Esempio n. 1
        public MeetingElectionVote CreateVote(Person person, string ipAddress)
            if (SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetInternalPollVoterStatus(Identity, person.Identity) !=
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Voter status is not open");

            Geography voteGeography = person.Geography;

            // Make sure that the vote geography is not at a lower level than ElectoralCircuit.

            while (voteGeography.ParentGeographyId != 0 && !voteGeography.AtLevel(GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit))
                voteGeography = voteGeography.Parent;

            if (voteGeography.ParentGeographyId == 0)
                voteGeography = person.Geography;

            SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CloseInternalPollVoter(Identity, person.Identity, ipAddress);
            return(MeetingElectionVote.Create(this, voteGeography));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Assign the volunteer to a suitable owner will try to assign to ElectoralCircuit lead
        ///     If that is not possible it will go to district lead
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geo"></param>
        /// <param name="withinOrg"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultOwner"></param>
        /// <param name="stopGeography">The parent of top geographies that could/should recieve volunteer (country) </param>
        public void AutoAssign(Geography geo, int withinOrg, Person defaultOwner, int stopGeography)
            //Note: stopGeography is only needed because Districts ar not properly defined. Districts are the ones below country.
                Owner = defaultOwner;
                Geography volonteerGeography = geo;

                //Move up to target geography level
                //GeographyLevel targetLevel = GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit;
                GeographyLevel targetLevel = GeographyLevel.District;
                //This will never hit bcse Districts ar not properly defined

                while (!(volonteerGeography.AtLevel(targetLevel)) &&
                       (volonteerGeography.ParentGeographyId != 0) &&
                       (volonteerGeography.ParentGeographyId != stopGeography)
                    volonteerGeography = volonteerGeography.Parent;

                Person localLead = Swarm.Roles.GetLocalLead(withinOrg, volonteerGeography.Identity);

                if (localLead == null && volonteerGeography.Parent != null)
                    // Move "geography" up to district, wich are next below country, if no lead was found at the target level
                    while ((volonteerGeography.ParentGeographyId != 0) &&
                           (volonteerGeography.ParentGeographyId != stopGeography)
                        volonteerGeography = volonteerGeography.Parent;
                    localLead = Swarm.Roles.GetLocalLead(withinOrg, volonteerGeography.Parent.Parent.Identity);

                //Found anyone? otherwise leave default Owner.
                if (localLead != null)
                    Owner = localLead;
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 3
    protected void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string    responsibilities = string.Empty;
        Geography geography        = Geography.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(this.DropGeographies.SelectedValue));

        // Find: is this an existing person?

        Person person = null;

        //TODO: Hardcoded countrycode = 1
        People people = People.FromPhoneNumber(1, this.TextPhone.Text);

        if (people.Count == 1)
            if (people[0].Name.ToLower() == this.TextName.Text.ToLower())
                person = people[0];

        // If not, create one for this purpose

        if (person == null)
            person           = Person.Create(this.TextName.Text, string.Empty, string.Empty, this.TextPhone.Text, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "SE", DateTime.Now, PersonGender.Unknown);
            person.Geography = geography;
        Person    defaultOwner = Person.FromIdentity(1);
        Volunteer volunteer    = Volunteer.Create(person, defaultOwner); // RF owns new volunteers

        if (this.CheckKL1.Checked)
            responsibilities += " KL1";
            volunteer.AddRole(Organization.PPSEid, geography.Identity, RoleType.LocalLead);

        if (this.CheckKL2.Checked)
            responsibilities += " KL2";
            volunteer.AddRole(Organization.PPSEid, geography.Identity, RoleType.LocalDeputy);

        // Move "geography" up to electoral circuit level
        while ((!geography.AtLevel(GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit)) && (geography.Parent != null))
            geography = geography.Parent;

        //Autoassign will try to assign to ElectoralCircuit lead or
        //if not possible, to its parent org lead, or if not possible to defaultOwner
        //TODO:Hardcoded sweden(30)
        volunteer.AutoAssign(geography, Organization.PPSEid, defaultOwner, Geography.SwedenId);

        if (this.CheckVL1.Checked)
            responsibilities += " VL1";
            volunteer.AddRole(Organization.PPSEid, geography.Identity, RoleType.LocalLead);

        if (this.CheckVL2.Checked)
            responsibilities += " VL2";
            volunteer.AddRole(Organization.PPSEid, geography.Identity, RoleType.LocalDeputy);

        responsibilities = responsibilities.Trim();

        string textParameter = this.TextName.Text.Replace("|", "") + "|" + this.TextPhone.Text.Replace("|", "") + "|" + this.DropMember.SelectedValue + "|" + responsibilities;

        Activizr.Logic.Support.PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.SignupPage, EventType.NewVolunteer, 0, Organization.PPSEid, Int32.Parse(this.DropGeographies.SelectedValue), 0, 0, textParameter);

        this.TextName.Enabled        = false;
        this.TextPhone.Enabled       = false;
        this.DropGeographies.Enabled = false;
        this.DropMember.Enabled      = false;
        this.CheckKL1.Enabled        = false;
        this.CheckKL2.Enabled        = false;
        this.CheckVL1.Enabled        = false;
        this.CheckVL2.Enabled        = false;
        this.ButtonSubmit.Enabled    = false;

        this.PanelFinished.Visible = true;
    Series GetRankingData()
        SeriesCollection collection = new SeriesCollection();

        // Gather the data

        Dictionary <int, int> geographyIdCircuit   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
        Dictionary <int, int> circuitActivismCount = new Dictionary <int, int>();

        ExternalActivities activities = ExternalActivities.ForOrganization(Organization.PPSE);

        foreach (ExternalActivity activity in activities)
            int geographyId = activity.GeographyId;

            if (!geographyIdCircuit.ContainsKey(geographyId))
                Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(geographyId);

                while (geo.ParentGeographyId != 0 && !geo.AtLevel(GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit))
                    geo = geo.Parent;

                if (geo.ParentGeographyId == 0)
                    geographyIdCircuit[geographyId] = 0;
                    geographyIdCircuit[geographyId] = geo.Identity;

            int circuitId = geographyIdCircuit[geographyId];

            if (circuitId == 0)

            if (!circuitActivismCount.ContainsKey(circuitId))
                circuitActivismCount[circuitId] = 0;


        List <GeographyBar> barList = new List <GeographyBar>();

        foreach (int geographyId in circuitActivismCount.Keys)
            GeographyBar bar = new GeographyBar();
            bar.Geography = Geography.FromIdentity(geographyId);

            bar.Value = circuitActivismCount[geographyId];

        GeographyBar[] bars = barList.ToArray();


        // Populate the data

        Series series = new Series();

        series.Name = "No particular name";
        int count = 0;

        foreach (GeographyBar bar in bars)
            Element element = new Element();
            element.YValue          = bar.Value;
            element.Name            = bar.Geography.Name;
            element.SmartLabel      = new SmartLabel();
            element.SmartLabel.Text = bar.Value.ToString();



        // Removing the overflow entries afterwards is a bit backwards, but it's due to the sorting

        series.DefaultElement.Color     = System.Drawing.Color.DarkViolet;
        series.DefaultElement.ShowValue = true;

    Series GetRankingData()
        string pollIdString = Request.QueryString["PollId"];

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pollIdString))
            pollIdString = "2";

        int pollId = Int32.Parse(pollIdString);

        SeriesCollection collection = new SeriesCollection();

        // Gather the data

        Dictionary <int, int> totalVoteCount     = new Dictionary <int, int>();
        Dictionary <int, int> geographyIdCircuit = new Dictionary <int, int>();
        Dictionary <int, int> peopleGeographies  = People.GetPeopleGeographies();
        Dictionary <int, int> closedVoteCount    = Optimizations.GetInternalPollVoteCountsPerGeography(pollId);

        MeetingElectionVoters voters = MeetingElectionVoters.ForPoll(MeetingElection.FromIdentity(pollId), true);

        foreach (MeetingElectionVoter voter in voters)
            if (!peopleGeographies.ContainsKey(voter.PersonId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Person not in geography dictionary");

            int geographyId = peopleGeographies[voter.PersonId];

            if (!geographyIdCircuit.ContainsKey(geographyId))
                Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(geographyId);

                while (geo.ParentGeographyId != 0 && !geo.AtLevel(GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit))
                    geo = geo.Parent;

                if (geo.ParentGeographyId == 0)
                    geographyIdCircuit[geographyId] = 0;
                    geographyIdCircuit[geographyId] = geo.Identity;

            int circuitId = geographyIdCircuit[geographyId];

            if (circuitId == 0)

            if (!totalVoteCount.ContainsKey(circuitId))
                totalVoteCount[circuitId] = 0;


        List <GeographyBar> barList = new List <GeographyBar>();

        foreach (int geographyId in totalVoteCount.Keys)
            GeographyBar bar = new GeographyBar();
            bar.Geography = Geography.FromIdentity(geographyId);

            int thisClosedVoteCount = 0;

            if (closedVoteCount.ContainsKey(geographyId))
                thisClosedVoteCount = closedVoteCount[geographyId];

            bar.Value = thisClosedVoteCount * 1000.0 / totalVoteCount[geographyId];


        GeographyBar[] bars = barList.ToArray();


        // Populate the data

        Series series = new Series();

        series.Name = "No particular name";
        int count = 0;

        foreach (GeographyBar bar in bars)
            Element element = new Element();
            element.YValue          = bar.Value;
            element.Name            = bar.Geography.Name;
            element.SmartLabel      = new SmartLabel();
            element.SmartLabel.Text = bar.Value.ToString("N2");



        // Removing the overflow entries afterwards is a bit backwards, but it's due to the sorting

        series.DefaultElement.Color     = System.Drawing.Color.DarkViolet;
        series.DefaultElement.ShowValue = true;

Esempio n. 6
        public string SwedishCityMapOrgStrengthLookupReplacer(Match match)
            // Five groups: "color" and "id" are the keys, "start", "middle" and "end" are what to paste in between.

            Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(1); // Replace later for more generic

            string resultColorString = "#000000";
            string id = match.Groups["id"].Value;

            // If not constructed for this instance, construct the volunteer cache

            if (this.volunteerCache == null)
                this.volunteerCache = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

                Volunteers volunteers = Volunteers.GetOpen();

                foreach (Volunteer volunteer in volunteers)
                    volunteerCache[volunteer.Geography.Identity] = true;

                Geography geo = Geography.FromOfficialDesignation(1, GeographyLevel.Municipality, id);

                int circuitLeadCount   = 0;
                int cityLeadCount      = 0;
                int cityVolunteerCount = 0;

                RoleLookup lookup = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(geo.Identity, 1);
                if (lookup[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0)
                    cityLeadCount = 1;

                    if (lookup[RoleType.LocalDeputy].Count > 0)
                        cityLeadCount = 2;

                if (volunteerCache.ContainsKey(geo.Identity))
                    cityVolunteerCount = 1;

                // Move up to circuit level

                while (!(geo.AtLevel(GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit)))
                    geo = geo.Parent;

                lookup = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(geo.Identity, 1);
                if (lookup[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0)
                    circuitLeadCount = 1;

                    if (lookup[RoleType.LocalDeputy].Count > 0)
                        circuitLeadCount = 2;

                float saturation = 1.0f;
                float brightness = 0.15f + 0.2f * circuitLeadCount;
                float hue        = cityLeadCount * 60; // red, yellow, green hues at 0°, 60°, 120°

                if (cityLeadCount < 2 && cityVolunteerCount > 0)
                    hue += 30; // There are volunteers? Place at orange (for none) or yellow-green (for one).

                Color color = ColorFromAhsb(255, hue, saturation, brightness);

                resultColorString = String.Format("#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}", color.R, color.G, color.B);
            catch (Exception)

             * try
             * {
             *  if (lookup.ContainsKey(id))
             *  {
             *      geoId = lookup[id];
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      geoId = Int32.Parse(id);
             *  }
             *  Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(geoId);
             *  RoleLookup officers = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(geo.Identity, org.Identity);
             *  bool hasLead = officers[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0;
             *  bool hasSecond = officers[RoleType.LocalDeputy].Count > 0;
             *  Geographies geoTree = geo.GetTree();
             *  int cities = 0;
             *  int citiesWithLead = 0;
             *  foreach (Geography localGeo in geoTree)
             *  {
             *      if (localGeo.Identity == geo.Identity)
             *      {
             *          continue;
             *      }
             *      if (localGeo.Name.EndsWith("kommun"))
             *      {
             *          cities++;
             *          officers = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(localGeo.Identity, org.Identity);
             *          if (officers[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0)
             *          {
             *              citiesWithLead++;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  int cityLeadPercent = 100;
             *  if (cities > 0)
             *  {
             *      cityLeadPercent = citiesWithLead * 100 / cities;
             *  }
             *  // Determine color
             *  Color color = Color.Red;
             *  if (!hasLead)
             *  {
             *      color = Color.Red;
             *  }
             *  else if (cityLeadPercent > 80 && hasSecond)
             *  {
             *      color = Color.Green;
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      // Find a hue between Orange and Light Green. Say, between 30 and 120.
             *      cityLeadPercent += 30;
             *      if (cityLeadPercent > 120)
             *      {
             *          cityLeadPercent = 120;
             *      }
             *      color = ColorFromAhsb(100, cityLeadPercent, 1.0f, 0.5f);
             *  }
             *  resultColorString = String.Format("#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}", color.R, color.G, color.B);
             * }
             * catch (Exception)
             * {
             *  // Ignore - color will be black
             * }

            return(match.Groups["start"].Value + resultColorString + match.Groups["middle"].Value + id +