        var subscriptionOutput = Output.Create(GetSubscription.InvokeAsync());
        var scope = Output.All(
            subscriptionOutput.Apply(s => s.SubscriptionId),
            ).Apply(s => $"/subscriptions/{s[0]}/resourcegroups/{s[1]}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{s[2]}/blobServices/default/containers/{s[3]}");

        var codeBlobPermission = new Assignment("read-code-blob", new AssignmentArgs
            PrincipalId        = principalId !,
            Scope              = scope,
            RoleDefinitionName = "Storage Blob Data Reader",
Esempio n. 7
        public object Get(GetSubscription request)
            string cacheKey = request.Name + request.ID + request.SteamId;
            return Request.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(
                () =>
                    Sub sub = null;

                    if (request.ID > 0)
                        sub = Db.SingleById<Sub>(request.ID);
                        if (request.SteamId > 0)
                            sub = Db.Select<Sub>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.SteamId == request.SteamId);
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Name))
                            sub = Db.Select<Sub>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == request.Name);

                    return sub;
Esempio n. 8
        public MyStack()
            var env = Deployment.Instance.StackName;

            // Create an Azure Resource Group
            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup($"{env}-skywalker-website");

            // Create an Azure Storage Account
            var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard",

            // Create a container registry.
            var registry = new Registry("registry", new RegistryArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Sku          = "Basic",
                AdminEnabled = true

            // Create a username for SQL Server.
            var sqlUserName = "******";

            // Create a random password for SQL Server.
            var sqlPassword = new RandomPassword("password", new RandomPasswordArgs
                Length  = 20,
                Special = true,

            // Create a Sql Server.
            var sqlServer = new SqlServer("sql", new SqlServerArgs
                ResourceGroupName          = resourceGroup.Name,
                AdministratorLogin         = sqlUserName,
                AdministratorLoginPassword = sqlPassword,
                Version = "12.0",

            // Create a database.
            var database = new Database("skywalker", new DatabaseArgs
                ResourceGroupName             = resourceGroup.Name,
                ServerName                    = sqlServer.Name,
                RequestedServiceObjectiveName = "S0",

            var dbConnectionString = Output.Tuple(sqlServer.Name, database.Name, sqlPassword).Apply(x =>
                (var server, var dbName, string pwd) = x;
                ($"Server= tcp:{server};initial catalog={dbName};user ID={sqlUserName};password={pwd};Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=30;Persist Security Info=true;");

            // Create an app service plan.
            var plan = new Plan($"skywalker-apps", new PlanArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Kind     = "Linux",
                Reserved = true,
                Sku      = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Basic",
                    Size = "B1"

            // Create an app service.
            var appService = new AppService($"skywalker-website", new AppServiceArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServicePlanId  = plan.Id,
                AppSettings       = new InputMap <string>
                    ["WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE"] = "false",
                    ["WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_RETENTION_DAYS"]  = "1",
                    ["DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL"]          = registry.LoginServer.Apply(x => $"https://{x}"),
                    ["DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME"]     = registry.AdminUsername,
                    ["DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD"]     = registry.AdminPassword,
                    ["DOCKER_ENABLE_CI"] = "false",
                    ["WEBSITES_PORT"]    = "80",
                    ["ORCHARDCORE__ORCHARDCORE_MEDIA_AZURE__CONNECTIONSTRING"]  = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
                ConnectionStrings = new AppServiceConnectionStringArgs
                    Name  = "db",
                    Type  = "SQLAzure",
                    Value = dbConnectionString,
                Logs = new AppServiceLogsArgs
                    HttpLogs = new AppServiceLogsHttpLogsArgs
                        FileSystem = new AppServiceLogsHttpLogsFileSystemArgs
                            RetentionInDays = 1,
                            RetentionInMb   = 35
                SiteConfig = new AppServiceSiteConfigArgs
                    AlwaysOn       = true,
                    LinuxFxVersion = registry.LoginServer.Apply(x => $"DOCKER|{x}/skywalker-website:latest"),
                HttpsOnly = true

            var appName = appService.Name;

            // Create a service principal for GitHub Actions to interact with the App Service.
            var adApp = new Application("skywalker-website");

            var adSp = new ServicePrincipal(
                new ServicePrincipalArgs
                ApplicationId = adApp.ApplicationId,

            var adSpPassword = new ServicePrincipalPassword("skywalker-sp-pwd", new ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs
                ServicePrincipalId = adSp.Id,
                Value   = "!Test1234",
                EndDate = "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z",

            // Grant networking permissions to the SP (needed e.g. to provision Load Balancers).
            var assignment = new Assignment("skywalker-sp-role-assignment", new AssignmentArgs
                PrincipalId        = adSp.Id,
                Scope              = resourceGroup.Id,
                RoleDefinitionName = "Owner"

            var azureCredentials = Output.Tuple(
                                   .Apply(x =>
                var currentSubscription = GetSubscription.InvokeAsync().Result;

                var model = new
                    clientId       = x.Item1,
                    clientSecret   = x.Item2,
                    subscriptionId = currentSubscription.SubscriptionId,
                    tenantId       = currentSubscription.TenantId,


            StorageConnectionString  = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString;
            DatabaseConnectionString = dbConnectionString;
            RegistryServer           = registry.LoginServer;
            RegistryRepo             = registry.LoginServer;
            RegistryUser             = registry.AdminUsername;
            RegistryPassword         = registry.AdminPassword;
            AzureCredentials         = azureCredentials;
            AppName    = appName;
            WebsiteUrl = appService.DefaultSiteHostname.Apply(x => $"https://{x}");

            // Push secrets to GitHub.
            var variablePrefix  = env.ToUpperInvariant();
            var gitHubVariables = new GitHubVariables("github-variables", new GitHubVariablesArgs
                Variables = new Dictionary <string, Input <string> >
                    [$"{variablePrefix}_DOCKER_REGISTRY"]   = RegistryServer,
                    [$"{variablePrefix}_DOCKER_REPO"]       = RegistryRepo,
                    [$"{variablePrefix}_DOCKER_USER"]       = RegistryUser,
                    [$"{variablePrefix}_DOCKER_PASSWORD"]   = RegistryPassword,
                    [$"{variablePrefix}_APP_NAME"]          = AppName,
                    [$"{variablePrefix}_AZURE_CREDENTIALS"] = azureCredentials