Esempio n. 1
 void IFeedBack.PaintTo3D(IPaintTo3D paintTo3D)
     GeoPoint[] pnts = new GeoPoint[4];
     pnts[0] = pln.ToGlobal(new GeoPoint2D(-width / 2, -height / 2));
     pnts[1] = pln.ToGlobal(new GeoPoint2D(width / 2, -height / 2));
     pnts[2] = pln.ToGlobal(new GeoPoint2D(width / 2, height / 2));
     pnts[3] = pln.ToGlobal(new GeoPoint2D(-width / 2, height / 2));
     GeoVector[] norm = new GeoVector[4];
     norm[0] = pln.Normal;
     norm[1] = pln.Normal;
     norm[2] = pln.Normal;
     norm[3] = pln.Normal;
     int[] ind = new int[6];
     ind[0] = 0;
     ind[1] = 1;
     ind[2] = 2;
     ind[3] = 0;
     ind[4] = 2;
     ind[5] = 3;
     paintTo3D.Triangle(pnts, norm, ind);
 public ParametricsDistanceActionOld(Edge fromHere, Edge toHere, Line feedback, Plane plane, IFrame frame)
     distanceFromHere = fromHere;
     distanceToHere   = toHere;
     offsetStartPoint = feedback.StartPoint;
     offsetFeedBack   = frame.ActiveView.Projection.MakeArrow(feedback.StartPoint, feedback.EndPoint, plane, Projection.ArrowMode.circleArrow);
     feedbackPlane    = plane;
     originalOffset   = feedback.EndPoint - feedback.StartPoint;
     shell            = fromHere.PrimaryFace.Owner as Shell;
     facesToMove      = new List <Face>();
     facesToKeep      = new List <Face>();
     if (toHere != null)
         if (!toHere.PrimaryFace.Surface.IsExtruded(originalOffset))
         if (!toHere.SecondaryFace.Surface.IsExtruded(originalOffset))
         facesToMoveIsFixed = true;
     if (fromHere != null)
         if (!fromHere.PrimaryFace.Surface.IsExtruded(originalOffset))
         if (!fromHere.SecondaryFace.Surface.IsExtruded(originalOffset))
        private void Point1(GeoPoint p)
            //			elliPoint1 = p;
            GeoVector dir = p - ellipse.Center;

            if (!dir.IsNullVector())
                // dir1 als senkrechte zu dir in der ActiveDrawingPlane erzeugen:
                GeoVector dir1 = ellipse.Plane.Normal ^ dir;
                dir1 = ellipse.MinorRadius * dir1;
                // nun daraus neue ellipse, in der Orientierung dir ist der Winkel enthalten
                ellipse.SetEllipseArcCenterAxis(ellipse.Center, dir, dir1, ellipse.StartParameter, ellipse.SweepParameter);
                // für die Mauseingabe des 2.Radius wird hier die Referenzlinie ellipse.Center,p angegeben
                elliMinRad.SetDistanceFromLine(ellipse.Center, p);

             *          if (!dir.IsNullVector())
             *          {
             *              ellipse.MajorRadius = Geometry.dist(ellipse.Center,p);
             *              // dir1 als senkrechte zu dir in der ActiveDrawingPlane erzeugen:
             *              GeoVector dir1 = base.ActiveDrawingPlane.Normal ^ dir;
             *              // nun daraus neue ellipse.plane, in der Orientierung dir ist der Winkel enthalten
             *              ellipse.Plane = new Plane(ellipse.Center,dir,dir1);
             *              // für die Mauseingabe des 2.Radius wird hier die Referenzlinie ellipse.Center,p angegeben
             *              elliMinRad.SetDistanceFromLine(ellipse.Center,p);
             *              elliAngle = new Angle(ActiveDrawingPlane.DirectionX,dir);
             *          }
Esempio n. 4
        }                                    // for JSON

        public void SetObjectData(IJsonReadData data)
            location = data.GetProperty <GeoPoint>("Location");
            xAxis    = data.GetProperty <GeoVector>("XAxis");
            yAxis    = data.GetProperty <GeoVector>("YAxis");
            zAxis    = data.GetProperty <GeoVector>("ZAxis");
Esempio n. 5
        public PlaneSurface(GeoPoint location, GeoVector uDirection, GeoVector vDirection)
            GeoVector zDirection = uDirection ^ vDirection;

            fromUnitPlane = new ModOp(uDirection, vDirection, zDirection, location);
            toUnitPlane   = fromUnitPlane.GetInverse();
Esempio n. 6
        public override void DerivationAt(GeoPoint2D uv, out GeoPoint location, out GeoVector du, out GeoVector dv)
            periodicSurface.DerivationAt(toPeriodic(uv), out GeoPoint ploc, out GeoVector pdu, out GeoVector pdv);
            location = ploc;
            double l = uv.x * uv.x + uv.y * uv.y;
            double sl = Math.Sqrt(l);
            double dsdu, dsdv, dtdu, dtdv;

            if (l > 0)
                dsdu = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] * uv.x / sl - toPeriodicBounds[0, 0] * uv.y / l;
                dsdv = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] * uv.y / sl + toPeriodicBounds[0, 0] * uv.x / l;
                dtdu = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] * uv.x / sl - toPeriodicBounds[1, 0] * uv.y / l;
                dtdv = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] * uv.y / sl + toPeriodicBounds[1, 0] * uv.x / l;
                du   = dsdu * pdu + dtdu * pdv;
                dv   = dsdv * pdu + dtdv * pdv;
            {   // toPeriodic at (0,0) did return toPeriodicBounds * (0,0), but we also need toPeriodicBounds * (pi/2,0), because at (0,0) there is the pole
                GeoPoint2D pole1 = toPeriodicBounds * new GeoPoint2D(Math.PI / 2.0, 0.0);
                periodicSurface.DerivationAt(pole1, out GeoPoint ploc1, out GeoVector pdu1, out GeoVector pdv1);
                dsdu = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] - toPeriodicBounds[0, 0];
                dsdv = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] + toPeriodicBounds[0, 0];
                dtdu = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] - toPeriodicBounds[1, 0];
                dtdv = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] + toPeriodicBounds[1, 0];
                du   = dsdu * pdu + dtdu * pdv;
                dv   = dsdv * pdu1 + dtdv * pdv1;
        public override ISurface GetCanonicalForm(double precision, BoundingRect?bounds)
            ICurve testWith = basisCurve;

            if (basisCurve is BSpline bsp)
                if (bsp.GetSimpleCurve(precision, out ICurve simpleCurve))
                    testWith = simpleCurve;
            if (testWith is Ellipse elli && elli.IsCircle)
                double r = (elli).Radius;
                if (Precision.SameDirection(elli.Plane.Normal, this.direction, false))
                    CylindricalSurface cs = new CylindricalSurface(elli.Center, elli.MajorAxis, elli.MinorAxis, elli.Plane.Normal);
                    GeoVector          n1 = this.GetNormal(this.PositionOf(elli.StartPoint));
                    GeoVector          n2 = cs.GetNormal(cs.PositionOf(elli.StartPoint));
                    if (n1 * n2 < 0)
Esempio n. 8
 private bool Radius1(double length)
     if (length > Precision.eps)
         coneRadius1 = length;
         coneDirX    = coneRadius1 * coneDirX.Normalized;
         cone        = Make3D.MakeCone(coneStartPoint, coneDirX, coneDirZ, coneRadius1, coneRadius2);
         if (cone == null)
         if (startPointInput.Fixed && !endPointInput.Fixed)
         { // er will also einen Kegel senkrecht auf der drawingplane
             endPointInput.Optional     = true;
             height.Optional            = false;
             height.ForwardMouseInputTo = new object[0]; // den forward abschalten
             coneDirX = coneRadius1 * base.ActiveDrawingPlane.DirectionX;
             coneDirZ = coneHeight * (base.ActiveDrawingPlane.DirectionX ^ base.ActiveDrawingPlane.DirectionY);
         base.ActiveObject = cone;
Esempio n. 9
        private void SetPositionPoint(GeoPoint p)
            GeoVector move = p - block.RefPoint;
            ModOp     m    = ModOp.Translate(move);

Esempio n. 10
 protected SphericalSurfaceNP(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     center = (GeoPoint)info.GetValue("Center", typeof(GeoPoint));
     xAxis  = (GeoVector)info.GetValue("XAxis", typeof(GeoVector));
     yAxis  = (GeoVector)info.GetValue("YAxis", typeof(GeoVector));
     zAxis  = (GeoVector)info.GetValue("ZAxis", typeof(GeoVector));
Esempio n. 11
 private void EndPoint(GeoPoint p)
     if (!Precision.IsEqual(p, coneStartPoint))
         coneDirZ = new GeoVector(coneStartPoint, p);
         if (height.Fixed) // die schon bestimmte Höhe benutzen!
             coneDirZ = coneHeight * coneDirZ.Normalized;
             coneHeight = coneDirZ.Length;
         // coneDirX muss irgendwie senkrecht auf coneDirZ stehen. Hier: Hilfsvektor definieren mit der kleinsten Komponente von coneDirZ
         GeoVector vT = new GeoVector(1, 0, 0); // x am kleinsten
         if (Math.Abs(coneDirZ.y) < Math.Abs(coneDirZ.x))
             vT = new GeoVector(0, 1, 0); // y am kleinsten
         if ((Math.Abs(coneDirZ.x) > Math.Abs(coneDirZ.z)) && (Math.Abs(coneDirZ.y) > Math.Abs(coneDirZ.z)))
             vT = new GeoVector(0, 0, 1); // z am kleinsten
         coneDirX = coneRadius1 * (vT ^ coneDirZ).Normalized;
         cone     = Make3D.MakeCone(coneStartPoint, coneDirX, coneDirZ, coneRadius1, coneRadius2);
         base.ActiveObject = cone;
Esempio n. 12
        }                                  // for JSON

        public void SetObjectData(IJsonReadData data)
            center = data.GetProperty <GeoPoint>("Center");
            xAxis  = data.GetProperty <GeoVector>("XAxis");
            yAxis  = data.GetProperty <GeoVector>("YAxis");
            zAxis  = data.GetProperty <GeoVector>("ZAxis");
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Derivation2At(GeoPoint2D uv, out GeoPoint p, out GeoVector du, out GeoVector dv, out GeoVector duu, out GeoVector dvv, out GeoVector duv)
        {   // from maxima and common sub expression
            double    u    = uv.x;
            double    v    = uv.y;
            double    r    = xAxis.Length;
            double    sc16 = exp52(sqr(v) + sqr(u));
            double    sc15 = exp32(sqr(v) + sqr(u));
            double    sc14 = sqr(v) + sqr(u) + sqr(r);
            double    sc13 = 2.0 * Math.Atan2(r, Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u)));
            double    sc12 = sqr(sc14);
            double    sc11 = Math.Sin(sc13);
            double    sc10 = Math.Cos(sc13);
            double    sc9  = (sqr(v) + sqr(u)) * sc12;
            double    sc8  = Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u)) * sc14;
            double    sc7  = sc15 * sc14;
            double    sc6  = Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u)) * sc12;
            double    sc5  = 4.0 * r * sc10;
            double    sc4  = 2.0 * r * sc10;
            double    sc3  = sc4 * u;
            double    sc2  = 4.0 * sqr(r) * sc11;
            GeoVector sc1  = (-(sc4 * zAxis)) / sc8;

            p   = center + sc11 * zAxis + v * yAxis / Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u)) + u * xAxis / Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u));
            du  = (-(sc3 * zAxis)) / sc8 - u * v * yAxis / sc15 + xAxis / Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u)) - sqr(u) * xAxis / sc15;
            dv  = (-(sc4 * v * zAxis)) / sc8 + yAxis / Math.Sqrt(sqr(v) + sqr(u)) - sqr(v) * yAxis / sc15 - u * v * xAxis / sc15;
            duu = sc1 + sc4 * sqr(u) * zAxis / sc7 + sc5 * sqr(u) * zAxis / sc6 - sc2 * sqr(u) * zAxis / sc9 - v * yAxis / sc15 + 3.0 * sqr(u) * v * yAxis / sc16 - 3.0 * u * xAxis / sc15 + 3.0 * cube(u) * xAxis / sc16;
            dvv = sc1 + sc4 * sqr(v) * zAxis / sc7 + sc5 * sqr(v) * zAxis / sc6 - sc2 * sqr(v) * zAxis / sc9 - 3.0 * v * yAxis / sc15 + 3.0 * cube(v) * yAxis / sc16 - u * xAxis / sc15 + 3.0 * u * sqr(v) * xAxis / sc16;
            duv = sc3 * v * zAxis / sc7 + sc5 * u * v * zAxis / sc6 - sc2 * u * v * zAxis / sc9 - u * yAxis / sc15 + 3.0 * u * sqr(v) * yAxis / sc16 - v * xAxis / sc15 + 3.0 * sqr(u) * v * xAxis / sc16;
Esempio n. 14
 Polynom implicitPolynomial; // will be calculated when needed
 public SphericalSurfaceNP(GeoPoint center, GeoVector xAxis, GeoVector yAxis, GeoVector zAxis)
 { = center;
     this.xAxis  = xAxis;
     this.yAxis  = yAxis;
     this.zAxis  = zAxis;
Esempio n. 15
 static public void SpaceDown(GeoObjectList gl, Projection projection, Project pr)
     using (pr.Undo.UndoFrame)
         IGeoObject[] geoArray = new IGeoObject[gl.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < gl.Count; ++i) // umkopieren auf ein Array, um den Sort machen zu können
             geoArray[i] = gl[i];
         // hier nun Sort, der Compare steht oben als lokal class und braucht die Parameter: Sort nach y = false und pm
         Array.Sort(geoArray, 0, geoArray.Length, new CompareGeoObject(false, projection));
         // die Rechtecke des ersten und letzten Objeks für die Gesamtausdehnung
         BoundingRect reStart = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[0], projection, false);
         BoundingRect reEnd   = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[geoArray.Length - 1], projection, false);
         double       reTotal = reEnd.Top - reStart.Bottom; // Gesamtausdehnung
         double       distRe  = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < geoArray.Length; ++i)          // Summe der Ausdehnung der Einzelnen:
             BoundingRect re = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[i], projection, false);
             distRe = distRe + re.Height;
         double space = (reTotal - distRe) / (geoArray.Length - 1); // Gesamt - Summe Einzelne / Zwischenräume
         double pos   = reStart.Top;
         for (int i = 1; i < geoArray.Length - 1; ++i)              // vom zweiten bis zum vorletzten, die Äußeren bleiben unverändert
             BoundingRect re      = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[i], projection, false);
             GeoVector2D  trans2D = new GeoVector2D(0, pos + space - re.Bottom);
             pos = pos + space + re.Height; // pos hochzählen auf den oberen Rand des aktuellen
             GeoVector trans = projection.DrawingPlane.ToGlobal(trans2D);
             ModOp     m     = ModOp.Translate(trans);
Esempio n. 16
 private bool DirCurve(CurveInput sender, ICurve[] Curves, bool up)
     objectPoint = base.CurrentMousePosition;
     if (up)
         if (Curves.Length == 0)
             sender.SetCurves(Curves, null);                     // ...die werden jetzt im ControlCenter dargestellt (nur bei up)
             sender.SetCurves(Curves, Curves[0]);
     if (Curves.Length > 0)
         dirCurve = Curves[0];
     using (Frame.Project.Undo.ContextFrame(this))
         if (vectorProperty != null)
     actualVector = cancelVector;
Esempio n. 17
 private void MakeBlock(int horLeft, int horRight, int verDown, int verUp, double distX, double distY)
 {   // läuft asynchron
     backgroundBlock = Block.Construct();
     for (int i = -horLeft; i <= horRight; ++i)
         if (i != 0) // i=0 ist das Original, soll nicht verdoppelt werden!
             GeoObjectList li = new GeoObjectList();
             // für jede Kopie ein Clone machen
             li = originals.CloneObjects();
             // AbstandX * Kopienwinkel:
             GeoVector vect = (i * distX) * dirV;
             ModOp     m    = ModOp.Translate(vect);
         for (int j = -verDown; j <= verUp; ++j)
             if (j != 0) // J=0 ist das Original, soll nicht verdoppelt werden!
                 GeoObjectList liV = new GeoObjectList();
                 // für jede Kopie ein Clone machen
                 liV = originals.CloneObjects();
                 // der senkrechte Winkel auf Kopienwinkel dirV
                 GeoVector dirV_Vert = base.ActiveDrawingPlane.Normal ^ dirV;
                 GeoVector vectV     = (i * distX) * dirV + (j * distY) * dirV_Vert;
                 ModOp     m         = ModOp.Translate(vectV);
Esempio n. 18
        private GeoVector OnGetDirection(GeoVectorProperty sender)
            GeoVector res = line.StartDirection;

            // res.Norm(); warum? Wenn Start- und Endpunkt identisch sind gibts eine Exception, die nicht gefangen wird
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.GetLineIntersection (GeoPoint, GeoVector)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startPoint"></param>
 /// <param name="direction"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override GeoPoint2D[] GetLineIntersection(GeoPoint startPoint, GeoVector direction)
     if (Precision.SameDirection(this.direction, direction, false))
     {   // Linie parallel zur Auszugsrichtung
         return(new GeoPoint2D[] { });
         // Die Ebene durch Auszugsrichtung und Schnittgerade und Schnittlinien-Startpunkt, schneide
         // die Basiskurve mit der Ebene. Die Schnittpunkt liefern die richtigen u-Werte
         // die v-Werte finden wir vom u-Wert auf der basisCurve ausgehen in Auszugsrichtung und mit der Schnittlinie schneiden
         Plane        pln = new Plane(startPoint, direction, this.direction);
         double[]     u   = basisCurve.GetPlaneIntersection(pln);
         GeoPoint2D[] res = new GeoPoint2D[u.Length];
         pln = new Plane(startPoint, direction, direction ^ this.direction); // Ebene senkrech zur Auszugsrichtung durch den Linienpunkt
         for (int i = 0; i < u.Length; ++i)
             GeoPoint ip     = pln.Intersect(basisCurve.PointAt(u[i]), this.direction);
             GeoPoint vbasis = basisCurve.PointAt(u[i]);
             //res[i] = new GeoPoint2D((u[i] - curveStartParameter) / (curveEndParameter - curveStartParameter), Geometry.LinePar(startPoint, this.direction, ip));
             res[i] = new GeoPoint2D((u[i] * (curveEndParameter - curveStartParameter) + curveStartParameter), Geometry.LinePar(vbasis, this.direction, ip));
Esempio n. 20
 public GeneralLengthAction(LengthProperty lengthProperty, GeoPoint linePoint, GeoVector lineDirection)
     this.lengthProperty = lengthProperty;
     this.linePoint      = linePoint;
     this.lineDirection  = lineDirection;
     mode = Mode.fromLine;
Esempio n. 21
        public CylindricalSurfaceNP(GeoPoint center, double radius, GeoVector axis, bool outwardOriented, ICurve[] orientedCurves)
            id = ++idcnt;
            double minpos = double.MaxValue;
            double maxpos = double.MinValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < orientedCurves.Length; i++)
                double[] extr = orientedCurves[i].GetExtrema(axis);
                double   lp;
                for (int j = 0; j < extr.Length; j++)
                    lp     = Geometry.LinePar(center, axis, orientedCurves[i].PointAt(extr[j]));
                    minpos = Math.Min(minpos, lp);
                    maxpos = Math.Max(maxpos, lp);
                lp     = Geometry.LinePar(center, axis, orientedCurves[i].StartPoint);
                minpos = Math.Min(minpos, lp);
                maxpos = Math.Max(maxpos, lp);
                lp     = Geometry.LinePar(center, axis, orientedCurves[i].EndPoint);
                minpos = Math.Min(minpos, lp);
                maxpos = Math.Max(maxpos, lp);
            location = Geometry.LinePos(center, axis, minpos);
            axis.ArbitraryNormals(out xAxis, out yAxis);
            if (!outwardOriented)
                xAxis = -xAxis;
            zAxis        = axis;
            xAxis.Length = radius;
            yAxis.Length = radius;
            zAxis.Length = (maxpos - minpos) * axis.Length;
Esempio n. 22
        private GeoVector OnGetEndAngle(GeoVectorProperty sender)
            GeoVector dir = dimension.GetPoint(2) - dimension.GetPoint(0);

Esempio n. 23
 protected CylindricalSurfaceNP(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     location = (GeoPoint)info.GetValue("Location", typeof(GeoPoint));
     xAxis    = (GeoVector)info.GetValue("XAxis", typeof(GeoVector));
     yAxis    = (GeoVector)info.GetValue("YAxis", typeof(GeoVector));
     zAxis    = (GeoVector)info.GetValue("ZAxis", typeof(GeoVector));
Esempio n. 24

        /// <summary>
        /// zooms into the unit on the given coordinates until the target type is rendered
        /// <para>returns value at the center of the zoomed point</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraGeoVector"></param>
        /// <param name="targetZoomLevel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal void ZoomTo(GeoVector cameraGeoVector, int targetZoomLevel)
            if (targetZoomLevel > cfg.MaxZoomLevel || targetZoomLevel < 0)
                Debug.Log("Can't zoom any further");
            else if (targetZoomLevel == ZoomLevel)
            else if (targetZoomLevel == ZoomLevel + 1)
            else if (targetZoomLevel > ZoomLevel)
                var idx = GetLocalUnitIndex(cameraGeoVector);
                GetUnit(idx.x, idx.y).ZoomTo(cameraGeoVector, targetZoomLevel);
                //hide children
Esempio n. 25
        public int WriteAxis1Placement3d(GeoPoint location, GeoVector normal)
            int nl = (location as IExportStep).Export(this, false);
            int n  = (normal.Normalized as IExportStep).Export(this, false);

            return(WriteDefinition("AXIS1_PLACEMENT('',#" + nl.ToString() + ",#" + n.ToString() + ");"));
Esempio n. 26
 private void InsertGeoVector()
     string prefix = StringTable.GetString("NamedValues.NewGeoVector.Prefix");
     string Name = GetUniqueName(prefix);
     namedValues[Name] = new GeoVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Esempio n. 27
        internal static Plane FromPointsSVD(GeoPoint[] Points, out double MaxDistance, out bool isLinear)
            isLinear    = false;
            MaxDistance = double.MaxValue;
            GeoPoint centroid = new GeoPoint(Points);
            Matrix   m        = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[Points.Length, 3]);

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; i++)
                GeoVector v = Points[i] - centroid;
                m[i, 0] = v.x;
                m[i, 1] = v.y;
                m[i, 2] = v.z;
                Svd <double> svd    = m.Svd();
                GeoVector    normal = new GeoVector(svd.U[0, 0], svd.U[0, 1], svd.U[0, 2]);
                return(new Plane(centroid, normal));
Esempio n. 28
 public override GeoVector DirectionAt(double Position)
     if (Math.Abs(startPoint.x - endPoint.x) < Math.Abs(startPoint.y - endPoint.y))
     {   // also vertikal, da nur horizontal oder vertikal vorkommt
         GeoVector dir = surface.VDirection(startPoint + Position * (endPoint - startPoint));
         if (startPoint.y < endPoint.y)
     {   // horizontal
         GeoVector dir = surface.UDirection(startPoint + Position * (endPoint - startPoint));
         if (startPoint.x < endPoint.x)
Esempio n. 29
        public void Add(GeoPoint from, GeoVector dir, double size, System.Drawing.Color color)
            Line l = Line.Construct();

            l.StartPoint = from;
            l.EndPoint   = from + size * dir.Normalized;
            ColorDef cd = new ColorDef(color.Name, color);

            l.ColorDef = cd;
            GeoVector perp = dir ^ GeoVector.ZAxis;

            if (Precision.IsNullVector(perp))
                perp = dir ^ GeoVector.XAxis;
            GeoPoint p1 = from + size * 0.9 * dir.Normalized + size * 0.1 * perp.Normalized;
            GeoPoint p2 = from + size * 0.9 * dir.Normalized - size * 0.1 * perp.Normalized;
            Line     l1 = Line.Construct();

            l1.StartPoint = l.EndPoint;
            l1.EndPoint   = p1;
            l1.ColorDef   = cd;
            Line l2 = Line.Construct();

            l2.StartPoint = l.EndPoint;
            l2.EndPoint   = p2;
            l2.ColorDef   = cd;
Esempio n. 30
        public static bool SameNotOppositeDirection(GeoVector v1, GeoVector v2)
            GeoVector cross = v1 ^ v2;
            double    cl    = cross.Length;
            double    f;

            if (Math.Abs(v2.x) > Math.Abs(v2.y))
                if (Math.Abs(v2.x) > Math.Abs(v2.z))
                    f = v1.x / v2.x;
                    f = v1.z / v2.z;
                if (Math.Abs(v2.y) > Math.Abs(v2.z))
                    f = v1.y / v2.y;
                    f = v1.z / v2.z;
            return((f > 0.0) && (cl / (v1.Length * v2.Length) < epsa));