Esempio n. 1
        static void TestRpy2R()
            Vector <double> rpy1 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 10 * Math.PI / 180, -30 * Math.PI / 180, 90 * Math.PI / 180 });

            Matrix <double> R1   = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rpy2R(rpy1);
            Matrix <double> R1_t = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { -0.0000000, -0.9848077, 0.1736482 },
                new[] { 0.8660254, -0.0868241, -0.4924039 },
                new[] { 0.5000000, 0.1503837, 0.8528686 });

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(R1, R1_t, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("Rpy2R failed");
            Vector <double> rpy2 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.R2Rpy(R1);

            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(rpy1, rpy2, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("Rpy2R failed");

            // Check singularity
            // NOTE: Does not raise exception
            Vector <double> rpy3 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 10 * Math.PI / 180, 90 * Math.PI / 180, -30 * Math.PI / 180 });
            Matrix <double> R3   = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rpy2R(rpy3);


            Console.WriteLine("Rpy2R succeeded");
Esempio n. 2
        static void TestRot2Q()
            Tuple <Vector <double>, double> rot = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.R2rot(m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(
                                                                                   new[] { -0.5057639, -0.1340537, 0.8521928 },
                                                                                   new[] { 0.6456962, -0.7139224, 0.2709081 },
                                                                                   new[] { 0.5720833, 0.6872731, 0.4476342 }));

            double[] k = new double[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < rot.Item1.Count; i++)
                k[i] = (double)rot.Item1[i];
            float           theta = (float)rot.Item2;
            Vector <double> q_t   = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2387194, 0.4360402, 0.2933459, 0.8165967 });
            Vector <double> q     = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot2Q(k, theta);

            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(q, q_t, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("Rot2Q failed");
                Console.WriteLine("Rot2Q succeeded");
Esempio n. 3
        static Robot puma260b_robot_tool()
            Robot robot = puma260b_robot();

            robot.R_tool = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 }), Math.PI / 2.0);
            robot.P_tool = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.05, 0, 0 });
Esempio n. 4
        static void TestQuatcomplement()
            Vector <double> q   = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2387194, 0.4360402, 0.2933459, 0.8165967 });
            Vector <double> q_c = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Quatcomplement(q);

            if (!AlmostEquals(q[0], q_c[0], 1e-8) ||
                !AlmostEqualsVector(q.SubVector(1, 3), -q_c.SubVector(1, 3), 1e-8))
                Console.WriteLine("Quatcomplement failed");
                Console.WriteLine("Quatcomplement succeeded");
Esempio n. 5
        static void TestQuatproduct()
            Vector <double> q_1 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.63867877, 0.52251797, 0.56156573, 0.06089615 });
            Vector <double> q_2 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.35764716, 0.61051424, 0.11540801, 0.69716703 });
            Matrix <double> R_t = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Q2R(q_1).Multiply(GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Q2R(q_2));
            Vector <double> q_t = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.R2Q(R_t);
            Vector <double> q   = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Quatproduct(q_1).Multiply(q_2);

            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(q, q_t, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("Quatproduct failed");
                Console.WriteLine("Quatproduct succeeded");
Esempio n. 6
        static void TestQuatjacobian()
            Vector <double> q   = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.63867877, 0.52251797, 0.56156573, 0.06089615 });
            Matrix <double> J   = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Quatjacobian(q);
            Matrix <double> J_t = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(new[] { -0.26125898, -0.28078286, -0.03044808 },
                                                             new[] { 0.31933938, 0.03044808, -0.28078286 },
                                                             new[] { -0.03044808, 0.31933938, 0.26125898 },
                                                             new[] { 0.28078286, -0.26125898, 0.31933938 });

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(J, J_t, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("Quatjacobian failed");
                Console.WriteLine("Quatjacobian succeeded");
Esempio n. 7
        static void TestQ2R()
            Matrix <double> rot_t = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { -0.5057639, -0.1340537, 0.8521928 },
                new[] { 0.6456962, -0.7139224, 0.2709081 },
                new[] { 0.5720833, 0.6872731, 0.4476342 });
            Vector <double> q   = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2387194, 0.4360402, 0.2933459, 0.8165967 });
            Matrix <double> rot = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Q2R(q);

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(rot, rot_t, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("Q2R failed");
                Console.WriteLine("Q2R succeeded");
Esempio n. 8
        static void TestScrewMatrix()
            Console.WriteLine("Testing ScrewMatrix");
            Vector <double> k   = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 });
            Matrix <double> G   = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Screw_matrix(k);
            Matrix <double> G_t = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { 1.0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 2 },
                new[] { 0, 1.0, 0, 3, 0, -1 },
                new[] { 0, 0, 1.0, -2, 1, 0 },
                new[] { 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0 },
                new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0 },
                new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0 });

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(G, G_t, 1e-8))
                Console.WriteLine("ScrewMarix failed");
                Console.WriteLine("ScrewMatrix succeeded");
Esempio n. 9
        static void TestHat()
            //Test Hat
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Hat...");
            Vector <double> k    = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 });
            Matrix <double> khat = m_builder.Dense(3, 3);

            khat[0, 1] = -3;
            khat[0, 2] = 2;
            khat[1, 0] = 3;
            khat[1, 2] = -1;
            khat[2, 0] = -2;
            khat[2, 1] = 1;
            Matrix <double> k_hat = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Hat(k);

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(k_hat, khat))
                Console.WriteLine("hat failed");
                Console.WriteLine("hat succeeded");
Esempio n. 10
        static void TestRot()
            Vector <double> k    = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
            Matrix <double> rot1 = m_builder.Dense(3, 3);

            rot1[0, 0] = 1;
            rot1[0, 1] = 0;
            rot1[0, 2] = 0;
            rot1[1, 0] = 0;
            rot1[1, 1] = 0;
            rot1[1, 2] = 1;
            rot1[2, 0] = 0;
            rot1[2, 1] = -1;
            rot1[2, 2] = 0;
            rot1       = rot1.Transpose();
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Rot...");
            Matrix <double> rot = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(k, Math.PI / 2.0);


            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(rot1, rot, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("rot1 failed");
                Console.WriteLine("rot1 succeeded");

            Matrix <double> rot2  = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(new[] { 0, 0, -1.0 }, new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 }, new[] { 1.0, 0, 0 }).Transpose();
            Vector <double> k2    = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 });
            Matrix <double> rot_2 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(k2, Math.PI / 2);

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(rot2, rot_2, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("rot2 failed");
                Console.WriteLine("rot2 succeeded");

            Matrix <double> rot3  = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 }, new[] { -1.0, 0, 0 }, new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 }).Transpose();
            Vector <double> k3    = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 });
            Matrix <double> rot_3 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(k3, Math.PI / 2);

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(rot3, rot_3, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("rot3 failed");
                Console.WriteLine("rot3 succeeded");

            Matrix <double> rot4  = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(new[] { -0.5057639, -0.1340537, 0.8521928 }, new[] { 0.6456962, -0.7139224, 0.2709081 }, new[] { 0.5720833, 0.6872731, 0.4476342 });
            Vector <double> k4    = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.4490221, 0.30207945, 0.84090853 });
            Matrix <double> rot_4 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(k4, 2.65949884);

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(rot4, rot_4, 1e-5))
                Console.WriteLine("rot4 failed");
                Console.WriteLine("rot4 succeeded");
Esempio n. 11
        static void TestFwdkin()
            Robot puma = puma260b_robot();

            Transform pose = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Fwdkin(puma, new[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 });

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(pose.R, m_builder.DenseIdentity(3), 1e-8))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(pose.P, v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 10.0 * in_2_m, -4.9 * in_2_m, 4.25 * in_2_m }), 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;

            // Another right-angle configuration
            double[] joints2 = new[] { 180.0, -90, -90, 90, 90, 90 };
            for (int i = 0; i < joints2.Length; i++)
                joints2[i] = joints2[i] * Math.PI / 180.0;
            Transform       pose2 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Fwdkin(puma, joints2);
            Matrix <double> rot2  = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 }), Math.PI).Multiply(GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 }), -Math.PI / 2));

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(pose2.R, rot2, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(pose2.P, v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { -0.75, 4.9, 31 }) * 0.0254, 1e-6))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;

            //Random configuration
            double[] joints3 = new[] { 50.0, -105, 31, 4, 126, -184 };
            for (int i = 0; i < joints3.Length; i++)
                joints3[i] = joints3[i] * Math.PI / 180.0;
            Transform       pose3     = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Fwdkin(puma, joints3);
            Matrix <double> pose3_R_t = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { 0.4274, 0.8069, -0.4076 },
                new[] { 0.4455, -0.5804, -0.6817 },
                new[] { -0.7866, 0.1097, -0.6076 });

            Vector <double> pose3_P_t = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2236, 0.0693, 0.4265 });

            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(pose3.R, pose3_R_t, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(pose3.P, pose3_P_t, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;

            Robot puma_tool = puma260b_robot_tool();

            Transform       pose4     = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Fwdkin(puma_tool, joints3);
            Matrix <double> pose4_R_t = m_builder.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { 0.4076, 0.8069, 0.4274 },
                new[] { 0.681654, -0.580357, 0.44557 },
                new[] { 0.60759, 0.1097, -0.7866 });

            Console.WriteLine("Robot R tool={0}", pose4.R);
            Console.WriteLine("Robot R calculated tool={0}", pose4_R_t);
            Console.WriteLine("Robot p tool={0}", pose4.P);

            Vector <double> pose4_P_t = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2450, 0.0916, 0.3872 });

            Console.WriteLine("Robot p calculated tool={0}", pose4_P_t);
            if (!AlmostEqualsMatrix(pose4.R, pose4_R_t, 1 * 10 ^ 4))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(pose4.P, pose4_P_t, 1 * 10 ^ 4))
                Console.WriteLine("FwdKin failed"); return;
            Console.WriteLine("FwdKin succeeded");
Esempio n. 12
        static void Test_Subproblems()
            Vector <double> x = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 0, 0 });
            Vector <double> y = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 });
            Vector <double> z = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 });

            // Subproblem0
            if (GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem0(x, y, z) == Math.PI / 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem0 succeeded");
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem0 failed");

            // Subproblem1
            Vector <double> k1 = (x + z) / (x + z).L2Norm();
            Vector <double> k2 = (y + z) / (y + z).L2Norm();

            if (GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem1(k1, k2, z) == Math.PI / 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem1 succeeded");
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem1 failed");

            // Subproblem2
            Vector <double> p2 = x;
            Vector <double> q2 = x.Add(y).Add(z);

            q2 = q2 / q2.L2Norm();
            double[] a2 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem2(p2, q2, z, y);
            if (a2.Length != 4)
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem2 failed"); return;

            Matrix <double> r1_0 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a2[0]);
            Matrix <double> r1_1 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(y, a2[1]);
            Vector <double> r1   = (r1_0 * r1_1).Column(0);

            Matrix <double> r2_0 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a2[2]);
            Matrix <double> r2_1 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(y, a2[3]);
            Vector <double> r2   = (r2_0 * r2_1).Column(0);

            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(r1, q2, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem2 failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(r2, q2, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem2 failed"); return;

            double[] a3 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem2(x, z, z, y);
            if (a3.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem2 failed"); return;

            Matrix <double> r3_0 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a3[0]);
            Matrix <double> r3_1 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(y, a3[1]);
            Vector <double> r3   = (r3_0 * r3_1).Column(0);

            if (!AlmostEqualsVector(r3, z, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem2 failed"); return;
            Console.WriteLine("Subproblem2 succeeded");

            // Subproblem3
            Vector <double> p4 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { .5, 0, 0 });
            Vector <double> q4 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, .75, 0 });

            double[] a4 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem3(p4, q4, z, .5);
            double[] a5 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem3(p4, q4, z, 1.25);
            if (a4.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem3 failed"); return;

            if (!AlmostEquals((q4 + GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a4[0]) * p4).L2Norm(), 0.5, 1e-8))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem3 failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEquals((q4 + GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a4[1]) * p4).L2Norm(), 0.5, 1e-8))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem3 failed"); return;

            if (a5.Length != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem3 failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEquals((q4 + GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a5[0]) * p4).L2Norm(), 1.25, 1e-8))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem3 failed"); return;
            Console.WriteLine("Subproblem3 succeeded");
            // Subproblem4
            Vector <double> p6 = y;
            Vector <double> q6 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { .8, .2, .5 });
            double          d6 = .3;

            double[] a6 = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Subproblem4(p6, q6, z, d6);
            if (!AlmostEquals((p6 * GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a6[0]) * q6), d6, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem4 failed"); return;
            if (!AlmostEquals((p6 * GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(z, a6[1]) * q6), d6, 1e-4))
                Console.WriteLine("Subproblem4 failed"); return;
            Console.WriteLine("Subproblem4 succeeded");
Esempio n. 13
        static void TestR2Rot()
            void _R2rot_test(Vector <double> k, double theta1)
                Matrix <double> R = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.Rot(k, theta1);
                Tuple <Vector <double>, double> r2_vals = GeneralRoboticsToolbox.R2rot(R);
                Vector <double> _k2    = r2_vals.Item1;
                double          theta2 = r2_vals.Item2;

                if (Math.Abs(theta1 - theta2) > (theta1 + theta2))
                    _k2    = -_k2;
                    theta2 = -theta2;
                if (!AlmostEquals(theta1, theta2, 1e-6))
                    Console.WriteLine("R2Rot failed with theta = " + theta1);
                if (Math.Abs(theta1) < 1e-9)
                    Console.WriteLine("R2Rot succeeded");
                if ((Math.Abs(theta1) - Math.PI) < 1e-9)
                    if ((k + _k2).L2Norm() < 1e-6)
                        if (!AlmostEqualsVector(k, -_k2, 1e-6))
                            Console.WriteLine("test1 failed");
                            Console.WriteLine("R2Rot failed with -_k2 = " + (-_k2).ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("R2Rot succeeded");
                    if (!AlmostEqualsVector(k, _k2, 1e-6))
                        Console.WriteLine("test2 failed");
                        Console.WriteLine("R2Rot failed with _k2 = " + _k2.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("R2Rot succeeded");
                if (!AlmostEqualsVector(k, _k2, 1e-6))
                    Console.WriteLine("test3 failed");
                    Console.WriteLine("R2Rot failed with _k2 = " + _k2.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("R2Rot succeeded");

            _R2rot_test(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 0, 0 }), Math.PI / 2.0);
            _R2rot_test(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 }), Math.PI / 2.0);
            _R2rot_test(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 }), Math.PI / 2.0);
            _R2rot_test(v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.4490221, 0.30207945, 0.84090853 }), 2.65949884);

            Vector <double> k1 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }) / v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }).L2Norm();

            _R2rot_test(k1, 1e-10);

            Vector <double> k2 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 2.0, -1.0, 3.0 }) / v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 2.0, -1.0, 3.0 }).L2Norm();

            _R2rot_test(k2, Math.PI + 1e-10);

            Vector <double> k3 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { -2.0, -1.0, 3.0 }) / v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { -2.0, -1.0, 3.0 }).L2Norm();

            _R2rot_test(k3, Math.PI + 1e-10);

            Vector <double> k4 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { -2.0, -1.0, 3.0 }) / v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { -2.0, -1.0, 3.0 }).L2Norm();

            _R2rot_test(k4, Math.PI + 1e-10);

            Vector <double> k5 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, -1.0, -3.0 }) / v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, -1.0, -3.0 }).L2Norm();

            _R2rot_test(k5, Math.PI + 1e-10);

            Vector <double> k6 = v_builder.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 });

            _R2rot_test(k6, Math.PI + 1e-10);