public IEnumerable <CorrectionModel> corr(string type_fil)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var res = (from c in db.Candidats
                       join d in db.Diplomes on c.Cne equals d.Cne
                       join e in db.Filieres on c.ID equals e.ID
                       join b in db.CouncourEcrits on c.Cne equals b.Cne
                       where (c.Presence == true && c.Niveau == 3 && e.Nom == type_fil)
                       select new CorrectionModel
                Num_dossier = c.Num_dossier,
                Cin = c.Cin,
                Cne = c.Cne,
                NoteMath = b.NoteMath,
                NoteSpecialite = b.NoteSpecialite,

                Nom = c.Nom,
                Prenom = c.Prenom,
                //Filiere = b.Nom,
                Diplome = d.Type,
                Filiere = e.Nom,

        public string uploadEpreuve(UploadModel epreuve)
            HttpPostedFileBase file     = epreuve.file;
            string             matiere  = epreuve.matiere;
            string             annee    = epreuve.annee;
            string             response = "1";

            if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                    string path = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Epreuves/"), file.FileName);
                    GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
                    Epreuves epr = new Epreuves();
                    epr.NomFichier = file.FileName;
                    epr.Matiere    = matiere;
                    epr.Annee      = annee;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response = ex.Message;
                response = "0";
        public ActionResult Login(Candidat candidat)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var x = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == candidat.Cne && c.Cin == candidat.Cin && c.Password == candidat.Password).SingleOrDefault();

            if (x == null)
                TempData["error"] = "False Credential";
                Session["cne"] = candidat.Cne;

                Session["niveau"] = x.Niveau;
                Session["role"]   = "user";
                Session["photo"]  = candidat.Photo;

                if (x.Verified == 1)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Step1", "Auth"));
        public IEnumerable <CorrectionModel4> corr4(string type_fil)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var res = (from c in db.Candidats
                       join d in db.Diplomes on c.Cne equals d.Cne
                       join e in db.Filieres on c.ID equals e.ID
                       join b in db.CouncourOrals on c.Cne equals b.Cne
                       where (c.Presence == true && c.Niveau == 4 && e.Nom == type_fil)
                       select new CorrectionModel4
                Num_dossier = c.Num_dossier,
                Cin = c.Cin,
                Cne = c.Cne,
                Nom = c.Nom,
                Prenom = c.Prenom,
                Etablissement = d.Etablissement + "   -   " + d.VilleObtention,
                Filiere = e.Nom,
                Diplome = d.Type,
                VilleObtention = d.VilleObtention,
                Specialite = d.Specialite,
                Classement = b.Classement,

        public JsonResult Image(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            string response = " ";

            if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                    String extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                    Random r         = new Random();
                    int    rInt      = r.Next(0, 10000);
                    string fileName  = rInt.ToString() + extension.ToLower();
                    string path      = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Pictures/userPic"), fileName);
                    string cne = Session["cne"].ToString();
                    GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
                    var x = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == cne).SingleOrDefault();
                    x.Photo = fileName;
                    Session["photo"] = fileName;
                    response         = fileName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response = "icon.png";
                response = "icon.png";
            return(Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult Verify(string cne)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var x = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == cne).SingleOrDefault();

            x.Verified = 1;
            TempData["message"] = "Account Verified Succefully";
Esempio n. 7
        public IEnumerable <SearchModel3> restoreCorbeil(string cne, int niveau)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var y = db.Corbeilles.Where(cor => cor.CNE == cne).SingleOrDefault();

            var x =;

Esempio n. 8
        public IEnumerable <SearchModel3> conformCandidat(string cne, int niveau)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var x = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == cne).SingleOrDefault();

            x.Conforme = !x.Conforme;
            var y =;

Esempio n. 9
        public IEnumerable <SearchModel3> deleteCandidat(string cne, int niveau)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            Candidat  cand             = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == cne).SingleOrDefault();
            Corbeille corb             = new Corbeille();

            corb.CNE = cne;
            var x =;

        public IEnumerable <DiplomeFichierModel> diplomeFile(string cne, int niveau)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var x = (from f in db.Fichiers
                     join c in db.Candidats on f.Cne equals c.Cne
                     where f.Cne == cne
                     where c.Niveau == niveau
                     select new DiplomeFichierModel
                ID = f.ID,
                nom = f.nom

        public ActionResult Profil()
            if (Session["cne"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Auth"));
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();

            Candidat c1 = db.Candidats.Where(p => p.Cne == Session["cne"].ToString()).SingleOrDefault();

            if (c1.Verified == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Step1", "Auth"));
        public ActionResult PasswordOublie(string email)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            Candidat     candidat      = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Email == email).SingleOrDefault();
            Random       random        = new Random();
            const string pool          = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
            var          chars         = Enumerable.Range(0, 7)
                                         .Select(x => pool[random.Next(0, pool.Length)]);
            string password = new string(chars.ToArray());

                candidat.Password = password;
                var          fromAddress  = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "From ENSAS ");
                var          toAddress    = new MailAddress(email, "To Name");
                const string fromPassword = "******";
                const string subject      = "Restauration de mot de pass";
                //string body = "<a href=\"http://localhost:49969/Auth/Verify?cne="+candidat.Cne+" \">Link</a><br /><p> this is the password : "******"</p>";
                string body = "<div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><img src=\" \" /></div><br><div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><strong><span style=\"color:'red'\">Vous trouverez votre nouveau mot de passe au dessous</span></strong><br></div><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"card\" style=\"width: 18rem;\"><div class=\"card-body\"><strong>Nom :</strong><span>" + candidat.Nom + "</span><br /><strong>Prenom : </strong><span>" + candidat.Prenom + "</span><br /><strong>CNE : </strong><span>" + candidat.Cne + "</span><br /><strong>CIN : </strong><span>" + candidat.Cin + "</span><br /><strong>Password : </strong><span>" + candidat.Password + "</span><br /></div></div></div></div>";
                var    smtp = new SmtpClient
                    Host           = "",
                    Port           = 587,
                    EnableSsl      = true,
                    DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                    Credentials    = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword),
                    Timeout        = 60000
                using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                    Subject = subject,
                    Body = body
                    message.IsBodyHtml = true;
                TempData["message"] = "Email Sent Succefully";
            } catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["error"] = "Entrer des données valides";
Esempio n. 13
        public IEnumerable <SearchModel3> info(int niveau)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var x = (from c in db.Candidats
                     join a in db.AnneeUniversitaires on c.Cne equals a.Cne
                     join b in db.Baccalaureats on c.Cne equals b.Cne
                     join concour in db.CouncourEcrits on c.Cne equals concour.Cne
                     join d in db.Diplomes on c.Cne equals d.Cne
                     join corb in db.Corbeilles on c.Cne equals corb.CNE
                     join oral in db.CouncourOrals on c.Cne equals oral.Cne
                     where c.Niveau == niveau
                     select new SearchModel3
                Nom = c.Nom,
                Prenom = c.Prenom,
                Sexe = c.Sexe,
                NoteBac = b.NoteBac,
                Note1 = a.Semestre1,
                Note2 = a.Semestre2,
                Note3 = a.Semestre3,
                Note4 = a.Semestre4,
                Dossier = c.Num_dossier,
                Convoque = c.Convoque,
                Math = concour.NoteMath,
                Specialite = concour.NoteSpecialite,
                Matricule = c.Matricule,
                Email = c.Email,
                Lieu_Naiss = c.LieuNaissance,
                Nationalite = c.Nationalite,
                Adress = c.Adresse,
                Ville = c.Ville,
                Type_dip = d.Type,
                note_Diplome = d.NoteDiplome,
                Etablissement = d.Etablissement,
                Ville_dip = d.VilleObtention,
                Date_inscription = c.DateInscription,
                Admis = c.Admis,
                Filiere = db.Filieres.Where(f => f.ID == c.ID).FirstOrDefault().Nom,
                Cin = c.Cin,
                Cne = c.Cne,
                NonConforme = c.Conforme

Esempio n. 14
        public ActionResult INDUS_Post4()
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();

            var    NOTES = Request["etudiants.Classement"].ToString().Split(',');
            var    CNE   = Request["etudiants.Cne"].ToString().Split(',');
            String d;

            for (int i = 0; i < CNE.Length; i++)
                d = CNE[i].ToString();
                ConcourOral con = db.CouncourOrals.Find(d);
                con.Classement = Int32.Parse(NOTES[i]);

Esempio n. 15
        public ActionResult INFO_Post()
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();

            var NOTES = Request["etudiants.NoteMath"].ToString().Split(',');

            var CNE = Request["etudiants.Cne"].ToString().Split(',');

            var NOTES2 = Request["etudiants.NoteSpecialite"].ToString().Split(',');
            //var CIN = Request["etudiants.Cin"].ToString().Split(',');
            String d;

            for (int i = 0; i < CNE.Length; i++)
                d = CNE[i].ToString();
                ConcourEcrit con = db.CouncourEcrits.Find(d);
                con.NoteMath       = Double.Parse(NOTES[i]);
                con.NoteSpecialite = Double.Parse(NOTES2[i]);

Esempio n. 16
        public IEnumerable <SearchModel3> specifiedSearch(string Criteria, string Key, string Diplome, string Filiere, int niveau)
            //first select
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();

            db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
            var x = (from c in db.Candidats
                     join a in db.AnneeUniversitaires on c.Cne equals a.Cne
                     join b in db.Baccalaureats on c.Cne equals b.Cne
                     join concour in db.CouncourEcrits on c.Cne equals concour.Cne
                     join d in db.Diplomes on c.Cne equals d.Cne
                     where !db.Corbeilles.Select(g => g.CNE).ToList().Contains(c.Cne)
                     join oral in db.CouncourOrals on c.Cne equals oral.Cne
                     where c.Niveau == niveau
                     select new SearchModel3
                Nom = c.Nom,
                Prenom = c.Prenom,
                Sexe = c.Sexe,
                NoteBac = b.NoteBac,
                Note1 = a.Semestre1,
                Note2 = a.Semestre2,
                Note3 = a.Semestre3,
                Note4 = a.Semestre4,
                Dossier = c.Num_dossier,
                Convoque = c.Convoque,
                Math = concour.NoteMath,
                Specialite = concour.NoteSpecialite,
                Matricule = c.Matricule,
                Email = c.Email,
                Lieu_Naiss = c.LieuNaissance,
                Nationalite = c.Nationalite,
                Adress = c.Adresse,
                Ville = c.Ville,
                Type_dip = d.Type,
                note_Diplome = d.NoteDiplome,
                Etablissement = d.Etablissement,
                Ville_dip = d.VilleObtention,
                Date_inscription = c.DateInscription,
                Admis = c.Admis,
                Filiere = db.Filieres.Where(f => f.ID == c.ID).FirstOrDefault().Nom,
                Cin = c.Cin,
                Cne = c.Cne,
                NonConforme = c.Conforme

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Key))
                if (Criteria == "convoque" || Criteria == "admis")
                    var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SearchModel3), "p");
                    var exp   = Expression.Lambda <Func <SearchModel3, bool> >(
                            Expression.Property(param, Criteria),
                    x = x.Where(exp);
                    //first select
                    var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SearchModel3), "p");
                    var exp   = Expression.Lambda <Func <SearchModel3, bool> >(
                            Expression.Property(param, Criteria),
                    x = x.Where(exp);

            if (Filiere != "0")
                x = x.Where(n => n.Filiere == Filiere);

            if (Diplome != "0")
                x = x.Where(s => s.Type_dip == Diplome);
            return(x.ToList().Select(v =>
                var fichier = db.Fichiers.Where(f => f.Cne == v.Cne).SingleOrDefault();
                var part1 = "";
                var part2 = "";
                var part3 = "";
                if (fichier != null)
                    if (fichier.nom.Split('|').Length == 1)
                        part1 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[0];
                    else if (fichier.nom.Split('|').Length == 2)
                        part1 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[0];
                        part2 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[1];
                        part1 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[0];
                        part2 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[1];
                        part3 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[2];
                return new SearchModel3
                    Nom = v.Nom,
                    Prenom = v.Prenom,
                    Sexe = v.Sexe,
                    NoteBac = v.NoteBac,
                    Note1 = v.Note1,
                    Note2 = v.Note2,
                    Note3 = v.Note3,
                    Note4 = v.Note4,
                    Note5 = v.Note5,
                    Note6 = v.Note6,
                    Dossier = v.Dossier,
                    Convoque = v.Convoque,
                    Math = v.Math,
                    Specialite = v.Specialite,
                    Matricule = v.Matricule,
                    Email = v.Email,
                    Lieu_Naiss = v.Lieu_Naiss,
                    Nationalite = v.Nationalite,
                    Adress = v.Adress,
                    Ville = v.Ville,
                    Type_dip = v.Type_dip,
                    note_Diplome = v.note_Diplome,
                    Etablissement = v.Etablissement,
                    Ville_dip = v.Ville_dip,
                    Date_inscription = v.Date_inscription,
                    Admis = v.Admis,
                    Filiere = v.Filiere,
                    Cin = v.Cin,
                    Cne = v.Cne,
                    NonConforme = v.NonConforme,
                    Diplome1 = part1,
                    Diplome2 = part2,
                    Diplome3 = part3
        public ActionResult Register(Candidat candidat)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();

            if (candidat.Niveau == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("selectNiveau", "Selectionner un niveau");
            var y = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == candidat.Cne).SingleOrDefault();

            if (y != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("UniqueCne", "Cne need to be unique");
            var z = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cin == candidat.Cin).SingleOrDefault();

            if (z != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("UniqueCin", "Cin need to be unique");
            var w = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Email == candidat.Email).SingleOrDefault();

            if (w != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("UniqueEmail", "Email need to be unique");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                candidat.DateInscription = DateTime.Now;
                candidat.DateNaissance   = DateTime.Now;
                Random       random = new Random();
                const string pool   = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
                var          chars  = Enumerable.Range(0, 7)
                                      .Select(x => pool[random.Next(0, pool.Length)]);
                var charsMatricule = Enumerable.Range(0, 8)
                                     .Select(ww => pool[random.Next(0, pool.Length)]);
                candidat.Matricule = new string(charsMatricule.ToArray()).ToUpper();
                candidat.Password  = new string(chars.ToArray());
                candidat.Verified  = 0;
                candidat.Photo     = "icon.jpg";

                Diplome            dip   = new Diplome();
                AnneeUniversitaire annUn = new AnneeUniversitaire();
                Baccalaureat       bac   = new Baccalaureat();
                ConcourEcrit       concE = new ConcourEcrit();
                ConcourOral        concO = new ConcourOral();

                //add row in diplome
                dip.Cne = candidat.Cne;

                //add row in anne
                annUn.Cne = candidat.Cne;

                //add row in bac
                bac.Cne = candidat.Cne;
                //bac.DateObtentionBac = DateTime.Now;

                //add in concours ecrit
                concE.Cne = candidat.Cne;

                //add in concours oral
                concO.Cne = candidat.Cne;

                var          fromAddress  = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "From ENSAS");
                var          toAddress    = new MailAddress(candidat.Email, "To Name");
                const string fromPassword = "******";
                const string subject      = "Récupération du mot de passe";
                //string body = "<a href=\"http://localhost:49969/Auth/Verify?cne="+candidat.Cne+" \">Link</a><br /><p> this is the password : "******"</p>";
                string body = "<div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><img src=\" \" /></div><div class=\"row text-center\"><h2>Vous avez créer un compte dans la platforme d'acces au cycle d'ingénieur a ENSAS .</h2></div><div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><strong><span style=\"color:'red'\">Vous trouverez votre mot de pass au dessouss</span></strong><br></div><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"card\" style=\"width: 18rem;\"><div class=\"card-body\"><strong>Nom :</strong><span>" + candidat.Nom + "</span><br /><strong>Prenom : </strong><span>" + candidat.Prenom + "</span><br /><strong>CNE : </strong><span>" + candidat.Cne + "</span><br /><strong>CIN : </strong><span>" + candidat.Cin + "</span><br /><strong>Password : </strong><span>" + candidat.Password + "</span><br /></div></div></div></div>";

                var smtp = new SmtpClient
                    Host           = "",
                    Port           = 587,
                    EnableSsl      = true,
                    DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                    Credentials    = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword),
                    Timeout        = 60000
                using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                    Subject = subject,
                    Body = body
                    message.IsBodyHtml = true;
                TempData["message"] = "Votre mot de passe est : '" + candidat.Password + "'." + " Vous le trouverez sur votre email aussi.";
Esempio n. 18
        public IEnumerable <SearchModel3> info(int niveau)
            GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
            var x = (from c in db.Candidats
                     join a in db.AnneeUniversitaires on c.Cne equals a.Cne
                     join b in db.Baccalaureats on c.Cne equals b.Cne
                     join concour in db.CouncourEcrits on c.Cne equals concour.Cne
                     join d in db.Diplomes on c.Cne equals d.Cne
                     where !db.Corbeilles.Select(g => g.CNE).ToList().Contains(c.Cne)
                     join oral in db.CouncourOrals on c.Cne equals oral.Cne
                     where c.Niveau == niveau
                     select new SearchModel3
                Nom = c.Nom,
                Prenom = c.Prenom,
                Sexe = c.Sexe,
                NoteBac = b.NoteBac,
                Note1 = a.Semestre1,
                Note2 = a.Semestre2,
                Note3 = a.Semestre3,
                Note4 = a.Semestre4,
                Note5 = a.Semestre5,
                Note6 = a.Semestre6,
                Dossier = c.Num_dossier,
                Convoque = c.Convoque,
                Math = concour.NoteMath,
                Specialite = concour.NoteSpecialite,
                Matricule = c.Matricule,
                Email = c.Email,
                Lieu_Naiss = c.LieuNaissance,
                Nationalite = c.Nationalite,
                Adress = c.Adresse,
                Ville = c.Ville,
                Type_dip = d.Type,
                note_Diplome = d.NoteDiplome,
                Etablissement = d.Etablissement,
                Ville_dip = d.VilleObtention,
                Date_inscription = c.DateInscription,
                Admis = c.Admis,
                Filiere = db.Filieres.Where(f => f.ID == c.ID).FirstOrDefault().Nom,
                Cin = c.Cin,
                Cne = c.Cne,
                NonConforme = c.Conforme,
            }).ToList().Select(v =>
                var fichier = db.Fichiers.Where(f => f.Cne == v.Cne).SingleOrDefault();
                var part1   = "";
                var part2   = "";
                var part3   = "";
                if (fichier != null)
                    if (fichier.nom.Split('|').Length == 1)
                        part1 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[0];
                    else if (fichier.nom.Split('|').Length == 2)
                        part1 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[0];
                        part2 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[1];
                        part1 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[0];
                        part2 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[1];
                        part3 = fichier.nom.Split('|')[2];
                return(new SearchModel3
                    Nom = v.Nom,
                    Prenom = v.Prenom,
                    Sexe = v.Sexe,
                    NoteBac = v.NoteBac,
                    Note1 = v.Note1,
                    Note2 = v.Note2,
                    Note3 = v.Note3,
                    Note4 = v.Note4,
                    Note5 = v.Note5,
                    Note6 = v.Note6,
                    Dossier = v.Dossier,
                    Convoque = v.Convoque,
                    Math = v.Math,
                    Specialite = v.Specialite,
                    Matricule = v.Matricule,
                    Email = v.Email,
                    Lieu_Naiss = v.Lieu_Naiss,
                    Nationalite = v.Nationalite,
                    Adress = v.Adress,
                    Ville = v.Ville,
                    Type_dip = v.Type_dip,
                    note_Diplome = v.note_Diplome,
                    Etablissement = v.Etablissement,
                    Ville_dip = v.Ville_dip,
                    Date_inscription = v.Date_inscription,
                    Admis = v.Admis,
                    Filiere = v.Filiere,
                    Cin = v.Cin,
                    Cne = v.Cne,
                    NonConforme = v.NonConforme,
                    Diplome1 = part1,
                    Diplome2 = part2,
                    Diplome3 = part3

Esempio n. 19
 public Statistique3AImpl()
     Bdd = new GestionConcourDbContext();
 public IndexServiceImp()
     db = new GestionConcourDbContext();
     db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;