public void TestGeocoderUSInvoke() { Console.WriteLine("Test - GeocoderUS Invoke"); GeocodeRequest gr = new GeocodeRequest(); gr.Address = "1 Main st."; gr.City = "Burlington"; gr.State = "VT"; gr.PostalCode = "05401"; GeocodeResponse gRes = _geocoderUS.Geocode(gr); TestUtils.OutputGeocodeResponses(gRes); Assert.IsTrue(gRes.HasCandidates, "Geocoder US geocoder returned no responses"); }
public void TestGoogleGeocoderInvoke() { Console.WriteLine("Test - Google Geocoder Invoke"); GeocodeRequest gr = new GeocodeRequest(); gr.TextString = "1 main st., Burlington, vt"; GeocodeResponse gRes = _googleGeocoder.Geocode(gr); TestUtils.OutputGeocodeResponses(gRes); Assert.IsTrue(gRes.Candidates.Count == 1, "Expected the geocoder to return 3 results"); Assert.AreEqual("premise", gRes.Candidates[0].MatchType, "Expected the first match to have the type 'premise'"); }
private void btCalcularOrcamento_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { markerOverlay = new GMapOverlay("Marcador"); var origem = geocoder.Geocode(txtOrigem.Text).First(); inicio = new PointLatLng(origem.LatLng.Latitude, origem.LatLng.Longitude); var destino = geocoder.Geocode(txtDestino.Text).First(); final = new PointLatLng(destino.LatLng.Latitude, destino.LatLng.Longitude); GMarkerGoogle markerOrigem = new GMarkerGoogle(inicio,; markerOrigem.Position = inicio; markerOrigem.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.Always; markerOrigem.ToolTipText = string.Format("Origem: \n {0}", txtOrigem.Text); markerOverlay.Markers.Add(markerOrigem); GMarkerGoogle markerDestino = new GMarkerGoogle(final,; markerDestino.Position = final; markerDestino.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.Always; markerDestino.ToolTipText = string.Format("Destino: \n {0}", txtOrigem.Text); markerOverlay.Markers.Add(markerDestino); GDirections direction; var RotasDirection = GMapProviders.GoogleMap.GetDirections(out direction, inicio, final, false, false, false, false, false); GMapRoute RotaObtida = new GMapRoute(direction.Route, "Rota Obtida"); GMapOverlay CamadaRotas = new GMapOverlay("Camada da Rota"); CamadaRotas.Routes.Add(RotaObtida); gMapControl.Overlays.Add(markerOverlay); gMapControl.Overlays.Add(CamadaRotas); gMapControl.Zoom = gMapControl.Zoom + 1; gMapControl.Zoom = gMapControl.Zoom - 1; double valorTotal = CalculoOrcamento.CalcularOrcamento(RotaObtida.Distance, cbVeiculo.SelectedValue); lbDistancia.Text = Math.Round(RotaObtida.Distance, 2).ToString() + "KM"; lbValor.Text = valorTotal.ToString(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) { MessageBox.Show("Lütfen bir adres giriniz!"); return; } string address = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string fixedAddress = FixAddress(address); AddressLevel addressLevel = tokenizer.ParseAddress(fixedAddress); List <string> list = tokenizer.NotParsedList; list = geocoder.CheckForCity(list, ref addressLevel); if (!addressLevel.Il.Equals(string.Empty)) { list = geocoder.CheckForTown(list, ref addressLevel); } addressLevel = geocoder.Geocode(addressLevel); FillScreen(addressLevel); }
public void TestReplacement() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(@" <components> <component name='Geocoder'> <parameter name='DummyGeocoder' value='Azavea.Open.Geocoding.Tests.GeocoderSourceDummy,Azavea.Open.Geocoding' /> </component> <component name='DummyGeocoder'> <parameter name='CandidateTextReplacer' value='Azavea.Open.Geocoding.Processors.CandidateTextReplacer,Azavea.Open.Geocoding' /> </component> <component name='CandidateTextReplacer'> <parameter name='ReplaceField' value='Address' /> <parameter name='Find' value='340' /> <parameter name='ReplaceWith' value='680' /> </component> </components> "); Config gcCfg = new Config("GcConfig", doc); Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(gcCfg, "Geocoder"); GeocodeRequest gReq = new GeocodeRequest(); gReq.Address = "340 N 12th St"; IList<GeocodeCandidate> candidates = gc.Geocode(gReq).Candidates; Assert.AreEqual(1, candidates.Count); Assert.AreEqual("680 N 12th St", candidates[0].Address); }
public void TestReplacementWithExpansion() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(@" <components> <component name='Geocoder'> <parameter name='DummyGeocoder' value='Azavea.Open.Geocoding.Tests.GeocoderSourceDummy,Azavea.Open.Geocoding' /> </component> <component name='DummyGeocoder'> <parameter name='CandidateTextReplacer' value='Azavea.Open.Geocoding.Processors.CandidateTextReplacer,Azavea.Open.Geocoding' /> </component> <component name='CandidateTextReplacer'> <parameter name='ReplaceField' value='StandardizedAddress' /> <parameter name='Find' value='^' /> <parameter name='ReplaceWith' value='{Address}, {PostalCode}, {Country}' /> </component> </components> "); Config gcCfg = new Config("GcConfig", doc); Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(gcCfg, "Geocoder"); GeocodeRequest gReq = new GeocodeRequest(); gReq.Address = "340 N 12th St"; IList <GeocodeCandidate> candidates = gc.Geocode(gReq).Candidates; Assert.AreEqual(1, candidates.Count); Assert.AreEqual("340 N 12th St, 19107, USA", candidates[0].StandardizedAddress); }
public void TestGoogleGeocoderInvoke() { Console.WriteLine("Test - Google Geocoder Invoke"); GeocodeRequest gr = new GeocodeRequest(); gr.TextString = "1 main st., Burlington, vt"; GeocodeResponse gRes = _googleGeocoder.Geocode(gr); TestUtils.OutputGeocodeResponses(gRes); Assert.IsTrue(gRes.HasCandidates, "Google Geocoder returned no responses"); Assert.AreEqual("Address", gRes.Candidates[0].MatchType, "Google Geocoder didn't return proper MatchType"); }
private static async Task <GeocoderResponse> CallApi(string apiKey, string query) { GeocoderResponse response = null; var gc = new Geocoder(apiKey); await Task.Run(() => { response = gc.Geocode(query); }); return(response); }
/// <summary> /// An edit was made to the InputField. /// Unity will send the string from _inputField. /// Make geocoder query. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchString">Search string.</param> private void HandleUserInput(string searchString) { _hasResponse = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { _coordinate = Conversions.StringToLatLon(searchString); _resource.Query = _coordinate; _geocoder.Geocode(_resource, HandleGeocoderResponse); } }
public void TestLoadDummyGeocoderWithProcessorWithConfig() { Config dummyConfig = new Config("../../Tests/TestConfig.config", "TestConfig"); Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(dummyConfig, "GeocoderSourcesWithProcessorsWithConfigs"); GeocodeRequest gReq = new GeocodeRequest(); gReq.Address = "tS ht21 N 043"; IList<GeocodeCandidate> candidates = gc.Geocode(gReq).Candidates; Assert.AreEqual(1, candidates.Count); }
public void TestLoadDummyGeocoder() { Config dummyConfig = new Config("../../Tests/TestConfig.config", "TestConfig"); Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(dummyConfig); GeocodeRequest gReq = new GeocodeRequest(); gReq.Address = "340 N 12th St"; IList<GeocodeCandidate> candidates = gc.Geocode(gReq).Candidates; Assert.AreEqual(1, candidates.Count); }
private void gMap_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Initialize map: gMap.MapProvider = GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleMapProvider.Instance; GMap.NET.GMaps.Instance.Mode = GMap.NET.AccessMode.ServerOnly; //gMap.SetPositionByKeywords("Bogota, Colombia"); var location = geocoder.Geocode("Bogota, Colombia"); double lat = location.First().LatLng.Latitude; double lgn = location.First().LatLng.Longitude; gMap.Position = new GMap.NET.PointLatLng(lat, lgn); //Cambiando opciones del Gmap, no mostrar el centro y cambiando el boton derecho a izquierdo para mover el mapa. gMap.ShowCenter = false; gMap.DragButton = MouseButtons.Left; addMarkers(t.Accidents); gMap.Overlays.Add(markerOverlay); }
/// <summary> /// 从System.Data.DataTable导入数据到数据库 /// </summary> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int InsetData(System.Data.DataTable dt) { int i = 0; string name = ""; string address = ""; string suburb = ""; string facilities = ""; string lat = ""; string lon = ""; int activityId = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { name = dr["name"].ToString().Trim(); address = dr["address"].ToString().Trim(); suburb = dr["suburb"].ToString().Trim(); facilities = dr["facilities"].ToString().Trim(); activityId = Int32.Parse(dr["Activity_id"].ToString().Trim()); var geocoder = new Geocoder("AIzaSyDJeTABC7AwjSI-x7dm2cVlbHvA3yN65HA"); var locations = geocoder.Geocode(address); if (locations.Count() != 0) { lon = (locations.ToList()[0].LatLng.Longitude).ToString("f9"); lat = (locations.ToList()[0].LatLng.Latitude).ToString("f9"); //sw = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw) ? "null" : sw; //kr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(kr) ? "null" : kr; string strSql = string.Format("Insert into Places (Name,Address,Facility,Suburb,ActivityActivityId,Lat,Lon) Values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}')", name, address, facilities, suburb, activityId, lat, lon); string strConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FamilyGoModel"].ToString(); SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnection); try { // SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnection); sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(); sqlCmd.CommandText = strSql; sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConnection; SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); i++; sqlDataReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { sqlConnection.Close(); } } //if (opdb.ExcSQL(strSql)) // i++; } return(i); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var gc = new Geocoder("YOURKEYHERE"); // simplest example with no optional parameters var result = gc.Geocode("newcastle"); result.PrintDump(); // example with lots of optional parameters var result2 = gc.Geocode("newcastle", countrycode: "gb", limit: 2, minConfidence: 6, language: "en", abbrv: true, noAnnotations: true, noRecord: true, addRequest: true); result2.PrintDump(); var reserveresult = gc.ReverseGeocode(51.4277844, -0.3336517); reserveresult.PrintDump(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void btnSaveStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var location = geocoder.Geocode(txtCurrentAddress.Text); current = GetAddressPoints(txtCurrentAddress.Text); start = current; map.DragButton = MouseButtons.Left; map.MapProvider = GMapProviders.BingMap; map.Position = new PointLatLng(current.Lat, current.Lng); map.MinZoom = 5; map.MaxZoom = 100; map.Zoom = 17; PointLatLng point = new PointLatLng(current.Lat, current.Lng); GMapMarker marker = new GMarkerGoogle(point, GMarkerGoogleType.arrow); GMapOverlay markers = new GMapOverlay("markers"); markers.Markers.Add(marker); map.Overlays.Add(markers); txtCurrentAddress.Enabled = false; map.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// An edit was made to the InputField. /// Unity will send the string from _inputField. /// Make geocoder query. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchString">Search string.</param> void HandleUserInput(string searchString) { _hasResponse = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { var latLon = searchString.Split(','); _coordinate.x = double.Parse(latLon[0]); _coordinate.y = double.Parse(latLon[1]); _resource.Query = _coordinate; _geocoder.Geocode(_resource, HandleGeocoderResponse); } }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Arguments of the program.</param> static void Main(string[] args) { // Create new Geocoder and pass GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY(in this example it's stored in .config) IGeocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY"]); // Get GeocodeResponse C# object from address or from Latitude Longitude(reverse geocoding) GeocodeResponse response = geocoder.Geocode("1984 west armitage ave chicago il"); GeocodeResponse reversGeocoderesponse = geocoder.ReverseGeocode(40.714224, -73.961452); // You can then query the response to get what you need double latitude = response.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lat; string address = reversGeocoderesponse.Results[1].FormattedAddress; // ..or you can get a response in JSON, XML string foramt(for whatever reason) and "play" with it string responseJson = geocoder.Geocode("1984 west armitage ave chicago il", ResponseFormat.JSON); string reverseResponseXml = geocoder.ReverseGeocode(40.714224, -73.961452, ResponseFormat.XML); // Then you can deserialize it to C# object again GeocodeResponse geocodeFromJson = geocoder.FromJson(responseJson); GeocodeResponse reverseGeocodeFromXml = geocoder.FromXml(reverseResponseXml); }
// Fonction qui ajoute un cabinet a la BDD et qui utilise l'API Google Maps private void validerbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var geocoder = new Geocoder("AIzaSyDoOuaAcFk-apUd7qNPaVnJcPV7a8iUTn0"); var locations = geocoder.Geocode(adresseBox.Text); string lat = locations.First().LatLng.Latitude.ToString(); string lon = locations.First().LatLng.Longitude.ToString(); string adresse = locations.First().LocationName.ToString().Split(',').First(); string request = "insert into cabinet (adresse,code_postal,ville,latitude,longitude) values (\"" + adresse + "\",\"" + cPostalBox.Text + "\",\"" + villeBox.Text + "\",\"" + lat + "\",\"" + lon + "\")"; BddRequest newCabinet = new BddRequest(); newCabinet.DataRequest(request); this.Close(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var gc = new Geocoder("924d139f8c45a512fd0fe1cfc6eb741f"); var result = gc.Geocode("newcastle", country: "GBR"); result.PrintDump(); var reserveresult = gc.ReverseGeocode(51.4277844, -0.3336517); reserveresult.PrintDump(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void ForwardGeocoder() { var input = this.GetComponent <InputField>(); var forwardGeocode = new ForwardGeocodeResource(input.text); var slippy = GameObject.Find("Slippy").GetComponent <Slippy>(); fs.AccessToken = slippy.Token; geocoder.Geocode(forwardGeocode, (ForwardGeocodeResponse res) => { if (res.Features.Count > 0) { slippy.SetCenter(res.Features[0].Center); } }); }
public AddressLevel Geocode(string address) { string fixedAddress = Fixer.Prepare(address); AddressLevel addressLevel = tokenizer.ParseAddress(fixedAddress); List <string> list = tokenizer.NotParsedList; list = geocoder.CheckForCity(list, ref addressLevel); if (!addressLevel.Il.Equals(string.Empty)) { list = geocoder.CheckForTown(list, ref addressLevel); } addressLevel = geocoder.Geocode(addressLevel); return(addressLevel); }
public static Coordenada ObtenerCoordenada(string direccion) { try { string apiKey = "AIzaSyAm9iOzpnEzKPKWmwKhPOVW811qMoxvZDM"; IGeocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(apiKey); GeocodeResponse response = geocoder.Geocode(direccion); Coordenada coordenadas = new Coordenada(); = response.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lat; coordenadas.lng = response.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lng; return(coordenadas); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public OpenCageResponseForward GetCoordinateFromAddress([FromQuery] string address, [FromQuery] string openCageApiKey) { var gc = new Geocoder(openCageApiKey); var forwardResult = gc.Geocode(address); var geometry = forwardResult.Results.FirstOrDefault()?.Geometry; var openCageResponse = new OpenCageResponseForward() { StatusCode = forwardResult.Status.Code, StatusMessage = forwardResult.Status.Message }; if (geometry != null) { openCageResponse.Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(geometry.Latitude); openCageResponse.Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(geometry.Longitude); } return(openCageResponse); }
private void validerbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var geocoder = new Geocoder("AIzaSyDoOuaAcFk-apUd7qNPaVnJcPV7a8iUTn0"); var locations = geocoder.Geocode(cabinetAdresseBox.Text); string lat = locations.First().LatLng.Latitude.ToString(); string lon = locations.First().LatLng.Longitude.ToString(); string adresse = locations.First().LocationName.ToString().Split(',').First(); BddRequest updateCabinet = new BddRequest(); string request = "UPDATE cabinet set adresse= \"" + adresse + "\",code_postal= '" + cabinetCPBox.Text + "',ville=\"" + cabinetVillebox.Text + "\",longitude=\"" + lon + "\",latitude=\"" + lat + "\" where id = " + id; updateCabinet.DataRequest(request); MessageBox.Show("Vos informations ont été enregistrées avec succès"); utilisateurAccueil accueil = Application.OpenForms["utilisateurAccueil"] as utilisateurAccueil; utilisateurAccueil newaccueil = new utilisateurAccueil(); var upt = this; accueil.willCloseduti = false; accueil.Close(); newaccueil.Show(); upt.Close(); }
public Geo GetClienteLocalizacao() { try { IGeocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(ChaveGoogle); ObjUsuario.Id = ObjGeo.IdUsr; ObjUsuario = new ManterUsuarioDAO(ObjUsuario).ConsultaUsuarioByIdDAO(); GeocodeResponse response = geocoder.Geocode(ObjUsuario.Endereco); ObjGeo.NomeUsuario = ObjUsuario.Nome; ObjGeo.Endereco = ObjUsuario.Endereco; ObjGeo.Latitude = response.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lat.ToString().Replace(",", "."); ObjGeo.Longitude = response.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lng.ToString().Replace(",", "."); return(ObjGeo); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
// --- public static IPromise <LatLong> GetLatLongForAddress(string streetAddress, string city, string country) { // Get access singleton (object that holds a token and associated geocoder). MapboxAccess access = MapboxAccess.Instance; Geocoder geocoder = access.Geocoder; var promise = new Promise <LatLong>(); string forwardGeocodeQuery = $"{streetAddress} {city} {country}"; Debug.Log($"Performing forward geocode with query \"{forwardGeocodeQuery}\""); ForwardGeocodeResource forwardGeocode = new ForwardGeocodeResource(forwardGeocodeQuery); geocoder.Geocode(forwardGeocode, (ForwardGeocodeResponse response) => { /* * Debug.Log($"Forward geocode response has features:"); * foreach (Feature feature in response.Features) { * Debug.Log($" - {feature.Id} {feature.PlaceName} {feature.Address} {feature.Center}"); * } */ // There are lots of interesting types of features returned by the API, places, POIs, localities, etc. // I'm assuming they're ordered by relevance, so let's just pick the first one. if (response.Features.Count > 0) { Feature chosenFeature = response.Features[0]; Vector2d coordinates = chosenFeature.Center; promise.Resolve(new LatLong((float)coordinates.x, (float)coordinates.y)); } else { promise.Resolve(new LatLong()); } }); return(promise); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Initiate Geocoder Class var geocoder = new Geocoder("My API KEY"); // Lists to Hold Addresses and Geocodes List <Address> Addresses = new List <Address>(); List <Locations> LocationList = new List <Locations>(); // SQL to add to SitesList using (SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Con1"].ConnectionString)) { sqlConnection2.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT CONCAT(StreetAddress,' ',City + ', ',State + ' ',Zip) as 'Full Address' FROM [FM_OPERATIONS].[dbo].[xRef_MasterFile] where Latitude is null", sqlConnection2)) { using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Addresses.Add(new Address(reader.GetString(0))); } } } sqlConnection2.Close(); } // Run Address List to Gooogle API foreach (var item in Addresses) { var x = geocoder.Geocode(item.PostalAddress); var y = x.ElementAt(0).LatLng.ToString().Trim().Split(','); Console.WriteLine("{0}|{1}|{2}", item.PostalAddress, Convert.ToDouble(y[0]), Convert.ToDouble(y[1])); } /* * foreach (var item in LocationList) * { * Console.WriteLine("{0}|{1}|{2}", item.SiteName, item.Latitude, item.Longitude); * } */ /* Test Examples for Data Structure * * var address = geocoder.Geocode("21000 Twelve Mile Rd., MI"); * address.ElementAt(0); * * Console.WriteLine(address); * Console.WriteLine(address.GetType()); * var stp = address.ElementAt(0); * * var output = stp.LatLng.ToString().Trim().Split(','); * * Console.WriteLine("Latitude: {0}",output[0].Trim()); * Console.WriteLine("Longitude: {0}",output[1].Trim()); * * * foreach (var item in Addresses) * { * Console.WriteLine(item.PostalAddress); * } */ Console.ReadLine(); }
public AddressLevel Geocoder(AddressLevel addressLevel) { return(geocoder.Geocode(addressLevel)); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.TimeTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No text in Time"); } else if (this.Date.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No text in Date"); } else { var h = int.Parse(this.TimeTextBox.Text[0].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(this.TimeTextBox.Text[1].ToString()); var m = int.Parse(this.TimeTextBox.Text[3].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(this.TimeTextBox.Text[4].ToString()); Random rnd = new Random(); int x = rnd.Next(0, 59); DateTime dt = new DateTime(FactoryBl.GetBL().ChangeDateToNumber(this.Date.ToString()).Year, FactoryBl.GetBL().ChangeDateToNumber(this.Date.ToString()).Month, FactoryBl.GetBL().ChangeDateToNumber(this.Date.ToString()).Day, h, m, x); if (dt.Day == DateTime.Now.Day && dt.Month == DateTime.Now.Month && dt.Year == DateTime.Now.Year && dt.Hour == DateTime.Now.Hour && dt.Minute - 5 > DateTime.Now.Minute || dt.Day == DateTime.Now.Day && dt.Month == DateTime.Now.Month && dt.Year == DateTime.Now.Year && dt.Hour > DateTime.Now.Hour && dt.Minute - 5 > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Date not vailed"); } else if (this.IntensityTextBox.Text == "" || int.Parse(this.IntensityTextBox.Text) < 1) { MessageBox.Show("worng intensity"); } else if (this.BoomsNTextBox.Text == "" || int.Parse(this.BoomsNTextBox.Text) < 1) { MessageBox.Show("worng Booms"); } else if (this.CityTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No text in city"); } else if (this.AddressTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No text in street"); } else if (this.NameTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No text in Name"); } else { var id = 0; Geocoder g = new Geocoder(); var v = g.Geocode(AddressTextBox.Text, CityTextBox.Text); if (v.Latitude == 0 && v.Longitude == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, but the address you gave does not exsist"); } else { FactoryBl.GetBL().AddReport(new BE.Report(0, dt, this.NameTextBox.Text, this.AddressTextBox.Text, this.CityTextBox.Text, int.Parse(this.BoomsNTextBox.Text), int.Parse(this.IntensityTextBox.Text), new BE.Coordinate())); foreach (var r in FactoryBl.GetBL().GetAllReport()) { if (r.City == this.CityTextBox.Text && r.NameReporter == this.NameTextBox.Text && r.Address == this.AddressTextBox.Text) { id = r.FallId; } } MapG w = new MapG(id); w.Show(); this.Close(); } } } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); routerDb = new RouterDb(); //GetOsmData(); //ContractRouterDb(); //GenerateRouterDb(); LoadFromGeneratedRouterDb(); var router = new Router(routerDb); gc = new Geocoder(openCageDataApiKey); //read the text file with provided pathway string allAddInfo = File.ReadAllText(mapsFilePath); string[] mapsTextList = Regex.Split(allAddInfo, "\r\n"); //get start location lat&long GeocoderResponse startLocResult = gc.Geocode(ProcessStartLocationFile(mapsTextList)); float startLocLat = GetLat(startLocResult); float startLocLong = GetLong(startLocResult); //get end location lat&long GeocoderResponse endLocResult = gc.Geocode(ProcessEndLocationFile(mapsTextList)); float endLocLat = GetLat(endLocResult); float endLocLong = GetLong(endLocResult); //Convert or write them from float to string then can just print in string form string startLocLatString = startLocLat.ToString(); string startLocLongString = startLocLong.ToString(); string fullStartCoordinate = ("GPS coordinate for departure: (" + startLocLatString + ", " + startLocLongString + ")"); string endLocLatString = endLocLat.ToString(); string endLocLongString = endLocLong.ToString(); string fullEndCoordinate = ("GPS coordinate for arrival: (" + endLocLatString + ", " + endLocLongString + ")"); var profile = Vehicle.Car.Shortest(); var route = router.Calculate(profile, startLocLat, startLocLong, endLocLat, endLocLong); var geoJson = route.ToGeoJson(); //change the meters into km float totalDistance = route.TotalDistance; double totalDistanceInKm = Math.Round(totalDistance / 1000, 2); string distanceInKm = "Estimated Route Distance: " + totalDistanceInKm.ToString() + " km"; //change the seconds to hour and minute float totalTimeSec = route.TotalTime; float totalTimeMin = totalTimeSec / 60; int roundedTotalTimeMin = (int)Math.Round(totalTimeMin, 0); int totalTimeHour = roundedTotalTimeMin / 60; float totalTimeRem = totalTimeMin % 60; float roundedTotalTimeRem = (int)Math.Round(totalTimeRem, 0); //Special Condition for travel duration string etdString = "Estimated Travel Duration: "; string hourString = "hour"; string minuteString = "minute"; if (totalTimeHour > 1) { hourString = "hours"; } if (roundedTotalTimeRem > 1) { minuteString = "minutes"; } //Combination of travel time string finalTextToPrint = etdString + totalTimeHour.ToString() + " " + hourString + " " + roundedTotalTimeRem.ToString() + " " + minuteString; string[] textToPrint = { fullStartCoordinate, fullEndCoordinate, distanceInKm, finalTextToPrint }; //print or write all needed infos into an auto-generated file(giving specific pathway) File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\Hmin\Desktop\Testing2\PrintData.txt", textToPrint); this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// An edit was made to the InputField. /// Unity will send the string from _inputField. /// Make geocoder query. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchString">Search string.</param> public void InputCoords(Vector2d coords) { _coordinate = coords; _resource.Query = _coordinate; _geocoder.Geocode(_resource, HandleGeocoderResponse); }