private async void RunAddress() { this.SetSearchState(true); this.SearchDescription = "Ermittle Position der Adresse ..."; GlobalCoordinate position = await GeoCoder.GetPositionForAddress(this.AddressStreet + "\n" + this.AddressTown); if (position == null) { this.SetSearchState(false); CrossToast.ShowToast("Positionsermittlung fehlgeschlagen"); return; } this.SearchDescription = "Suche Tankstellen ..."; List <PriceInfo> results = await ApiRequests.RequestGasStations(position); if (results == null) { this.SetSearchState(false); CrossToast.ShowToast("Suche fehlgeschlagen!"); return; } if (results.Count > 0) { // Add prices to the database DbDataProvider.Instance.AddPricesToHistory(results); this.ResultsFound?.Invoke(this, results); this.SearchDescription = String.Empty; // bug fix for small return delay } else { this.SetSearchState(false); CrossToast.ShowToast("Es wurden keine Tankstellen gefunden."); } }
protected void btnSaveDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtZip.Text != Entity.Zip) { Entity.CityStateZip = GeoCoder.TryGeocodeZip(txtZip.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fuImage.FileName) && IsImage(fuImage.FileName)) { if (Entity.ShopImages == null) { Entity.ShopImages = new List <ShopImage>(); } var img = Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream(fuImage.FileBytes)); img = img.ResizeImage(300, 300, false); var ms = new MemoryStream(); img.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg); for (int i = Entity.ShopImages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EasyContext.ShopImages.Remove(Entity.ShopImages.ElementAt(i)); } Entity.ShopImages.Add(new ShopImage() { ImageData = ms.GetBuffer() }); } Update(); }
public static List<SearchResult> GetSearchResultsFromRepository(string query, double radiusInMiles = 5) { List<SearchResult> searchResults = new List<SearchResult>(); List<DayCareRepository> allDayCareCenters = RepositoryService.GetAllDayCareRepositoryData(); GeoCoder coder = new GeoCoder(); List<GeoCoder.Location> locations = coder.GetLocationsByQueryFromGoogle(query); if (locations == null || locations.Count == 0) return searchResults; var location = locations[0]; foreach (var dc in allDayCareCenters) { double distance = 0.621 * GeographyUtils.HaversineDistance(dc.Latitude, dc.Longitude, location.Latitude, location.Longitude); if (distance <= radiusInMiles) { SearchResult sr = dc.ToSearchResult(); sr.Distance = distance; //TODO: Remove dummy phone sr.Phone = "615-555-5555"; searchResults.Add(sr); } } return searchResults.OrderBy(sr => sr.Distance).ThenBy(sr => sr.Name).ToList(); }
public void GeoCodeLocation() { // call the geo-coder var result = GeoCoder.LookUpGeoLocation(this); if (result.Action == GeoCoder.GeoCodeResult.GeoCodeAction.Clear) { // set the status this.GeocodingStatus = result.GeocodingStatus; // set the latitude, longitude, and DB location this.Latitude = null; this.Longitude = null; this.Location = null; } else if (result.Action == GeoCoder.GeoCodeResult.GeoCodeAction.Set) { // set the status this.GeocodingStatus = result.GeocodingStatus; // set the latitude, longitude, and DB location this.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(result.Latitude); this.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(result.Longitude); this.Location = new[] { this.Longitude.Value, this.Latitude.Value }; } }
public void GeoCode_Country_Gets_Info() { var geoCoder = new GeoCoder(); var result = geoCoder.Request("Spain"); Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null); }
public void CodeAll_InputContainMissSpellingsWithDifferentCasingToSavedMatches_AllCodesAdded() { // arrange GeoCoder geoCoder = new GeoCoder(MockRepository.GenerateStub <IDbConnection>() as DbConnection); InputColumnHeaders inputColumnHeaders = InputColumnNames(); GazetteerColumnHeaders gazetteerColumnHeaders = GazetteerColumnNames(); //gazetteer data string[] names1 = { "P1", "T1", "V1" }; string[] codes1 = { "1", "10", "100" }; // saved matched names data string[] names2 = { "P1x", "T1x", "V1x" }; // input data // line 1, all names miss-spelt with different casing string[] names3 = { "p1x", "t1x", "v1x" }; InputTestData inputTestData = new InputTestData(); inputTestData.AddLine(names3); geoCoder.SetInputData(inputTestData.Data(inputColumnHeaders)); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(inputColumnHeaders); // create gazetteer data GazetteerRecords gazetteerRecords = new GazetteerRecords(); gazetteerRecords.AddLine(names1, codes1); geoCoder.SetGazetteerData(gazetteerRecords.Data(gazetteerColumnHeaders)); // add records matched names records MatchProviderTestData matchProviderTestData = new MatchProviderTestData(); // add records matching saved matched names to gazetteer names matchProviderTestData.AddLevel1(names2, names1); matchProviderTestData.AddLevel2(names2, names1); matchProviderTestData.AddLevel3(names2, names1); MatchProviderStub matchProviderStub = new MatchProviderStub(matchProviderTestData); geoCoder.SetMatchProvider(matchProviderStub.MatchProvider()); geoCoder.SetGazetteerColumns(gazetteerColumnHeaders, false); // act geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); // assert var columns = geoCoder.LocationCodeColumnHeaders(); //line 1 - should contain codes 1 DataRow line1 = geoCoder.InputData.Rows[0]; Assert.AreEqual(codes1[0], line1[columns.Level1]); Assert.AreEqual(codes1[1], line1[columns.Level2]); Assert.AreEqual(codes1[2], line1[columns.Level3]); }
public UserSettingsCommandHandler(RaidBattlesContext context, ITelegramBotClient bot, IMemoryCache cache, IClock clock, GeoCoder geoCoder, IDateTimeZoneProvider dateTimeZoneProvider) { myContext = context; myBot = bot; myCache = cache; myClock = clock; myGeoCoder = geoCoder; myDateTimeZoneProvider = dateTimeZoneProvider; }
// // GET: /Api/Place/ public ActionResult Detected() { var id = GeoCoder.GetPlaceIdByIPAddress(WebContext.Current.ClientIP); using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext) { var data = Core.DataLayer.Place.Get(context, id); return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Detected() { var ip = Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"]; var id = GeoCoder.GetPlaceIdByIPAddress(ip); using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext) { var data = Core.DataLayer.Place.Get(context, id); return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
/// <summary>Geolocalizza il transito e salva le coordinate sul database.</summary> /// <returns>void</returns> public void GeoLocalizzaTransito() { string indirizzo = this.Indirizzo + ", " + this.Cap + " " + this.Citta + ", " + this.Provincia + " " + this.Nazione; string coordinate = GeoCoder.EncodeAddress(indirizzo); this.GeoCoordinate = coordinate; Dao dao = new Dao(); string sql = "UPDATE TariffeTransiti SET GeoCoordinate = '" + this.GeoCoordinate + "' WHERE Id=" + this.Id; dao.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
/// <summary>Geolocalizza la spedizione e salva le coordinte sul database.</summary> /// <returns>void</returns> private void GeoLocalizzaSpedizione() { string indirizzo = this.DestinazioneIndirizzo + ", " + this.DestinazioneCAP + " " + this.DestinazioneLocalita + ", " + this.DestinazioneProvincia + " " + this.DestinazioneNazione; string coordinate = GeoCoder.EncodeAddress(indirizzo); this.DestinazioneGeoLoc = coordinate; Dao dao = new Dao(); string sql = "UPDATE Spedizioni SET DestinazioneGeoLoc = '" + this.DestinazioneGeoLoc + "' WHERE Id=" + this.Id; dao.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
public void GeoCoder_PerfsTestsUsingMatchedNamesCache() { const string dbLocation1 = @"TestGeoLocationTool.sdf"; connection = DBHelper.GetDbConnection(dbLocation1); GeoCoder geoCoder = new GeoCoder(connection); geoCoder.LoadGazetteerFile(@"TestGaz1.csv"); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); geoCoder.SetGazetteerColumns( new GazetteerColumnHeaders { Level1Code = "ID_1", Level2Code = "ID_2", Level3Code = "ID_3", Level1Name = "NAME_1", Level2Name = "NAME_2", Level3Name = "NAME_3" }, false); foreach ( string inputFile in new[] { @"TestInput1000.csv", @"TestInput10000.csv", @"TestInput50000.csv" }) { geoCoder.LoadInputFileCsv(inputFile); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(geoCoder.DefaultInputColumnHeaders()); // use cache watch.Restart(); InputData.UseMatchedNamesCache = true; geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); var elapsed = watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; // don't use cache geoCoder.LoadInputFileCsv(inputFile); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(geoCoder.DefaultInputColumnHeaders()); watch.Restart(); InputData.UseMatchedNamesCache = false; geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); Debug.WriteLine( "input file: " + inputFile + " cached: " + elapsed + " vs " + "non cached: " + watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } // Example results // input file: TestInput1000.csv cached: 0.0089728 vs non cached: 0.3835499 // input file: TestInput10000.csv cached: 0.073879 vs non cached: 2.8980328 // input file: TestInput50000.csv cached: 0.3852506 vs non cached: 14.464649 }
public async Task LookupSetsLocation() { var handler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(new AssemblyResources(this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly)); var geocoder = new GeoCoder(handler, "xxxxx"); var vm = new MainViewModel(geocoder) { Landmark = "Eiffel Tower" }; await vm.Lookup(); Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.Location)); }
public void GeoCoder_PerfsTestsUsingDictionaries() { connection = DBHelper.GetDbConnection(dbLocation); connection.InitializeDB(); GeoCoder geoCoder = new GeoCoder(connection); geoCoder.LoadGazetteerFile(@"PHL_adm3.csv"); //You need to copy this file manually Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); geoCoder.SetGazetteerColumns( new GazetteerColumnHeaders { Level1Code = "ID_1", Level2Code = "ID_2", Level3Code = "ID_3", Level1Name = "NAME_1", Level2Name = "NAME_2", Level3Name = "NAME_3" }, false); Debug.WriteLine("Time to create dictionaries: " + watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); foreach (int linesCount in new[] { 500, 1000, 2000 }) { geoCoder.LoadInputFileCsv(GenerateInputFile(linesCount)); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(geoCoder.DefaultInputColumnHeaders()); watch.Restart(); geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); var elapsed = watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; //LocationCodes.useDictionaries = !LocationCodes.useDictionaries; geoCoder.LoadInputFileCsv(GenerateInputFile(linesCount)); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(geoCoder.DefaultInputColumnHeaders()); watch.Restart(); geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); Debug.WriteLine( linesCount + " input lines: " + elapsed + " vs " + watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); // LocationCodes.useDictionaries = !LocationCodes.useDictionaries; foreach (var row in geoCoder.InputData.AsEnumerable()) { var elems = row.ItemArray; Assert.IsFalse(elems[5] is DBNull); Assert.IsFalse(elems[6] is DBNull); Assert.IsFalse(elems[7] is DBNull); } } }
public async Task NotFoundSetsErrorMessage() { var handler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(new AssemblyResources(this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly)); var geocoder = new GeoCoder(handler, "key"); var vm = new MainViewModel(geocoder) { Landmark = "This won't be found" }; await vm.Lookup(); Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.ErrorMessage)); Assert.IsTrue(vm.ErrorMessage.Contains("404")); }
public async Task RoundtripPostalCode() { MessageHandlerFactory.Mode = MessageHandlerMode.Capture; var handler = MessageHandlerFactory.CreateMessageHandler(new FileSystemResources(TestContext.TestRunDirectory)); var service = new GeoCoder(handler, CredentialStore.RetrieveObject("bing.key.json").Key); var coord = await service.GetCoordinate(new Address() { postalCode = "55116", countryRegion = "US" }); var address = await service.GetAddress(coord.Item1, coord.Item2); Assert.AreEqual("55116", address.postalCode); }
public void GeoCoderDefault() { // Google Assert GeoCoder gc = new GeoCoder(); var Expected = new{ Latitude = 30.267153, Longitude = -97.7430608 }; IGeoCodeResult Target = gc.GetCoordinates("Austin, TX"); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Latitude, Target.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Longitude, Target.Longitude); }
public async Task ParseACanadianAddress() { var handler = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<HttpMessageHandler>(); var coord = new Tuple<double, double>(62.832908630371094, -95.913322448730469); using (var service = new GeoCoder(handler, CredentialStore.RetrieveObject("bing.key.json").Key, "Portable Bing GeoCoder unit tests", "en-CA", new UserContext(coord))) { var address = await service.ParseAddress("1950 Meadowvale Blvd., Mississauga, ON L5N 8L9"); Assert.AreEqual("1950 Meadowvale Blvd", address.addressLine); Assert.AreEqual("Mississauga", address.locality); Assert.AreEqual("ON", address.adminDistrict); Assert.AreEqual("L5N 8L9", address.postalCode); Assert.AreEqual("Canada", address.countryRegion); } }
public async Task ParseACanadianAddress() { var handler = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <HttpMessageHandler>(); var coord = new Tuple <double, double>(62.832908630371094, -95.913322448730469); using (var service = new GeoCoder(handler, CredentialStore.RetrieveObject("bing.key.json").Key, "Portable Bing GeoCoder unit tests", "en-CA", new UserContext(coord))) { var address = await service.ParseAddress("1950 Meadowvale Blvd., Mississauga, ON L5N 8L9"); Assert.AreEqual("1950 Meadowvale Blvd", address.addressLine); Assert.AreEqual("Mississauga", address.locality); Assert.AreEqual("ON", address.adminDistrict); Assert.AreEqual("L5N 8L9", address.postalCode); Assert.AreEqual("Canada", address.countryRegion); } }
public void GeoCoderAlternate() { var Expected = new { Latitude = 30.1968545, Longitude = -97.5975533560703 }; IGeoCodeResult Target = new GeoCodeResult(); GeoCoder gc = new GeoCoder(); gc.AddProvider(new OpenStreetMap()); Target = gc.GetCoordinates("Austin, TX"); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Latitude, Target.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Longitude, Target.Longitude); }
public void GeoCoderYahooPlaceFinder() { YahooPlaceFinderConfig yph = new YahooPlaceFinderConfig().SetKey(YahooAppId); YahooPlaceFinder ypf = new Lucuma.Libs.YahooPlaceFinder(yph); GeoCoder g = new GeoCoder(ypf); var Expected = new { Latitude = 30.267605, Longitude = -97.742984 }; IGeoCodeResult Target = new GeoCodeResult(); Target = g.GetCoordinates("Austin, TX"); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Latitude, Target.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Longitude, Target.Longitude); }
public void GeoCoderBingTest() { GeoCoder gc = new GeoCoder(); BingMapConfig bmc = new BingMapConfig() .SetKey(BingKey); gc.AddProvider(new BingMap(bmc)); // bing requires a key IGeoCodeResult Target = new GeoCodeResult(); var Expected = new{ Latitude = 30.267599105834961, Longitude = -97.74298095703125 }; Target = gc.GetCoordinates("Austin, TX"); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Latitude, Target.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Longitude, Target.Longitude); }
public void GeoCoderFirstFails() { var Expected = new { Latitude = 30.1968545, Longitude = -97.5975533560703 }; IGeoCodeResult Target = new GeoCodeResult(); GoogleGmapConfig gmc = new GoogleGmapConfig() .SetUrl("{0}&sensor=true"); GeoCoder gc = new GeoCoder() .AddProvider(new GoogleGmap(gmc)) .AddProvider(new OpenStreetMap()); Target = gc.GetCoordinates("Austin, TX"); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Latitude, Target.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(Expected.Longitude, Target.Longitude); }
public void GeoCoderCodeAll_PerfsTests_TimeToCodeAll() { const string dbLocation1 = @"TestGeoLocationTool.sdf"; connection = DBHelper.GetDbConnection(dbLocation1); GeoCoder geoCoder = new GeoCoder(connection); geoCoder.LoadGazetteerFile(@"TestGaz1.csv"); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); geoCoder.SetGazetteerColumns( new GazetteerColumnHeaders { Level1Code = "ID_1", Level2Code = "ID_2", Level3Code = "ID_3", Level1Name = "NAME_1", Level2Name = "NAME_2", Level3Name = "NAME_3", Level1AltName = "VARNAME_1", Level2AltName = "VARNAME_2", Level3AltName = "VARNAME_3" }, false); geoCoder.LoadInputFileCsv("TestInput1.csv"); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(geoCoder.DefaultInputColumnHeaders()); watch.Start(); geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); Debug.WriteLine( geoCoder.InputData.Rows.Count + " input lines: " + watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); // Example results // 25 input lines: 0.072016 }
public void SaveToLiteDB(int NumPage) { //Инициализация чтения Exel XSSFWorkbook xssfworkbook = null; //книга xlsx (2010+) HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook = null; //книга xls (2007) string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageRoot"] + FName; string ext = Path.GetExtension(path); Status = TipExel.error; if (ext == ".xls") { using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); } Status = TipExel.xsl; } if (ext == ".xlsx") { using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { xssfworkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file); } Status = TipExel.xslx; } if (Status == TipExel.error) { return; } //Загрузка данных в БД=========================================================== using (var db = new LiteDatabase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LiteDB"])) { var head = db.GetCollection <ExelHeaders>("H" + FName.GetHashCode()); var col = db.GetCollection <ExelRows>("C" + FName.GetHashCode()); var AllCount = db.GetCollection <AllCount>("A" + FName.GetHashCode()); var ADRCashe = db.GetCollection <AdressCashe>("AdresCashe"); ISheet sheet = null; if (Status == TipExel.xsl) { sheet = hssfworkbook.GetSheetAt(NumPage); } if (Status == TipExel.xslx) { sheet = xssfworkbook.GetSheetAt(NumPage); } System.Collections.IEnumerator rows = sheet.GetRowEnumerator(); int A = 0; while (rows.MoveNext()) { A++; } ; rows.Reset(); A = A - 1; AllCount ALL = AllCount.FindOne(x => x.Id == 1); ALL.Value = A; AllCount.Update(ALL); int idElement = 0; int GeoHeader = -1; bool header = true; while (rows.MoveNext()) { IRow row = null; if (Status == TipExel.xsl) { row = (HSSFRow)rows.Current; } if (Status == TipExel.xslx) { row = (XSSFRow)rows.Current; } //Обработка заголовка файла: if (header) { for (int j = 0; j < row.LastCellNum; j++) { var H = new ExelHeaders { HeadName = GetTxtFromCell(row.GetCell(j)) }; if (H.HeadName.ToUpper().IndexOf("АДРЕС") >= 0) { GeoHeader = j; } head.Insert(H); } header = false; continue; } //Обработка строк файла: if (GeoHeader >= 0) { string Adress = null, Error = null, Coord1 = null, Coord2 = null, AdresC = null; bool isGeoCode = false; string[] ColumnText = new string[row.LastCellNum]; for (int i = 0; i < row.LastCellNum; i++) { ColumnText[i] = GetTxtFromCell(row.GetCell(i)); } Adress = ColumnText[GeoHeader]; if (Adress.Length >= 3) { AdresC = Adress.Trim().Replace(" ", "").ToUpper(); if (AdresC.IndexOf(",КВ.") > 0) { AdresC = AdresC.Remove(AdresC.IndexOf(",КВ.")); } ; AdressCashe F_Adr = ADRCashe.FindOne(x => x.Adress == AdresC); if (F_Adr == null) { isGeoCode = GeoCoder.DecodeAdress(Adress, out Coord1, out Coord2, out Error); if (isGeoCode) { var N_Adr = new AdressCashe { Adress = AdresC, Coord1 = Coord1, Coord2 = Coord2 }; ADRCashe.Insert(N_Adr); } } else { isGeoCode = true; Adress = F_Adr.Adress; Coord1 = F_Adr.Coord1; Coord2 = F_Adr.Coord2; } } else { Error = "Мало букв в адресе"; } var C = new ExelRows { ColumnValue = ColumnText, Adress = Adress, Coord1 = Coord1, Coord2 = Coord2, isGeoCode = isGeoCode, Error = Error }; col.Insert(C); idElement++; } }//Геокодирование и добавление полей результатов: ADRCashe.EnsureIndex(x => x.Adress); ALL.Value = idElement; AllCount.Update(ALL); } //Открытие БД LiteDB }
// GET api/<controller> public IGeoCodeResult Query(GeoQuery q) { string key = string.Empty; string query = string.Empty; string provider = "Google"; IGeoProviderConfig config; IGeoProvider GeoProvider = null; IGeoCodeResult result = new GeoCodeResult(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Query) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Providers)) { query = q.Query; // we have a search provider = q.Providers.Replace("KEY", ""); if (q.Providers.Contains("KEY")) { key = q.Key; } switch (provider) { case "Google": config = new GoogleGmapConfig(); GeoProvider = new GoogleGmap(config); break; case "Bing": config = new BingMapConfig().SetKey(key); GeoProvider = new BingMap(config); break; case "MapQuest": config = new MapQuestConfig().SetKey(key); GeoProvider = new MapQuestMap(config); break; case "Open Streets": config = new OpenStreetMapConfig().SetUserAgent("your email here yo"); GeoProvider = new OpenStreetMap(config); break; case "YahooPlaces": config = new YahooPlaceFinderConfig().SetKey(key); GeoProvider = new YahooPlaceFinder(config); break; case "CloudMade": config = new CloudMadeConfig().SetKey(key); GeoProvider = new CloudMade(config); break; } GeoProvider = GeoProvider != null ? GeoProvider : new GoogleGmap(); GeoCoder gc = new GeoCoder(GeoProvider); result = gc.GetCoordinates(query); } return(result); }
CodeAll_CorrectAndMissSpeltInputWithSavedMatchesForMissSpellings_AllCodesAdded () { // arrange GeoCoder geoCoder = new GeoCoder(MockRepository.GenerateStub <IDbConnection>() as DbConnection); InputColumnHeaders inputColumnHeaders = InputColumnNames(); GazetteerColumnHeaders gazetteerColumnHeaders = GazetteerColumnNames(); // create input test data with // line 1, all names correct // line 2, all names correct // line 3, all names miss-spelt string[] names1 = { "P1", "T1", "V1" }; string[] names2 = { "P2", "T2", "V2" }; string[] names3 = { "P1x", "T1x", "V1x" }; string[] codes1 = { "1", "10", "100" }; string[] codes2 = { "2", "20", "200" }; InputTestData inputTestData = new InputTestData(); inputTestData.AddLine(names1); inputTestData.AddLine(names2); inputTestData.AddLine(names3); geoCoder.SetInputData(inputTestData.Data(inputColumnHeaders)); geoCoder.SetInputColumns(inputColumnHeaders); // create gazetteer data GazetteerRecords gazetteerRecords = new GazetteerRecords(); gazetteerRecords.AddLine(names1, codes1); gazetteerRecords.AddLine(names2, codes2); geoCoder.SetGazetteerData(gazetteerRecords.Data(gazetteerColumnHeaders)); // add records matching input line 3 names to gazetteer names 1 MatchProviderTestData matchProviderTestData = new MatchProviderTestData(); matchProviderTestData.AddLevel1(names3, names1); matchProviderTestData.AddLevel2(names3, names1); matchProviderTestData.AddLevel3(names3, names1); MatchProviderStub matchProviderStub = new MatchProviderStub(matchProviderTestData); geoCoder.SetMatchProvider(matchProviderStub.MatchProvider()); geoCoder.SetGazetteerColumns(gazetteerColumnHeaders, false); // act geoCoder.AddAllLocationCodes(); // assert var columns = geoCoder.LocationCodeColumnHeaders(); //line 1 - should contain codes 1 DataRow line1 = geoCoder.InputData.Rows[0]; Assert.AreEqual(codes1[0], line1[columns.Level1]); Assert.AreEqual(codes1[1], line1[columns.Level2]); Assert.AreEqual(codes1[2], line1[columns.Level3]); //line 2 - should contain codes 2 DataRow line2 = geoCoder.InputData.Rows[1]; Assert.AreEqual(codes2[0], line2[columns.Level1]); Assert.AreEqual(codes2[1], line2[columns.Level2]); Assert.AreEqual(codes2[2], line2[columns.Level3]); //line 3 - should contain codes 1 DataRow line3 = geoCoder.InputData.Rows[2]; Assert.AreEqual(codes1[0], line3[columns.Level1]); Assert.AreEqual(codes1[1], line3[columns.Level2]); Assert.AreEqual(codes1[2], line3[columns.Level3]); }
public static AreaInfo GetAreaInfo(double Latitude, double Longitude, bool bCheckDbCache = true) { DateTime tStart = DateTime.Now; if (bCheckDbCache) { try { var cache = db.dbAreaCache.Query <AreaInfo>("select * from AreaInfo where boxWest <= ? and boxNorth >= ? and boxEast >= ? and boxSouth <= ?", Longitude, Latitude, Longitude, Latitude); cache.ToString(); if (cache.Count > 0) { //xLog.Debug("AreaCacheCheck Volltreffer"); if (cache.Count > 1) { cache.ToString(); } var ret = cache[0]; ret.OnInstanceCreatedDB(); return(ret); } } catch (Exception e) { xLog.Error(e); } finally { TimeSpan tsCacheCheck = DateTime.Now - tStart; xLog.Debug("AreaCacheCheck took " + tsCacheCheck.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms"); } } tStart = DateTime.Now; try { var ai = GeoCoder.GetAreaInfo(Latitude, Longitude); try { var delS = db.dbAreaCache.Query <AreaInfo>("select * from AreaInfo where boxWest = ? and boxNorth = ? and boxEast = ? and boxSouth = ?", ai.boxWest, ai.boxNorth, ai.boxEast, ai.boxSouth); if (delS.Count > 0) { db.dbAreaCache.Delete <AreaInfo>(delS); } } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } try { if (Location.CalculateDistance(ai.boxSouth, ai.boxWest, ai.boxNorth, ai.boxEast, DistanceUnits.Kilometers) < 25) { db.dbAreaCache.Insert(ai); } } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } TimeSpan tsOnlineCheck = DateTime.Now - tStart; xLog.Debug("AreaCheckOnline took " + tsOnlineCheck.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms"); if (ai.boxWest <= Longitude && ai.boxNorth >= Latitude && ai.boxEast >= Longitude && ai.boxSouth <= Latitude) { ai.ToString(); //in the box } else { ai.ToString(); //outside the box } return(ai); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); AreaInfo ai = new AreaInfo(); return(ai); } }
public void ConvertIPAddressToGeoCoordinatesTest() { GeoCoder geo = new GeoCoder(); var coords = geo.ConvertIPAddressToGeoCoordinates(""); }