Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p0">First point on route</param>
        /// <param name="q0">First point on map</param>
        /// <param name="p1">Second point on route</param>
        /// <param name="q1">Second point on map</param>
        /// <param name="p2">Third point on route</param>
        /// <param name="q2">Third point on map</param>
        /// <param name="fallbackMatrix">Matrix to use if calculation fails due to singular matrix</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GeneralMatrix CalculateTransformationMatrix(PointD p0, PointD q0, PointD p1, PointD q1, PointD p2, PointD q2, GeneralMatrix fallbackMatrix)
                var m = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                m.SetElement(0, 0, p0.X);
                m.SetElement(0, 1, p0.Y);
                m.SetElement(0, 2, 1.0);
                m.SetElement(1, 0, p1.X);
                m.SetElement(1, 1, p1.Y);
                m.SetElement(1, 2, 1.0);
                m.SetElement(2, 0, p2.X);
                m.SetElement(2, 1, p2.Y);
                m.SetElement(2, 2, 1.0);

                var v1 = new GeneralMatrix(3, 1);
                v1.SetElement(0, 0, q0.X);
                v1.SetElement(1, 0, q1.X);
                v1.SetElement(2, 0, q2.X);
                var t1 = m.Inverse() * v1;

                var v2 = new GeneralMatrix(3, 1);
                v2.SetElement(0, 0, q0.Y);
                v2.SetElement(1, 0, q1.Y);
                v2.SetElement(2, 0, q2.Y);
                var t2 = m.Inverse() * v2;

                var v3 = new GeneralMatrix(3, 1);
                v3.SetElement(0, 0, 1.0);
                v3.SetElement(1, 0, 1.0);
                v3.SetElement(2, 0, 1.0);
                var t3 = m.Inverse() * v3;

                var t = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                t.SetElement(0, 0, t1.GetElement(0, 0));
                t.SetElement(0, 1, t1.GetElement(1, 0));
                t.SetElement(0, 2, t1.GetElement(2, 0));
                t.SetElement(1, 0, t2.GetElement(0, 0));
                t.SetElement(1, 1, t2.GetElement(1, 0));
                t.SetElement(1, 2, t2.GetElement(2, 0));
                t.SetElement(2, 0, t3.GetElement(0, 0));
                t.SetElement(2, 1, t3.GetElement(1, 0));
                t.SetElement(2, 2, t3.GetElement(2, 0));

            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the increments array (<code>this.da</code>) using alpha and beta.
        /// Then updates the <code>this.incrementedParameters</code> array.
        /// NOTE: Inverts alpha. Call at least <code>updateAlpha()</code> before calling this.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SolveIncrements()
                //use the GeneralMatrix package to invert alpha
                //one could also use
                //double[] da = DoubleMatrix.solve(alpha, beta);

                GeneralMatrix m = alpha.Inverse();
                //set alpha with inverted matrix
                alpha.SetMatrix(0, alpha.RowDimension - 1, 0, alpha.ColumnDimension - 1, m);
            catch (Exception e)

            for (int i = 0; i < alpha.RowDimension; i++)
                da[i] = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < alpha.ColumnDimension; j++)
                    da[i] += alpha.GetElement(i, j) * beta[j];

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                //if (!Double.isNaN(da[i]) && !Double.isInfinite(da[i]))
                incrementedParameters[i] = parameters[i] + da[i];
Esempio n. 3
        public void Inverse()
            GeneralMatrix r  = GeneralMatrix.Random(4, 4);
            GeneralMatrix iR = r.Inverse();

            Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(r.Multiply(iR), GeneralMatrix.Identity(4, 4)));
Esempio n. 4
        /******************* Method Kalman Filter ******************/

        // Variable A,B, and H we will asumtion this is a constant value
        // Most probably is 1.
        private Joint kalmanFilter(GeneralMatrix z, int pos)
            // Prepare
            Joint         join = new Joint();
            GeneralMatrix r    = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3);

            r.SetElement(0, 0, Rv[pos, 0]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , X
            r.SetElement(1, 1, Rv[pos, 1]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , Z
            r.SetElement(2, 2, Rv[pos, 2]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , Y
            R = r;

            // Predict
            GeneralMatrix Xp = Xk[pos];
            GeneralMatrix Pp = P[pos];

            // Measurement Update (correction
            GeneralMatrix s = Pp + R;

            K       = Pp * s.Inverse(); // Calculate Kalman Gain
            Xk[pos] = Xp + (K * (z - Xp));
            GeneralMatrix I = GeneralMatrix.Identity(Pp.RowDimension, Pp.ColumnDimension);

            P[pos] = (I - K) * Pp;

            estimationX = Xk[pos].GetElement(0, 0);
            estimationY = Xk[pos].GetElement(1, 0);
            estimationZ = Xk[pos].GetElement(2, 0);

            join.Position.X = (float)estimationX;
            join.Position.Y = (float)estimationY;
            join.Position.Z = (float)estimationZ;

Esempio n. 5
        public Point GetActualPosition(Point p)
            GeneralMatrix mat = new GeneralMatrix(3, 1);

            mat.SetElement(0, 0, (double)p.X);
            mat.SetElement(1, 0, (double)p.Y);
            mat.SetElement(2, 0, 1.0);
            GeneralMatrix ret = m_transform.Inverse().Multiply(mat);

            return(new Point((int)ret.GetElement(0, 0), (int)ret.GetElement(1, 0)));
Esempio n. 6
        // this is the straight forward implementation of the kabsch algorithm.
        // see for a detailed explanation.
        public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
            int newSpreadMax = SpreadUtils.SpreadMax(FInputQ, FInputP);

            FOutput.SliceCount = newSpreadMax;
            Matrix4x4 mOut;

            if (FInputEnabled[0])
                for (int slice = 0; slice < newSpreadMax; slice++)
                    // ======================== STEP 1 ========================
                    // translate both sets so that their centroids coincides with the origin
                    // of the coordinate system.

                    double[] meanP = new double[3] {
                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    };                                                // mean of first point set
                    for (int i = 0; i < FInputP[slice].SliceCount; i++)
                        meanP[0] += FInputP[slice][i].x;
                        meanP[1] += FInputP[slice][i].y;
                        meanP[2] += FInputP[slice][i].z;
                    meanP[0] /= FInputP[slice].SliceCount;
                    meanP[1] /= FInputP[slice].SliceCount;
                    meanP[2] /= FInputP[slice].SliceCount;

                    double[][]    centroidP  = new double[3][] { new double[] { meanP[0] }, new double[] { meanP[1] }, new double[] { meanP[2] } };
                    GeneralMatrix mCentroidP = new GeneralMatrix(centroidP);

                    double[][] arrayP = new double[FInputP[slice].SliceCount][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < FInputP[slice].SliceCount; i++)
                        arrayP[i]    = new double[3];
                        arrayP[i][0] = FInputP[slice][i].x - meanP[0]; // subtract the mean values from the incoming pointset
                        arrayP[i][1] = FInputP[slice][i].y - meanP[1];
                        arrayP[i][2] = FInputP[slice][i].z - meanP[2];
                    // this is the matrix of the first pointset translated to the origin of the coordinate system
                    GeneralMatrix P = new GeneralMatrix(arrayP);

                    double[] meanQ = new double[3] {
                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    };                                                // mean of second point set
                    for (int i = 0; i < FInputQ[slice].SliceCount; i++)
                        meanQ[0] += FInputQ[slice][i].x;
                        meanQ[1] += FInputQ[slice][i].y;
                        meanQ[2] += FInputQ[slice][i].z;
                    meanQ[0] /= FInputQ[slice].SliceCount;
                    meanQ[1] /= FInputQ[slice].SliceCount;
                    meanQ[2] /= FInputQ[slice].SliceCount;
                    double[][]    centroidQ  = new double[3][] { new double[] { meanQ[0] }, new double[] { meanQ[1] }, new double[] { meanQ[2] } };
                    GeneralMatrix mCentroidQ = new GeneralMatrix(centroidQ);

                    double[][] arrayQ = new double[FInputQ[slice].SliceCount][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < FInputQ[slice].SliceCount; i++)
                        arrayQ[i]    = new double[3];
                        arrayQ[i][0] = FInputQ[slice][i].x - meanQ[0]; // subtract the mean values from the incoming pointset
                        arrayQ[i][1] = FInputQ[slice][i].y - meanQ[1];
                        arrayQ[i][2] = FInputQ[slice][i].z - meanQ[2];
                    // this is the matrix of the second pointset translated to the origin of the coordinate system
                    GeneralMatrix Q = new GeneralMatrix(arrayQ);

                    // ======================== STEP2 ========================
                    // calculate a covariance matrix A and compute the optimal rotation matrix
                    GeneralMatrix A = P.Transpose() * Q;

                    SingularValueDecomposition svd = A.SVD();
                    GeneralMatrix U = svd.GetU();
                    GeneralMatrix V = svd.GetV();

                    // calculate determinant for a special reflexion case.
                    double     det    = (V * U.Transpose()).Determinant();
                    double[][] arrayD = new double[3][] { new double[] { 1, 0, 0 },
                                                          new double[] { 0, 1, 0 },
                                                          new double[] { 0, 0, 1 } };
                    arrayD[2][2] = det < 0 ? -1 : 1; // multiply 3rd column with -1 if determinant is < 0
                    GeneralMatrix D = new GeneralMatrix(arrayD);

                    // now we can compute the rotation matrix:
                    GeneralMatrix R = V * D * U.Transpose();

                    // ======================== STEP3 ========================
                    // calculate the translation:
                    GeneralMatrix T = mCentroidP - R.Inverse() * mCentroidQ;

                    // ================== OUTPUT TRANSFORM ===================

                    mOut.m11       = (R.Array)[0][0];
                    mOut.m12       = (R.Array)[0][1];
                    mOut.m13       = (R.Array)[0][2];
                    mOut.m14       = 0;
                    mOut.m21       = (R.Array)[1][0];
                    mOut.m22       = (R.Array)[1][1];
                    mOut.m23       = (R.Array)[1][2];
                    mOut.m24       = 0;
                    mOut.m31       = (R.Array)[2][0];
                    mOut.m32       = (R.Array)[2][1];
                    mOut.m33       = (R.Array)[2][2];
                    mOut.m34       = 0;
                    mOut.m41       = (T.Array)[0][0];
                    mOut.m42       = (T.Array)[1][0];
                    mOut.m43       = (T.Array)[2][0];
                    mOut.m44       = 1;
                    FOutput[slice] = mOut;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p0">First point on route, in projected (metric) coordinates relative to projection origin</param>
        /// <param name="q0">First point on map, in pixels</param>
        /// <param name="p1">Second point on route, in projected (metric) coordinates relative to projection origin</param>
        /// <param name="q1">Second point on map, in pixels</param>
        /// <param name="fallbackMatrix">Matrix to use if calculation fails due to singular matrix</param>
        /// <param name="useRotation">If true, assumes orthogonal map and calculates scale and rotation. If false, calculates different scale in x and y directions and no rotation.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GeneralMatrix CalculateTransformationMatrix(PointD p0, PointD q0, PointD p1, PointD q1, GeneralMatrix fallbackMatrix, bool useRotation)
                if (useRotation)
                    // note that we need to mirror y pixel value in x axis
                    double angleDifferece = GetAngleR(p1 - p0, new PointD(q1.X, -q1.Y) - new PointD(q0.X, -q0.Y));
                    double lengthQ        = DistancePointToPoint(q0, q1);
                    double lengthP        = DistancePointToPoint(p0, p1);
                    double scaleFactor    = lengthP == 0 ? 0 : lengthQ / lengthP;
                    double cos            = Math.Cos(angleDifferece);
                    double sin            = Math.Sin(angleDifferece);

                    // translation to origo in metric space
                    var a = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                    a.SetElement(0, 0, 1);
                    a.SetElement(0, 1, 0);
                    a.SetElement(0, 2, -p0.X);
                    a.SetElement(1, 0, 0);
                    a.SetElement(1, 1, 1);
                    a.SetElement(1, 2, -p0.Y);
                    a.SetElement(2, 0, 0);
                    a.SetElement(2, 1, 0);
                    a.SetElement(2, 2, 1);

                    // rotation
                    var b = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                    b.SetElement(0, 0, cos);
                    b.SetElement(0, 1, -sin);
                    b.SetElement(0, 2, 0);
                    b.SetElement(1, 0, sin);
                    b.SetElement(1, 1, cos);
                    b.SetElement(1, 2, 0);
                    b.SetElement(2, 0, 0);
                    b.SetElement(2, 1, 0);
                    b.SetElement(2, 2, 1);

                    // scaling, note that we need to mirror y scale around x axis
                    var c = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                    c.SetElement(0, 0, scaleFactor);
                    c.SetElement(0, 1, 0);
                    c.SetElement(0, 2, 0);
                    c.SetElement(1, 0, 0);
                    c.SetElement(1, 1, -scaleFactor);
                    c.SetElement(1, 2, 0);
                    c.SetElement(2, 0, 0);
                    c.SetElement(2, 1, 0);
                    c.SetElement(2, 2, 1);

                    // translation from origo to pixel space
                    var d = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                    d.SetElement(0, 0, 1);
                    d.SetElement(0, 1, 0);
                    d.SetElement(0, 2, q0.X);
                    d.SetElement(1, 0, 0);
                    d.SetElement(1, 1, 1);
                    d.SetElement(1, 2, q0.Y);
                    d.SetElement(2, 0, 0);
                    d.SetElement(2, 1, 0);
                    d.SetElement(2, 2, 1);

                    return(d * c * b * a);
                else // useRotation == false
                    var m1 = new GeneralMatrix(2, 2);
                    m1.SetElement(0, 0, p0.X);
                    m1.SetElement(0, 1, 1);
                    m1.SetElement(1, 0, p1.X);
                    m1.SetElement(1, 1, 1);

                    var v1 = new GeneralMatrix(2, 1);
                    v1.SetElement(0, 0, q0.X);
                    v1.SetElement(1, 0, q1.X);
                    var t1 = m1.Inverse() * v1;

                    var m2 = new GeneralMatrix(2, 2);
                    m2.SetElement(0, 0, p0.Y);
                    m2.SetElement(0, 1, 1);
                    m2.SetElement(1, 0, p1.Y);
                    m2.SetElement(1, 1, 1);

                    var v2 = new GeneralMatrix(2, 1);
                    v2.SetElement(0, 0, q0.Y);
                    v2.SetElement(1, 0, q1.Y);
                    var t2 = m2.Inverse() * v2;

                    var t = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);
                    t.SetElement(0, 0, t1.GetElement(0, 0));
                    t.SetElement(0, 1, 0);
                    t.SetElement(0, 2, t1.GetElement(1, 0));
                    t.SetElement(1, 0, 0);
                    t.SetElement(1, 1, t2.GetElement(0, 0));
                    t.SetElement(1, 2, t2.GetElement(1, 0));
                    t.SetElement(2, 0, 0);
                    t.SetElement(2, 1, 0);
                    t.SetElement(2, 2, 1);

            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算四参数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="st4"></param>
        public void CalculateTrans4Param(List<Coords4ST> st4)
            int count = st4.Count;

            double[][] A = new double[count * 2][];
            for (int i = 0; i < count * 2; i++)
                A[i] = new double[4];

            double[][] B = new double[count * 2][];
            for (int i = 0; i < count * 2; i++)
                B[i] = new double[1];

            int idx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count * 2; i = i + 2)
                A[i][0] = 1; A[i][1] = 0; A[i][2] = st4[idx].SourceX; A[i][3] = -st4[idx].SourceY;
                A[i + 1][0] = 0; A[i + 1][1] = 1; A[i + 1][2] = st4[idx].SourceY; A[i + 1][3] = st4[idx].SourceX;

                B[i][0] = st4[idx].TargetX;
                B[i + 1][0] = st4[idx].TargetY;

                idx = idx + 1;
            GeneralMatrix matrixA = new GeneralMatrix(A);
            GeneralMatrix matrixB = new GeneralMatrix(B);

            GeneralMatrix matrixParm = matrixA.Inverse().Multiply(matrixB);

            this.dx = matrixParm.GetElement(0, 0);
            this.dy = matrixParm.GetElement(1, 0);
            this.arf = Math.Atan(matrixParm.GetElement(3, 0) / matrixParm.GetElement(2, 0));
            this.k = matrixParm.GetElement(3, 0) / Math.Sin(this.arf);
 private void calculateCCMInverse()
     this.ccmInverse = ccm.Inverse();
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves between two point sets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">Point set</param>
        /// <returns>Affine matrix for each point set</returns>
        public Matrix Solve(IReadOnlyList <CameraToCameraPoint> points)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
            if (points.Count < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("points", "No points provided");

            double[] meanP = new double[3] {
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            };                                                // mean of first point set
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Vector3 orig = points[i].Origin;
                meanP[0] += orig.X;
                meanP[1] += orig.Y;
                meanP[2] += orig.Z;

            double invCount = 1.0 / (double)points.Count;

            meanP[0] *= invCount;
            meanP[1] *= invCount;
            meanP[2] *= invCount;
            double[][]    centroidP  = new double[3][] { new double[] { meanP[0] }, new double[] { meanP[1] }, new double[] { meanP[2] } };
            GeneralMatrix mCentroidP = new GeneralMatrix(centroidP);

            double[][] arrayP = new double[points.Count][];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Vector3 orig = points[i].Origin;
                arrayP[i]    = new double[3];
                arrayP[i][0] = orig.X - meanP[0]; // subtract the mean values from the incoming pointset
                arrayP[i][1] = orig.Y - meanP[1];
                arrayP[i][2] = orig.Z - meanP[2];
            // this is the matrix of the first pointset translated to the origin of the coordinate system
            GeneralMatrix P = new GeneralMatrix(arrayP);

            double[] meanQ = new double[3] {
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            };                                                // mean of second point set
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Vector3 dest = points[i].Destination;
                meanQ[0] += dest.X;
                meanQ[1] += dest.Y;
                meanQ[2] += dest.Z;
            meanQ[0] *= invCount;
            meanQ[1] *= invCount;
            meanQ[2] *= invCount;
            double[][]    centroidQ  = new double[3][] { new double[] { meanQ[0] }, new double[] { meanQ[1] }, new double[] { meanQ[2] } };
            GeneralMatrix mCentroidQ = new GeneralMatrix(centroidQ);

            double[][] arrayQ = new double[points.Count][];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Vector3 dest = points[i].Destination;
                arrayQ[i]    = new double[3];
                arrayQ[i][0] = dest.X - meanQ[0]; // subtract the mean values from the incoming pointset
                arrayQ[i][1] = dest.Y - meanQ[1];
                arrayQ[i][2] = dest.Z - meanQ[2];
            // this is the matrix of the second pointset translated to the origin of the coordinate system
            GeneralMatrix Q = new GeneralMatrix(arrayQ);

            // ======================== STEP2 ========================
            // calculate a covariance matrix A and compute the optimal rotation matrix
            GeneralMatrix A = P.Transpose() * Q;

            SingularValueDecomposition svd = A.SVD();
            GeneralMatrix U = svd.GetU();
            GeneralMatrix V = svd.GetV();

            // calculate determinant for a special reflexion case.
            double det = (V * U.Transpose()).Determinant();

            double[][] arrayD = new double[3][] { new double[] { 1, 0, 0 },
                                                  new double[] { 0, 1, 0 },
                                                  new double[] { 0, 0, 1 } };
            arrayD[2][2] = det < 0 ? -1 : 1; // multiply 3rd column with -1 if determinant is < 0
            GeneralMatrix D = new GeneralMatrix(arrayD);

            // now we can compute the rotation matrix:
            GeneralMatrix R = V * D * U.Transpose();

            // ======================== STEP3 ========================
            // calculate the translation:
            GeneralMatrix T = mCentroidP - R.Inverse() * mCentroidQ;

            return(new Matrix((float)(R.Array)[0][0],
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// ֱ���������
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="st7"></param>
        public void CalculateTrans7Param2(List<Coords7ST> st7)
            double[][] A = new double[0][];
            double[][] B = new double[0][];

            InitMatrixAB(ref A, ref B, st7);

            GeneralMatrix matrixA = new GeneralMatrix(A);
            GeneralMatrix matrixB = new GeneralMatrix(B);
            GeneralMatrix matrixParam = matrixA.Inverse() * matrixB;

            this.Set4Param(matrixParam.GetElement(0, 0), matrixParam.GetElement(1, 0), matrixParam.GetElement(2, 0), matrixParam.GetElement(6, 0));
            this.SetRotationParam(matrixParam.GetElement(3, 0), matrixParam.GetElement(4, 0), matrixParam.GetElement(5, 0));