Esempio n. 1
 private void Initialize(GenericSensor i_Parent)
     this.m_Parent = i_Parent;
     LowAlarm      = double.MinValue;
     HighAlarm     = double.MaxValue;
     Status        = default(eStatus);
     m_DelayTimer  = new Timer(new TimerCallback(notifyStatusChange));
Esempio n. 2
 private static void Update_push <Action>(GenericSensor <int, decimal> sensor, int map, int value)
     if (value == inputs[map])
     value = inputs[map];
Esempio n. 3
 public void SampleAdded(GenericSensor genericSensor, Samples.Sample sample)
     if (OnSampleAdded != null)
         OnSampleAdded(ParentLogger, new SampleAddedEventArgs {
             Logger = ParentLogger, Sensor = genericSensor, Sample = sample
Esempio n. 4
        private static void Update_position <Action>(GenericSensor <Position, Position> sensor, int map, Position value)
                value.Longitude = position.Longitude;
            } catch
                value           = new Position();
                value.Longitude = position.Longitude;

            value.Latitude = position.Latitude;

Esempio n. 5
 public SensorAlarm(GenericSensor i_Parent)
Esempio n. 6
 private static void Update_poll <Action>(GenericSensor <int, decimal> sensor, int map, int value)
     value = inputs[map];
Esempio n. 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region documentation

            /* *******************************************
             * commDriver: ICommDriver
             *                  implementata le diverse modalità richieste per comunicare
             *                  HttpCommDriver: permette di comunicare i dati su piattaforma REST
             *                  MqttCommDriver: permette di comunicare usando protocollo mqtt
             * sender: ICommDriver.send(cosa, dove)
             * cosa: payload, le informazioni da spedire
             *                  singola lettura:
             *                    {type, id, value, time}
             *                  più letture:
             *                    [{ },
             *                     {type, id, value, time}
             *                     ]
             * dove si compone di:
             *      destination > parte dipendente dal punto di origine delle informazioni
             *                    dalla centralina      /cars/targa/sensors/type
             *                    verso la centralina   /cars/targa/cmds/type
             *      +
             *      xxx         > parte dipendente dal driver di connessione
             *      topicPrefix > usiamo mqtt
             *                    IP:port/.../mqtt/v1/
             *      endPoint    > usiamo rest
             *                    http://IP:port/.../v1/
             * la centralina deve ricevere questi comandi
             *      riavvio centralina
             *      apertura porte
             *      avvio motore
             *      spegnimanto motore
             * Esempi:
             * singola lettura
             *      topicPrefix/cars/AG673WK/sensors/temperature/12
             *                                          {type: temperature, id: 12, value: 21.3, time: 1234523434}
             * letture multiple
             *      topicPrefix//cars/AG673WK/sensors/
             *                                          [{type: temperature, id: 12, value: 21.3, time: 1234523434},
             *                                           {type: temperature, id: 14, value: 21.2, time: 1234523434},
             *                                           {type: speed, id: 35, value: 21.3, time: 1234523436},
             *                                           {type: position, id: 37, value: {45, 45}, time: 1234523436}]
             *      topicPrefix//cars/AG673WK/sensors/temperature/
             *                                          [{type: temperature, id: 12, value: 21.3, time: 1234523434},
             *                                           {type: temperature, id: 14, value: 21.2, time: 1234523434}]
             *      topicPrefix//cars/AG673WK/cmds/engine/
             *                                          [{type: status, id: 58, value: 1}]
             * il protocollo dei comandi deve prevedere che ci sia un feedback
             * */


            ICommDriver CommDriver = new HttpCommDriver();

            #region sensors definition documentation

            /* A sensor is a component used to acquire the device inputs status
             * and notify changes to the consumer.
             * Each sensor is mapped to a physical input, such as a digital IO,
             * a analog IO, a field or a group of fields in a memory area where
             * an extern device can write throgh the bus
             * The consumer must instantiate the sensor providing this informations:
             * - the sensor mapped input
             * - its parametrized scaling function
             * - its updater function
             * When the consumer calls sensor.update():
             *  the sensor invokes the updater, which has the reponsability to check
             *  the input status and, if required call sensor.setValue(newValue)
             *  here the sensor fires the event ValueChanged()
             * The GenericSensor accepts:
             *      Tin         Tout        scaleFunction
             * -----------------------------------------------------
             *      int         decimal     LinearScale
             *      int         decimal     ExponentialScale   :TODO
             *      Position    Position    PositionScale

            #region sensors definition

            var termperature1sensor = new GenericSensor <int, decimal>(
                /* type of sensor   */ "temperature",
                /* numeric id       */ 12,
                /* scaling funcion  */ new LinearScale(0, 1024, -200, 600),
                /* mapped input     */ 35,
                /* delegate updater */ Program.Update_poll <Action>); // polling

            var positionSensor = new GenericSensor <Position, Position>(
                new PositionScale(1),// options: for future use
                Program.Update_position <Action>);

            var statusSensor = new GenericSensor <int, decimal>(
                new LinearScale(0, 1, 0, 1),
                Program.Update_push <Action>);// push notification

            var termperature2sensor = new GenericSensor <int, decimal>(
                new LinearScale(0, 1024, -200, 600),
                Program.Update_poll <Action>);

            var pressureSensor = new GenericSensor <int, decimal>(
                new LinearScale(0, 4096, 0, 4),
                Program.Update_poll <Action>);

            // linking the event processors
            termperature1sensor.ValueChanged += Generic_ValueChanged;
            termperature2sensor.ValueChanged += Generic_ValueChanged;
            pressureSensor.ValueChanged      += Generic_ValueChanged;
            positionSensor.ValueChanged      += Generic_ValueChanged;
            statusSensor.ValueChanged        += Generic_ValueChanged;


            #region initialize and update the input array
            Random random = new Random();

            inputs[35]         = 282 + random.Next(-10, 10);
            inputs[36]         = 282 + random.Next(-10, 10);
            inputs[9]          = random.Next(0, 1024);
            position.Longitude = 45M + (decimal)random.Next(-500, 500) / 100;
            position.Latitude  = -12M + (decimal)random.Next(-500, 500) / 200;

            Actions.CycleTask(500, () =>
                var id = 0;
                if (random.Next(0, 100) > 50)// ok, update only 20% of the viewed statuses
                    inputs[id] += random.Next(-1, 2);
                if (inputs[id] < 0)
                    inputs[id] = 0;
                else if (inputs[id] > 1)
                    inputs[id] = 1;

                id          = 35;
                inputs[id] += random.Next(-2, 2);
                if (inputs[id] < 0)
                    inputs[id] = 0;
                else if (inputs[id] > 1024)
                    inputs[id] = 1024;
                id          = 36;
                inputs[id] += random.Next(-2, 2);
                if (inputs[id] < 0)
                    inputs[id] = 0;
                else if (inputs[id] > 1024)
                    inputs[id] = 1024;
                id          = 9;
                inputs[id] += random.Next(-2, 2);
                if (inputs[id] < 0)
                    inputs[id] = 0;
                else if (inputs[id] > 4096)
                    inputs[id] = 4096;

                var pos = position.Longitude;
                pos    += (decimal)random.Next(-50, 50) / 100;
                if (pos < -180)
                    pos = -180;
                else if (pos > 180)
                    pos = 180;
                position.Longitude = pos;
                pos  = position.Latitude;
                pos += (decimal)random.Next(-50, 50) / 100;
                if (pos < -90)
                    pos = -90;
                else if (pos > 90)
                    pos = 90;
                position.Latitude = pos;

            // update the sensors
            Actions.CycleTask(2000, () =>
                ////Console.WriteLine("\nCycle ");

Esempio n. 8
 protected override void AddSampleToSensor(GenericSensor sensor, long value, DateTime dateTime)
     sensor.Samples.AddOffline(value, dateTime);
Esempio n. 9
 public void Dispose()
     OnSampleAdded = null;
     ParentSensor = null;
Esempio n. 10
 protected virtual void Initialize(GenericSensor parent)
     this.ParentSensor = parent;
Esempio n. 11
 public SampleList(GenericSensor parent)
Esempio n. 12
 public SensorAlarmWarning(GenericSensor m_Parent)
     : base(m_Parent)
Esempio n. 13
 protected abstract void AddSampleToSensor(GenericSensor sensor, long value, DateTime dateTime);