Esempio n. 1
  * Constructs a new map layer definition.
 public MapLayer()
     grid_valid         = false;
     encode_cell_radius = true;
     aoi_manual         = GeoExtent.invalid();
     aoi_auto           = GeoExtent.invalid();
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestExtentExpansion()
             *    Empty extent
             *      +
            GeoExtent extent = new GeoExtent(4740877.11612745, 4740877.11612745, 329020.170629896, 329020.170629896);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, extent.Width, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, extent.Height, 0.001);

             *    Extent expanded with 20km on each side
             *    +-----+
             *    |  +  |
             *    +-----+


            Assert.AreEqual(40000.0, extent.Width, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(40000.0, extent.Height, 0.001);
        public void BatchTransformWithParameters()
            GeoExtent extent = new GeoExtent(4590706, 4556298, 8561889, 8519105);

            Transformations tr = new Transformations();

            double[] parameters = tr.CalculateAffineTransformationParameters(extent, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);

            int count = 100000;

            GeoPoint[] input    = new GeoPoint[count];
            GeoPoint[] expected = new GeoPoint[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                input[i]    = new GeoPoint(4573488, 8539465);
                expected[i] = new GeoPoint(4700322.190, 361795.526);

            // check results
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                GeoPoint result = tr.TransformBGSCoordinates(input[i], parameters, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);
                Common.CheckResults(expected[i], result, Common.DELTA_BGS_EXTENT);
Esempio n. 4
        private void recalculateGrid()
            num_rows = 0;
            num_cols = 0;
            dx       = 0.0;
            last_dx  = 0.0;
            dy       = 0.0;
            last_dy  = 0.0;

            GeoExtent aoi = getAreaOfInterest();

            if (aoi.isValid())
                GeoPoint         sw  = aoi.getSouthwest();
                GeoPoint         ne  = aoi.getNortheast();
                SpatialReference srs = aoi.getSRS();

                if (getCellHeight() > 0.0)
                    num_rows = (uint)Math.Ceiling(aoi.getHeight() / getCellHeight());
                    dy       = getCellHeight();
                    last_dy  = aoi.getHeight() % getCellHeight();
                    if (last_dy == 0.0)
                        last_dy = dy;
                    num_rows = 1;
                    dy       = last_dy = aoi.getHeight();

                if (getCellWidth() > 0.0)
                    num_cols = (uint)Math.Ceiling(aoi.getWidth() / getCellWidth());
                    dx       = getCellWidth();
                    last_dx  = aoi.getWidth() % getCellWidth();
                    if (last_dx == 0.0)
                        last_dx = dx;
                    num_cols = 1;
                    dx       = last_dx = aoi.getWidth();

                grid_valid = true;
Esempio n. 5
        /*** Statics ********************************************************/

        static bool getTerrainData(Terrain terrain,
                                   out osg.Node out_terrain_node,
                                   out SpatialReference out_terrain_srs,
                                   out GeoExtent out_terrain_extent)
            if (terrain != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrain.getURI()))
                    out_terrain_node = osgDB.readNodeFile(terrain.getAbsoluteURI());

                // first check for an explicity defined SRS:
                out_terrain_srs = terrain.getExplicitSRS();
                if (out_terrain_srs != null && out_terrain_srs.isGeographic())
                    // and make it geocentric if necessary..
                    out_terrain_srs = Registry.SRSFactory().createGeocentricSRS(out_terrain_srs.get());

                if (out_terrain_node != null)
                    // if the SRS wasn't explicit, try to read it from the scene graph:
                    if (out_terrain_srs == null)
                        out_terrain_srs = Registry.SRSFactory().createSRSfromTerrain(out_terrain_node.get());

                    //    << "Loaded TERRAIN from \"" << terrain.getAbsoluteURI() << "\", SRS = "
                    //    << (out_terrain_srs != null? out_terrain_srs.getName() : "unknown")
                    //    << std.endl;

                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrain.getURI()))
                    //    << "Unable to load data for terrain \""
                    //    << terrain.getName() << "\"."
                    //    << std.endl;


            out_terrain_extent = new GeoExtent(-180, -90, 180, 90,

Esempio n. 6
        // MapLayerCompiler interface

        public virtual Profile createProfile()
            // determine the output SRS:
            SpatialReference out_srs = map_layer.getOutputSRS(getSession(), terrain_srs);

            if (out_srs == null)
                //osgGIS.warn() << "Unable to figure out the output SRS; aborting." << std.endl;

            // figure out the bounds of the compilation area and create a Q map. We want a sqaure AOI..maybe
            GeoExtent aoi = map_layer.getAreaOfInterest();

            if (aoi == null)
                //osgGIS.warn() << "Invalid area of interest in the map layer - no data?" << std.endl;

            QuadMap qmap;

            if (out_srs.isGeocentric())
                // for a geocentric map, use a modified GEO quadkey:
                // (yes, that MIN_LAT of -180 is correct...we want a square)
                qmap = new QuadMap(new GeoExtent(-180.0, -180.0, 180.0, 90.0, Registry.SRSFactory().createWGS84()));
                double   max_span = Math.Max(aoi.getWidth(), aoi.getHeight());
                GeoPoint sw       = aoi.getSouthwest();
                GeoPoint ne       = new GeoPoint(sw.x() + max_span, sw.y() + max_span, aoi.getSRS());
                qmap = new QuadMap(new GeoExtent(sw, ne));

#if TODO

            //    osgGIS.notice()
            //        << "QMAP: " << std.endl
            //        << "   Top LOD = " << getTopLod( qmap, map_layer.get() ) << std.endl
            //        << "   Depth   = " << map_layer.getMaxDepth() << std.endl
            //        << "   Extent = " << qmap.getBounds().toString() << ", w=" << qmap.getBounds().getWidth() << ", h=" << qmap.getBounds().getHeight() << std.endl
            //        << std.endl;

            return(new QuadTreeProfile(qmap));
Esempio n. 7
         * Sets the reference terrain against which to compile.
        //public  void setTerrain(
        //    osg.Node               terrain,
        //      SpatialReference  terrain_srs =NULL,
        //      GeoExtent         terrain_extent =GeoExtent.infinite() )
        public void setTerrain(osg.Node _terrain,
                               SpatialReference _terrain_srs,
                               GeoExtent _terrain_extent)
            terrain_node   = _terrain;
            terrain_srs    = (SpatialReference)_terrain_srs;
            terrain_extent = _terrain_extent;

            if (terrain_srs == null)
                terrain_srs = MogreGis.Registry.SRSFactory().createSRSfromTerrain(terrain_node.get());

            //if ( !terrain_srs.valid() )
            //    osgGIS.warn() << "[MapLayerCompiler] WARNING: cannot determine SRS of terrain!" << std.endl;
Esempio n. 8
        public void TestExtentParameters()
             *    Extent
             *    +-----+
             *    |     |
             *    |     |
             *    +-----+
            GeoExtent extent = new GeoExtent(4748066.96065451, 4740877.11612745, 329020.170629896, 321536.921920285);
            double    width  = 7483.249;
            double    height = 7189.845;

            Assert.AreEqual(width, extent.Width, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(height, extent.Height, 0.001);

             *    Extent with empty height
             *    +-----+
            extent = new GeoExtent(4748066.96065451, 4748066.96065451, 329020.170629896, 321536.921920285);
            Assert.AreEqual(7483.249, extent.Width, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, extent.Height, 0.001);

             *    Extent with empty width
             *    +
             *    |
             *    |
             *    +
            extent = new GeoExtent(4748066.96065451, 4740877.11612745, 329020.170629896, 329020.170629896);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, extent.Width, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(7189.845, extent.Height, 0.001);

             *    Empty extent
             *    +
            extent = new GeoExtent(4740877.11612745, 4740877.11612745, 329020.170629896, 329020.170629896);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, extent.Width, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, extent.Height, 0.001);
        public void CalculateParametersForExtent()
            GeoExtent extent = new GeoExtent(4590706, 4556298, 8561889, 8519105);

            Transformations tr = new Transformations();

            double[] parameters = tr.CalculateAffineTransformationParameters(extent, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);

            // K9
            GeoPoint input    = new GeoPoint(4573488, 8539465);
            GeoPoint expected = new GeoPoint(4700322.190, 361795.526);

            GeoPoint result = tr.TransformBGSCoordinates(input, parameters, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);

            Common.CheckResults(expected, result, Common.DELTA_BGS_EXTENT);

            input    = new GeoPoint(4557529, 8530750);
            expected = new GeoPoint(4684583.019, 352691.179);

            result = tr.TransformBGSCoordinates(input, parameters, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);
            Common.CheckResults(expected, result, Common.DELTA_BGS_EXTENT);

            input    = new GeoPoint(4589108, 8551915);
            expected = new GeoPoint(4715630.512, 374624.861);

            result = tr.TransformBGSCoordinates(input, parameters, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);
            Common.CheckResults(expected, result, Common.DELTA_BGS_EXTENT);

            input    = new GeoPoint(4573488, 8517394);
            expected = new GeoPoint(4700865.033, 339732.391);

            result = tr.TransformBGSCoordinates(input, parameters, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);
            Common.CheckResults(expected, result, Common.DELTA_BGS_EXTENT);

            input    = new GeoPoint(4574394, 8583155);
            expected = new GeoPoint(4700154.937, 405492.239);

            result = tr.TransformBGSCoordinates(input, parameters, enumProjection.BGS_1970_K9, enumProjection.BGS_2005_KK);
            Common.CheckResults(expected, result, Common.DELTA_BGS_EXTENT);
Esempio n. 10
        public GeoExtent TileBounds(int tx, int ty, int zoom)
            GeoExtent retval = new GeoExtent();

                var min = this.PixelsToMeters(tx * this.tileSize, ty * this.tileSize, zoom);
                var max = this.PixelsToMeters((tx + 1) * this.tileSize, (ty + 1) * this.tileSize, zoom);
                retval = new GeoExtent()
                    North = max.Y, South = min.Y, East = max.X, West = min.X
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 11
        public GeoExtent TileLatLonBounds(int tx, int ty, int zoom)
            GeoExtent retval = new GeoExtent();

                var bounds = this.TileBounds(tx, ty, zoom);
                var min    = this.MetersToLatLon(bounds.West, bounds.South);
                var max    = this.MetersToLatLon(bounds.East, bounds.North);
                retval = new GeoExtent()
                    North = max.Y, South = min.Y, East = max.X, West = min.X
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 12
  * Gets the cell range that incorporates the AOI at the specified LOD.
 public bool getCells(
     GeoExtent aoi, uint lod,
     out uint out_cell_xmin, out uint out_cell_ymin,
     out uint out_cell_xmax, out uint out_cell_ymax);
Esempio n. 13
 public QuadMap(GeoExtent bounds);
Esempio n. 14
  * Sets the geospatial extent bounding the area we want to build.
  * @param extent Geospatial area of interest
 public void setAreaOfInterest(GeoExtent value)
     aoi_manual = value;
     grid_valid = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a set of control points located inside an extent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <GeoPoint> GetPoints(GeoExtent extent)
            List <Point <GeoPoint> > queried = this.tree.Query(extent.SouthWestCorner.X, extent.SouthWestCorner.Y, extent.NorthEastCorner.X, extent.NorthEastCorner.Y);

            return(queried.Select(p => p.UserData).OrderBy(p => p.ID).ToList());
Esempio n. 16
        protected void setCenterAndRadius(osg.Node node, GeoExtent cell_extent, SmartReadCallback reader)
            SpatialReference srs = map_layer.getOutputSRS(getSession(), getTerrainSRS());
            // first get the output srs centroid:
            GeoPoint centroid = srs.transform(cell_extent.getCentroid());
            GeoPoint sw       = srs.transform(cell_extent.getSouthwest());

            double radius = map_layer.getEncodeCellRadius() ?
                            (centroid - sw).length() :

            if (terrain_node.valid() && terrain_srs != null)
                GeoPoint clamped;
                for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++)
                    clamped = GeomUtils.clampToTerrain(centroid, terrain_node.get(), terrain_srs, reader);
                    if (!clamped.isValid())
                        // if the clamp failed, it's due to the geocentric intersection bug in which the isect
                        // fails when coplanar with a tile boundary/skirt. Fudge the centroid and try again.
                        double fudge = 0.001 * ((double)(1 + (Random.Rand() % 10)));
                        centroid.X += fudge;
                        centroid.Y -= fudge;
                        centroid.Z += fudge * fudge;

                if (!clamped.isValid())
                    SpatialReference geo    = srs.getGeographicSRS();
                    GeoPoint         latlon = geo.transform(centroid);
                    //osgGIS.warn() << "*** UNABLE TO CLAMP CENTROID: ***" << latlon.toString() << std.endl;
                    centroid = clamped;
                //osgGIS.warn() << "*** Failed to clamp Center/Radius for cell" << std.endl;

            if (node is osg.LOD)
                osg.LOD plod = (osg.LOD)node;
            else if (node is osg.ProxyNode)
                osg.ProxyNode proxy = (osg.ProxyNode)node;