Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a path for the callout decoration, which is an isosceles triangle from the label's center pointing
        /// to the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label">The label for which to create the path.</param>
        /// <returns>A path for the callout triangle.</returns>
        private static GeneralPath GenerateTrianglePath(ILabel label)
            var node   = (INode)label.Owner;
            var layout = label.GetLayout();

            // Find the point where the triangle attaches to the outline shape
            var outlineShape = node.Style.Renderer.GetShapeGeometry(node, node.Style).GetOutline();
            var nodeCenter   = node.Layout.GetCenter();
            var labelCenter  = layout.GetCenter();

            if (outlineShape == null)
                outlineShape = new GeneralPath(4);
                outlineShape.AppendOrientedRectangle(layout, false);
            var intersection      = outlineShape.FindLineIntersection(nodeCenter, labelCenter);
            var intersectionPoint = nodeCenter + intersection * (labelCenter - nodeCenter);

            // Find the vector that is orthogonal to the line connecting the label and node centers
            var triangleVector = labelCenter - intersectionPoint;
            var orthoVector    = OrthoNormal(triangleVector);

            // Construct the other points of the triangle
            var point2 = labelCenter + orthoVector * 20;
            var point3 = labelCenter - orthoVector * 20;

            // Create the path
            var p = new GeneralPath();

