void TextBoxElement_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IsPOI = false; IsKeyword = false; timer1.Stop(); // IsExistData = false; aTxt = (AutoCompleteTextBox)sender; aTxt.ResetListBox(); if (aTxt.Name == "txtFromAddress") { txtToAddress.SendToBack(); } else if (aTxt.Name == "txtToAddress") { txtToAddress.BringToFront(); } string text = aTxt.Text; if (text.Length > 2) { if (aTxt.SelectedItem != null && aTxt.SelectedItem.ToLower() == aTxt.Text.ToLower()) { aTxt.ListBoxElement.Items.Clear(); // aTxt.Values = null; aTxt.ResetListBox(); string formerValue = aTxt.FormerValue.ToLower().Trim(); int?loctypeId = 0; if (AppVars.keyLocations.Contains(formerValue)) { Gen_Location loc = General.GetObject <Gen_Location>(c => c.ShortCutKey == formerValue); if (loc != null) { loctypeId = loc.LocationTypeId; } } if (loctypeId != 0) { if (aTxt.Name == "txtFromAddress") { ddlFromLocType.SelectedValue = loctypeId; RadComboBoxItem item = (RadComboBoxItem)ddlFromLocation.Items.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Text.Equals(aTxt.SelectedItem)); if (item != null) { ddlFromLocation.SelectedValue = item.Value; } if (loctypeId != Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.POSTCODE || loctypeId != Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.ADDRESS || loctypeId != Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.AIRPORT || loctypeId != Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.BASE) { txtToAddress.Focus(); } } else if (aTxt.Name == "txtToAddress") { ddlToLocType.SelectedValue = loctypeId; RadComboBoxItem item = (RadComboBoxItem)ddlToLocation.Items.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Text.Equals(aTxt.SelectedItem)); if (item != null) { ddlToLocation.SelectedValue = item.Value; } if (loctypeId == Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.POSTCODE || loctypeId == Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.ADDRESS) { txtToFlightDoorNo.Focus(); } } } return; } if (MapType == Enums.MAP_TYPE.GOOGLEMAPS) { if (UseGoogleMap) { wc.CancelAsync(); aTxt.Values = null; } } text = text.ToLower(); if (AppVars.keyLocations.Contains(text)) { aTxt.ListBoxElement.Items.Clear(); var res = (from a in General.GetQueryable <Gen_Location>(c => c.ShortCutKey == text) select(a.PostCode != string.Empty ? a.LocationName + ", " + a.PostCode : a.LocationName) ).ToArray <string>(); IsKeyword = true; aTxt.ListBoxElement.Items.AddRange(res); aTxt.ShowListBox(); if (this.Text != aTxt.FormerValue) { aTxt.FormerValue = aTxt.Text; } } if (MapType == Enums.MAP_TYPE.NONE) { return; } StartAddressTimer(text); } else { if (MapType == Enums.MAP_TYPE.NONE) { return; } if (UseGoogleMap) { wc.CancelAsync(); aTxt.Values = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public override void Save() { FareBO objFareMaster = null; try { int vehicleId = 0; string oldFrom = string.Empty; string vehicle = string.Empty; string from = string.Empty; string to = string.Empty; decimal fares = 0.00m; int?fromLocId = null; int?toLocId = null; int?fromLocTypeId = null; int?toLocTypeId = null; List <Fleet_VehicleType> listOfVehicle = AppVars.BLData.GetQueryable <Fleet_VehicleType>(null).ToList(); List <Gen_Location> listOfLocations = General.GetQueryable <Gen_Location>(null).ToList(); LocationBO objLocationMaster = null; int recordNo = 0; foreach (var row in grdFixFares.Rows) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells[COLS.VehicleName].Value.ToStr())) { vehicle = row.Cells[COLS.VehicleName].Value.ToStr(); } from = row.Cells[COLS.From].Value.ToStr().ToUpper(); oldFrom = from; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells[COLS.To].Value.ToStr().ToUpper())) { to = row.Cells[COLS.To].Value.ToStr().ToUpper(); } if (row.Cells[COLS.Fare].Value.ToStr().StartsWith("£")) { fares = row.Cells[COLS.Fare].Value.ToStr().Substring(1).ToDecimal(); } else { fares = row.Cells[COLS.Fare].Value.ToDecimal(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to)) { } vehicleId = listOfVehicle.FirstOrDefault(c => c.VehicleType.ToLower().Trim() == vehicle).DefaultIfEmpty().Id; if (vehicleId == 0) { // row.Cells[COLS.Status].Value = "Required : Vehicle"; continue; } Gen_Location objLoc = listOfLocations.FirstOrDefault(c => ((c.LocationName.ToUpper().Trim() + " " + c.PostCode.ToUpper()) == from) || (c.PostCode == from)); if (objLoc == null) { objLocationMaster = new LocationBO(); try { objLocationMaster.New(); from = General.GetPostCodeMatch(from); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { } objLocationMaster.Current.LocationName = from; objLocationMaster.Current.PostCode = from; objLocationMaster.Current.LocationTypeId = Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.POSTCODE; objLocationMaster.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (objLocationMaster.Errors.Count > 0) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(objLocationMaster.ShowErrors()); } else { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } break; } objLoc = objLocationMaster.Current; listOfLocations.Add(objLoc); } fromLocId = objLoc.Id; fromLocTypeId = objLoc.LocationTypeId; objLoc = listOfLocations.FirstOrDefault(c => ((c.LocationName.ToUpper().Trim() + " " + c.PostCode.ToUpper()) == to) || (c.PostCode == to)); if (objLoc == null) { objLocationMaster = new LocationBO(); try { objLocationMaster.New(); to = General.GetPostCodeMatch(to); // to = General.GetPostCodeMatch(to); if (to.Contains(' ') == false) { } objLocationMaster.Current.LocationName = to; objLocationMaster.Current.PostCode = to; objLocationMaster.Current.LocationTypeId = Enums.LOCATION_TYPES.POSTCODE; objLocationMaster.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (objLocationMaster.Errors.Count > 0) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(objLocationMaster.ShowErrors()); } else { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } break; } objLoc = objLocationMaster.Current; listOfLocations.Add(objLoc); } toLocId = objLoc.Id; toLocTypeId = objLoc.LocationTypeId; if (recordNo == 0) { objFareMaster = new FareBO(); int fareId = General.GetObject <Fare>(c => c.VehicleTypeId == vehicleId).DefaultIfEmpty().Id; if (fareId > 0) { objFareMaster.GetByPrimaryKey(fareId); } else { objFareMaster.New(); } objFareMaster.Current.VehicleTypeId = vehicleId; objFareMaster.Current.IsCompanyWise = false; } objFareMaster.Current.Fare_ChargesDetails.Add(new Fare_ChargesDetail { OriginId = fromLocId, DestinationId = toLocId, OriginLocationTypeId = fromLocTypeId, DestinationLocationTypeId = toLocTypeId, Rate = fares }); recordNo++; } objFareMaster.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (objFareMaster.Errors.Count > 0) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(objFareMaster.ShowErrors()); } else { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } } }
void TextBoxElement_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { aTxt = (AutoCompleteTextBox)sender; aTxt.ResetListBox(); string text = aTxt.Text; if (text.Length > 2) { if (aTxt.SelectedItem != null && aTxt.SelectedItem.ToLower() == aTxt.Text.ToLower()) { aTxt.ListBoxElement.Items.Clear(); // aTxt.Values = null; aTxt.ResetListBox(); string formerValue = aTxt.FormerValue.ToLower().Trim(); int?loctypeId = 0; if (AppVars.keyLocations.Contains(formerValue)) { Gen_Location loc = General.GetObject <Gen_Location>(c => c.ShortCutKey == formerValue); if (loc != null) { loctypeId = loc.LocationTypeId; } } if (loctypeId != 0) { } aTxt.FormerValue = string.Empty; return; } if (UseGoogleMap) { wc.CancelAsync(); aTxt.Values = null; } text = text.ToLower(); if (AppVars.keyLocations.Contains(text)) { aTxt.ListBoxElement.Items.Clear(); var res = (from a in General.GetQueryable <Gen_Location>(c => c.ShortCutKey == text) select(a.PostCode != string.Empty ? a.LocationName + ", " + a.PostCode : a.LocationName) ).ToArray <string>(); aTxt.ListBoxElement.Items.AddRange(res); aTxt.ShowListBox(); if (this.Text != aTxt.FormerValue) { aTxt.FormerValue = aTxt.Text; } } if (MapType == Enums.MAP_TYPE.NONE) { return; } StartAddressTimer(text); } else { if (MapType == Enums.MAP_TYPE.NONE) { return; } if (UseGoogleMap) { wc.CancelAsync(); aTxt.Values = null; } } //txtAddress.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }