Esempio n. 1
        /// Generates the geometry for the sine star
        /// <returns>The geometry representing the sine star</returns>
        public IGeometry CreateSineStar()
            Envelope env    = Envelope;
            double   radius = env.Width / 2.0;

            double armRatio = ArmLengthRatio;

            if (armRatio < 0.0)
                armRatio = 0.0;
            if (armRatio > 1.0)
                armRatio = 1.0;

            double armMaxLen    = armRatio * radius;
            double insideRadius = (1 - armRatio) * radius;

            double centreX = env.MinX + radius;
            double centreY = env.MinY + radius;

            Coordinate[] pts = new Coordinate[NumPoints + 1];
            int          iPt = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints; i++)
                // the fraction of the way thru the current arm - in [0,1]
                double ptArcFrac  = (i / (double)NumPoints) * NumArms;
                double armAngFrac = ptArcFrac - Math.Floor(ptArcFrac);

                // the angle for the current arm - in [0,2Pi]
                // (each arm is a complete sine wave cycle)
                double armAng = 2 * Math.PI * armAngFrac;
                // the current length of the arm
                double armLenFrac = (Math.Cos(armAng) + 1.0) / 2.0;

                // the current radius of the curve (core + arm)
                double curveRadius = insideRadius + armMaxLen * armLenFrac;

                // the current angle of the curve
                double ang = i * (2 * Math.PI / NumPoints);
                double x   = curveRadius * Math.Cos(ang) + centreX;
                double y   = curveRadius * Math.Sin(ang) + centreY;
                pts[iPt++] = CreateCoord(x, y);
            pts[iPt] = new Coordinate(pts[0]);

            ILinearRing ring = GeomFact.CreateLinearRing(pts);
            IPolygon    poly = GeomFact.CreatePolygon(ring);

Esempio n. 2
        public void run()
            var env    = new Envelope(0, 100, 0, 100);
            var comb1  = Comb(env, SIZE);
            var centre = env.Centre;
            var trans  = AffineTransformation.RotationInstance(0.5 * Math.PI, centre.X, centre.Y);
            var comb2  = (IPolygon)trans.Transform(comb1);
            var mp     = GeomFact.CreateMultiPolygon(new[] { comb1, comb2 });
            var isValid = mp.IsValid;

            Debug.WriteLine("Is Valid = " + isValid);