Esempio n. 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            // frontmostRaycastHit stores information about the RaycastHit2D that is returned by GetFrontmostRaycastHit()
            frontmostRaycastHit = GetFrontmostRaycastHit();

            // If frontmostRaycastHit is true, i,e the user hasn't clicked on nothing, i.e GetFrontmostRaycastHit() didn't return nothing...
            if (frontmostRaycastHit.nothingClicked == false)
                // Assigns the game object that the collider that has been clicked on to leftClickedObject.
                leftClickedObject = frontmostRaycastHit.rayCastHit2D.collider.gameObject;

                // Sends the frontmostRaycast to a function called OnLeftClick in a script attached to whatever the leftClickedObject is.
                leftClickedObject.SendMessage("OnLeftClick", frontmostRaycastHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        // If the right mouse button is clicked anywhere...
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            // frontmostRaycastHit stores information about the RaycastHit2D that is returned by GetFrontmostRaycastHit()
            frontmostRaycastHit = GetFrontmostRaycastHit();

            // If frontmostRaycastHit is true, i,e the user hasn't clicked on nothing, i.e GetFrontmostRaycastHit() didn't return nothing...
            if (frontmostRaycastHit.nothingClicked == false)
                // Assigns the game object that the collider that has been clicked on to rightClickedObject.
                rightClickedObject = frontmostRaycastHit.rayCastHit2D.collider.gameObject;

                // Sends the frontmostRaycast to a function called OnLeftClick in a script attached to whatever the rightClickedObject is.
                rightClickedObject.SendMessage("OnRightClick", frontmostRaycastHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Esempio n. 2
 public Clicked Click(Vector2 touch)
     // If the left mouse button is clicked anywhere...
     //if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
         // frontmostRaycastHit stores information about the RaycastHit2D that is returned by GetFrontmostRaycastHit()
         frontmostRaycastHit = GetFrontmostRaycastHit(touch);
         if (frontmostRaycastHit.rayCastHit2D.collider != null) {
             clickable.clicked_object = frontmostRaycastHit.rayCastHit2D.collider.gameObject;
             clickable.isClicked = !frontmostRaycastHit.nothingClicked;
         clickable.isClicked = false;
         return clickable;
Esempio n. 3
    GetFrontmostRaycastHitResult GetFrontmostRaycastHit(Vector2 touch)
        GetFrontmostRaycastHitResult result = new GetFrontmostRaycastHitResult();

        Vector3 screenPosition = new Vector3(touch.x,touch.y,0f);

        // Store the point where the user has clicked as a Vector3.
        Camera mainCam = Camera.main;
        //Vector3 clickPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
        Vector3 clickPosition = mainCam.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
        //Camera cam2 = GameObject.Find("Camera").GetComponent<Camera>();
        //Vector3 clickPosition2 = cam2.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
        LayerMask removedLayer = ~LayerMask.NameToLayer("ItemDisplayFrame");

        // Retrieve all raycast hits from the click position and store them in an array called "hits".
        RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.LinecastAll (clickPosition, clickPosition/*, removedLayer*/);
        //RaycastHit2D[] hits2 = Physics2D.LinecastAll(clickPosition2, clickPosition2/*, removedLayer*/);

        if (hits.Length/*+hits2.Length*/ != 0)
            // A variable that will store the frontmost sorting layer that contains an object that has been clicked on as an int.
            int topSortingLayer = 0;

            int indexOfTopSortingLayer;

            // An array that stores the IDs of all the sorting layers that contain a sprite in the path of the linecast.
            int[] sortingLayerIDArray = new int[hits.Length];//+hits2.Length];

            // An array that stores the sorting orders of each sprite that has been hit by the linecast
            int[] sortingOrderArray = new int[hits.Length];//+hits2.Length];

            // An array that stores the sorting order number of the frontmost sprite that has been clicked.
            int topSortingOrder = 0;

            // A variable that will store the index in the sortingOrderArray where topSortingOrder is. This index used with the hits array will give us our frontmost clicked sprite.
            int indexOfTopSortingOrder = 0;

            bool hit = false;

            // Loop through the array of raycast hits...
            for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length;/*+hits2.Length;*/ i++)
                // Get the SpriteRenderer from each game object under the click.
                if (i < hits.Length)
                    spriteRenderer = hits[i].collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
                    //spriteRenderer = hits2[i-hits.Length].collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

                if (spriteRenderer != null)
                    sortingLayerIDArray[i] = spriteRenderer.sortingLayerID;
                    sortingOrderArray[i] = spriteRenderer.sortingOrder;
                    hit = true;

            if (!hit)
                if (showDebug)Debug.Log("Nothing clicked.");
                result.nothingClicked = true;
                return result;

            // Loop through the array of sprite sorting layer IDs...
            for (int j = 0; j < sortingLayerIDArray.Length; j++)
                // If the sortingLayerID is higher that the topSortingLayer...
                if (sortingLayerIDArray[j] >= topSortingLayer)
                    topSortingLayer = sortingLayerIDArray[j];
                    indexOfTopSortingLayer = j;

            // Loop through the array of sprite sorting orders...
            for (int k = 0; k < sortingOrderArray.Length; k++)
                // If the sorting order of the sprite is higher than topSortingOrder AND the sprite is on the top sorting layer...
                if (sortingOrderArray[k] >= topSortingOrder && sortingLayerIDArray[k] == topSortingLayer)
                    topSortingOrder = sortingOrderArray[k];
                    indexOfTopSortingOrder = k; //Set index of sprite that is on top layer
                    // Do nothing and continue loop.

            // How many sprites with colliders attached are underneath the click?
            //if (showDebug) Debug.Log("How many sprites have been clicked on: " + (hits.Length+hits2.Length).ToString());
            // Which is the sorting layer of the frontmost clicked sprite?
            if (showDebug)Debug.Log("Frontmost sorting layer ID: "+ topSortingLayer);
            // Which is the order in that sorting layer of the frontmost clicked sprite?
            if (showDebug)Debug.Log("Frontmost order in layer: "+ topSortingOrder);

            // The indexOfTopSortingOrder will also be the index of the frontmost raycast hit in the array "hits".
            /*if (indexOfTopSortingOrder >= hits.Length)
                result.rayCastHit2D = hits2[indexOfTopSortingOrder-hits.Length];
                result.rayCastHit2D = hits[indexOfTopSortingOrder];
            result.nothingClicked = false;
            return result;
        else // If the hits array has a length of 0 then nothing has been clicked...
            if (showDebug)Debug.Log("Nothing clicked.");
            result.nothingClicked = true;
            return result;
Esempio n. 4
    GetFrontmostRaycastHitResult GetFrontmostRaycastHit()
        GetFrontmostRaycastHitResult result = new GetFrontmostRaycastHitResult();

        // Store the point where the user has clicked as a Vector3.
        Vector3 clickPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

        // Retrieve all raycast hits from the click position and store them in an array called "hits".
        RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.LinecastAll(clickPosition, clickPosition);

        // If the raycast hits something...
        if (hits.Length != 0)
            // A variable that will store the frontmost sorting layer that contains an object that has been clicked on as an int.
            int topSortingLayer = 0;
            // A variable that will store the index of the top sorting layer as an int.
            int indexOfTopSortingLayer;
            // An array that stores the IDs of all the sorting layers that contain a sprite in the path of the linecast.
            int[] sortingLayerIDArray = new int[hits.Length];
            // An array that stores the sorting orders of each sprite that has been hit by the linecast
            int[] sortingOrderArray = new int[hits.Length];
            // An array that stores the sorting order number of the frontmost sprite that has been clicked.
            int topSortingOrder = 0;
            // A variable that will store the index in the sortingOrderArray where topSortingOrder is. This index used with the hits array will give us our frontmost clicked sprite.
            int indexOfTopSortingOrder = 0;

            // Loop through the array of raycast hits...
            for (var i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
                // Get the SpriteRenderer from each game object under the click.
                spriteRenderer = hits[i].collider.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

                // Access the sortingLayerID through the SpriteRenderer and store it in the sortingLayerIDArray.
                sortingLayerIDArray[i] = spriteRenderer.sortingLayerID;

                // Access the sortingOrder through the SpriteRenderer and store it in the sortingOrderArray.
                sortingOrderArray[i] = spriteRenderer.sortingOrder;

            // Loop through the array of sprite sorting layer IDs...
            for (int j = 0; j < sortingLayerIDArray.Length; j++)
                // If the sortingLayerID is higher that the topSortingLayer...
                if (sortingLayerIDArray[j] >= topSortingLayer)
                    topSortingLayer        = sortingLayerIDArray[j];
                    indexOfTopSortingLayer = j;

            // Loop through the array of sprite sorting orders...
            for (int k = 0; k < sortingOrderArray.Length; k++)
                // If the sorting order of the sprite is higher than topSortingOrder AND the sprite is on the top sorting layer...
                if (sortingOrderArray[k] >= topSortingOrder && sortingLayerIDArray[k] == topSortingLayer)
                    topSortingOrder        = sortingOrderArray[k];
                    indexOfTopSortingOrder = k;
                    // Do nothing and continue loop.

            // How many sprites with colliders attached are underneath the click?
            if (showDebug)
                Debug.Log("How many sprites have been clicked on: " + hits.Length);

            // Which is the sorting layer of the frontmost clicked sprite?
            if (showDebug)
                Debug.Log("Frontmost sorting layer ID: " + topSortingLayer);

            // Which is the order in that sorting layer of the frontmost clicked sprite?
            if (showDebug)
                Debug.Log("Frontmost order in layer: " + topSortingOrder);

            // The indexOfTopSortingOrder will also be the index of the frontmost raycast hit in the array "hits".
            result.rayCastHit2D   = hits[indexOfTopSortingOrder];
            result.nothingClicked = false;
        else         // If the hits array has a length of 0 then nothing has been clicked...
            if (showDebug)
                Debug.Log("Nothing clicked.");
            result.nothingClicked = true;