void GetCompany(string command = @"SELECT company FROM [StockDatabase].[dbo].[standard_analysis] group by company order by company") { SQL_Action sq = new SQL_Action("server=USER-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;database=ProssibilityDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI"); List <string> company = new List <string>(); GetDatabase.GetData(command, ref _company); }
void GetData() { string command; command = @"SELECT [Time],[_" + company + @"] FROM [StockDatabase].[dbo].[technical_analysis] where [MyIndex]=209 and [Time] between '" + startDate + "' and '" + endDate + "' order by [Time]"; GetDatabase.GetData(command, ref ClosePrice); command = @"SELECT [Time],[_" + company + @"] FROM [StockDatabase].[dbo].[technical_analysis] where [MyIndex]=201 and [Time] between '" + startDate + "' and '" + endDate + "' order by [Time]"; GetDatabase.GetData(command, ref RewardRatio); command = @"SELECT [Time],[_" + company + @"] FROM [StockDatabase].[dbo].[technical_analysis] where [MyIndex]=208 and [Time] between '" + startDate + "' and '" + endDate + "' order by [Time]"; GetDatabase.GetData(command, ref Volumn); }